Write A 5000-word Essay in ONE HOUR Using AI | No Cheating or Plagiarism

Dr Amina Yonis
24 Nov 202312:38

TLDRThe video outlines a four-step process for efficiently writing a high-quality essay using an AI tool called Unriddle. It emphasizes reading research papers, synthesizing information, drafting, and refining arguments. Unriddle's features, such as document interrogation, note-taking, and real-time writing assistance, are highlighted as key to streamlining the writing process and achieving top grades.


  • 📚 To write a high-quality essay quickly, follow a four-step process: reading research papers, understanding and synthesizing information, drafting the paper, and building on arguments.
  • 🔍 Utilize AI tools like Unriddle to read, understand, and interrogate PDFs, as well as to draft and write within the same platform.
  • 📈 Autogenerated questions in Unriddle can help beginners or those facing complex papers to better understand the content and structure of research papers.
  • 💡 Color-coding and note-taking features in Unriddle allow users to mark important sections and summaries for easy reference during the writing process.
  • 📝 Brainstorming themes and arguments from the research papers is crucial for developing a critical and analytical essay structure.
  • 🖋️ Unriddle's ability to open a new note for drafting while reading and asking questions streamlines the writing process and prevents switching between windows.
  • 📊 When drafting, ensure a strong introduction, main body with well-structured paragraphs, and a strong conclusion, all supported by citations and evidence from the research papers.
  • 🤖 Use Unriddle's AI editing tools to improve writing, expand concepts, summarize, paraphrase, or explain text for a more polished essay.
  • 🔗 The related tab in Unriddle provides connected information from research papers, helping to strengthen and refine arguments in the essay.
  • 🎯 Choose the appropriate AI model (GPT 4 recommended over GPT 3.5) and adjust settings like temperature and word count to fit the desired depth and creativity of the text.
  • 💰 Unriddle offers a free plan for limited use and a paid plan for more extensive features, which might be useful for those needing in-depth assistance with their writing.

Q & A

  • What are the four steps to writing a first-class essay quickly and efficiently?

    -The four steps are: 1) Reading research papers, 2) Understanding and synthesizing the information, 3) Drafting the paper, and 4) Building on your arguments.

  • How does Unriddle assist in the essay writing process?

    -Unriddle is an AI tool that helps in reading, understanding, and interrogating PDFs, as well as writing within the same window, making the process more efficient and streamlined.

  • What is the significance of reading research papers in the essay writing process?

    -Reading research papers is crucial for familiarizing oneself with the topic, understanding the arguments, identifying the aims, recognizing the gaps in literature, and gaining a deep understanding of the research area.

  • How can Unriddle help in understanding complex research papers?

    -Unriddle can autogenerate questions to interrogate the paper, provide summaries of key results and methodologies, and allow users to interact with documents through the AI assistant for quicker comprehension.

  • What is the purpose of building on ideas and brainstorming themes and arguments in the essay writing process?

    -This step is essential for developing an analytical and critical mindset, which leads to stronger essays and higher marks by forming a structure and pulling out overarching topics for further development.

  • How does Unriddle facilitate drafting and editing of the essay?

    -Unriddle allows users to write and draft directly in the platform, generate new notes, and use AI to edit, expand, summarize, paraphrase, or explain text for improved content.

  • What should be included in the introduction, main body, and conclusion of an essay?

    -The introduction should describe the topic and set the context, the main body should contain several paragraphs with developed themes and arguments supported by citations, and the conclusion should summarize the essay and reiterate the key points.

  • What is the importance of revisiting research papers after writing the initial draft of the essay?

    -Revisiting research papers helps to strengthen and refine arguments, ensure coherence, and possibly uncover additional supporting evidence that may have been overlooked during the initial reading.

  • What are the different models available in Unriddle and how do they differ?

    -Unriddle offers GPT 4 and GPT 3.5 models; GPT 4 is more intelligent but slower, while GPT 3.5 is faster but less sophisticated.

  • How can the temperature setting in Unriddle affect the AI's responses?

    -The temperature setting adjusts the level of creative license for the AI, with lower temperatures resulting in more predictable responses and higher temperatures leading to less predictable, more creative output.

  • What are the options for using Unriddle and what do they include?

    -Unriddle has a free plan for generating up to 10 notes and unlimited document chat. For $20 a month, users can access an unlimited chat plan with up to 150 notes.



📚 Introduction to Essay Writing with Unriddle

This paragraph introduces the process of writing a First Class essay quickly and efficiently using an AI tool called Unriddle. The video outlines four key steps: reading research papers, understanding and synthesizing information, drafting the paper, and building on arguments. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the last step for achieving top grades and introduces Unriddle, a platform that allows users to read, understand, and interrogate PDFs while writing within the same window. The uniqueness of Unriddle is highlighted, and the video aims to demonstrate its use from start to end of the writing process.


🔍 Engaging with Research Papers and Brainstorming

The second paragraph focuses on engaging with research papers using Unriddle to aid understanding and brainstorming. The speaker suggests selecting 5 to 10 research papers to gain a deep understanding of the topic. Unriddle's ability to quickly find and understand information through its AI assistant is discussed, along with its features like autogenerated questions and the ability to leave reminders. The paragraph also covers the process of building ideas and arguments by identifying key themes from the papers and forming a structure for the essay, emphasizing the role of Unriddle in generating overarching topics and aiding in the writing process.


✍️ Drafting and Editing the Essay with Unriddle

This paragraph delves into the third step of drafting the essay, where the speaker describes how Unriddle can help in writing and editing. The process of creating a new note within Unriddle for drafting, referencing research papers, and using the AI to continue writing based on supplied information is detailed. The paragraph also discusses the tools available for improving writing, such as AI editing options for expansion, summarization, and paraphrasing. The speaker highlights the convenience of having related information tabs for building arguments and the importance of revisiting research papers to strengthen the essay's arguments.

🎯 Strengthening Arguments and Choosing Unriddle Settings

The final paragraph discusses the fourth and last step of strengthening and refining arguments in the essay. The speaker advises going back to research papers to ensure coherence and to find additional supporting information. The use of Unriddle for asking in-depth questions and developing arguments with multiple research papers is emphasized. The paragraph concludes with a discussion on Unriddle's settings, such as choosing between GPT 4 and GPT 3.5, adjusting the temperature for creativity, and modifying the response length. The speaker mentions Unriddle's free plan and its paid plan, highlighting the benefits and encouraging viewers to try the tool for essay writing.



💡First Class essay

A 'First Class essay' refers to an academic paper of the highest quality, typically one that receives top grades in a university setting. In the context of the video, it signifies the ultimate goal of the writing process, where the essay is not only free from plagiarism and completed within a tight deadline but also meets the stringent standards of academic excellence. The video outlines a four-step process to achieve this level of writing, emphasizing the importance of thorough research, understanding and synthesizing information, drafting, and refining arguments.

💡AI tool

The term 'AI tool' refers to artificial intelligence software or a platform that assists in various tasks, in this case, essay writing. The video specifically mentions an AI tool called Unriddle, which is designed to facilitate faster reading, writing, and learning. It allows users to interact with documents, ask questions, and draft essays within the same interface. The AI tool is integral to the process of writing an efficient and excellent essay, as it aids in understanding complex research papers, generating ideas, and drafting the essay with proper citations and references.

💡Research papers

Research papers are scholarly articles that present original research results. They are a critical part of the academic and scientific community, as they contribute to the advancement of knowledge. In the video, the speaker emphasizes the importance of reading a substantial number of research papers to gain a deep understanding of the topic at hand. This understanding is essential for identifying gaps in the literature, the aims of previous studies, and arguments that can be made in one's own essay. The video also discusses using an AI tool to help navigate and comprehend these papers more efficiently.

💡Understanding and synthesizing information

Understanding and synthesizing information is a crucial step in the essay writing process that involves not only comprehending the content of research papers but also integrating and drawing connections between different sources. In the context of the video, this step is about digesting the information from research papers to identify key arguments, themes, and results. It forms the foundation for building a compelling essay structure and crafting a strong argument. The AI tool Unriddle is highlighted as a means to aid in this process by generating questions, summarizing key points, and providing a platform for note-taking and idea development.


Drafting is the phase in the essay writing process where the writer begins to put together their ideas into a structured format. This involves creating an outline, developing paragraphs around identified themes and arguments, and forming a coherent narrative that addresses the essay's objectives. The video script mentions the use of the AI tool Unriddle to facilitate drafting by allowing simultaneous reading of research papers and writing of the essay. This feature helps to streamline the writing process, ensuring that the draft is informed by the most relevant and recent research findings.

💡Building on arguments

Building on arguments refers to the process of strengthening and expanding the points made in an essay. It involves critically evaluating the initial ideas, ensuring logical coherence, and adding depth by referencing more research or introducing new perspectives. In the video, this step is highlighted as where the top First Class grades come from. The speaker suggests using the AI tool to revisit research papers and refine the essay's arguments, ensuring that they are well-supported by evidence and that the essay presents an original and insightful analysis of the topic.


Unriddle is the name of the AI tool discussed in the video, designed to assist in the essay writing process by enhancing reading, writing, and learning efficiency. It allows users to upload and interact with PDF documents, ask questions to interrogate the content, and draft essays within the same window. The tool offers features such as autogenerated questions, note-taking, idea brainstorming, and drafting assistance. It also provides the ability to improve writing, summarize content, and offer statistical analysis support. Unriddle is presented as a unique platform that streamlines the entire writing process from research to final draft.


Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's words, ideas, or work without proper attribution, thus presenting it as one's own. In academic writing, plagiarism is a serious offense that can lead to severe consequences, including failing grades or legal action. The video emphasizes the importance of avoiding plagiarism by conducting thorough research and properly citing sources. The AI tool Unriddle is introduced as a means to help ensure originality in writing by providing synthesized information from various research papers and assisting in the creation of unique content.

💡Citations and references

Citations and references are formal acknowledgments of the sources from which a writer has drawn information, ideas, or direct quotations. They are essential components of academic writing, as they give credit to the original authors and allow readers to locate the sources for further study. In the video, the speaker stresses the importance of supporting arguments with citations and references as a means to enhance the credibility and academic integrity of the essay. The AI tool Unriddle assists in this process by facilitating the incorporation of proper citations directly from the research papers being analyzed.

💡Gap in literature

A 'gap in literature' refers to a missing area of research or a question that has not been sufficiently addressed in existing scholarly work. Identifying such gaps is important in academic writing, as it provides an opportunity to contribute new insights and advance the field of study. The video script mentions understanding these gaps as a key part of the research process, which can then be used to form the basis of an original argument or thesis in the essay. The AI tool Unriddle helps in identifying these gaps by analyzing and summarizing research papers, guiding the writer towards areas that may require further exploration.

💡Deep learning

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that involves the use of artificial neural networks to enable computers to learn from data. It is a sophisticated form of AI that can recognize patterns, make decisions, and generate insights with minimal human intervention. In the context of the video, deep learning is mentioned as a method used in research to identify biomarkers, which could be a key theme or argument in an essay. The AI tool Unriddle, which leverages deep learning, is presented as a resource for understanding and incorporating such complex concepts into academic writing.


The video discusses a method to write a high-quality 5000-word essay in one hour using an AI tool called Unriddle.

Unriddle is a unique platform that allows users to read, understand, and interrogate PDFs while writing within the same window.

The first step in essay writing is to read and understand research papers related to the topic.

Unriddle can help beginners and those facing complex papers by autogenerating questions to interrogate the research papers.

The tool allows users to color-code sections for easy reference and future review.

The second step is to brainstorm themes and arguments based on the information gathered from the research papers.

Unriddle enables users to open new notes and start drafting their essays while still reading and analyzing the research papers.

Drafting the paper involves creating a strong introduction, main body with paragraphs, and a strong conclusion.

Unriddle suggests using the AI to continue writing by pulling information from the research papers supplied.

The AI can also help in editing the writing by improving, expanding, summarizing, paraphrasing, or explaining the text.

The related tab in Unriddle provides connected information from the research papers, aiding in building stronger arguments.

Unriddle offers two models, GPT 4 and GPT 3.5, with the former being more intelligent but slower.

Adjusting the temperature setting in Unriddle can influence the level of creative license given to the AI.

Unriddle has a free plan for up to 10 notes and unlimited chat messages, with a premium plan available for $20 a month.

The video emphasizes the importance of revisiting research papers to strengthen and refine arguments in the essay.

The presenter encourages viewers to try Unriddle and shares that a link will be provided in the video description.