Shadiversity COPES As He's Humiliated By Jazza

Alec Gunter
16 Feb 202410:29

TLDRThe video script revolves around a character named Shadiversity, who is part of the Alec Gunter extended universe and is known for his belief that AI-generated art is equivalent to real art. The script describes a humorous interaction between Shadiversity and his brother Jazza, a skilled traditional artist. They engage in a role-playing game where they create character stats, leading to a comical exchange highlighting Shadiversity's overemphasis on his AI art and Jazza's traditional artistry. The video ends with a critique of Shadiversity's reliance on AI for art creation, suggesting a loss of personal artistry and humanity.


  • 🎨 The script revolves around a character named Shadiversity, who believes that AI-generated art is equivalent to real art.
  • 🖌️ Shadiversity is part of the Alec Gunter extended universe and is known for his controversial stance on AI art.
  • 👬 The video features an interaction between Shadiversity and his brother Jazza, who is a traditional artist.
  • 💪 Jazza is portrayed as a successful and popular artist, in contrast to Shadiversity who has chosen the path of AI art.
  • 🎲 The brothers engage in a role-playing game scenario, creating character sheets with attributes like Artistry and Writing.
  • 😅 Shadiversity's character has low scores in Artistry and Writing, highlighting his controversial views on AI-generated art.
  • 😓 Jazza expresses disappointment and disbelief at Shadiversity's approach to art, emphasizing the value of traditional artistry.
  • 🥴 Shadiversity defends his position, claiming his strengths lie in character expression and machine operation, despite the criticism.
  • 🤣 The video includes humorous and sarcastic exchanges, with Jazza teasing Shadiversity for his reliance on AI.
  • 👎 The script implies a critique of those who rely on technology to create art, suggesting it lacks the authenticity and skill of traditional methods.
  • 🙏 The video concludes with a call to appreciate and support traditional artists, and a reflection on the impact of AI on the art world.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the video involving Shadiversity and his brother Jazza?

    -The main theme of the video is the contrast between Shadiversity's approach to art using AI and his brother Jazza's traditional artistic skills, highlighting their differing views on what constitutes 'real art'.

  • How does Shadiversity describe his creative process with the AI?

    -Shadiversity describes his creative process as using AI to generate art, then cutting out parts he doesn't like and instructing the AI to generate new elements until he is satisfied with the result.

  • What is the significance of the term 'soy latte' in the context of the video?

    -The term 'soy latte' is used metaphorically to represent Shadiversity's reliance on AI for his art, suggesting that his approach is soft or less authentic compared to traditional artistic methods.

  • How does Jazza react to Shadiversity's artistic approach?

    -Jazza, being a traditional artist, appears to be unimpressed and somewhat frustrated with Shadiversity's reliance on AI for creating art, viewing it as less genuine and authentic.

  • What is the role of the AI in Shadiversity's art creation?

    -The AI acts as a tool for Shadiversity to generate and modify his art. He uses it to produce images, then refines them by removing elements he dislikes and instructing the AI to create new parts.

  • What does the video suggest about the value of traditional art skills versus AI-generated art?

    -The video suggests a debate between the value of traditional art skills, represented by Jazza, and AI-generated art, represented by Shadiversity. It raises questions about authenticity and the role of human creativity in the art creation process.

  • How does the video portray the relationship between Shadiversity and his brother Jazza?

    -The video portrays a somewhat strained relationship between the two brothers, with Jazza expressing disappointment and disbelief at Shadiversity's reliance on AI for his art.

  • What is the significance of the character stat sheet in the video?

    -The character stat sheet is used as a metaphor to represent the artistic abilities of Shadiversity and Jazza, with Shadiversity receiving low scores in writing and artistry, and Jazza being recognized as a more skilled traditional artist.

  • How does the video address the issue of artistry and professional standards?

    -The video discusses the high standards of professional artists who have spent their lives honing their craft, often without receiving the credit or compensation they deserve, and contrasts this with AI-generated art, which is seen as less authentic and effortful.

  • What is the main criticism against AI-generated art as presented in the video?

    -The main criticism is that AI-generated art is seen as fabricated and lacking the human touch, with the AI essentially stealing from other artists' works and the user of the AI not fully understanding or respecting the intricacies and effort of traditional art creation.

  • What is the final message or takeaway from the video?

    -The video concludes with a critique of Shadiversity's reliance on AI for his art, suggesting that it has led to a loss of genuine human creativity and social skills, and a call for a reevaluation of the value placed on AI-generated versus traditional art.



🎨 Artistic Struggles and AI Art Debate

The paragraph revolves around the character Shadiversity, who is part of the Alec Gunter extended universe, known for his belief that AI-generated art is equivalent to real art. The narrative includes a humorous take on Shadiversity's interaction with an AI art generator, his encounter with his brother Jazza, a real artist, and their contrasting views on art. The discussion touches on the skills and values attributed to each character in a fictional setting, with Shadiversity defending his AI-assisted art and Jazza expressing disapproval. The paragraph ends with a reflection on the social implications of relying on AI for artistic creation and the impact on personal identity and relationships.


😅 The AI Art Controversy and Personal Tensions

This paragraph delves deeper into the tension between Shadiversity and Jazza, highlighting their differing views on art and skill. Shadiversity's defense of AI art is contrasted with Jazza's traditional artistic values. The narrative takes a satirical turn as the characters assign numerical values to their attributes in a role-playing game scenario, revealing Shadiversity's lack of self-awareness and Jazza's disappointment. The paragraph critiques the notion of AI-generated art and its perceived shortcomings, such as the lack of genuine human touch and emotional depth. It concludes with a reflection on the consequences of relying on machines for artistic expression and the loss of human creativity and passion.


🎬 Closing Remarks and Final Thoughts

The final paragraph brings the video script to a close with a summary of the events and a final judgment on the AI art debate. It emphasizes the absurdity of the situation and the personal impact on the characters involved. The paragraph ends with a call to action for viewers, encouraging them to engage with the content, subscribe for more, and join a membership for exclusive benefits. The creator also expresses gratitude for the viewers' support and reiterates the importance of their feedback and financial contributions to the channel's continuation.



💡Character Expression

Character Expression refers to the ability to convey emotions, personality, and traits of a character through various artistic means such as facial expressions, body language, and color choices. In the context of the video, it is a key aspect of the art form being discussed, where the artist's skill in capturing the essence of a character is highlighted. The video implies that this is a strength of the artist, as it is mentioned in contrast to other aspects of their work.

💡Machine Whipping

Machine Whipping is a metaphorical term used in the video to describe the act of using a computer or AI to generate art, with the 'whipping' implying a level of control or manipulation by the artist over the machine. It suggests a reliance on technology to produce art, rather than traditional手工技艺. The term carries a negative connotation within the video, as it is used to criticize the artist's method of creating art pieces.

💡AI Art

AI Art refers to artwork that is created or generated with the assistance of artificial intelligence. This can range from AI algorithms that assist in the creative process to fully autonomous AI systems that generate art without human intervention. The video discusses AI art as a controversial topic, with the speaker expressing a disdain for it, considering it as less authentic compared to traditional handcrafted art.


Shadiversity is a character or persona mentioned in the script who is part of the Alec Gunter extended universe. This character is portrayed as someone who believes in the legitimacy of AI-generated art, which is a central point of contention in the video. The term is used to represent those who support or create AI art, and it is used in a derogatory manner within the video.


Jazza is mentioned as a character within the script who is a 'real artist', in contrast to shadiversity. This term is used to highlight the distinction between traditional, human-created art and AI-generated art. Jazza is portrayed as a skilled artist who has earned recognition and respect within the art community, unlike shadiversity who relies on AI for his creations.

💡Zombie Apocalypse

Zombie Apocalypse is a fictional scenario often used in various media, where the world is overrun by zombies and the remaining survivors must fight for their lives. In the context of the video, it seems to be a setting for a game or role-playing scenario, used as a metaphor to discuss the characters' abilities and skills in a survival context. It serves as a backdrop for the characters' interaction and the discussion of their artistic merits.

💡D&D Stat Card

A D&D Stat Card refers to the character sheet used in the tabletop role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), where players assign numerical values to various attributes or skills of their characters. In the video, it appears to be used metaphorically to discuss the artistic abilities of the characters, with the分配 of points to different skills such as writing and artistry.

💡Professional Level

Professional Level refers to a standard of skill or expertise that is considered to be at a level suitable for professional work or performance. In the context of the video, it is used to discuss the artistic abilities of Jazza, who is portrayed as a 'real artist' at a professional level, in contrast to shadiversity who is criticized for his reliance on AI.


Charisma is a personal quality that involves charm, appeal, or the ability to inspire devotion in others. It is often associated with leadership and the ability to influence people. In the video, Charisma is used as a character attribute, and it is suggested that shadiversity lacks this quality due to his defensiveness and reliance on AI for art creation, which negatively impacts his social interactions.


Anatomy, in an artistic context, refers to the depiction of the physical structure of the body, including the arrangement of muscles, bones, and other body parts. It is a fundamental skill for artists, particularly those working in fields such as figure drawing or character design. In the video, the artist claims to do well in the anatomy of the machine they 'whip', suggesting a level of proficiency in creating realistic and proportionate representations of their subjects.

💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation. In the video, AI is central to the debate about the authenticity and value of art created by machines versus that created by human artists. The speaker is critical of AI's role in art creation, viewing it as a threat to traditional artistic values.


Authenticity refers to the quality of being genuine, original, and not a copy or imitation. In the context of the video, it is a key point of discussion as the speaker argues for the value of authentic human-created art over AI-generated art. The speaker believes that AI art lacks the authenticity and personal touch that comes from an artist's direct creation.


Character expression through facial expressions and coloring is emphasized, showcasing the importance of details in art.

The humorous interaction of 'Daddy please, please daddy make it give me what I want' highlights the user's struggle with the machine.

Shadiversity, part of the Alec Gunter extended universe, is introduced as a character who believes AI art is real art.

The anecdote about Shadiversity's creation of an art piece using AI, involving Supergirl and selective editing, is shared.

A video recommendation is made, suggesting a comedic and entertaining watch involving Shadiversity and his brother.

Shadiversity's brother, Jazza, is mentioned as a real artist, contrasting with Shadiversity's digital art approach.

The concept of a zombie apocalypse at Pax USA is introduced, adding a playful element to the discussion.

The characters of Shadiversity and Jazza are described, highlighting their differences and the dynamics between them.

A discussion on the allocation of skill points in a DND-style stat card, relating art and other skills, is presented.

The debate on the value of professional artistry versus AI-generated art is explored, with a focus on the importance of traditional skills.

Shadiversity's lack of understanding about publishing and writing is criticized, emphasizing the gap between his views and reality.

The role of AI in art creation is satirized, with Shadiversity's desire for a machine that produces art on command.

Jazza's reaction to Shadiversity's AI art approach is captured, showing a mix of disbelief and disappointment.

The impact of Shadiversity's reliance on AI on his social skills and interactions is discussed, highlighting the potential downsides.

Shadiversity's defense of his art and his dismissal of traditional artistry is portrayed, emphasizing his commitment to AI art.

The video concludes with a reflection on the interaction between Shadiversity and Jazza, questioning the future of human artistry.

The viewer is encouraged to reflect on the value of genuine artistry and the implications of AI's role in art creation.