What industries will feel the most impact from artificial intelligence? | ABC News

ABC News (Australia)
5 Jun 202305:34

TLDRThe rise of AI has sparked concerns about job displacement, with jobs like graphic design being significantly impacted by features such as Photoshop's generative fill. While AI may lead to the creation of 69 million new jobs, it could also result in the loss of 83 million existing jobs. Experts suggest that workers should become proficient with AI tools, as it will change the nature of work, particularly in knowledge-based or highly skilled domains. Sectors like healthcare and education are expected to benefit positively from AI, enhancing productivity and personalizing learning experiences.


  • 🤖 AI's rise is causing apprehension due to its potential to replace millions of jobs and transform industries.
  • 🎨 Graphic design is an example where AI, like Photoshop's generative fill, can do tasks quicker than humans, changing the job nature.
  • 👨‍🎨 The video showcases graphic designers' reactions to AI's capabilities, highlighting the blend of technology and creativity.
  • 📉 Despite AI's potential to create 69 million new jobs, it may lead to the loss of 83 million existing jobs, according to Statista.
  • 🛠️ Workers should focus on learning to use AI tools proficiently to stay competitive in the job market.
  • 🚀 AI's impact is compared to the introduction of computers and the internet, suggesting a significant change in work dynamics.
  • 🎓 Education is seen as a beneficial field for AI application, with AI tutors potentially personalizing learning experiences.
  • 👩‍⚕️ Healthcare is expected to be positively disrupted by AI, increasing productivity and efficiency in medical and health research.
  • 🧠 AI is less likely to affect jobs that are people-oriented or hands-on, ensuring their safety in the short to medium term.
  • 🔄 The fear surrounding AI is similar to past disruptions, but it also presents opportunities for increased productivity and new job creation.

Q & A

  • What impact does the rise of AI have on job markets and industries?

    -The rise of AI is predicted to significantly impact job markets and industries by potentially replacing millions of jobs and transforming the way work is done. This technology can increase productivity but may also lead to the loss of certain jobs, especially those that are knowledge-based or can be automated.

  • How does AI's generative fill feature in Photoshop illustrate the impact of AI on graphic design?

    -The generative fill feature in Photoshop demonstrates the impact of AI on graphic design by automating tasks that would typically take hours for a designer to complete. It can generate realistic and detailed images in seconds, showcasing the potential for AI to enhance productivity and creativity in the field.

  • What jobs are expected to be most affected by generative AI?

    -Jobs such as telemarketers, teachers, interpreters, policy analysts, judges, and counselors are expected to be most affected by generative AI as these roles often involve tasks that can be automated or enhanced by AI.

  • What are the potential consequences of AI on global employment according to Statista's research?

    -Statista's research indicates that while AI could lead to the creation of 69 million new jobs worldwide, it could also result in the loss of 83 million existing jobs, highlighting the dual impact of AI on the job market.

  • What advice does Alex Jenkins, the director of the WA Data Science Innovation Hub, give to workers regarding AI?

    -Alex Jenkins advises workers to become proficient at using AI technology as it becomes more widespread. He suggests that the short-term impact will be a change in the way roles work rather than immediate job loss, and encourages individuals to stay updated with the latest developments and use AI tools to remain competitive in the job market.

  • How does the introduction of AI tools compare to past technological disruptions in the workplace?

    -The introduction of AI tools is compared to the significant changes brought about by the introduction of computers and the internet in the workplace. Both disruptions fundamentally alter the nature of work, but also create new opportunities and requirements for workers to adapt and learn new skills.

  • What is the potential positive impact of AI on the field of healthcare?

    -AI has the potential to disrupt healthcare in a positive way by making health researchers and doctors more productive, freeing them from administrative work, and enhancing the educational aspect of healthcare. It could also lead to personalized AI tutors that focus on individual student needs, promoting more effective learning.

  • Which jobs are less likely to be affected by AI?

    -Jobs that involve a lot of interaction with people or are hands-on with the physical world are less likely to be affected by AI in the short or medium term. These roles often require a human touch and direct physical involvement that AI cannot replicate.

  • How can AI change the role of graphic designers?

    -AI can change the role of graphic designers by taking over some of the more mundane and repetitive tasks, allowing designers to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their work. It can also enhance their productivity and enable them to produce higher quality work more efficiently.

  • What is the expected shift in the education sector due to AI?

    -The education sector is expected to see a shift towards using AI tutors that can provide personalized education based on individual students' needs. This would allow for a more tailored learning experience, helping students to progress at their own pace and reach their full potential. Teachers would then be able to focus on aspects of education where their human skills are most valuable.



🤖 The Impact of AI on Job Markets and Industries

This paragraph discusses the growing concerns about the rapid rise of artificial intelligence and its potential to disrupt job markets and transform industries. It highlights the example of graphic design, where AI-powered features like Photoshop's generative fill can perform tasks that previously took hours in mere seconds. The segment also touches on the broader implications for jobs, citing research that forecasts both the creation of 69 million new jobs and the loss of 83 million existing jobs due to AI. Alex Jenkins, the director of the WA Data Science Innovation Hub, advises workers to become proficient with AI tools to remain competitive in the evolving job landscape. The narrative emphasizes the transformative power of AI, comparing it to the introduction of computers and the internet, and suggests that while some jobs may disappear, AI will also enhance productivity and create new opportunities.


👨‍🏫 The Future Role of Teachers in an AI-Enhanced Education System

This paragraph focuses on the potential of AI to positively disrupt the field of education, particularly in the role of teachers. It suggests that AI will not replace teachers but will instead allow them to concentrate on their strengths, such as inspiring and guiding students. The introduction of AI tutors is proposed to cater to individual student needs and facilitate personalized learning, enabling students to progress at their own pace and reach their full potential. The paragraph emphasizes the continued importance of human interaction and guidance in education, asserting that the presence of teachers will remain vital even as AI takes on more administrative tasks and supports the educational process.



💡Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, often abbreviated as AI, refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is transforming industries by automating tasks that were traditionally performed by humans, such as graphic design, leading to increased efficiency and the potential displacement of certain jobs.

💡Graphic Design

Graphic design is the art and practice of creating visual content to communicate ideas, inspire, and inform through the use of typography, photography, and illustration. The video highlights how AI is impacting graphic design by introducing tools like Photoshop's generative fill feature, which can quickly generate complex designs that would have taken designers hours to create manually, thus changing the nature of the work.

💡Generative AI

Generative AI refers to the subset of AI that is capable of creating new content, such as images, music, or text, without human intervention. In the video, generative AI is exemplified by Photoshop's feature that can generate and extend images, which poses a significant change to the graphic design industry as it can automate creative tasks that were previously done by human designers.

💡Job Displacement

Job displacement occurs when technological advancements, such as AI, replace the need for certain jobs, leading to unemployment in those roles. The video discusses the fear and reality of job displacement due to AI, with millions of jobs potentially being replaced and new roles emerging that require proficiency in using AI tools.


Telemarketers are individuals who promote products or services over the phone. The video mentions telemarketers as one of the jobs expected to be most affected by generative AI, as AI can automate customer service and sales calls, reducing the need for human telemarketers.

💡Teachers and Interpreters

Teachers and interpreters are professionals whose roles involve direct human interaction and communication. While the video suggests that jobs involving personal interaction may be less likely to be replaced by AI, it also highlights the potential for AI to assist in education and translation by taking over administrative tasks or personalizing learning experiences.

💡Policy Analysts and Judges

Policy analysts and judges are professionals who analyze policies and make legal decisions, respectively. The video implies that even these highly skilled roles could be disrupted by AI, as AI can potentially assist in data analysis and legal reasoning, though it is unlikely to replace the human judgment and empathy required in these professions.

💡Data Science

Data science is a field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data. In the video, Alex Jenkins, the director of the WA Data Science Innovation Hub, emphasizes the importance of workers becoming proficient in data science and AI tools to stay relevant in the changing job market.

💡Job Creation

Job creation refers to the process of generating new employment opportunities, often as a result of technological advancements or economic growth. The video discusses how AI could lead to the creation of 69 million new jobs worldwide, while also resulting in the loss of 83 million existing jobs, highlighting the dual impact of AI on the job market.


Productivity refers to the efficiency and effectiveness with which tasks are completed, often measured by output per unit of input. The video suggests that AI has the potential to increase productivity in various industries, such as graphic design and healthcare, by automating repetitive tasks and allowing professionals to focus on more complex and creative aspects of their work.


Education is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and habits, often through formal schooling or other structured learning environments. The video discusses the potential for AI to enhance education by personalizing learning experiences through AI tutors and freeing teachers from administrative tasks, allowing them to focus on their strengths and better support student growth.


AI's impact on replacing jobs and transforming industries.

Photoshop's generative fill feature drastically reduces graphic design tasks.

Generative AI's potential to affect various jobs like telemarketers, teachers, and even judges.

Statista research predicts AI could lead to the creation of 69 million new jobs but also the loss of 83 million existing jobs.

Importance of becoming proficient with AI technology to secure jobs.

AI introduces significant workplace changes, similar to past technological advancements like computers and the internet.

Graphic design has evolved from manual to digital, showcasing adaptability to new tools.

AI tools can enhance productivity in graphic design.

Jobs that involve high interaction with people or physical tasks are less likely to be replaced by AI.

AI expected to bring dramatic changes, particularly in knowledge-based jobs.

Potential positive disruption of medicine and healthcare by AI.

AI can significantly enhance educational methods through personalized AI tutors.

AI enables teachers to focus on more impactful aspects of teaching.

The enduring role of teachers in guiding and influencing careers, despite AI advancements.

Encouragement to embrace AI tools for staying competitive in the job market.