99.9% of Men NEED To TEST Women's Standards Like THIS! (3 Simple & Effective Ways To ATTRACT Women)

Apollonia Ponti
5 Jan 202108:34

TLDRIn the video, Apollonia Puente, a dating and life coach, emphasizes the importance for men to test women's standards in relationships. She suggests three strategic questions to make women invest in the relationship, gauge their independence, and understand their sexual desires. By doing so, men can differentiate themselves from others and attract quality women, leading to more fulfilling relationships.


  • 🎯 Men should also test women's standards in dating, contrary to societal norms that focus on women testing men.
  • 🚀 Apollonia Puente, a dating and life coach, encourages men to master their attraction skills and improve their love life.
  • 📈 The first step to stand out is to make women invest time and thought by asking them to plan the second date.
  • 💡 If a woman doesn't plan the date, it's an indicator to gauge your enthusiasm and potentially pull back.
  • 🌟 Asking about a woman's independence can reveal a lot about her values, goals, and whether she fits your dating criteria.
  • 🔥 Testing her sexual desires strategically can set you apart from other men and create a dynamic of anticipation.
  • 💞 It's important to make a woman feel appreciated and valued in the dating process.
  • 📹 Apollonia offers a free 15-minute video with more insights on attracting quality women and becoming a quality man.
  • 🌈 The goal is to find a solid relationship or women who appreciate you and share similar life values and goals.
  • 👍 The video encourages viewers to take action, test women's standards, and not date blindly.

Q & A

  • What is the main point Apollonia Puente emphasizes about men in relationships?

    -Apollonia Puente emphasizes that men should test a woman's standards and make her work for them, just as society has taught women to test men.

  • Why does Apollonia Puente believe men should test a woman's standards?

    -She believes that there is a systemic imbalance where women are encouraged to have standards, but men are not given the same advice, leading to men undervaluing themselves in relationships.

  • What are the three questions Apollonia Puente suggests men ask women to test their standards?

    -The three questions are: 1) Show me a piece of your world by planning the second date. 2) Do you see yourself as an independent woman and why? 3) When the relationship becomes intimate, express a desire to take things slow and not rush into sleeping together.

  • What is Apollonia Puente's stance on men seeking approval from women?

    -She advises against seeking approval as it can lead to a one-sided relationship and diminish a man's self-worth. Instead, she encourages men to stand out and not settle for less.

  • How does Apollonia Puente define a successful outcome from the first question about planning the second date?

    -A successful outcome is either the woman showing interest by investing time and thought into planning, or if she doesn't plan it, the man can gauge his enthusiasm and potentially pull back, saving time and effort.

  • What does the second question about independence aim to reveal about a woman?

    -The second question aims to reveal the woman's self-sufficiency, her ability to handle her own finances, and her passions, which can indicate her compatibility with a man's life values and goals.

  • What is the significance of the third question about sexual desires in the context of the relationship?

    -The third question is significant as it allows a man to demonstrate his ability to resist the urge to rush into physical intimacy, thereby setting himself apart from other men and potentially increasing his attractiveness.

  • How does Apollonia Puente suggest men differentiate themselves in the dating scene?

    -Men should differentiate themselves by testing a woman's standards, not just seeking physical intimacy, and focusing on building a meaningful connection based on mutual interests and values.

  • What is Apollonia Puente's advice for men looking to improve their dating experiences?

    -Her advice is to watch her 'Alpha Magnet' video, which provides insights on attracting quality women and becoming a quality man with better dating choices.

  • What is the ultimate goal of the strategies Apollonia Puente presents in the video?

    -The ultimate goal is to help men find a more solid relationship or attract women who will appreciate them, by changing their approach to dating and relationships.

  • How does Apollonia Puente encourage men to take action after watching her video?

    -She encourages men to take action by clicking the link to her 'Alpha Magnet' video, applying the strategies discussed, and engaging in the comments section to share their thoughts and plans on testing women's standards.



🚀 Introduction to Testing Standards and Attraction Skills

Apollonia Puente, a dating relationship and life coach, introduces the concept of testing a woman's standards in the dating scene. Traditionally, society has encouraged women to set high standards for men, but this script argues that men should also test women's standards. The coach emphasizes the importance of standing out from other men and not undervaluing oneself. The video aims to help men master their attraction skills and overall life to achieve their desired outcomes in relationships.


💡 First Question: Show Me Your World

The first key question to ask a woman is about revealing her world. By asking her to plan the second date, men can gauge a woman's interest and investment in the relationship. This approach not only piques her curiosity but also encourages her to take initiative. If she doesn't plan it, the man can then decide to pull back, thus saving time and emotional investment in a relationship that may not be mutually engaging.

🌟 Second Question: Assessing Independence

The second question focuses on a woman's independence. By inquiring if she views herself as an independent woman and the reasons behind it, men can gain insights into her values, goals, and overall character. This question is particularly useful for those seeking a partner with a strong sense of self and shared life aspirations, steering clear of toxic or incompatible relationships.

🔥 Third Question: Exploring Sexual Desires

The third question addresses the topic of sexual desires in a relationship. The script encourages men to be strategic and not rush into intimacy. By expressing a desire to wait and take things slow, men can create a unique dynamic that sets them apart from others. This approach can be highly effective, as it communicates respect and a desire for a deeper connection, rather than just seeking physical gratification.




Attraction refers to the process of drawing someone's interest or attention towards oneself. In the context of the video, it is about how men can make themselves more appealing to women and stand out from other men. The video suggests that by testing a woman's standards, men can demonstrate their unique qualities and become irresistible to women.


Standards, in the context of dating and relationships, are the criteria or qualities that an individual seeks in a potential partner. The video emphasizes the importance for men to understand and test a woman's standards in order to gauge mutual interest and ensure compatibility. By doing so, men can avoid wasting time on relationships that do not meet their own standards.


Investment in the video refers to the time, effort, and emotional commitment that a person puts into a relationship. The coach advises men to encourage women to invest in them by asking them to plan a second date, which can demonstrate the woman's interest and willingness to engage further with the man.


Independence is the ability to be self-reliant and to make decisions without undue influence from others. The video suggests that men should assess a woman's independence by inquiring about her financial stability and passions. This quality is seen as a positive trait that contributes to a healthy and balanced relationship.

💡Sexual Desires

Sexual desires refer to the feelings of wanting to engage in intimate or sexual activities with someone. The video discusses the importance of testing a woman's sexual desires in a relationship, but advises men to be strategic and not rush into physical intimacy. By expressing a desire to take things slow, men can set themselves apart from others and build a deeper connection.


Intimacy is the state of being close, familiar, or involved with someone on a personal level. The video talks about the pursuit of intimacy in relationships, suggesting that men should look for women who will appreciate their qualities and with whom they can build a meaningful connection. It implies that intimacy is more than just physical closeness; it involves emotional and intellectual bonding as well.

💡Quality Relationships

Quality relationships are those that are characterized by mutual respect, understanding, and shared values. The video encourages men to aim for quality relationships by attracting women who appreciate them and with whom they share common life goals. It suggests that by testing women's standards, men can find partners who are not only interested in them but also aligned with their values and aspirations.

💡Approval Seeking Behavior

Approval seeking behavior is when an individual tries to gain acceptance or validation from others, often at the expense of their own self-worth. In the video, it is discouraged for men to engage in such behavior, especially in the early stages of dating. Instead, the video advises men to establish their value and not to settle for less than they deserve.


Initiative refers to the ability to take action or make decisions on one's own. The video encourages men to make women take the initiative in dating scenarios, such as planning a date, as a way to test their interest and investment in the relationship. This can also demonstrate the man's self-confidence and respect for the woman's autonomy.

💡Dynamic Conversation

A dynamic conversation is an interactive and engaging discussion that flows naturally between participants, often leading to deeper insights and understanding. The video suggests that asking about a woman's independence can spark a dynamic conversation, allowing both parties to explore their values, goals, and compatibility in greater depth.


The importance of men testing women's standards in dating is emphasized, a concept often overlooked in society.

The speaker, Apollonia Puente, introduces herself as a dating and life coach aiming to help men master their attraction skills.

Men are encouraged not to settle and to seek ways to stand out from other men in the dating scene.

The first question to ask a woman is about planning the second date, which makes her invest time and thought into the relationship.

The second question aims to gauge a woman's independence by inquiring about her financial and career status.

The third question is about testing a woman's sexual desires and the strategic use of making her wait.

The video offers a free 15-minute follow-up video called the Alpha Magnet Video for further insights.

Men are urged to seek women who appreciate them and to avoid dating blindly.

The speaker's goal is to help men transform from having few good options to many high-quality choices in dating.

The importance of men taking initiative and control in their dating lives is highlighted.

The video emphasizes the need for men to change their approach to dating and to start testing women's standards.

The speaker invites viewer interaction through likes, comments, and discussions on the topic.

The video aims to provide men with the tools to attract quality women and become a quality man themselves.

The concept of 'approval-seeking behavior' is discussed and its impact on men's dating success.

The video encourages men to look for intimacy and meaningful relationships rather than just physical attraction.

The speaker shares her experience of working with thousands of men and their potential to offer more in a relationship.

The video stresses the importance of not diminishing one's worth in the dating process.