The Magic of

Gerhard Gschwandtner
11 May 202306:15

TLDRLavender is an innovative email coaching and assistance tool designed to enhance sales emails. It integrates seamlessly into your workflow, whether through an SCP or directly in your inbox, offering real-time guidance to improve response rates. By analyzing team data, it helps craft more effective emails and saves time for sales reps. With a focus on doubling reply rates and reducing email writing time, Lavender's AI-driven approach adapts to individual needs, promoting better sales communication and outcomes. The platform's blog offers valuable insights into AI, sales, and email strategies, enriching the user experience.


  • 🌟 Lavender is an email coach and assistant designed to improve sales emails by integrating with email workflows and providing real-time feedback.
  • 📈 It analyzes historical data to identify what works and what doesn't, customizing its algorithm to fit the specific needs of a sales team.
  • 🚀 The primary goal of Lavender is to increase reply rates, with teams typically seeing close to a doubling of their rates when using the product.
  • ⏰ Lavender helps sales reps save time by reducing the amount of time spent on emails, with an average reduction of about 50%.
  • 💡 The platform offers both instant fixes and coaching tools, assisting individual contributors in writing better emails and managers in identifying team strengths and weaknesses.
  • 🌐 Lavender has over 20,000 users worldwide, primarily in the US and Europe, and analyzes tens of millions of emails each month.
  • 📊 The main metric used to measure the effectiveness of Lavender is the increase in reply rates for users.
  • 🎯 The biggest mistake sales reps make is making their emails about themselves or their products, rather than focusing on the recipient's needs.
  • 🌐 Lavender's addressable market is vast, with the potential to reach over 20 million users globally.
  • 📖 The Lavender blog offers in-depth insights into AI, sales, email strategies, and psychology, providing valuable resources for users and the sales community.

Q & A

  • What is Lavender and what does it do?

    -Lavender is an email coach and assistant designed for sales emails. It integrates into your workflow, whether that's within an SCP like Outreach or SalesLoft, or directly in your inbox such as Gmail or Outlook. Lavender analyzes your emails to identify factors that may reduce the likelihood of a positive reply and provides guidance on how to improve them. Its primary functions include instant fixes and coaching for individual contributors to help craft better emails faster.

  • How does Lavender help individual contributors improve their email writing?

    -Lavender assists individual contributors by examining their emails in real-time and identifying areas that may be hurting their reply rates. It provides personalized suggestions based on the user's unique data, helping them to fix issues on the spot, whether they're writing a one-to-one personalized email, a template, or a sequence.

  • What benefits do managers gain from using Lavender?

    -Managers can utilize Lavender to monitor the performance of their sales reps. The tool provides insights into which reps are performing well and who might be underperforming. This allows managers to offer targeted assistance and coaching to their team members, based on data-driven insights.

  • What are the key metrics Lavender focuses on for its users?

    -The primary metric Lavender focuses on is the reply rate. The goal is to increase the chances of users getting a response to their emails, as this is the first step towards booking more meetings and closing deals. Lavender also helps sales reps save time by reducing the amount of time spent on email writing, with users typically spending about 50% less time on emails after using the product.

  • How does Lavender learn and adapt to a team's specific needs?

    -Lavender analyzes the historical data of the team, even before they started using the tool. It compares the team's data with other users across its user base to identify similarities and differences. Based on this analysis, Lavender customizes its algorithm to suit the team's unique needs, whether it's for new cold emails, templates, or replies.

  • What are some common mistakes sales reps make in their emails?

    -A common mistake sales reps make is making the email about themselves or their product. Many sales emails are generic and automated, focusing on what the company offers and the intent to book a meeting, rather than addressing the recipient's specific needs or interests.

  • How does Lavender ensure its users are aware of their progress and success?

    -Lavender provides managers with the necessary insights into their team's performance, which can lead to team-wide adoption of the tool. Additionally, users can visit the Lavender blog for case studies, product information, and data-driven content that can help them understand and improve their email strategies.

  • What can users expect to find on

    -On, users can find examples of successful users, detailed information about the product, and case studies of teams that have achieved positive results using Lavender. The website also directs users to the blog, which offers in-depth articles on AI, sales, email strategies, and psychology, providing valuable insights and tips for improving email communication.

  • How does Lavender's blog contribute to the user experience?

    -Lavender's blog enriches the user experience by offering deep-dive articles on AI in sales, email psychology, and the latest trends and best practices in the field. The blog posts are designed to be helpful, creative, and entertaining, providing users with a wealth of knowledge and strategies to enhance their email effectiveness.

  • What is the vision for Lavender's future?

    -The vision for Lavender is to reach a wide audience, with the goal that every salesperson in the world could use This would result in a significant improvement in the quality of sales emails, making them more personalized, relevant, and effective, ultimately leading to better communication and higher response rates.

  • How does Lavender's approach to email coaching differ from other email tools?

    -Lavender stands out by offering both instant fixes and ongoing coaching, tailored to the individual's unique data and the team's collective performance. It focuses not only on immediate improvements but also on learning and adapting to the specific needs of each user and team, providing a personalized and evolving coaching experience.



📈 Introduction to Lavender and its Functionality

This paragraph introduces William, the CEO of Lavender, an email coaching and assistance tool designed for sales emails. Lavender integrates with email workflows, whether through sales platforms like Outreach or SalesLoft, or directly in inboxes such as Gmail or Outlook. It identifies elements in emails that may reduce the likelihood of a positive reply and offers real-time guidance to improve these aspects. The tool focuses on personalization and understanding team data to enhance email response rates. Lavender serves dual purposes: providing instant fixes and acting as a coaching tool for individual contributors to enhance their email writing skills. It also assists managers in monitoring team performance and providing targeted support.


🚀 Lavender's Impact and User Success Stories

In this paragraph, the discussion revolves around the impact Lavender has on its users, emphasizing the increase in reply rates and time savings for sales representatives. It highlights how teams using Lavender typically see a near doubling of their reply rates, leading to more meetings and deals. The tool also helps reps reduce the time spent on emails by about 50%. The approach of Lavender is data-driven, analyzing both historical user data and benchmarking against other teams to customize the algorithm for each team's unique needs. The paragraph also touches on the importance of understanding common mistakes made by sales reps in their emails, such as making the email too product-focused and impersonal. The goal is to have every salesperson use Lavender to improve the quality and effectiveness of sales emails globally.




Lavender is an email coach and assistant tool designed specifically for sales emails. It integrates into a user's workflow, whether within a sales communication platform or directly in their inbox, to analyze and improve the content of sales emails. The tool focuses on enhancing reply rates and personalization, providing real-time feedback to users on how to craft more effective messages. In the context of the video, Lavender is portrayed as a solution to common issues faced by sales representatives, aiming to increase positive responses and save time spent on email communication.

💡Email Coach

An email coach, in the context of this video, refers to a software tool that provides guidance and suggestions to improve the effectiveness of emails, particularly for sales purposes. It helps users by identifying areas of their emails that may hinder positive replies and offers advice on how to fix these issues. The coach aspect implies an educational component, as it not only corrects but also teaches users how to write more persuasive and personalized emails over time.

💡Sales Emails

Sales emails are a form of direct communication used by sales representatives to engage potential customers, build relationships, and persuade them to take action, such as scheduling meetings or making purchases. These emails are critical in the sales process and often require a personalized approach to stand out from competitors. The video emphasizes the importance of optimizing sales emails to increase reply rates and the role of Lavender in assisting with this optimization.


Personalization in the context of sales emails refers to the practice of tailoring messages to the specific needs, interests, or circumstances of the recipient. It involves using data or insights to create a sense of relevance and connection, which can significantly increase the likelihood of a positive response. The video highlights the importance of personalization in achieving higher reply rates and how Lavender helps users to personalize their emails more effectively.

💡Reply Rate

Reply rate is a metric used to measure the effectiveness of sales emails, representing the percentage of sent emails that result in a response from the recipient. A higher reply rate indicates better engagement and interest from potential customers, which is a crucial goal for sales representatives. The video emphasizes Lavender's ability to help users increase their reply rates by improving the quality and personalization of their sales emails.

💡Time Management

Time management refers to the efficient and effective allocation of time to various activities, in this case, the process of crafting and sending sales emails. By reducing the time spent on emails, sales representatives can focus on other important aspects of their job, such as making cold calls or networking on platforms like LinkedIn. Lavender helps sales reps save time by streamlining the email writing process and providing real-time feedback, thus enhancing productivity.

💡AI Analytics

AI analytics involves the use of artificial intelligence to analyze data and extract meaningful insights. In the context of the video, Lavender uses AI to analyze users' historical email data, compare it with broader user base trends, and provide customized feedback. This form of analytics helps identify best practices and areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of sales emails.


Templates in the context of sales emails are pre-designed message formats that can be customized and sent to potential clients. They are intended to save time and ensure consistency in communication. However, the video emphasizes the importance of personalization over reliance on templates, suggesting that successful sales emails should go beyond generic templates to establish a connection with the recipient.

💡Best Practices

Best practices refer to the most effective methods or techniques that have been proven to produce positive results. In the context of sales emails, these practices involve strategies that lead to higher open and reply rates, better engagement, and ultimately, more successful sales outcomes. The video discusses how Lavender uses AI to analyze and teach users about these best practices, helping them improve their email communication skills.


Underperforming in a sales context means not meeting the expected targets or standards, such as reply rates, meeting bookings, or deal closures. The video discusses how Lavender can assist sales representatives who may be at risk of losing their jobs due to poor performance by identifying their weaknesses and providing guidance on how to improve their email communication, which is a critical component of sales success.

💡Market Penetration

Market penetration refers to the extent to which a product or service has become adopted by its potential market. In the video, the dream scenario is presented where every salesperson uses Lavender, indicating a high level of market penetration. The goal is to expand the user base and influence the sales industry as a whole by improving the quality and effectiveness of sales emails.


Lavender is an email coach and assistant designed for sales emails.

It integrates with existing workflows such as SCPs like Outreach or SalesLoft, as well as inboxes like Gmail or Outlook.

Lavender analyzes emails to identify factors that may hurt the chances of getting a positive reply and offers solutions to improve them.

The tool focuses on personalization and understanding what works based on team data to enhance email reply rates.

Lavender serves a dual purpose: providing instant fixes and acting as a coaching tool for individual contributors.

The platform offers real-time assistance, helping reps adjust their emails as they write to improve reply rates based on their unique data.

Lavender also coaches managers by identifying high-performing reps and those who may need additional support.

The primary metric for evaluating Lavender's effectiveness is the increase in reply rates.

Teams using Lavender typically see a close to doubling of their reply rates.

Lavender helps sales reps save time, reducing the time spent on emails by about 50%.

The platform's algorithm learns from the team's historical data to customize its suggestions.

Lavender's user base spans over 20,000 users, primarily in the US and Europe, with some international presence.

The platform analyzes tens of millions of emails monthly to determine best practices and common mistakes.

A major mistake sales reps make is making the email about themselves or their product, rather than addressing the recipient's needs.

Lavender's vision is to have every salesperson use its platform to improve the quality and effectiveness of sales emails globally.

The company's blog offers in-depth data on AI, sales, sales emails, and psychology, providing valuable insights and resources.