Torvalds Speaks: Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Programming

Mastery Learning
17 Jan 202405:05

TLDRThe transcript discusses the role of artificial intelligence and large language models (LLMs) in coding and software development. It highlights the potential of LLMs to assist in writing code and improving the coding process, much like autocorrect does for typing. The speaker expresses optimism about LLMs' ability to identify bugs and enhance code maintenance, while also acknowledging concerns about the 'hallucinations' that can occur when AI generates content without human oversight. The conversation emphasizes the balance between leveraging AI's capabilities and maintaining human supervision to ensure quality and accuracy in software development.


  • 🤖 Artificial Intelligence (AI) is likened to 'autocorrect on steroids' due to its predictive nature for the next likely word or phrase.
  • 🔮 The impact of AI and large language models (LLMs) on our lives is significant, despite their underlying simplicity in function.
  • 📈 LLMs are anticipated to play a growing role in writing and submitting code, potentially assisting on a scale not yet fully realized.
  • 💻 The evolution of programming languages from machine code to higher-level languages like Rust reflects a trend of automation aiding code writing.
  • 🛠️ LLMs have the potential to assist in code reviews and maintenance, particularly in identifying 'stupid bugs' that are often overlooked by human programmers.
  • 🚨 Current tools like compilers warn about obvious bugs, and LLMs could enhance this by warning about more subtle issues.
  • 🌟 LLMs are seen as tools to augment human capabilities, improving efficiency and reducing errors in tasks such as programming.
  • 😌 There is a cautious optimism about the potential of LLMs, tempered by the understanding that they are not without their challenges and limitations.
  • 🎭 LLMs can 'hallucinate' or create incorrect information, which becomes concerning when they operate without human oversight to correct such errors.
  • 🔄 The presence of bugs in code is a common issue, and the concern is that unsupervised LLMs could inadvertently introduce more errors.
  • 🌐 Despite potential risks, the general sentiment is that the benefits of AI and LLMs in programming and other fields currently outweigh the concerns.

Q & A

  • What does the speaker compare artificial intelligence to?

    -The speaker compares artificial intelligence to autocorrect on steroids, highlighting its ability to predict the most likely next word in a text.

  • How does the speaker view the impact of AI on our lives?

    -The speaker acknowledges the significant impact AI has on our lives, despite not considering it extremely intelligent.

  • What is the speaker's stance on large language models (LLMs) writing code?

    -The speaker is convinced that LLMs will be used to write code, and may already be doing so on a smaller scale, serving as a helpful tool in coding.

  • How has the process of writing code evolved according to the speaker?

    -The speaker notes that we no longer write machine code or assembler, and are now moving from C to Rust, indicating a continuous evolution in coding practices.

  • What are the speaker's thoughts on LLMs in code reviews and maintenance?

    -The speaker hopes that LLMs will be able to assist in code reviews and maintenance, particularly in identifying bugs, as they can potentially recognize patterns that humans might overlook.

  • How does the speaker describe their relationship with low-level hardware details?

    -The speaker expresses a love for low-level hardware details, which is why they are involved in working with kernels.

  • What does the speaker mean by 'hallucinations' in the context of LLMs?

    -The speaker refers to 'hallucinations' as the tendency of LLMs to create or suggest content that may not be accurate or factual, which can be concerning when they operate without human oversight.

  • How does the speaker feel about the potential risks of LLMs operating autonomously?

    -While acknowledging the risks, the speaker does not seem overly worried, comparing the potential bugs caused by LLMs to those that already occur without their assistance.

  • What is the speaker's overall attitude towards LLMs?

    -The speaker maintains an optimistic view of LLMs, seeing them as tools that can enhance human capabilities and help improve our work.

  • How does the speaker's experience 32 years ago relate to their perspective on AI?

    -The speaker's optimism 32 years ago led them to believe they could write better code, which reflects their current positive outlook on the potential of AI and LLMs.

  • What is the speaker's advice for those working with AI and LLMs?

    -The speaker advises maintaining a hopeful and humble approach, recognizing the benefits of AI while also being aware of its limitations and potential challenges.



🤖 AI's Role in Code Writing and Review

The paragraph discusses the impact of artificial intelligence, particularly large language models (LLMs), on code writing and reviewing. It highlights the potential for LLMs to assist in writing code, possibly already happening on a smaller scale, and emphasizes the role of automation in aiding code writing. The speaker expresses optimism about LLMs' ability to identify bugs, especially the more obvious ones, and suggests that these models could serve as tools to enhance programmers' skills. However, there is also a cautionary note about the 'hallucinations' of LLMs, where they may create incorrect or misleading information, and the potential risks when they operate without human oversight.



💡Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think and learn like humans. In the context of the video, AI is likened to an advanced autocorrect, capable of predicting and generating human-like text. The speaker discusses the potential of AI, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), in assisting with coding and identifying bugs in software development, highlighting both the optimistic and cautious views on AI's role in enhancing human capabilities and the potential risks involved.

💡Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models (LLMs) are a type of artificial intelligence that processes and generates natural language text. These models are trained on vast amounts of data to understand and produce human-like language. In the video, the speaker expresses a belief that LLMs will eventually be used to write code and assist in code reviews, potentially identifying both obvious and subtle bugs. The discussion also touches on the hope that LLMs can help maintain and improve the quality of software development.


Autocorrect is a feature found in many software applications, including text editors and messaging apps, that automatically corrects spelling mistakes or predicts the intended word based on the input. In the video, autocorrect is used as a metaphor for the basic functionality of AI and LLMs, which predict the next word in a sentence. The speaker argues that AI's capabilities extend beyond simple autocorrect functions, as they can generate more complex and intelligent outputs.

💡Code Writing

Code writing, or programming, involves creating source code in a programming language for the purpose of controlling the behavior of a machine, often a computer. In the video, the discussion revolves around the potential of AI and LLMs to assist in writing code, suggesting that these technologies could help automate certain aspects of software development, making it easier for programmers to get started and improve their efficiency.

💡Code Review

Code review is the process of examining source code as a part of a quality control process to increase the quality of the code. It is often done by fellow programmers who provide feedback and identify errors or areas for improvement. In the context of the video, the speaker expresses hope that LLMs could assist in this process by identifying bugs and suggesting improvements, potentially making code reviews more efficient and accurate.


A bug in software is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result or causes it to behave in unintended ways. In the video, the speaker discusses the prevalence of bugs in software development and the potential for AI and LLMs to identify and correct these issues, particularly the 'stupid bugs' that are often simple oversights.


Automation refers to the process of creating or controlling machines or systems to perform tasks with minimal human intervention. In the context of the video, automation is discussed as a beneficial tool in software development that has historically helped programmers write code more efficiently. The speaker suggests that AI and LLMs represent a new frontier in automation, with the potential to further streamline and enhance the coding process.


In computing, a kernel is the core component of an operating system that has complete control over everything in the system. It is responsible for managing system resources, memory, processes, and communication between hardware and software. The speaker in the video mentions working with kernels, indicating a focus on low-level hardware details and the foundational aspects of software development.

💡Programming Languages

Programming languages are formal languages used to instruct computers to perform specific tasks. They consist of various elements such as variables, operators, and syntax rules that define how to write code. In the video, the evolution of programming languages is discussed, with a shift from lower-level languages like assembly to higher-level languages like C and Rust, highlighting the ongoing trend towards more efficient and safer languages.


Optimism is a positive outlook or attitude towards the future, expecting the best possible outcomes. In the video, the speaker expresses optimism about the potential of AI and LLMs to improve various aspects of software development, from writing code to maintaining and reviewing it. This optimism is balanced with a recognition of the challenges and the need for a cautious approach to ensure that AI technologies are used responsibly and effectively.


In the context of AI, 'hallucinations' refer to the phenomenon where the AI generates outputs that are incorrect or nonsensical, often due to misinterpreting input data or lacking sufficient understanding. The term is used metaphorically to describe the mistakes that AI can make when it creates or predicts information without the oversight of a human. In the video, the speaker mentions 'hallucinations' as a concern when AI is used autonomously without human supervision, potentially leading to numerous bugs and errors.

💡Software Development

Software development is the process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing computer programs, applications, or information systems. It involves various stages, including planning, coding, testing, and deployment. In the video, the main theme revolves around the impact of AI and LLMs on software development, discussing how these technologies could assist in coding, reviewing, and maintaining code, thereby improving efficiency and quality.


Artificial intelligence is likened to autocorrect on steroids due to its predictive nature for the next likely word.

Large language models (LLMs) have a significant impact on our lives and the reality we live in, despite their limited intelligence.

There is a strong belief that LLMs will be used to write code and are possibly already being utilized on a smaller scale.

Automation has historically helped in writing code, transitioning from machine code to higher level languages like C and Rust.

The speaker's experience with low-level kernels stems from a love for detailed hardware aspects.

LLMs are expected to aid in writing code and getting started, potentially revolutionizing the field.

Challenges in code reviews and maintenance might be alleviated by LLMs in the future.

LLMs could help identify not just obvious bugs, but also more subtle cases that may deviate from regular patterns.

The speaker is optimistic about the potential of LLMs to improve upon current practices and find bugs, despite their inherent 'hallucinations'.

LLMs are seen as tools to enhance our abilities rather than取代 human intelligence.

The speaker has always maintained a hopeful and humble optimism towards technological advancements.

There is a recognition that being overly optimistic can lead to underestimating challenges, as exemplified by the speaker's past belief in writing a superior Colonel.

The potential risks of LLMs are acknowledged, particularly when they operate without human oversight to catch errors.

Despite potential risks, the speaker sees current bug occurrences without LLMs as evidence that we manage well on our own.

The conversation concludes on a positive note, emphasizing the optimism and potential benefits of LLMs in coding and reviewing.