Vector Embeddings Tutorial – Code Your Own AI Assistant with GPT-4 API + LangChain + NLP
13 Sept 202336:23

TLDRThis tutorial delves into the world of vector embeddings, illustrating their role in transforming rich data like text and images into numerical vectors that capture their essence. By leveraging open AI and other tools, the course creator, Anya Kubo, guides learners through the process of generating their own vector embeddings and integrating them with databases. The tutorial explores the diverse applications of embeddings, from building AI assistants to enhancing natural language processing tasks, and provides hands-on experience to ensure a comprehensive understanding of this foundational AI concept.


  • 📚 Vector embeddings are numerical representations that capture the essence of rich data like words or images.
  • 🔍 They are crucial in fields like machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) to help algorithms understand and process information.
  • 🧠 The course aims to teach the significance of text embeddings, their applications, and how to generate them using Open AI.
  • 💡 Vector embeddings can transform complex, multi-dimensional data into a lower-dimensional space that preserves semantic or structural relationships.
  • 📈 The tutorial uses visual explainers and hands-on projects to enhance understanding of vector embeddings.
  • 🔑 Open AI's API is used to generate text embeddings, which are arrays of numbers representing words or phrases.
  • 🗂️ Vector embeddings can be stored in databases, like AstraDB, which is designed for optimized storage and access for embeddings.
  • 🔍 The course covers the use of LangChain, an open-source framework for creating AI applications that interact with large language models.
  • 🛠️ The tutorial guides through setting up a vector database and integrating vector embeddings for search functionalities.
  • 📊 Vector embeddings have diverse applications including recommendation systems, anomaly detection, transfer learning, and visualizations.
  • 🤖 By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to build an AI assistant using vector embeddings.

Q & A

  • What are vector embeddings?

    -Vector embeddings are numerical representations that transform rich data like words or images into vectors that capture their essence, allowing algorithms, particularly deep learning models, to process them more effectively.

  • How do text embeddings enhance the understanding of words?

    -Text embeddings provide semantic meaning to words by representing them as vectors of numbers. This enables computers to understand the similarity between words, such as finding words related to 'food' more accurately than through lexicographical methods.

  • What is the significance of storing vector embeddings in a database?

    -Storing vector embeddings in a database allows for the efficient retrieval and processing of information. It enables AI models to draw on and record information for complex task execution, providing a form of long-term memory processing similar to human brains.

  • How do vector embeddings work in natural language processing?

    -In NLP, vector embeddings capture the semantic relationships between words, which aids in various tasks such as text classification, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and machine translation.

  • What is the role of cosine similarity in vector embeddings?

    -Cosine similarity is a measure used to calculate the similarity between two vectors. It helps in determining how closely related two pieces of data are, which is useful in applications like recommendation systems and anomaly detection.

  • Can vector embeddings be used for non-text data?

    -Yes, vector embeddings can be applied to various types of data, including images, audio, and even facial recognition. They transform the data into a format that can be processed and understood by AI algorithms.

  • What is LangChain and how does it assist in AI development?

    -LangChain is an open-source framework that allows developers to create logical links or chains between one or more large language models (LLMs). It enables the combination of different AI models, external data, and prompts in a structured way to build powerful AI applications.

  • How does an AI assistant use vector embeddings for information retrieval?

    -An AI assistant uses vector embeddings to convert queries and documents into a shared vector space. By doing so, it can find documents that semantically match the query, even if they don't share exact keywords, thus providing more relevant search results.

  • What are some applications of vector embeddings in AI?

    -Vector embeddings are used in recommendation systems, anomaly detection, transfer learning, data visualization, information retrieval, natural language processing, audio and speech processing, and facial recognition.

  • How can vector embeddings be visualized for better understanding?

    -High-dimensional vector embeddings can be visualized using techniques like t-SNE or PCA to convert them into 2D or 3D representations. This helps in understanding clusters or relationships within the data.



📚 Introduction to Vector Embeddings

This paragraph introduces the concept of vector embeddings, which are numerical representations of rich data like words or images that capture their essence. The course, led by Anya Kubo, aims to help learners understand the significance of text embeddings, their applications, and how to generate their own with Open AI. It also touches on integrating vectors with databases and building an AI assistant using these powerful representations.


🔍 Understanding Vector Embeddings in AI

This section delves into the specifics of vector embeddings in the context of machine learning and natural language processing. It explains how vector embeddings represent information in a format easily processed by algorithms, particularly deep learning models. The paragraph discusses text embeddings, their generation, and how they can be used to find semantically similar words. It also introduces the concept of cosine similarity for comparing vectors and mentions the use of different models for creating text embeddings.


📈 Applications of Vector Embeddings

This paragraph outlines the diverse applications of vector embeddings. It covers their use in recommendation systems, anomaly detection, transfer learning, visualizations, information retrieval, and natural language processing tasks. The section also touches on audio and speech processing, and facial recognition, highlighting the versatility of vector embeddings in capturing semantic and structural relationships within data.


🚀 Generating Vector Embeddings with Open AI

This section provides a practical guide on generating vector embeddings using Open AI. It walks through the process of interacting with the Open AI API, creating an API key, and using it to generate embeddings for a given text. The paragraph also discusses the importance of storing and accessing vector embeddings with databases designed for AI workloads, like Data Stacks AstroDB.


🧠 Storing Vectors in Databases

This paragraph emphasizes the importance of using purpose-built databases for storing and accessing vector embeddings. It explains the challenges of managing the complexity and dimensionality of vector data, and how vector databases like Data Stacks AstroDB, built on Apache Cassandra, offer optimized storage and data access capabilities. The section also provides a step-by-step guide on setting up a vector database and keyspace.


🔗 Connecting with the Database and Open AI

This section details the process of connecting with the Astra database and Open AI from an external source. It covers obtaining an application token and a secure connect bundle from Astra, and creating an API key for Open AI. The paragraph then moves on to creating a Python script using Lang Chain and Castor IO, setting up the environment, and installing necessary packages for the project.


🔎 Building an AI Assistant with Vector Search

This paragraph demonstrates the creation of an AI assistant capable of performing vector searches within a database. It explains the setup of the AI assistant, including configuring connections to the Astra database and Open AI, creating a table for storing data, and inserting headlines from a dataset. The section concludes with a practical example of the AI assistant searching for and returning relevant documents based on user-submitted questions.


🧐 Exploring the Vector Search Functionality

In this final paragraph, the focus is on the functionality of the vector search within the AI assistant. It showcases the assistant's ability to find and return relevant documents from the database based on the similarity of the user's question to the content of the database. The paragraph ends with an example of the AI assistant returning documents related to questions about science, Silicon Valley banks, and amoebas, demonstrating the practical application of the vector search.



💡Vector Embeddings

Vector embeddings are numerical representations of words, phrases, or documents that capture their semantic meaning. In the context of the video, they are used to transform rich data like text into a format that can be processed by machine learning algorithms, particularly deep learning models. The embeddings are generated by mapping words or phrases into high-dimensional space, where semantically similar words are represented by vectors that are closer to each other. This technique is crucial for building AI systems that can understand and process natural language, as it allows the AI to grasp the nuances of language and make meaningful connections between words or phrases.

💡Text Embeddings

Text embeddings are a specific type of vector embeddings that deal with textual data. In the video, text embeddings are used to represent words and sentences in a way that reflects their meaning to a computer. For instance, the word 'food' is transformed from its human-readable form into a numerical array that represents its semantic essence. This is important for tasks such as semantic search, where the AI needs to find and return words similar to a given term, based on their meaning rather than their appearance or alphabetical order.

💡Database Integration

Database integration, as discussed in the video, refers to the process of storing and retrieving vector embeddings from a database. This is essential for AI applications that require access to large amounts of contextualized data. By integrating vector embeddings with databases, AI systems can efficiently search, compare, and analyze vast datasets, enabling complex tasks such as recommendation systems, anomaly detection, and information retrieval. The video specifically mentions the use of vector databases like DataStax AstraDB, which are designed to handle the storage and querying of vector embeddings optimally.


LangChain is an open-source framework mentioned in the video that facilitates interactions between large language models (LLMs) and various data sources. It allows developers to create chains that link LLMs with external data and prompts, enabling the development of powerful AI applications. For example, LangChain can be used to build an AI system that not only utilizes data from the internet but also incorporates documents provided by the user, allowing the AI to answer questions based on a broader range of information.

💡Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. In the video, NLP is a key area where vector embeddings are applied, as they enable computers to understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way that is both meaningful and contextually relevant. NLP tasks that benefit from vector embeddings include text classification, sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and machine translation, as these tasks require a deep understanding of language semantics and structure.

💡Recommendation Systems

Recommendation systems are AI applications that suggest items or content to users based on their preferences and behavior. In the context of the video, vector embeddings play a crucial role in building such systems by representing users and items as vectors. The similarity between these vectors is then used to make personalized recommendations. For instance, if a user's vector is close to the vector representing a particular movie, the system might recommend that movie to the user, anticipating that they will enjoy it based on their past preferences.

💡Anomaly Detection

Anomaly detection is the process of identifying unusual patterns or outliers in data. In the video, it is mentioned as one of the applications of vector embeddings. By representing data points as vectors, the AI can measure their similarities and detect instances that deviate from the norm. This technique is useful for identifying rare events or anomalies that might indicate issues, such as fraudulent transactions in financial data or unusual network activity in cybersecurity.

💡Transfer Learning

Transfer learning is a machine learning technique where a model trained on one task is reused as the starting point for a model on another task. In the video, it is noted that pre-trained embeddings, particularly in the context of deep learning models, can be transferred to other tasks to initiate learning. This is especially beneficial when the target task has limited data, as the pre-trained embeddings provide a foundation that can improve the model's performance and reduce the amount of training data required.


Visualizations in the context of the video refer to the process of converting high-dimensional data into lower-dimensional representations for easier analysis and interpretation. Techniques like t-SNE or PCA are used to visualize clusters or relationships within the data. This is particularly useful for understanding complex datasets and gaining insights that might not be apparent in the raw data. For instance, by visualizing vector embeddings, one can see how different words or concepts are related to each other in a two-dimensional space.

💡Facial Recognition

Facial recognition is a biometric technology that identifies or verifies a person from their facial features. In the video, it is mentioned as one of the applications where vector embeddings can be used. Faces are represented as vectors, which allows for the comparison of facial features in a numerical form. This technique is used in security systems, social media platforms, and other areas where accurate identification of individuals is required.


Learn about vector embeddings and their role in transforming rich data like words or images into numerical vectors that capture their essence.

Understand the significance of text embeddings and their diverse applications in AI development.

Discover how to generate your own vector embeddings with Open AI through a hands-on project.

Explore the concept of storing vector embeddings in databases and learn how to store them in your own database.

Get introduced to the popular package LangChain, which aids in creating AI assistants in Python.

Grasp the basics of vector embeddings in computer science, particularly in machine learning and natural language processing.

See how text embeddings can provide more information about words, such as their meaning in a way computers can understand.

Learn about the visual explainer by Jay Alamar that helps understand the concept of vector representations and similarity.

Find out how vector embeddings can be used for tasks like recommendation systems, anomaly detection, and transfer learning.

Uncover the ability of vector embeddings to represent not just text, but also sentences, documents, images, and even faces.

Witness the incredible example of how vector embeddings allow for mathematical operations on words, like 'King' minus 'Man' plus 'Woman' equals 'Queen'.

Create your own vector embeddings using Open AI's Create Embedding API and see how it represents text as an array of numbers.

Dive into the importance of vector databases in AI, specifically designed for scalable access and storage of vector embeddings.

Set up your own vector database with DataStax AstraDB to prepare for creating an AI assistant.

Utilize LangChain, an open-source framework for better interactions with large language models, to build powerful AI applications.

Build an AI assistant in Python using vector embeddings for searching similar text in a dataset with the help of LangChain.

Experience the process of vector search first-hand by building an AI assistant that finds similar documents based on user queries.

Understand the practical applications of vector embeddings in creating AI systems that can process complex tasks and provide meaningful responses.