The ONLY 7 Faceless Niches that will make money in 2024 on YouTube

InVideo For Content Creators
5 Feb 202409:05

TLDRThis video explores the top 7 profitable faceless YouTube niches for 2024. The speaker emphasizes the importance of niche selection due to its impact on earnings, as demonstrated by contrasting two videos with vastly different CPMs and RPMs. The list is based on earning potential and ease of video creation, with niches ranging from self-improvement to AI news updates. The video also introduces an AI tool that simplifies video creation with text prompts, offering a valuable resource for beginners looking to start a faceless YouTube channel.


  • 📈 The earnings from a YouTube video are not directly proportional to the number of views; niche selection is crucial for revenue.
  • 🎮 A gaming channel with 500,000 views made $920, while a personal development channel with 45,000 views made $641 due to higher CPM and RPM.
  • 📊 CPM (cost per mille) and RPM (revenue per mille) vary by niche; a higher CPM niche can yield more income even with fewer views.
  • 🤔 Choosing the right niche is essential as it can lead to significant differences in earnings for the same amount of effort.
  • 🌟 The top seven niches for faceless YouTube channels in 2024 are ranked based on earning potential and ease of video creation.
  • 🧠 Niche number seven is self-improvement, with a balanced score of 5.5 out of 10, showing potential for both established and newer channels.
  • 🧐 Psychology facts at niche number six has a high ease of video creation score, making it accessible for beginners with an average score of 7 out of 10.
  • 🌿 Health and wellness at niche number five is expected to grow rapidly, offering long-term opportunities with an average score of 7.5 out of 10.
  • 📚 Book summaries at number three have an average score of 8.5 out of 10, with high earning potential and ease of creation through AI tools.
  • 💼 Business stories and documentaries are at number two with a high earning potential, but require more effort in storytelling, scoring an average of 9 out of 10.
  • 🤖 AI news and updates is the top niche with perfect scores in both criteria, offering a significant opportunity for growth and revenue.
  • 🚀 Using AI tools like InVideo AI can simplify the video creation process, allowing for easy editing and publishing with just text prompts.

Q & A

  • What are the seven niches that can make money on YouTube in 2024 according to the video?

    -The seven niches mentioned in the video are self-improvement, psychology facts, health and wellness, history stories, book summaries, business stories and documentaries, and AI news and updates.

  • Why does the video emphasize the importance of choosing the right niche for a faceless YouTube channel?

    -The video emphasizes that choosing the right niche is crucial because it can significantly impact the earnings from the same amount of views. Different niches have different CPM (cost per thousand views) and RPM (revenue per thousand views), which directly affect the income generated.

  • What is the difference between CPM and RPM in the context of YouTube monetization?

    -CPM stands for cost per thousand views, which is the amount YouTube charges advertisers for every thousand views on a video. RPM stands for revenue per thousand views, which is the amount YouTube pays the content creator for every thousand views.

  • How does the video demonstrate that view count does not directly correlate with earnings on YouTube?

    -The video provides an example where a video with 500,000 views made $920, while another with 45,000 views made $641. This shows that even though the 500,000 view video had more views, it did not make 10 times the earnings, highlighting that niche and monetization rates are more important than view count alone.

  • What is an example of a successful channel in the self-improvement niche mentioned in the video?

    -An example of a successful channel in the self-improvement niche is Improvement Pill, which has 3.5 million subscribers and is estimated to be making $63,000 per month from AdSense alone.

  • How does the video suggest creating videos for the psychology facts niche?

    -The video suggests that for the psychology facts niche, one can create listicle videos, like 'Top 12 facts about...' or 'Top 10 reasons for...'. It also mentions that channels like Psychology Arcade use voice over and stock footage to create their videos, which is an easy method for beginners.

  • What is the estimated earning for channels in the health and wellness niche according to the video?

    -The video states that channels in the health and wellness niche, such as Bestie Health and Body Hub, are earning up to $77,000 per month.

  • How does the video describe the potential for growth in the history stories niche?

    -The video describes the history stories niche as having a high earning potential score of 8 out of 10 and an ease of video creation score of 8 out of 10. It also mentions that the niche is still working today, despite channels like Alternative History Hub being started 11 years ago.

  • What AI tool is recommended in the video for creating videos for faceless YouTube channels?

    -The video recommends using an AI tool called 'invid AI' for creating videos. This tool can script, edit, find relevant footage, add a voice over, add subtitles, and produce a publish-ready video with just a simple text prompt.

  • How does the video suggest using AI to assist in creating content for the book summaries niche?

    -The video suggests using AI tools like 'chat gbt' to summarize books for you and 'in video AI' to generate the videos, making the process easier and more efficient for creators in the book summaries niche.

  • What is the earning potential score for the AI news and updates niche according to the video?

    -The video gives the AI news and updates niche a perfect score of 10 out of 10 for both earnings potential and ease of video creation, indicating it as the top opportunity.



📈 Earnings Potential of Faceless YouTube Niches

The speaker discusses their research on profitable faceless YouTube channels for 2024. They share personal experiences with two videos, one with 45,000 views and another with 500,000 views, to illustrate that views do not directly correlate with earnings due to the niche's earning potential. The speaker explains the importance of choosing a high CPM (cost per thousand views) and RPM (revenue per thousand views) niche. They introduce a ranking system based on earning potential and ease of video creation for seven niches, promising a simple AI-assisted method for video creation later in the video.


🚀 Top 7 Niches for Faceless YouTube Channels in 2024

The video script outlines the top seven niches for faceless YouTube channels, ranked from worst to best based on earning potential and ease of video creation. The seventh niche, self-improvement, is highlighted with examples of successful channels and their earnings. The sixth niche, psychology facts, is noted for its high ease of video creation. Health and wellness comes in at fifth, with examples of channels and growth potential in the industry. History stories are fourth, with high earning potential despite the difficulty in video creation. Book summaries take third place with high scores in both criteria. Business stories and documentaries are second, scoring high in earning potential. Finally, AI news and updates is the top niche, offering perfect scores and a promising future due to the evergreen nature of AI content. The script concludes with an introduction to an AI tool that can assist in creating videos with just a text prompt.



💡Faceless Niches

The term 'Faceless Niches' refers to specific areas of interest or topics that can be monetized on YouTube without the creator appearing on camera. In the context of the video, these niches are identified as potentially lucrative for 2024, with the focus being on the content's ability to generate revenue rather than the creator's personal brand or identity. The script discusses different faceless niches and their earning potentials, illustrating how some niches can be more profitable than others.

💡CPM (Cost Per Mille)

CPM stands for Cost Per Mille, which is a metric used in advertising to measure the cost an advertiser pays for every thousand views their ad receives. In the video, it is mentioned that a gaming channel had a CPM of $3.99, indicating the amount YouTube charges advertisers for every thousand views on a video. This is crucial for understanding how much revenue a channel can generate from ad views.

💡RPM (Revenue Per Mille)

RPM, or Revenue Per Mille, is the amount of money a YouTube channel earns for every thousand views on their video. The script provides an example where a personal development channel had an RPM of $14, meaning for every thousand views, the channel earns $14. This metric is vital for assessing the earning potential of different niches.


Self-improvement is a niche focused on content that helps individuals enhance their personal growth, skills, and well-being. The video script highlights this niche as one of the seven profitable faceless niches for 2024, with examples like 'Improvement pill' and 'J Wisdom'. It emphasizes the high earning potential and the relative ease of creating videos in this niche.

💡Psychology Facts

Psychology Facts is a niche that involves sharing interesting and educational information about human behavior and mental processes. The script identifies this as a niche with a high score for ease of video creation, using 'Top Think' and 'Psychology Arcade' as examples of successful channels. The content usually consists of listicle videos that are easy to produce and engage viewers.

💡Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness is a niche that covers topics related to physical and mental health, fitness, and overall well-being. The video mentions 'Bestie Health' and 'Body Hub' as examples of channels in this niche that generate significant earnings. The industry's rapid growth and the evergreen nature of content make it a promising niche for YouTube creators.

💡History Stories

History Stories is a niche that focuses on narrating historical events, figures, and narratives. The script cites 'Alternative History Hub' and 'History Verse' as examples of successful channels in this niche. The videos often use animations, historical photos, and AI-generated content to engage viewers and educate them about the past.

💡Book Summaries

Book Summaries is a niche where creators provide condensed versions of books, allowing viewers to quickly understand the main points and themes. The video mentions 'Escaping Ordinary' and 'Book Every Day' as channels that excel in this area. The niche is evergreen, as new books are published regularly, providing a continuous source of content.

💡Business Stories and Documentaries

Business Stories and Documentaries is a niche that tells stories and provides insights into the world of business, entrepreneurship, and company histories. Channels like 'Magnates Media' and 'Company Man' are highlighted in the script for their success in this niche. The content is evergreen and can attract a wide audience interested in business.

💡AI News and Updates

AI News and Updates is a niche dedicated to providing the latest information on artificial intelligence developments, trends, and technologies. The script positions this as the top niche with perfect scores for earning potential and ease of video creation. Channels like 'The AI Grid' and 'AI Revolution X' are mentioned as examples of successful channels in this growing field.

💡InVideo AI

InVideo AI is an AI-powered tool mentioned in the script that assists in creating videos. It can script, edit, find relevant footage, add voiceovers, and subtitles based on simple text prompts. The tool is highlighted as an extremely easy way to create videos for any niche, enhancing the video creation process for beginners and experienced creators alike.


Researched hundreds of faceless YouTube channels to identify profitable niches for 2024.

A gaming channel with 500,000 views made $920, while a personal development channel with 45,000 views made $641.

CPM (cost per mille) and RPM (revenue per mille) are crucial for monetization, not just view count.

The right niche can lead to significantly higher earnings, even with the same effort.

Top seven niches are selected based on earning potential and ease of video creation.

Self-improvement niche has a balanced score but requires advanced editing for higher subscriber channels.

Psychology facts niche scores high for ease of video creation with listicle videos.

Health and wellness niche is expected to grow rapidly, offering long-term opportunities.

History stories niche has high earning potential with successful channels using animations and historical photos.

Book summaries niche is evergreen, with high earning potential and ease of creation using AI tools.

Business stories and documentaries niche has the highest earning potential, with content that remains relevant over time.

AI news and updates niche scores a perfect 10 for both earning potential and ease of video creation.

Using AI and simple text prompts can greatly simplify the video creation process for any niche.

Invid AI is an AI tool that can script, edit, find relevant footage, add voice over, and create publish-ready videos from text prompts.

Editing can be done through simple text commands, streamlining the video creation process.

The video provides a comprehensive guide on starting, picking a niche, growing, and monetizing faceless YouTube channels.

Subscribe for a series of videos discussing everything about faceless YouTube channels.