Why the rate of single men in the US looking for dates has declined

25 Feb 202310:14

TLDRThe transcript discusses the concerning trends in mental health and relationship dynamics among young adults, particularly young men in the U.S. It highlights the increasing number of single men, their declining interest in seeking relationships, and the potential consequences of social disconnection, including higher suicide rates and mass shootings. The conversation with NYU Professor Scott Galloway explores historical shifts in societal values and economic policies, emphasizing the need for investment in young people to create a more viable and prosperous middle class.


  • 📉 Rising concerns about the mental health of adolescents, with increased rates of depression and suicidal ideation, particularly among girls.
  • 🚹 A significant percentage of young men are single, with 63% not being in committed relationships, compared to 34% of women.
  • 📉 Since 2019, the percentage of single men seeking dates or relationships has decreased from 61% to 50%.
  • 📈 In 2018, 28% of men aged 18 to 30 reported no sexual activity in the past year, compared to 18% of women.
  • 🤔 Factors contributing to young men's social disconnect include reliance on social media, online porn, and changing dating dynamics.
  • 💔 The decline in marriage and relationships is part of a broader epidemic affecting young Americans, with young men at the forefront.
  • 👫 A 2021 study showed that the number of men with six or more close friends has halved since 1990, and those with no close friends has increased from 3% to 15%.
  • 💥 Social disconnection among young men can have severe consequences, including higher suicide rates and potential involvement in mass shootings.
  • 🧑 The attractiveness and economic viability of men in online dating platforms skew towards a smaller percentage of the male population.
  • 🏠 Investment in the middle class and social programs can improve economic and emotional viability of young men, leading to healthier society and family structures.

Q & A

  • What recent data from the CDC suggests a problem with the mental health of adolescents?

    -The recent data from the CDC indicates a surge in depression and suicidal ideation among adolescents, particularly girls.

  • What is the main concern raised about young men in the transcript?

    -The main concern raised about young men is their increasing social disconnection, which manifests in higher rates of loneliness, lack of romantic relationships, and potential negative outcomes such as increased suicide rates and mass shootings.

  • According to the Pew Research Center, what percentage of U.S. adults are not married, living with a partner, or engaged in a committed relationship as of 2022?

    -As of 2022, 30% of U.S. adults are neither married, living with a partner, nor engaged in a committed relationship.

  • How does the percentage of single young men and women differ according to the transcript?

    -The transcript indicates that 34% of women are single, while a significantly higher percentage, 63% of men, are single.

  • What has been the trend in the number of single men looking for dates or relationships since 2019?

    -Since 2019, the share of single men who say they're looking for dates or relationships has declined from 61% to 50%.

  • What are some factors contributing to the decline in marriage, sexuality, and relationships among young Americans?

    -Factors contributing to the decline include reliance on social media, online porn, young women dating older men, and heterosexual women becoming more selective in their partners.

  • What did the 2021 study from the Survey Center for American Life reveal about men's social connections?

    -The study found that the share of men with six or more close friends has halved from 55% in 1990 to around 20% in 2021, while those with zero close friends has increased from 3% in 1990 to 15%.

  • What are the potential catastrophic consequences for young men mentioned in the transcript?

    -The potential catastrophic consequences for young men include higher suicide rates and a possible increase in mass shootings, which some researchers link to their growing social isolation.

  • How does the attractiveness of men affect their opportunities in online dating, according to the transcript?

    -In online dating, the top 20% of men in terms of attractiveness receive about 60% of the interest, leaving the lower half of men with fewer opportunities and potentially leading them to engage with more misogynistic content and conspiracy theories.

  • What historical societal changes are mentioned as having a positive impact on young men in the past?

    -After World War II, the GI Bill and subsidized mortgages provided to the returning servicemen, along with a strong manufacturing base, led to increased education rates and more economically and emotionally viable men, which contributed to strong marriage and household formation.

  • What solutions are proposed to address the challenges faced by young men in the transcript?

    -Solutions proposed include a massive investment in young people, more vocational training, easier access to housing permits, and a reevaluation of economic policies that currently favor the redistribution of wealth from young to old.

  • What potential societal implications are discussed if the current trends continue?

    -The potential societal implications include a decline in the middle class, a decrease in household formation, an aging population with fewer children, and a potential loss of prosperity and purpose in society.



🧐 Mental Health and Relationship Trends Among Youth

The first paragraph discusses recent data from the CDC highlighting the mental health issues among adolescents, particularly the rise in depression and suicidal ideation, with a focus on young men. It mentions a report from The Hill about the majority of young men being single, drawing from a Pew Research Center study that found 30% of U.S. adults are not in committed relationships. The decline in the number of single men seeking dates or relationships since 2019 is noted, as well as the increase in men aged 18 to 30 reporting no sexual activity in the past year. The paragraph explores factors contributing to the epidemic of declining marriage and relationships among young Americans, including social media, online pornography, and changing dating dynamics. It also references a study showing a decrease in the number of men with six or more close friends from 1990 to 2021, and the potential catastrophic consequences of social disconnection among young men, including higher suicide rates and the potential for mass shootings.


🤔 Economic and Social Factors Affecting Young Men

The second paragraph delves into the economic and social factors affecting young men, emphasizing the importance of marriage and household formation for creating better citizens. It discusses the historical context of the middle class and the GI Bill, which helped returning war veterans integrate into society and form households. The conversation highlights the current lack of economically and emotionally viable men and the societal shift away from valuing young men. The influence of social media on relationships and the impact of online dating on the dynamics between men and women are explored. The paragraph also addresses the need for investment in young people to create more opportunities and the potential consequences of not doing so, such as a decline in the middle class and an increase in young men who are not productive citizens.


😕 The Decline of Middle-Class Families and Its Implications

The third paragraph focuses on the decline of middle-class families and its implications for society. It discusses the positive outcomes associated with married households, such as better citizenship, higher savings rates, and lower crime rates. The paragraph argues that the current economic policies and societal changes are making it harder for young people to form households and have children, which in turn affects the prosperity and purpose of the nation. The potential future scenario where the population skews older with fewer children is painted, questioning whether this is the desired outcome for society.



💡adolescence mental health

The term 'adolescence mental health' refers to the psychological well-being of teenagers, encompassing their emotional, psychological, and social development. In the context of the video, it highlights the increasing rates of depression and suicidal ideation among adolescents, particularly girls. This concept is central to the discussion as it sets the stage for the exploration of societal issues affecting young people's mental states and the need for intervention and understanding.

💡young men's disconnection

The term 'young men's disconnection' refers to the social isolation and lack of meaningful relationships that many young men are experiencing. This disconnection can manifest in various ways, such as being single, having no close friends, or being uninvolved in romantic or sexual relationships. In the video, it is suggested that this disconnection can lead to negative outcomes, including higher suicide rates and increased susceptibility to conspiracy theories and misogynistic content.

💡romantic and sexual dormancy

The term 'romantic and sexual dormancy' refers to a period of inactivity or lack of engagement in romantic or sexual relationships. In the context of the video, it is used to describe a trend among young men in their twenties who are not involved in romantic relationships, have not had sexual encounters, and may be friendless and lonely. This concept is significant as it contributes to the broader narrative of young men's struggles with social and emotional connections.

💡social media and online porn

The terms 'social media' and 'online porn' refer to the use of digital platforms for social interaction and the consumption of adult content, respectively. In the video, these are identified as contributing factors to the challenges faced by young men, suggesting that reliance on these platforms may negatively impact their ability to form real-life relationships and engage in social activities. The influence of social media and online porn is seen as a double-edged sword that can lead to isolation and disconnection.

💡economic viability

The term 'economic viability' refers to an individual's ability to support themselves financially and provide for a family. In the video, it is highlighted as an important factor in mate selection, with a significant majority of women considering it a key criterion. This concept is crucial as it ties into the broader discussion about the changing dynamics of relationships and the pressures faced by young men to prove their worth in the economy.

💡attractiveness in dating

The term 'attractiveness in dating' refers to the physical or personal qualities that make an individual desirable as a romantic partner. In the context of the video, it is discussed in relation to the dynamics of online dating, where attractiveness plays a significant role in the initial stages of relationship formation. The concept is important as it reflects the changing landscape of dating, where physical appearance can be a decisive factor in the early stages of connection.

💡middle class

The term 'middle class' refers to a socio-economic group that lies between the working class and the upper class, typically characterized by moderate to high levels of income, education, and social status. In the video, the middle class is portrayed as a key component of a stable and prosperous society, with the decline in its numbers being linked to various societal issues, including the challenges faced by young men. The concept is significant as it ties into discussions about economic policy, social mobility, and the overall health of the economy.

💡vocational training

Vocational training refers to education and training programs that prepare individuals for specific trades, crafts, or jobs. In the video, it is suggested as a solution to address the economic challenges faced by young men, emphasizing the need for practical skills that can lead to employment and economic stability. This concept is important as it relates to the broader discussion about the role of education and training in promoting social mobility and economic viability.

💡household formation

Household formation refers to the process by which individuals establish their own households, typically through marriage, cohabitation, or living independently. In the video, it is presented as a key indicator of social stability and economic prosperity, with the decline in household formation being linked to various societal issues, including the challenges faced by young men. The concept is significant as it ties into discussions about social policy, the economy, and the well-being of individuals and communities.

💡population decline

Population decline refers to a decrease in the number of people living in a particular area or country over a period of time. In the video, it is discussed as a potential future scenario for the United States, with concerns about the economic and social implications of an aging population and a lack of young people. This concept is important as it relates to discussions about immigration policy, birth rates, and the long-term sustainability of social and economic systems.

💡economic policy

Economic policy refers to the strategies and actions implemented by governments to influence economic outcomes, such as growth, employment, and wealth distribution. In the video, economic policy is discussed in the context of its impact on young people's ability to form households and achieve economic viability. The concept is significant as it relates to the broader discussion about the role of government in promoting social mobility, economic stability, and overall well-being.


CDC data suggests major problems with the mental health of adolescents, including surges in depression and suicidal ideation, especially among girls.

A recent headline from The Hill highlights a cause for concern regarding young men, noting that most young men are single, in contrast to young women.

Pew Research Center found that 30% of U.S. adults are not married, living with a partner, or engaged in a committed relationship, with a significant gender disparity in single young adults.

Since 2019, the percentage of single men looking for dates or relationships has declined from 61% to 50%.

In 2018, 28% of men aged 18 to 30 reported having no sex in the past year, compared to 18% of women of the same age.

Men in their twenties are more likely than women in their twenties to be romantically uninvolved, sexually dormant, friendless, and lonely.

The decline in marriage, sexuality, and relationships among young Americans is linked to the reliance on social media and online porn.

More young women are hooking up with each other or dating and marrying slightly older men, leading to a decrease in available partners for young men.

A 2021 study from the Survey Center for American Life found that the share of men with six or more close friends has halved since 1990.

The increase in young men with zero close friends from 3% in 1990 to 15% today is a concerning trend.

Social disconnect among young men can have catastrophic consequences, including a higher rate of suicide compared to young women.

Young men's social isolation is linked to rising rates of mass shootings, according to some researchers.

The lower half of men in attractiveness face challenges in online dating, leading to a concentration of interest in the top 20% of men.

Economic viability is a key criterion for a mate, with 75% of women prioritizing it compared to 25% of men.

Online dating platforms like Tinder distill complex human interactions to one or two-dimensional attributes, affecting the dating prospects of men.

The lack of third places like bars, sports leagues, and churches further exacerbates the issue of meeting potential partners.

Women have become more economically successful and are less interested in partnering with non-college-educated men.

A massive investment in young people is needed to create more economically and emotionally viable men and promote household formation.

Current economic policies disproportionately allocate wealth from young people to older individuals, affecting the ability to form households and have children.

Without significant changes, society risks becoming less prosperous and purposeful, with a decline in the middle class and an aging population.