This is why YOU will lose your job to AI

Matt Garcia
24 Apr 202415:31

TLDRIn this video, Matt Garcia discusses the impending impact of artificial general intelligence (AGI) on the job market. He explains that AGI, capable of performing any task a human can, will lead to widespread job displacement across all sectors within the next decade. Garcia debunks common misconceptions, such as the idea that technology always creates more jobs than it destroys, and that certain 'human' qualities like empathy or creativity can't be replicated by AI. He also addresses the notion that AI will merely augment human capabilities, arguing that as AI surpasses human intelligence, it will outperform even the most skilled humans when working independently. To navigate this future, Garcia suggests becoming an 'AI Rider,' leveraging the power of AI to protect one's livelihood and potentially profit from it. He promises to provide a roadmap for achieving this in a subsequent video and in his book, 'The AI Writer.'


  • 🚀 The job market is facing a significant shift due to AI, with the potential for AI to replace jobs across all sectors within the next 10 years.
  • 🧠 AGI, or Artificial General Intelligence, is the technology that aims to perform any intellectual task that a human being can do, which could lead to widespread job displacement.
  • 🔍 The first three industrial revolutions automated repetitive physical and informational labor; the fourth is set to automate non-repetitive jobs through AI and robotics.
  • 🤖 Big Tech is currently developing humanoid robots, or 'universal Androids,' capable of understanding and interacting in human-centric environments.
  • 👀 The common misconception that AI cannot replicate the 'human touch' is debunked by examples where AI has shown higher levels of empathy and creativity than humans.
  • 🤖 Early AI may augment human capabilities, but as AI advances, it will surpass human input to the point where human involvement may decrease overall performance.
  • 🌐 The fourth Industrial Revolution is expected to complete the automation of labor, leading to a significant reduction in the need for human workers.
  • 💡 To protect oneself from job displacement, one should aim to become an 'AI Rider,' leveraging the power of AI to enhance one's livelihood and income.
  • 📚 The speaker suggests that his book, 'The AI Writer,' provides a roadmap for individuals to harness AI and suggests that the next video will delve into further details on becoming successful in the AI era.
  • 💰 Becoming an AI Rider involves positioning oneself to benefit from the rise of AI, potentially leading to financial success and a secure future even as traditional jobs become obsolete.
  • ⏳ While predicting the exact timeline of AI's impact is challenging, most AI scientists anticipate AGI will be achieved within the next decade, marking a pivotal point in job automation.

Q & A

  • What is the main argument of the video regarding the impact of AI on jobs?

    -The video argues that AI, specifically AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), will eventually replace all human jobs as it is capable of performing any task a human can do at least as well.

  • What is AGI and why is it considered a game-changer for job markets?

    -AGI stands for Artificial General Intelligence. It is defined as AI that is at least as good as a human at everything a human can do. It is a game-changer because it implies that no task will be exclusive to humans, leading to widespread job displacement.

  • What is the first fallacy discussed in the video about the impact of technology on jobs?

    -The first fallacy is the belief that technology always creates more jobs than it destroys. The video argues that this pattern does not apply to the current AI revolution, which is more disruptive than previous industrial revolutions.

  • How did the previous industrial revolutions impact jobs?

    -Previous industrial revolutions automated repetitive physical and informational labor, leading to a shift in the job market where humans moved to jobs requiring more intelligence that could not be automated at the time.

  • What is the role of the 'universal Android' in the future of job displacement?

    -The universal Android is a humanoid robot designed to navigate a world built for humans. It is intended to replace human blue-collar workers by being able to interact with any physical workplace and existing tools due to its human-like shape and movements.

  • What is the second fallacy discussed in the video regarding AI and jobs?

    -The second fallacy is the belief that the 'human touch', such as empathy and creativity, cannot be replaced by AI. However, the video points to examples where AI has demonstrated capabilities in these areas, challenging this assumption.

  • What is the third fallacy presented in the video?

    -The third fallacy is that AI will augment human capabilities rather than replace them. The video argues that while early AI did augment human capabilities, as AI advances, it will eventually outperform humans to the point where human involvement decreases the quality of outcomes.

  • What is the concept of an 'AI Rider'?

    -An AI Rider is a person who leverages the power of AI to their advantage, rather than being replaced by it. The concept suggests harnessing the force of AI to enhance one's livelihood and financial success.

  • Why does the video suggest that the economy will need a Universal Basic Income?

    -The video suggests that a Universal Basic Income will be necessary when there is no shortage of labor due to the widespread automation and replacement of human jobs by AI and robots, leading to a significant shift in the job market.

  • What is the author's suggestion for individuals to protect themselves from job displacement by AI?

    -The author suggests becoming an AI Rider by understanding and leveraging AI technologies. This involves using AI to one's advantage, possibly by investing in or creating AI solutions, and adapting to the changing job landscape.

  • How does the author propose to help viewers become AI Riders?

    -The author offers a roadmap in his next video and has written a book called 'The AI Writer' that provides insights and strategies on how to harness AI for personal and professional benefit.

  • What is the significance of the term 'AGI robotic industrial complex'?

    -The term 'AGI robotic industrial complex' refers to the convergence of human-level AI with advanced robotics, which the author predicts will automate every aspect of goods and services production, leading to a complete transformation of the labor market.



😖 The Inevitability of AI Displacement

The paragraph introduces the harsh reality that AI will replace human jobs across all sectors. Author Matt Garcia, with a background in technology and philosophy of science, discusses the AI Revolution and its potential to be more devastating to jobs than previous industrial revolutions. He refutes the common misconception that technology always creates more jobs than it destroys, explaining that past industrial revolutions automated repetitive tasks, but the current one, with AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), threatens to automate all tasks, including those previously thought to require a 'human touch'.


🤖 The Rise of the Universal Android

This section delves into the ongoing development of humanoid robots, or 'universal Androids,' capable of performing non-repetitive physical and informational jobs. It highlights the significance of the humanoid form factor, which allows these robots to seamlessly integrate into human-centric environments. Elon Musk's perspective on the necessity of such robots and the potential for a universal basic income due to labor displacement is also mentioned. The paragraph challenges the notion that certain human qualities, like empathy and creativity, cannot be replicated by AI, citing examples where AI has already matched or surpassed human performance in these areas.


🚀 Becoming an AI Rider

The narrative shifts to a proactive approach, suggesting that individuals can harness the power of AI to their advantage rather than being made obsolete by it. The concept of an 'AI Rider' is introduced as someone who leverages AI to enhance their livelihood and financial success. The author argues that while all jobs may eventually be automated, those who adapt and integrate AI into their work will prosper. The paragraph concludes with a teaser for a future video that will provide a roadmap for becoming a successful AI Rider and a mention of the author's book, which offers further guidance on this topic.


🛤️ Facing the Future with Courage

In the concluding paragraph, the author commends the audience for confronting the reality of AI's impact on the job market. Emphasizing the importance of acknowledging the problem before seeking a solution, the author encourages viewers to take care and hints at further discussions in subsequent content. The paragraph serves as a motivational close, urging viewers to embrace the changes brought about by AI and to proactively shape their future in the new technological landscape.




AI, or Artificial Intelligence, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. In the video, AI is the central theme, as it discusses how AI is poised to replace many jobs traditionally done by humans, due to its increasing capabilities and the development of AGI.


AGI stands for Artificial General Intelligence. It is defined as AI that is at least as good as a human at any intellectual task that a human being can do. The video emphasizes that AGI represents a significant shift from previous forms of AI, as it will be capable of performing any job a human can do, thus posing a threat to a wide range of employment.

💡Industrial Revolution

The term 'Industrial Revolution' refers to a series of major changes that took place in agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and transportation, which began in human history during the period 1760–1840, with the introduction of machinery. In the context of the video, it is used to illustrate how previous revolutions automated repetitive physical and informational labor, whereas the current 'fourth' revolution, driven by AI, will automate non-repetitive jobs as well.


An Android is a humanoid robot with a body shape and movements designed to mimic a human being. The video discusses how big tech companies are developing advanced Androids, which, when combined with AGI, could replace human workers in various sectors, including those requiring physical labor.

💡Universal Basic Income

Universal Basic Income (UBI) is a concept where every citizen within a country receives a given sum of money from the government, regardless of their income or employment status. The video suggests that as AI and automation increase, leading to job displacement, a UBI might become necessary to support those who are no longer able to find work.

💡AI Rider

The term 'AI Rider' is a metaphor used in the video to describe someone who leverages the power of AI to their advantage rather than being replaced by it. It suggests that individuals should learn to work with AI and use it as a tool to enhance their productivity and economic prospects, instead of fearing its job-replacing capabilities.

💡False Narratives

The video identifies 'false narratives' as misleading or overly optimistic stories propagated by tech giants and some futurists about AI's impact on jobs. These narratives include the belief that AI will create as many jobs as it destroys, that the 'human touch' in jobs cannot be replaced by AI, and that AI will augment rather than replace human workers.

💡Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence refers to the ability to understand and manage our own emotions, as well as recognize and influence the emotions of others. The video challenges the notion that AI will always lack this human quality, citing an example where AI demonstrated higher empathy in medical advice compared to human physicians.

💡AI Writer

An 'AI Writer' is a term used in the video to denote a person who uses AI to assist in writing tasks. It serves as an example of how AI can augment human capabilities. However, the video also suggests that as AI improves, it may eventually outperform human writers, leading to job displacement in the field.

💡AGI Robotic Industrial Complex

This term, coined in the video, refers to the convergence of human-level AI with advanced robotics, which could lead to a future where all aspects of production of goods and services are automated. It represents a fully realized vision of the fourth Industrial Revolution where even complex tasks requiring human intelligence could be performed by machines.

💡Job Automation

Job automation is the process of replacing human labor with machines or software. The video discusses how the advent of AGI and advanced robotics will lead to a significant increase in job automation, potentially affecting nearly every job category, from white-collar to blue-collar work.


The author argues that AI will lead to a job loss crisis, affecting everyone from doctors to lawyers.

AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) is defined as AI that can perform any human task at least as well as a human.

The author debunks the common fallacy that technology always creates more jobs than it destroys.

Previous industrial revolutions automated repetitive physical and informational labor, but the fourth revolution will automate non-repetitive jobs as well.

Big Tech is currently building the 'universal Android', a humanoid robot designed to perform human tasks.

Elon Musk's company Tesla is leading the race towards creating a mass-produced humanoid robot.

The author challenges the notion that a 'human touch' is irreplaceable by AI, citing studies where AI outperformed humans in empathy.

AI skeptics have consistently been proven wrong as each new generation of AI surpasses expectations.

The idea that AI will only augment human capabilities is a temporary state; AI will eventually surpass human assistance.

The author predicts that AGI will be achieved within the next 10 years, leading to the potential for complete human worker replacement.

The concept of the 'AGI robotic industrial complex' refers to the convergence of human-level AI and advanced robotics in automating all aspects of production.

To survive the AI revolution, one must become an 'AI Rider', leveraging the power of AI to one's advantage.

The author suggests that by harnessing AI, individuals can protect their livelihood and potentially earn more money.

The upcoming video and the author's book provide a roadmap for individuals to become successful AI Riders.

The author emphasizes the importance of facing reality to address the problem of AI-induced job displacement.

The transcript serves as a wake-up call for viewers to prepare for the transformative impact of AI on the job market.