Uncle Roger Is Cute When He's Flustered...

Zeus ⚡️ Mythos
29 Mar 202416:31

TLDRThis script captures a humorous and exaggerated review by Uncle Roger of the 'How To Basic' YouTube channel, known for its chaotic and wasteful cooking tutorials. Uncle Roger, alongside nephew Nigel, delves into a critique of a ramen tutorial that quickly devolves into absurdity, highlighting the excessive waste of food and nonsensical cooking methods. The video takes a comedic turn with reactions to various outrageous cooking and non-cooking videos from 'How To Basic,' including misuse of noodles, eggs, and technology. Uncle Roger's signature commentary on cultural nuances and his dismay at the wastefulness provide a humorous lens through which the channel's content is explored. The script ends with a mix of disbelief, humor, and a call to reconsider the value of food and resources.


  • 😭 Uncle Roger, a comedic character, is asked by his 'nephew' Nigel to review the 'How To Basic' channel, known for chaotic and unconventional cooking tutorials.
  • 🙄 The channel's approach to tutorials, particularly a ramen recipe, bewilders Uncle Roger due to excessive and nonsensical use of ingredients.
  • 😮 Uncle Roger is appalled by the wastefulness displayed in the videos, particularly the excessive use of noodles and other food items.
  • 😱 The 'How To Basic' videos progress from mildly absurd to extreme, involving destruction of property and excessive mess, leaving Uncle Roger and Nigel in disbelief.
  • 😡 Discussions about cultural practices, such as not wearing shoes inside the house, are interspersed with critiques of the video content.
  • 😬 The content's wastefulness, especially of food, is a significant point of contention, leading to discussions about food scarcity and respect for resources.
  • 🔥 Uncle Roger's reactions range from confusion to outright disgust, especially when the videos involve unsanitary practices or extreme waste.
  • 👎 The channel's non-food related content, like a Rubik's Cube tutorial, also ends in chaos, further emphasizing the channel's theme of destruction and absurdity.
  • 😯 A spoof therapy session between Uncle Roger and Nigel highlights the comedic and exaggerated responses to the 'How To Basic' content.
  • 😢 The script ends with Uncle Roger and Nigel reflecting on the 'How To Basic' channel's impact on their mood and appetite, with a humorous nod to the absurdity they just witnessed.

Q & A

  • What is the main critique of the 'How to Basic' channel mentioned in the transcript?

    -The main critique is that the channel is wasteful, particularly in terms of food wastage.

  • What specific type of video content does 'How to Basic' produce, according to Uncle Roger's review?

    -According to Uncle Roger's review, 'How to Basic' produces cooking tutorials, among other non-food related content.

  • Why does Uncle Roger initially express boredom with the Ramen tutorial from 'How to Basic'?

    -Uncle Roger finds the Ramen tutorial boring because it seems slow and uneventful compared to the fast pace of ramen restaurants.

  • What escalates Uncle Roger's reaction from boredom to shock during the Ramen tutorial?

    -Uncle Roger's reaction escalates to shock when excessive amounts of noodles are wastefully added to the Ramen, deviating significantly from a conventional cooking tutorial.

  • What cultural practice does Uncle Roger commend in the video, contrasting with his criticism of 'How to Basic'?

    -Uncle Roger commends the practice of taking shoes off inside the house, contrasting with his criticism of wastefulness and messiness shown in 'How to Basic' videos.

  • What emotional effect does watching 'How to Basic' have on Uncle Roger, according to the transcript?

    -Watching 'How to Basic' makes Uncle Roger feel traumatized, leading to a humorous assertion of 'trauma bonding' with the viewers.

  • How does 'How to Basic' misuse food in the videos, based on Uncle Roger's commentary?

    -'How to Basic' misuses food by excessively wasting it, such as by throwing noodles and destroying Asian greens, which Uncle Roger highlights as disrespectful and wasteful.

  • What reaction does Uncle Roger have towards the cleanliness of the 'How to Basic' creator's house?

    -Uncle Roger is appalled and questions whether the creator cleans up after each video or chooses to move because of the extreme mess created during the videos.

  • What alternative title does Uncle Roger suggest for the 'How to Basic' channel based on its content?

    -Uncle Roger suggests that instead of 'How to Basic,' the channel should be named 'How to Waste Food' due to its emphasis on food wastage.

  • How does the video address the issue of cultural practices related to cleanliness in homes?

    -The video addresses cultural practices related to cleanliness by criticizing the habit of wearing shoes inside the house, which Uncle Roger contrasts with the preference for using house slippers.



😱 Shock and Awe at HowToBasic's Chaotic Cooking

The script starts with Uncle Roger, a humorous critique of cooking videos, reacting in disbelief to a HowToBasic video, renowned for its unconventional and messy approach to cooking tutorials. In this instance, a ramen tutorial quickly descends into chaos, with excessive ingredients leading to wastefulness and shock from Uncle Roger. His initial boredom turns into horror as the video showcases a massive waste of noodles and other ingredients, highlighting the absurdity and excessive nature of HowToBasic's content. The critique extends to cultural observations on shoe-wearing habits indoors, emphasizing the absurdity and wastefulness of the content, questioning the cleanliness and purpose behind such chaotic and wasteful demonstrations.


🤯 Escalating Chaos and Food Waste

The second paragraph escalates the chaotic energy with Uncle Roger and his co-host, nephew Nigel, reacting to more of HowToBasic's outrageous content. This includes bizarre and extreme misuse of food items, such as creating 'buff Ramen' and further wasting vast amounts of noodles and other ingredients. Uncle Roger's disbelief grows as the video includes more nonsensical and wasteful acts, such as destroying a kitchen and its contents in the name of creating a tutorial. The segment criticizes the wastefulness for humor and the disregard for food, which could have been used to help those in need. The absurdity peaks with reactions to food being wasted in shocking and culturally insensitive ways, prompting discussions on the value of food and the cultural impact of such wastefulness.


😔 From Food Waste to Tech Destruction

The third paragraph introduces a shift from food-related content to HowToBasic's other areas of destruction, including a supposed tutorial on solving a Rubik's Cube. The critique continues with Uncle Roger and nephew Nigel lamenting the channel's wastefulness and destructive tendencies, now extending beyond food to include technology, such as laptops. The humor is intertwined with a critique of the senseless destruction and waste of resources, whether it be food or technology. The segment reflects on the broader implications of such content, questioning the entertainment value derived from wastefulness and destruction, and the cultural and ethical considerations of such behavior.


😂 Finding Humor Amidst the Chaos

The final paragraph concludes with a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the therapy skit, revealing the technical aspects of creating the video. Despite the overwhelming chaos and criticism of HowToBasic's content, there's an attempt to find humor and entertainment value in the absurdity. The script touches on the creative process and the effort involved in producing content that elicits strong reactions, whether positive or negative. The segment underscores the complexity of content creation and the balance between humor, critique, and the potential impact on viewers' perceptions of food and technology waste.



💡How to Basic

How to Basic is a YouTube channel known for its unconventional and often messy 'tutorials' that usually devolve into chaos and destruction, particularly involving food and household items. In the script, the channel's content is reviewed, highlighting the excessive wastefulness and bizarre nature of the videos. For example, a ramen tutorial turns into an over-the-top spectacle of noodle wastage, illustrating the channel's typical approach to 'instructional' content.

💡Trauma bonding

Trauma bonding refers to the emotional connection that develops between individuals who experience a traumatic event together. In the context of the video, it's used humorously to describe the shared experience of watching the chaotic and shocking content of the How to Basic channel, suggesting that the viewers are undergoing a mildly traumatic, yet bonding, experience through their collective disbelief and discomfort.

💡Waste of food

The theme of food waste is repeatedly emphasized throughout the video, criticizing How to Basic for the excessive and unnecessary use of food items in their videos. The script highlights instances where large amounts of noodles and eggs are wasted for the sake of entertainment, underscoring a disregard for the value of food and the resources required to produce it.

💡Ramen tutorial

A segment of the video script focuses on a parody of a cooking tutorial for ramen that starts conventionally but quickly devolves into absurdity. This segment serves to illustrate How to Basic's approach to creating content that starts with a seemingly normal premise before veering into excessive and nonsensical destruction, such as adding an unrealistic amount of noodles to a single dish.

💡Uncle Roger

Uncle Roger is a comedic character portrayed by Nigel Ng, known for his reactions to cooking videos, especially those related to Asian cuisine. In this script, Uncle Roger is watching and reacting to the How to Basic channel, expressing disbelief and humor at the absurdity of the content, especially criticizing the waste of food and the bizarre cooking techniques.

💡Nephew Nigel

Nephew Nigel refers to Nigel Ng, the creator behind the character Uncle Roger. In the context of this video, Nigel introduces Uncle Roger to the How to Basic channel, guiding him through various outrageous videos. The dynamic between Uncle Roger and Nephew Nigel adds a layer of comedic interaction as they navigate the absurdity of the content together.

💡Cultural references

The script is peppered with cultural references that enrich the humor and critique, such as Uncle Roger's comments on Asian traditions like taking shoes off inside the house, and the importance of not wasting food, a value stressed in many cultures. These references serve to contrast the nonsensical and wasteful antics of How to Basic with more grounded, cultural practices.

💡Shock humor

Shock humor involves causing amusement through surprising, disturbing, or outrageous content. It is a key element of How to Basic's videos, as described in the script, where the channel's content is designed to shock and surprise the viewer with unexpected turns, such as the excessive destruction of food and property for comedic effect.

💡Excess and destruction

The script highlights themes of excess and destruction, core to the How to Basic channel's appeal. Through exaggerated scenarios like flooding a kitchen with noodles or engaging in over-the-top food fights, the channel creates a spectacle out of wastefulness and the destruction of everyday items, prompting both criticism and amusement.

💡Comedic critique

Throughout the script, Uncle Roger provides a comedic critique of the How to Basic channel, using humor to address issues such as wastefulness, the absurdity of the content, and cultural disrespect. This critique is presented in a light-hearted manner, engaging the audience in a reflection on the content's impact and entertainment value.


Uncle Roger reacts to a channel called How To Basic, known for cooking tutorials.

Uncle Roger critiques a ramen tutorial for being too slow and unrealistic.

The ramen tutorial escalates unexpectedly with excessive noodle waste, shocking Uncle Roger.

Discussion about the impracticality and wastefulness of the food used in the tutorial.

Uncle Roger comments on cultural habits, like removing shoes inside the house.

Highlighting the absurdity and excessiveness of the video's approach to food preparation.

Uncle Roger expresses disappointment over the disrespect and waste of Asian ingredients.

Discussion of cultural differences and perspectives on wasting food for entertainment.

Uncle Roger and co-host criticize the channel for its nonsensical and wasteful content.

Uncle Roger struggles with the absurdity of the video, questioning its purpose and humor.

Exploring the impact of the video's wastefulness on Uncle Roger's sentiment towards food.

Uncle Roger reacts to non-food related content, showing a Rubik's Cube tutorial.

The hosts discuss their personal experiences with discipline in their childhood.

Uncle Roger's humor in contrasting his cooking style with the chaotic method shown in the video.

Uncle Roger's disbelief and frustration towards the destruction and waste in the videos.

Uncle Roger concludes the reaction with a strong critique of the channel's approach to content.