Xpand® Laces | The Original No Tie Shoelaces REVIEW & Tutorial

Chocolate Gadgets
23 Jun 202010:13

TLDRIn this video, the reviewer explores the functionality and convenience of expand shoelaces, a gadget that transforms sneakers into slip-ons to eliminate the need for tying laces. After a detailed demonstration of the installation process, including adjustment and end clipping, the reviewer praises the product for its simplicity and effectiveness. Despite a minor concern about potential looseness during stop-and-go activities, the expand shoelaces earn a rating of four and a half chocolate bars for their affordability and problem-solving capabilities.


  • 👟 The 'expand shoelaces' are designed to convert standard sneakers into slip-ons, eliminating the need to tie shoelaces repeatedly.
  • 🍫 The reviewer has been using these expand shoelaces for a while and decided to share their experience in a video format.
  • 🌟 The expand shoelaces are an elastic lacing system that comes with additional components like end clips and an adjustment system for a perfect fit.
  • 📦 The packaging includes a bag with end clips and an adjustment tool, which are essential for customizing the shoelaces to one's preference.
  • 🔧 The installation process involves lacing up the shoes as usual, followed by adjusting the tightness and cutting the excess length of the laces.
  • 🎯 The key feature of the expand shoelaces is the small adjustment holes and the snap-on edge, which allow users to fine-tune the fit and ensure the shoe stays on securely.
  • 🔥 A lighter is used to quickly melt the ends of the laces to prevent fraying, and end caps are provided for a neat finish.
  • 💡 The reviewer recommends making the shoelaces extra tight for activities involving a lot of stop-and-go movements to prevent the shoe from coming off.
  • 🌐 The expand shoelaces are inexpensive, with the reviewer mentioning they were bought at a price of around five to seven dollars each.
  • 🏆 The reviewer gives the expand shoelaces a rating of four and a half chocolate bars, praising their functionality and problem-solving capabilities.
  • 📢 The video encourages viewers to like, share, and subscribe for more content on a variety of topics, not just electronic gadgets.

Q & A

  • What is the main feature of the expand shoelaces?

    -The main feature of the expand shoelaces is that they turn standard sneakers into slip-ons, eliminating the need to tie laces again.

  • How do you initially use the expand shoelaces?

    -Initially, you lace them up like any regular sneaker, using the elastic lacing system with two lace tips and a little bag containing end clips.

  • What is the purpose of the small bag that comes with the expand shoelaces?

    -The small bag contains the end clips, which are used to secure the shoelaces and prevent fraying.

  • How do you adjust the tightness of the expand shoelaces?

    -You adjust the tightness by using the adjustment system, which involves two holes and a lid on the lace. You pull the lid away from the sneaker, adjust the tightness, and then reinsert the lid through the first hole closest to you.

  • What is the recommended way to finish the end of the expand shoelaces?

    -The recommended way to finish the end is by cutting the excess lace, using a lighter to melt the edges to prevent fraying, and then attaching an end cap to the clip for a clean finish.

  • How do you ensure the expand shoelaces stay in place without untying?

    -You ensure they stay in place by using the adjustment system to make them tight enough to not come untied during movement, especially important for stop-and-go activities.

  • What is the reviewer's overall opinion on the expand shoelaces?

    -The reviewer loves the expand shoelaces, praising their functionality and ease of use, and giving them a rating of four and a half chocolate bars.

  • What is the reviewer's advice for users who engage in activities that require frequent stopping and starting?

    -The reviewer advises users to make the shoelaces extra tight to prevent the sneakers from coming off during stop-and-go activities, due to the lack of a traditional knot at the top.

  • How much did the reviewer pay for the expand shoelaces?

    -The reviewer estimates that they paid around five to seven dollars per pair of expand shoelaces.

  • What is the reviewer's main concern with the expand shoelaces?

    -The main concern is that if the shoelaces are not made tight enough, there is a risk of the sneakers coming off during stop-and-go activities due to the absence of a knot at the top.

  • What is the reviewer's final verdict on the expand shoelaces?

    -The reviewer gives the expand shoelaces a positive review, stating that they are relatively inexpensive, do what they claim to do, and solve a common problem with shoelaces.



👟 Introducing Expand Shoelaces

The paragraph introduces the concept of expand shoelaces, a new gadget designed to transform standard sneakers into slip-ons, eliminating the need to tie shoelaces repeatedly. The speaker shares personal experience with the product and outlines the process of using the expand laces, including the elastic lacing system and the addition of clips for adjustment. The main theme is the convenience and innovation of the expand shoelaces, emphasizing their ease of use and potential to solve a common problem.


🛠️ Customizing and Adjusting Expand Shoelaces

This paragraph delves into the customization process of the expand shoelaces. It explains how to lace up the shoes, adjust the tightness, and secure the ends with end caps to prevent fraying. The speaker highlights the importance of the adjustment system, allowing for a comfortable fit and the ability to make alterations as needed. The focus is on the practical aspects of using the expand shoelaces and ensuring they fit securely on the shoes to prevent any issues during movement.


🍫 Conclusion and Rating of Expand Shoelaces

The speaker concludes the video by reiterating the benefits of the expand shoelaces, praising their ability to turn sneakers into slip-ons and eliminate the hassle of untied shoelaces. A rating of four and a half chocolate bars is given, reflecting the product's effectiveness and affordability. The speaker advises viewers to ensure their shoelaces are tight enough to prevent shoes from coming off during stop-and-go activities, but also to leave room for adjustments. The summary emphasizes the product's value and its innovative solution to a common problem.



💡expand shoelaces

Expand shoelaces are a type of lacing system designed to convert standard sneakers into slip-ons, eliminating the need to tie shoelaces. In the video, the reviewer discusses their experience using these shoelaces and provides a tutorial on how to install them. The concept is central to the video's theme as it presents a solution to the common problem of shoelaces coming untied.

💡elastic lacing system

An elastic lacing system refers to a flexible and stretchable mechanism used in shoelaces that allows for easy on-and-off without the need for tying. In the context of the video, the elastic lacing system is the key feature of the expand shoelaces, which is highlighted as a convenient and innovative solution for transforming sneakers into slip-ons.


Slip-ons are a type of footwear that can be easily put on and taken off without the need for tying or fastening. In the video, the main appeal of the expand shoelaces is that they turn regular sneakers into slip-ons, providing a hassle-free alternative to traditional shoelaces.

💡adjustment system

The adjustment system in the context of the video refers to the mechanism that allows users to modify the tightness or looseness of the expand shoelaces. This feature is crucial for achieving a comfortable fit and for accommodating different preferences or activities that may require tighter or looser laces.

💡end clips

End clips are small attachments used at the ends of the expand shoelaces to prevent fraying and to secure the laces in place. They serve both a functional purpose, by ensuring the shoelaces stay intact, and an aesthetic one, by providing a finished look to the laces.

💡chocolate bars

In the video, chocolate bars are used metaphorically as a rating system for the expand shoelaces. The reviewer awards them based on their effectiveness, affordability, and overall satisfaction with the product. This serves as a creative and relatable way for viewers to gauge the product's value.


Gadgets, in the context of the video, refer to small technological or functional devices that are designed to make everyday tasks easier or more convenient. The expand shoelaces are presented as a gadget that solves the common problem of having to repeatedly tie shoelaces.


A review, in this context, is an assessment or critique of a product, service, or experience. The video is structured as a review of the expand shoelaces, where the reviewer shares his personal experience, opinions, and ratings to inform and help potential users make informed decisions.


Installation, in this context, refers to the process of fitting or setting up the expand shoelaces in place of traditional shoelaces. The video provides a step-by-step guide on how to install the expand shoelaces properly to ensure they function as intended.


Stop-and-go refers to activities or situations where there is frequent starting and stopping, such as certain sports or quick movements. In the video, the reviewer advises that for activities involving a lot of stop-and-go, the expand shoelaces should be made extra tight to prevent the sneakers from coming off due to the lack of a traditional knot at the top.


Affordability refers to the cost of a product in relation to its value and the financial means of the potential buyer. In the video, the reviewer comments on the price of the expand shoelaces, suggesting that while they are relatively inexpensive, there is room for them to be even more affordable.


The introduction of expand shoelaces as a gadget that turns standard sneakers into slip-ons.

The reviewer has been using expand shoelaces for a while before deciding to review them.

Expand shoelaces are an elastic lacing system that replaces traditional shoelaces.

The process of lacing up the shoes with expand shoelaces is similar to using regular shoelaces.

Each expand lace comes with a small bag containing end clips for finishing the laces.

The key component of the expand shoelaces is a small adjustment system with holes and a snap on the edge.

The adjustment system allows for customization of the tightness of the shoelaces.

End caps are provided to prevent fraying and to give a finished look to the laces.

The reviewer emphasizes the convenience of not having to tie shoelaces again.

For activities involving a lot of stop-and-go movements, the reviewer suggests making the laces extra tight to prevent shoes from coming off.

The expand shoelaces are praised for their simplicity and effectiveness in solving the problem of untied shoelaces.

The reviewer rates the expand shoelaces with four and a half chocolate bars for their value and functionality.

Despite their low cost, the reviewer suggests that the expand shoelaces could be even more affordable.

The review concludes with a recommendation for viewers to like, share, and subscribe for more content on various gadgets.