Your blog's first 90 days... exactly what to do

Adam Enfroy
4 May 202224:02

TLDRThe video outlines a strategic approach to starting a profitable blog, emphasizing the importance of setting clear goals, understanding one's niche, and focusing on content creation and link building during the initial 90 days. It advises against prioritizing monetization early on and highlights the necessity of learning and implementing effective SEO strategies to gradually build authority and sustainable income.


  • 🎯 Set a clear end goal for your blogging business, whether it's a side income or a full-time career.
  • 🚀 Maximize your limited time by focusing on the right activities to build passive income quickly.
  • 🛠️ Learn as much as possible in the first 90 days and do everything yourself before outsourcing.
  • 🌐 Understand that your blog is a living entity; avoid getting bogged down in perfectionism.
  • 📈 Establish your core website pages: home, about, blog archive, and blog post template for optimal user experience.
  • 📝 Choose your niche wisely, combining your unique experiences and market demand.
  • 🔍 Conduct thorough keyword research to find profitable content opportunities and emerging products in your niche.
  • ✍️ Create a content plan with a mix of transactional and informational posts, prioritizing based on search volume and competition.
  • 🔗 Focus on link building to increase your site's authority and improve search rankings in the initial stages.
  • 💸 Delay monetization efforts until you've built content and links, as traffic and authority are prerequisites for earnings.
  • 💰 Calculate the costs and potential returns of blogging, considering it as a long-term investment in your personal brand and business.

Q & A

  • What is the main goal of the first 90 days when starting a blog?

    -The main goal of the first 90 days is to learn as much as possible, do everything yourself, and create a profitable runway to build passive income and potentially turn the blog into a full-time endeavor.

  • How does one maximize the effective use of time when blogging alongside a full-time job?

    -One should focus on the right things at the right time, understanding that time is limited. This includes prioritizing content creation and link building efforts over perfecting minor details like fonts and logos.

  • What are the core four pages that a blog should have when it is first set up?

    -The core four pages are the home page, about page, blog archive page (blog roll), and the blog post template.

  • Why is perfection considered the enemy of growth for blogs?

    -Perfection slows down growth because it leads to focusing on minor, non-essential details that don't contribute to the blog's overall success or audience growth.

  • What is the recommended content plan for the first 90 days of blogging?

    -The recommended content plan includes publishing 12 blog posts, with a mix of 70% transactional posts (like product comparisons) and 30% informational posts.

  • How does one prioritize blog post ideas based on keyword research?

    -One should create a spreadsheet with 12 keywords, assess their search volume and competitiveness, and then prioritize them based on potential to drive traffic and monetization opportunities.

  • What is the significance of link building in the blog's initial stages?

    -Link building is crucial as it helps establish the blog's authority and domain rating, which are essential for search engine rankings and driving organic traffic.

  • Why should new bloggers avoid focusing on monetization in the first 90 days?

    -Focusing on monetization too early can detract from the more important tasks of creating quality content and building links, which are the foundations for long-term success and sustainable income.

  • What are some strategies for maintaining consistency and avoiding zero-sum days in blogging?

    -Strategies include setting a regular schedule for content creation and link building, breaking down tasks into manageable daily goals, and tracking progress to ensure continuous improvement.

  • How much does it cost to start a blog according to the video?

    -The initial cost to start a blog, including website setup and essential tools, is around $132. Ongoing monthly costs are approximately $74 for web hosting and SEO tools.

  • What is the recommended daily word count for a blogger to maintain consistency and progress?

    -The recommended daily word count is 266 words, which is roughly equivalent to one page double-spaced, to maintain consistency and contribute to the goal of publishing one article per week.



🚀 Launching a Profitable Blog: The First 90 Days

This paragraph outlines the strategy for starting a blog with the aim of making money online in 2022. It emphasizes the importance of maximizing time efficiency during the initial 90 days to reach profitability quickly. The speaker invites viewers to watch a free master class for in-depth strategies on blogging, content marketing, SEO, and affiliate marketing. The end goal is set, which could range from making a few thousand dollars a month to turning the blog into a full-time endeavor surpassing current income. The paragraph stresses the need to learn as much as possible in the first 90 days and to do everything oneself to understand the process before outsourcing. The aim is to create a profitable runway and quit the full-time job within 12 months, building a passive income machine through content ranking on Google, link building, and authority in the niche.


🌐 Building the Blog: Structure and Design

This paragraph discusses the foundational aspects of setting up a blog, including the creation of core pages such as the homepage, about page, blog archive, and blog post template. It stresses that perfection is the enemy of progress and encourages the mantra 'good enough, move on'. The focus should be on content and ranking rather than getting caught up in minor design details. The paragraph also touches on the importance of understanding one's niche and the need for keyword research to match content with what people want to read. It also briefly mentions the use of tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics for tracking the blog's performance.


🔍 Niche Selection and Keyword Research

The paragraph delves into the process of choosing a niche for the blog, debunking the myth that one should write about their passions. It explains that the niche is the foundation of the blog and should be based on keyword research, search volume, and potential affiliate opportunities. The concept of the 'authority flywheel' is introduced, which includes the blogger's unique experiences, expertise, market position, and leverage points. The importance of keyword research is emphasized, with advice on using tools like hrefs to find emerging products in the niche with decent search volume and low competition. The goal is to create a content plan with 12 blog post ideas based on this research.


📝 Content Creation and On-Page SEO

This section focuses on the actual process of creating content for the blog. It introduces the concept of the 'content assembly line', where blogging is not about writing from a blank page but about using templates and systems to produce content efficiently. The paragraph outlines the structure of a transactional list post and emphasizes the importance of on-page SEO for ranking in the 2020s. Tools like Surfer SEO are recommended for optimizing posts with the right semantic keywords. The aim is to publish 12 blog posts of around 2000 words each in the first 90 days, resulting in a daily writing goal of 266 words. The paragraph also stresses the importance of creating unique content that makes the blog stand out and the need for a consistent daily effort in content creation and link building.


🔗 Link Building and Monetization Strategy

The paragraph discusses the dual paths of blogging: content creation and link building. It explains that while content is like the rooms in a house, links are the foundation that holds up the authority and ranking of the blog. The initial 90 days should focus on understanding the authority landscape in the niche and building the domain rating through link building efforts such as guest posts and partnerships. The paragraph advises not to focus on monetization during this period but to concentrate on publishing quality content and building links to establish a solid foundation for future success. It also touches on the costs associated with starting a blog and emphasizes the importance of viewing blogging as a long-term strategy for building a sustainable business.




Blogging refers to the act of regularly publishing content on a website or platform, often in an informal or conversational style. In the context of the video, blogging is presented as a means to create a profitable online business, with the博主 (blogger) producing content to attract traffic, build authority, and eventually monetize their platform through various methods such as affiliate marketing and ad placements.


Profitability refers to the ability of a business or venture to generate profit. In the video, the goal of achieving profitability with a blog is discussed, with the博主 (blogger) aiming to maximize the effective use of time to shorten the path to earning income from the blog. It involves creating a sustainable income stream that can potentially replace full-time income.

💡SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO is the practice of optimizing online content to improve a website's visibility and ranking on search engines like Google. In the video, SEO is crucial for bloggers as it helps their content rank higher in search results, thereby attracting more organic traffic and increasing the chances of monetization.


A niche refers to a specific segment of the market or a specialized subject area. In blogging, choosing the right niche is essential as it dictates the content strategy and potential monetization opportunities. The video advises博主 (bloggers) to select a niche based on a combination of personal expertise, market demand, and potential for affiliate marketing.

💡Keyword Research

Keyword research involves identifying the words and phrases that people enter into search engines when looking for content similar to what the blogger is producing. It is a critical step in content creation for bloggers as it helps ensure that the content aligns with what the target audience is searching for, thereby increasing the content's visibility and potential to rank higher in search results.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing and publishing original written, visual, or audio content. In the context of blogging, it involves crafting articles, blog posts, or other forms of content that provide value to the audience and help the blog rank in search engines.

💡Link Building

Link building is the process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to your own. These links act as 'votes' for your site, improving its authority and increasing its visibility in search engine rankings. In the video, link building is portrayed as a critical aspect of blog growth, helping to establish the blog's credibility and drive traffic.


Monetization is the process of generating revenue from a blog or website. It involves strategies such as affiliate marketing, sponsored content, and ad placements. The video advises bloggers to focus on building content and authority first before attempting to monetize, as these efforts will naturally lead to monetization opportunities.


Outsourcing refers to the practice of delegating tasks or functions to external individuals or companies. In the context of blogging, this can include hiring freelancers for writing, editing, or link building. The video encourages bloggers to learn all aspects of blogging themselves before outsourcing to ensure they can effectively manage and train external contributors.

💡Passive Income

Passive income refers to earnings that are generated with little to no ongoing effort after an initial setup or investment. In the video, the ultimate goal of blogging is to create a passive income stream that can provide financial independence or supplement the blogger's main income.

💡Content Calendar

A content calendar is a planning tool used to schedule and organize content publication in advance. It helps bloggers maintain consistency in their content production and ensures that they have a steady stream of content ready to be published.


The video provides a comprehensive guide on starting a blog and achieving profitability within the first 90 days.

The importance of having a clear end goal in mind when starting a blog, as it dictates the entire strategy.

Maximizing the effective use of time to shorten the runway to profitability and potentially transition to a full-time blogging business.

The necessity of learning as much as possible and doing everything yourself in the first 90 days to understand and effectively outsource tasks later.

The concept of 'perfection is the enemy', emphasizing the importance of avoiding getting caught up in minor details at the expense of growth.

The critical steps to set up a blog, including creating core four pages, choosing web hosting, and setting up Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

The myth about choosing a niche based on passion alone, and the need to consider monetization and search intent as well.

The strategy of focusing on keyword research to understand what content to create and how to monetize through affiliate marketing.

The recommendation to create a mix of transactional (70%) and informational (30%) content for optimal results.

The importance of on-page SEO for ranking in the 2020s, and the use of tools like Surfer SEO for optimizing content.

The concept of a content assembly line, where blogging is not about writing from a blank page but templatizing and systematizing content creation.

The significance of link building for establishing the blog's authority and ensuring long-term growth.

The advice against focusing on monetization in the first 90 days, instead concentrating on content creation and link building.

The expected outcomes by the end of the first 90 days, including a functioning website with 12 blog posts and initial traffic.

The cost breakdown for starting a blog, including initial setup and ongoing monthly expenses.

The use of a master spreadsheet for tracking blog progress, including profit and loss, content plan, and link building outreach.

The timeline of success being dependent on the individual's effort and consistency in content creation and link building.