Why Everyone's A Video Essayist Now

13 Apr 202420:52

TLDRThe video discusses the prevalence of video essays and the impact on original content creators. It highlights the paradox of choice and the shrinking attention span in the age of information overload, where critical analysis often overshadows the creation of new works. The speaker reflects on the value of creativity and the importance of supporting genuine creators rather than those profiting from existing content.


  • 🎥 The rise of video essays has led to a focus on critique and analysis over original creation, impacting the attention span and engagement with new content.
  • 😔 Creatives face an uphill battle in 2024, as the ease of creating video essays that critique or analyze others' work overshadows the effort required for original creation.
  • 📉 The paradox of choice is highlighted, where the abundance of content and choices leads to a sense of paralysis and a tendency to consume rather than create.
  • 🎮 Video essays often replace the experience of engaging with new video games, movies, or albums, as they provide a quicker, more accessible overview.
  • 🤔 The value of criticism is acknowledged, but the emphasis is placed on balancing critique with appreciation for the creativity and effort behind original works.
  • 🎓 The author reflects on their own experience in academia and YouTube, noting the disparity between the effort put into creative writing and the success of video essays.
  • 📈 The YouTube algorithm and the need for views and watchtime have led creators to produce content that aligns with what the platform rewards, often favoring video essays.
  • 🌐 The internet's shift from a breeding ground for original content to a forum for discussion and critique is emphasized, with a call for a reevaluation of where respect and adoration are directed.
  • 👥 The impact of the缩短的 attention span on the creative industry is discussed, with a note on how the commodification of time has led to a preference for easily digestible content.
  • 💡 The script calls for a reevaluation of the priorities of content consumers, urging a return to supporting and valuing original creators and their work.
  • 🚫 The negative aspects of profiting off others' creations and the potential harm to creators, especially smaller or independent ones, is addressed with a call for more consideration and empathy.

Q & A

  • What is the main concern the speaker expresses about the current state of creativity in 2024?

    -The speaker is concerned that the attention span of people has significantly decreased, leading to a preference for consuming content that requires less engagement, such as video essays, over creating new works. This shift has resulted in more people talking about and critiquing the creations of others rather than producing original content themselves.

  • According to the speaker, what is the 'Paradox of Choice' as described by Barry Schwartz?

    -The 'Paradox of Choice' is a psychological phenomenon where people feel overwhelmed and dissatisfied by the sheer number of choices available to them. In the context of the script, it refers to the overwhelming amount of media content that consumers face, which can lead to a paralysis in decision-making and a tendency to avoid engaging with new content in favor of consuming easier-to-digest media like video essays.

  • What is the speaker's view on the role of video essays in the current media landscape?

    -The speaker believes that video essays have become overly prevalent and easy to produce, often at the expense of original creative work. While acknowledging the validity and importance of criticism, the speaker criticizes the trend of lionizing video essayists who primarily critique the work of others rather than creating something new themselves.

  • How does the speaker describe the impact of the changing attention span on content creators?

    -The speaker suggests that the decreasing attention span has led to a challenging environment for creators who are trying to produce original content. The speaker expresses sympathy for these 'actual creatives' who require viewer attention and patience, resources that are becoming increasingly scarce due to the preference for easily consumable content like video essays.

  • What is the speaker's personal experience with creating video essays?

    -The speaker has created video essay-style content in the past and acknowledges the ease and success of this format in terms of viewership and revenue. However, they express a personal dissatisfaction with the format, feeling that it often lacks the depth and creativity of original work and contributes to a culture that prioritizes critique over creation.

  • What does the speaker suggest is the future of YouTube content?

    -The speaker predicts that YouTube will be dominated by content that dissects and ranks existing works, rather than original creations. They express concern that the platform is moving away from fostering original creativity and instead becoming a platform for discourse and critique.

  • How does the speaker feel about the attention and adoration given to video essayists?

    -The speaker feels that too much attention and respect is given to video essayists who act as gateways to content, while the actual creators of the works being discussed receive less recognition. They suggest that this adoration should be reserved for those who are producing original, creative work.

  • What is the significance of the 'Enchanted Portals' game mentioned in the script?

    -The 'Enchanted Portals' game is used as an example of a derivative work that received harsh criticism, particularly online. The speaker questions whether the extent of the criticism was necessary or helpful, considering the game was created by only two people and was not malicious in intent.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the state of intellectual property and creativity on the internet?

    -The speaker suggests that intellectual property ownership is complex on the internet, with many people profiting from反应 (reacting) to or discussing others' creations. They argue that while it's possible to add value and creativity to existing IP, this is becoming less common, and the internet is increasingly focused on critique and discussion rather than original creation.

  • What is the speaker's view on the role of algorithms in content creation?

    -The speaker believes that algorithms on platforms like YouTube favor certain types of content, such as video essays and short-form videos, which can lead to a homogenization of content and a de-emphasis on original creation. They suggest that algorithms may be a factor in the decline of original creative work on the platform.

  • What advice does the speaker give to the audience regarding media consumption and engagement?

    -The speaker advises the audience to be mindful of their media consumption habits, to engage with original creative works, and to reserve their respect and admiration for creators who produce something new and innovative, rather than those who simply critique or discuss existing works.



🎥 The Struggle of Modern Creators

This paragraph discusses the challenges faced by creatives in the digital age, particularly in the context of short attention spans and the overwhelming amount of content available. It highlights the paradox of choice and its impact on media consumption, where people often prefer to watch video essays that critique or summarize content rather than engaging with the original creative work itself. The speaker reflects on the irony of this trend, given that it's the original creators who deserve more recognition and respect, not the critics or commentators.


💸 The Economics of Content Creation

The speaker delves into the economic realities of content creation on platforms like YouTube, where video essays and reaction videos often outperform more creative content. They discuss the paradox of having a creative writing degree and finding it more applicable to YouTube's preference for opinion-based content over original storytelling. The paragraph also touches on the issue of plagiarism in video essays and the pressure to produce content regularly, even if it means sacrificing originality and authenticity.


📉 The Decline of Traditional Animation

This paragraph laments the decline of traditional animation on YouTube due to the platform's algorithm favoring shorter or longer form content that can generate more views and watch time. The speaker notes that animators are not rewarded proportionately for their work, leading many to quit creating original animations. The paragraph also discusses the risk-averse nature of the arts in the current climate, where creators and viewers alike are less willing to engage with new and different content, instead retreating to familiar territory.


🤔 The Impact of Criticism on Small Creators

The speaker reflects on the damaging impact of harsh criticism on small creators, using the example of a game developed by two people in Spain. They question the ethics of high-view videos that criticize such creators and the potential emotional toll it can take. The paragraph also touches on the broader issue of intellectual property ownership and the complexities of profiting from others' creations on the internet, highlighting the need for a more nuanced understanding of content creation and its impacts.


🌐 The Internet as a Platform for Discussion

In the final paragraph, the speaker contemplates the role of the internet as a platform primarily for discussion and reaction rather than original creation. They express a desire for the internet to return to fostering genuine creativity and innovation, rather than just dissecting and ranking existing content. The speaker calls for a reevaluation of where respect and admiration are directed, arguing that original creators should be revered more than those who critique their work.



💡Video Essays

Video essays are a form of media where creators discuss, analyze, or critique various topics, often using visuals and clips to support their points. In the context of the video, the speaker expresses concern over the oversaturation of video essays, particularly those that critique the work of original creators, and the impact this has on the creative process and attention spans of viewers.

💡TikTok Attention Span

The term 'TikTok Attention Span' refers to the short duration of attention that social media platforms like TikTok have conditioned their users to have. This phenomenon is characterized by a preference for quick, easily digestible content, which is directly opposed to engaging with longer, more complex forms of media like full-length movies or albums.


Creatives are individuals who produce original work, such as artists, musicians, filmmakers, and writers. The video discusses the challenges faced by creatives in an environment where critical analysis and discussion often take center stage over the creation of new content.

💡Paradox of Choice

The Paradox of Choice is a psychological phenomenon where having too many options can lead to decision paralysis and decreased satisfaction. In the video, it is used to describe the overwhelming amount of media choices available to consumers, which can lead to a preference for summarized content like video essays over engaging with the full range of a medium.

💡Media Consumption

Media consumption refers to the way people access and engage with various forms of media, such as television, movies, music, and online content. The video discusses the shift in media consumption habits, where viewers are increasingly turning to video essays as a means to understand and engage with media, rather than directly experiencing it themselves.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's work or ideas without giving them credit, effectively presenting it as one's own. In the context of the video, the speaker criticizes certain video essayists who may not provide original analysis or insights, instead borrowing from the work of others without proper attribution.


An algorithm, in the context of social media platforms like YouTube, refers to the system that recommends content to users based on their viewing habits and preferences. The video discusses how creators, including the speaker, often have to tailor their content to fit the preferences of these algorithms in order to gain views and subscribers.

💡Intellectual Property

Intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, and symbols, names, and images used in commerce. The video touches on the complexities of IP ownership on the internet, where many creators profit off of others' creations without adding substantial original content.


Discord is a communication platform originally designed for gamers but has since expanded to be used by various communities. In the video, it is mentioned as a place where parasocial relationships can form, indicating a one-sided connection between content creators and their fans, often based on shared interests in specific types of media or games.

💡Parasocial Relationships

Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships where an individual forms an emotional attachment to a media figure, such as a YouTuber or a character, without any reciprocal interaction. The video discusses the formation of such relationships in online communities, where fans may become deeply invested in the content and persona of creators without a real, two-way connection.


Video essays are becoming the core of content creation due to their ability to quickly capture the essence of a subject.

The short attention span of viewers, influenced by platforms like TikTok, is affecting the appreciation of original creative works.

There is an increasing number of people discussing and critiquing existing works rather than creating new content.

The paradox of choice is affecting the way we consume media, leading to a preference for summarized content over engaging with original works.

Many people are watching video essays instead of experiencing the media they discuss, leading to a passive form of consumption.

The value of a creative writing degree is questioned in the context of YouTube, where opinion-based content often outperforms creative work.

Some video essayists are praised for their research, editing, and presentation skills, but the format is often seen as easy and lacking in originality.

The author criticizes the over-saturation of video essays and the lack of originality in content creation on YouTube.

The importance of supporting original creators and not just those who critique or react to their work is emphasized.

The author reflects on their own use of the video essay format and the challenges of creating original content in the current YouTube climate.

The decreasing attention span of viewers is linked to a decline in risk-taking and innovation in the creative industries.

The author calls for a reevaluation of the value we place on criticism and the need to recognize and support true creativity.

The impact of social media on our ability to engage with and appreciate original creative works is discussed.

The author expresses concern over the potential negative effects of harsh criticism on small creators and the importance of maintaining perspective.

The complexity of intellectual property ownership and the ethics of profiting from others' creations on platforms like YouTube are explored.

The author concludes by urging viewers to remember the real creators behind the content and to direct their respect and adoration towards them.