The Best AI Image Upscaler Just Leveled Up 16x!

Theoretically Media
9 Jan 202415:24

TLDRIn this video, the host discusses the latest update to their favorite AI image upscaler, Magnific, which now allows for 16x upscales up to 10,000x10,000 pixels. They showcase the impressive results on various images, explaining the process and the different settings available, such as the creativity slider that lets Magnific add details to the base image. The host also touches on the controversy surrounding AI-generated art in the context of Magic: The Gathering's advertising, where AI assets were used despite the company's policy against it. Additionally, they mention the advancements in holographic technology, such as Meta's audio to photorealistic avatars and the Holo box. Lastly, they provide tips for creating consistent AI characters in Scenario, correcting a previous mistake and demonstrating how to achieve specific character attributes through painting and prompting.


  • ๐Ÿš€ Magnific, a favorite AI image upscaler, has released a significant update allowing for 16x upscales, reaching up to 10,000x10,000 pixels.
  • ๐ŸŽจ The update introduces creative uses for image upscaling, showcasing impressive zoom capabilities and detail retention in upscaled images.
  • ๐Ÿ” Users can choose from different upscaling options (2x, 4x, 8x, or 16x) and various presets like standard, science fiction, and horror to enhance their images.
  • ๐Ÿ“ˆ The 'creativity' slider in Magnific gives the AI more freedom to add details to the base image, which can result in unique and sometimes unexpected results.
  • ๐Ÿ“‰ The 'HDR resemblance' slider lets users control the fidelity to the original image, with higher settings maintaining more of the original look.
  • ๐Ÿงฉ The new 'fractality' slider reduces glitches at lower settings but allows for more AI-generated details at higher settings.
  • ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ A demonstration of the upscaler's capabilities shows a detailed image transformation, enhancing textures and features like hair and eyes.
  • ๐Ÿ” The script highlights the difference between the upscaled image and the original, noting that while the upscale is significant, it doesn't replace detailed elements like individual people in a crowd.
  • ๐Ÿ’ธ Magnific is not free, with a pricing plan starting at $39 per month and going up to $299 per month, which the speaker hopes will decrease with more users.
  • ๐Ÿƒ Wizards of the Coast, owners of Magic: The Gathering, have taken a stance against AI-generated imagery in their products but were found using AI assets in a social media ad.
  • ๐ŸŽญ Meta has released 'audio to photo-real embodiments' technology, which converts audio into photo-realistic animated character avatars.
  • ๐Ÿ“ก Scenario, an AI character creation tool, shared tips for creating consistent characters, including painting over template models and using specific prompts for desired attributes.

Q & A

  • What is the latest update to the AI image upscaler discussed in the video?

    -The latest update to the AI image upscaler allows for 16x upscales, or up to 10,000x10,000 pixels.

  • What is the name of the AI image upscaler featured in the video?

    -The AI image upscaler featured in the video is called Magnific.

  • How does the AI upscaler work in terms of image processing?

    -You upload an image to Magnific, choose an upscale factor (2x, 4x, 8x, or 16x), select a preset style, enter a prompt for additional details, and then adjust sliders for creativity, HDR resemblance, and fractality.

  • What are the pricing plans for using Magnific?

    -Magnific is not free, with pricing plans starting at $39 per month and going up to $299 per month.

  • What controversy is mentioned in the video regarding AI art and Magic: The Gathering?

    -Wizards of the Coast, owners of Magic: The Gathering, had an internal guideline against using AI generative tools for creating final products. However, fans noticed AI-generated assets in a social media ad campaign for the game.

  • What is the name of the technology that turns audio into photorealistic animated character avatars?

    -The technology is called Audio to Photo Real Embodiments.

  • What is the Holo box, and what is its purpose?

    -The Holo box is a device that generates a hologram of a person, allowing for a 3D representation that can be viewed from different angles.

  • What mistake was corrected about creating consistent AI characters in the scenario?

    -The mistake corrected was regarding the use of full body turnarounds as image references. It was clarified that the white background in the bounding box can affect the overall model, and it's recommended to knock out the background or match the color tone.

  • How can one improve the representation of colorful garments on AI characters in scenario?

    -One can improve the representation by painting over the template model with the desired colors and then prompting correctly when using the model-cell shaded icon stylizer.

  • What is the process if you are satisfied with an AI character generated in scenario?

    -If you are satisfied with an AI character, you can download it, bring it in as a reference image, add prompts, and then generate again from there.

  • What additional tips and tricks were shared by scenario for creating AI characters?

    -Scenario shared additional tips and tricks for refining AI characters, including painting over the template model for colorful garments and using the correct prompts for better results.



๐Ÿš€ Introduction to AI Image Upscaling and Creative Uses

The video begins with an introduction to a significant update to the presenter's favorite AI image upscaler, Magnific. The presenter expresses enthusiasm about the potential creative applications of the upscaler, which can now upscale images by 16 times, reaching up to 10,000x10,000 pixels. The update's capabilities are demonstrated with an example of a sci-fi image of a black hole, showcasing the level of detail retained even when zooming in. The process of using Magnific is explained, including uploading an image, selecting the upscale factor, choosing presets, and using a prompt box for customization. The presenter also discusses the sliders for creativity, HDR resemblance, and fractality, which control the level of detail and adherence to the original image.


๐ŸŽจ Creative Applications and Limitations of AI Upscaling

The presenter shares examples of creative uses of the AI upscaler, including a sculpture created in PS5's Dreams and a reference to an Italian Renaissance painting. The video highlights the impressive level of detail that can be achieved through the upscaler, even when cleaning up images. However, it is also noted that the upscaler has limitations, such as not being able to transform a crowd scene into individual detailed characters. The presenter also discusses the pricing of Magnific, which is on the higher side, and expresses hope for more affordable options in the future. Additionally, the video touches on the controversy surrounding AI-generated imagery in the context of the card game Magic: The Gathering, where the company's stance against AI tools contrasts with their use of AI in a social media ad campaign.


๐Ÿ“ก AI Art Controversy and Tech Updates

The video discusses the irony of an artist potentially facing job loss due to an anti-AI art policy, which led to controversy in the Magic: The Gathering community. The presenter then shifts to tech news, mentioning Meta's release of audio to photo-real embodiments, which can turn audio into animated character avatars. The Holo box, a device that generates a hologram of a person, is also mentioned, along with its potential applications. The presenter briefly covers the Apple Vision Pro and Sony's XR headset, indicating a significant push towards virtual reality and the HoloLens. The video concludes with a correction and additional tips from Scenario, a platform for creating consistent AI characters, addressing a previous tutorial and providing new insights on character creation.


๐Ÿ–Œ๏ธ Tips and Tricks for Creating Consistent AI Characters

The presenter corrects a previous mistake regarding the use of full-body character turnarounds in Scenario, emphasizing the importance of background color in the bounding box. Tips for creating characters with colorful garments are also provided, suggesting the use of a template model and painting over it before prompting for specific attributes. The video demonstrates the process of generating a character with blue jeans, tan skin, and blonde hair, and highlights the iterative nature of AI character creation. The presenter mentions that while AI can generate characters quickly, it may still require several attempts to achieve the desired result. Additional tips and tricks from Scenario are teased for a future, more dedicated video.



๐Ÿ’กAI Image Upscaler

An AI image upscaler is a software tool that uses artificial intelligence to increase the resolution of images without a loss in quality. In the video, the AI image upscaler in question has received an update that allows for significant enhancements, such as 16x upscales, which is a major improvement in the field of image processing. It is related to the video's theme as it is the primary subject of discussion.


Magnific is the name of the AI image upscaler that the video is discussing. It has been updated to allow for higher resolution scaling, which is a significant development for those interested in image enhancement. The term 'Magnific' is used throughout the video to refer to the specific software being reviewed, and it is central to the video's narrative as the main focus is the capabilities and updates of this upscaler.

๐Ÿ’กCreativity Slider

The creativity slider is a feature within the Magnific software that allows users to control the degree to which the AI adds new details to the upscaled image. A higher setting on the creativity slider gives the AI more freedom to 'hallucinate' over the base image, potentially adding creative but sometimes unusual details. It is an important concept in the video because it demonstrates the level of control and customization that users have over the AI's output.

๐Ÿ’กHDR (High Dynamic Range)

HDR, or High Dynamic Range, is a term used to describe the range of light levels in an image. In the context of the video, the HDR slider in Magnific allows users to control how closely the upscaled image adheres to the original. A higher HDR setting means the AI will try to maintain the original image's details more closely, potentially at the cost of a cleaner look. It is relevant to the video's theme as it is one of the tools available for users to refine the upscaled images.


Fractality, in the context of the Magnific software, refers to a slider that controls the level of detail and potential 'glitches' in the upscaled image. A lower fractality setting reduces the chance of glitches, while a higher setting allows the AI to create more detailed and sometimes unpredictable results. It is an important keyword as it is another tool for users to manipulate the final output of the upscaled images.

๐Ÿ’กAI Art News

AI Art News refers to recent developments or controversies in the world of AI-generated art. In the video, it is mentioned in relation to the card game Magic: The Gathering, where there was a debate about the use of AI-generated assets in a social media ad campaign. This keyword is significant as it highlights the broader implications and discussions around the use of AI in creative industries.

๐Ÿ’กWizards of the Coast

Wizards of the Coast is the company that owns the card game Magic: The Gathering. They are mentioned in the video because they have taken a stance against the use of AI-generated imagery in creating final products for their card game, despite using AI-generated assets in a social media ad campaign. This keyword is relevant as it brings up ethical and policy considerations in the use of AI in creative work.


The Holodeck is a term borrowed from the science fiction series Star Trek, referring to a virtual reality room where characters can experience fully immersive simulations. In the video, it is mentioned in the context of upcoming technology that can create photo-realistic avatars or holograms, indicating a future where such immersive experiences may be possible. It is a keyword that ties into the video's theme of exploring the potential of AI and virtual reality technologies.


Scenario is a tool or platform for creating consistent AI characters. It is mentioned in the video as a way to refine and generate characters with specific attributes, using image references and prompts. The term 'Scenario' is used to illustrate the process of character creation and customization using AI, which is a significant part of the video's discussion on AI's role in creative character design.

๐Ÿ’กConsistent AI Characters

Consistent AI characters refer to the creation of characters using AI that maintain a uniform appearance and attributes across different instances or media. The video discusses tips and tricks for achieving this consistency, which is important for storytelling and design purposes. This keyword is central to the video's theme as it explores the practical applications of AI in character design.

๐Ÿ’กPricing Plan

The pricing plan refers to the cost structure for using the Magnific AI image upscaler. In the video, it is mentioned that Magnific is not free and has a pricing plan that ranges from $39 to $299 per month. This keyword is significant as it addresses the accessibility and affordability of using advanced AI tools, which is a consideration for many users interested in AI-enhanced image processing.


Magnific, a favorite AI image upscaler, has released a significant update allowing for 16x upscales or up to 10,000x10,000 pixels.

The update enables creative uses for image enlargement, as demonstrated by the sci-fi image of a black hole.

Martin Neong showcased the resolution difference between the original image and the upscaled version in a sculpt created in PS5's Dreams.

Users can choose from different presets such as standard, science fiction, and horror for image upscaling.

The creativity slider allows Magnific to add or alter details in the upscaled image, offering a unique twist to the original.

The HDR slider controls the adherence to the original image, balancing between detail preservation and potential visual artifacts.

The new fractality slider reduces glitches in the upscaled image at lower settings but allows for more creative detail generation at higher settings.

An example of upscaled detail enhancement is shown with a rose image, where water beads are more pronounced post-upscaling.

The hair texture, eye detail, and skin tone are notably improved in the upscaled images, offering a more refined look.

The significant difference in upscaled image size can be hard to grasp, but the comparison between the original and upscaled versions is striking.

A photographer is visible in the reflection of the upscaled image, adding an unexpected creative detail.

Despite its capabilities, Magnific is not a perfect solution for complex scenes like crowd imagery in Times Square.

Julie W Design demonstrated how older mid-Journey images can be enhanced with a fresh coat of paint using Magnific.

Magnific is not free, with pricing starting at $39 per month and going up to $299 per month.

Wizards of the Coast, owners of Magic: The Gathering, have taken a stance against AI-generated imagery in their products, despite using it in a social media ad.

The controversy led to the artist responsible for the AI-generated assets in the ad campaign facing potential repercussions.

Meta has released Audio to Photo-real Embodiments, which can turn audio into photo-realistic animated character avatars.

Sony has released their XR headset utilizing the Snapdragon processor, indicating a significant push towards VR technology.

Scenario provided tips and tricks for creating consistent AI characters, including advice on handling background colors and garment details.

The process of generating AI characters requires iteration and fine-tuning to achieve the desired outcome.