Everyone's Been Tying Their Shoe Laces Wrong ● Forever !

Chris Notap
16 Mar 202303:08

TLDRThis video script introduces two simple yet effective methods to improve the way we tie our shoelaces, ensuring they stay tight and secure during physical activities. The first technique involves tying the laces clockwise around the bow instead of the conventional counterclockwise, which significantly reduces the likelihood of the laces coming undone. The second tip utilizes the extra hole found on most sports shoes to create a leverage system, further tightening the laces. These methods are not only ideal for sports like hiking, tennis, and jogging but also for everyday wear, providing better foot support and control.


  • 👟 The common way of tying shoelaces may not be the most secure, causing them to come loose during activities.
  • 🎽 To keep shoelaces tight and secure, change the direction of looping the bow from counterclockwise to clockwise.
  • 👣 Using a small change in tying technique can significantly reduce the chances of shoelaces coming undone.
  • 🤸‍♂️ This method is particularly useful during sports activities to ensure foot and shoe move as one, reducing the risk of blisters and rolling.
  • 👟 To further tighten shoelaces, utilize the top extra hole on sports shoes by looping the laces through and pulling firmly.
  • 🏃‍♀️ The leverage system created by using the top hole can greatly enhance the tightness of shoelaces.
  • 🥾 The combined method ensures that the foot stays snugly in the shoe, which is beneficial for various sports and activities.
  • 🧗‍♂️ This technique increases control during physical activities like hiking, tennis, and pickleball.
  • 🚶‍♂️ Even for walking and jogging, these methods keep the foot firm and in place, enhancing comfort and stability.
  • 📌 Remember the key change: loop the bow clockwise instead of counterclockwise for a secure knot.
  • 🎥 The video provides a visual demonstration of the effectiveness of the proposed methods compared to traditional techniques.

Q & A

  • What is the common mistake people make while tying their shoelaces?

    -The common mistake is tying the shoelaces with the left lace going over and under the right lace and then making a bow in a counterclockwise direction, which causes the laces to loosen easily during activities.

  • How can you prevent shoelaces from coming loose during sports activities?

    -To prevent shoelaces from coming loose, you should tie them in a way that they stay tight and snug. This can be achieved by making a small change in the usual bow-tying method.

  • What is the first method suggested in the script to properly tie shoelaces?

    -The first method involves taking the left lace and going over and under the right lace, then instead of making a bow counterclockwise, you should make it clockwise. This change helps the laces stay tight.

  • How does the paper clip demonstration work in the script?

    -The paper clips are used to demonstrate the loosening of laces when the foot moves inside the shoe. By pulling on the laces with paper clips, the script shows how easily the laces can come apart when tied in the traditional way, and how the new method keeps them tight.

  • What is the second tip provided in the script for securing shoelaces?

    -The second tip is to utilize the extra hole at the top of most sports shoes. You thread the shoelace through this hole, create a short loop on each side, cross the laces over, and thread them through the loops. This creates a leverage system to tighten the laces and keep them secure.

  • How does the leverage system created by the extra hole help with shoelace tightness?

    -By threading the shoelace through the extra hole and creating loops, you can pull the laces outwards and upwards to tighten them. This leverage system ensures that the laces stay tight and secure, reducing the chances of them coming loose during physical activities.

  • What are some of the activities where these shoelace-tying methods would be beneficial?

    -These methods are beneficial for activities such as hiking, tennis, pickleball, walking, and jogging, where it's important to have a snug fit to prevent blisters, rolling, and to maintain better control and stability.

  • Why is it important to keep shoelaces tight during physical activities?

    -Keeping shoelaces tight ensures that the foot and shoe move as one unit, reducing the risk of blisters and rolling. It also provides better control and stability, which is crucial for sports and other physical activities.

  • How does the clockwise bow-tying method differ from the traditional counterclockwise method?

    -The clockwise bow-tying method provides a more secure fit as it changes the direction in which the laces interlock. This simple alteration makes the bow less likely to come undone, offering a tighter and more stable hold.

  • What is the purpose of the extra hole at the top of sports shoes?

    -The extra hole at the top of sports shoes is designed to provide an additional point of leverage for securing the shoelaces. By using this hole, one can create a system to pull the laces tighter and maintain a snug fit, which is particularly useful during sports and other physical activities.

  • How often do you need to apply the leverage system with the extra hole for maintaining tight shoelaces?

    -The leverage system with the extra hole usually needs to be applied twice to achieve a tight and secure fit for the shoelaces. This ensures that the laces stay in place and do not come loose during activities.

  • What is the main advantage of using these two methods together for tying shoelaces?

    -Using both the clockwise bow-tying method and the leverage system with the extra hole enhances the stability and tightness of the shoelaces. This combination ensures that the foot remains snugly fitted in the shoe, reducing the chances of the laces coming loose and providing better control and support during various physical activities.



👟 Correcting the Traditional Shoelace Tying Method

The paragraph discusses the common issue of shoelaces coming loose during physical activities and introduces a simple fix to this problem. It explains that most people have been tying their shoelaces incorrectly, causing them to loosen over time. The speaker demonstrates the standard method of tying shoelaces, which involves making a bow and tightening it by going around it counterclockwise. To prevent the laces from coming undone, the speaker suggests a minor adjustment: tightening the bow by going around it clockwise instead. This change significantly improves the stability of the knot. The paragraph also uses a visual aid with paper clips to illustrate the difference in loosening before and after applying the suggested technique.




Shoelaces are the long, narrow strips of fabric or leather used to fasten shoes. In the context of the video, the focus is on the proper method of tying shoelaces to ensure they stay tight and secure during physical activities. The script discusses how most people have been tying their shoelaces incorrectly, leading to them coming loose easily, which can cause discomfort and reduce performance in sports.


In the context of the video, 'tight' refers to the secure fastening of shoelaces to ensure that the shoe fits snugly around the foot, preventing any unwanted movement between the foot and the shoe. A tight shoelace is essential for optimal performance in sports and physical activities as it helps to prevent blisters and the rolling of the foot within the shoe.

💡sports activities

Sports activities encompass various physical exercises or games that typically involve competition and require skill, strength, and endurance. In the video, the term is used to highlight the practical application of the shoelace-tying techniques in maintaining foot stability during such activities. The proper tying of shoelaces is crucial in sports to enhance performance and comfort.


Blisters are small, fluid-filled pockets that can form on the skin due to friction, especially between the skin and an object like a shoe. In the video, blisters are mentioned as a common problem that can occur when shoelaces are not tied properly, causing the foot to move excessively within the shoe, leading to friction and the formation of blisters.


In the context of the video, 'rolling' refers to the movement of the foot within the shoe, which can happen when the shoelaces are not properly secured. This rolling motion can lead to discomfort, instability, and a higher risk of injury during physical activities. The video aims to address this issue by teaching viewers how to tie their shoelaces in a way that minimizes rolling.

💡extra hole

The 'extra hole' mentioned in the video refers to an additional small hole found at the top of some sports shoes, designed to be used for threading the shoelace to create a more secure fit. This feature is used in conjunction with the alternative shoelace-tying method to further tighten the shoelaces and prevent them from coming loose during activities.

💡leverage system

A leverage system in this context refers to the mechanism created by threading the shoelace through the extra hole at the top of the shoe and then crossing it over to go through the loops formed. This system uses the principle of leverage to pull the laces tighter, ensuring a snug fit that is less likely to come undone during physical exertion.


Counterclockwise, when used in the context of tying shoelaces, refers to the direction in which one would traditionally make a bow by going around it in a manner that if you were looking down at the bow from above, you would move your hand to the left. The video points out that this is the common but incorrect method that leads to shoelaces coming loose easily.


Clockwise is the direction opposite to counterclockwise. In the context of the video, it refers to the unconventional but more effective method of tying shoelaces by going around the bow in a direction where, when viewed from above, one would move their hand to the right. This change is highlighted as a simple yet significant alteration to prevent shoelaces from coming loose during activities.


In the context of the video, 'loops' refer to the small circles or curves formed when threading the shoelace through the extra hole at the top of the shoe and then crossing it over. These loops are part of the leverage system that helps to tighten the shoelaces and keep them secure.


Hiking is a recreational activity that involves walking in nature, often on trails or footpaths, for leisure or exercise. In the video, hiking is mentioned as one of the activities where the proper shoelace-tying techniques can significantly improve comfort and stability by ensuring the shoe stays tightly fastened around the foot.


A realization that the common method of tying shoelaces may be incorrect and there are better ways to ensure they stay tight.

The importance of having snug and tight shoelaces during sports activities to prevent blisters and rolling.

A demonstration of how easily shoelaces can come loose, affecting the performance and comfort during physical activities.

A simple change in the traditional shoelace tying method that significantly improves the tightness and durability of the knot.

The specific technique of going around the bow clockwise instead of counterclockwise to achieve a more secure knot.

The use of paper clips to visually illustrate the effectiveness of the new method in maintaining the tightness of the shoelaces.

The existence of an extra hole at the top of most sports shoes that can be utilized for a tighter fit.

A leverage system created by using the extra hole and crossing the laces through it to ensure a tight and secure fit.

The practical application of these methods in various sports and activities such as hiking, tennis, pickleball, walking, and jogging.

The benefit of these methods in providing more control and preventing foot movement within the shoe during physical exertion.

An encouragement for viewers to subscribe and enable notifications for more helpful tips and tutorials.

The video's intention to educate and improve the viewer's everyday activities through simple yet effective techniques.

The visual presentation and clear explanation of the techniques, making it easy for viewers to understand and apply.

The emphasis on the ease of implementing these changes, making them accessible to a wide audience.

The potential for these methods to improve overall performance in sports by ensuring proper footwear fit and comfort.

The video's goal to provide solutions that are perfect for both casual and athletic use, enhancing the viewer's experience.