NVIDIA’s Crazy New AI Paints With Images!

Two Minute Papers
19 Jul 202405:21

TLDRNVIDIA's innovative AI technology allows painting with images instead of traditional brushes, offering a creative twist to digital art. The AI uses diffusion-based techniques to transform noise into images, avoiding repetitive patterns. It outperforms Photoshop in tiling and consistency, and enables the use of almost any image for painting. This breakthrough makes it accessible for non-specialists to create art, with the potential for future integration with text-to-image AI for enhanced results, as suggested by the 'First Law of Papers'. The video also hints at the availability of the code for experimentation.


  • 🎨 AI can now be used for painting with images instead of traditional brushes, offering a new creative approach to digital art.
  • 🤖 The technique described is based on diffusion-based AI, which starts from noise and reorganizes it into an image over time.
  • 🚀 The innovative aspect is using an image as a 'brush', allowing for non-repetitive and varied painting effects.
  • 🏠 The AI can handle complex scenes, such as painting a rocky road leading to a hut, without the image repeating or becoming monotonous.
  • 🌿 It can also be used to add details like moss on objects, with control over the amount and placement for a natural look.
  • 🔍 Compared to Photoshop's technique, the AI performs better in tiling images, especially on new, unseen subjects.
  • 🧩 The AI maintains consistency, which is crucial for making lines and shapes look believable in a drawing.
  • 🌌 It allows for drawing with almost any image, expanding the range of possibilities for artists and designers.
  • 🏡 The technique can be used to create intricate details, such as tiling a roof with a specific pattern or texture.
  • 🦕 While the results may not match the skill of a human expert, the potential for improvement and creative use is significant.
  • 🔄 The workflow suggests that future AI advancements could combine user-created drafts with AI-generated images for enhanced results.
  • 🛠️ The technology is accessible, with tools like Stable Diffusion being free and open for anyone to experiment with and create art.

Q & A

  • What is the main concept of painting with AI as discussed in the script?

    -The main concept is using an AI technique to paint not with traditional brushes but with images, leveraging a diffusion-based AI to generate images from text and reorganize noise into an image.

  • Why might painting with images be considered a twist on traditional painting apps?

    -It's a twist because instead of using physical or digital brushes to apply paint, the AI uses images as 'brushes' to create art, offering a new and innovative way to generate visual content.

  • What problem does the script mention with simply tiling an image in a painting space?

    -Tiling an image in the painting space can result in a boring and repetitive pattern, which is not visually appealing or what the technique aims to achieve.

  • How does the new AI technique differ from previous methods in painting with images?

    -The new technique is better in three ways: it tiles images more effectively, especially on new, unseen content; it maintains better consistency in lines and patterns; and it allows for drawing with almost any image, unlike previous systems.

  • What is the potential future application of this AI technique as hinted in the script?

    -The script suggests that future applications could involve using the entire image created with the AI as a guideline for a powerful text-to-image AI to generate a new, improved version.

  • What does the script say about the current state of the AI's artistic capabilities compared to a human artist?

    -While the AI's results are not as good as those of a human artist, especially an expert, the potential for improvement and creative use is significant.

  • How does the script describe the accessibility of this AI painting technique to users?

    -The script highlights that users do not need to be trained specialists to use this technique, making it more accessible and enabling a broader range of people to be creative.

  • What is the 'First Law of Papers' mentioned in the script, and how does it relate to the AI technique?

    -The 'First Law of Papers' is not explicitly defined in the script, but it seems to refer to the idea that advancements in AI and technology will continue to enable more creativity and innovation in the future.

  • Are there any resources mentioned in the script for those interested in trying out the AI painting technique?

    -The script mentions Stable Diffusion and other free and open tools that may allow users to experiment with the AI painting technique currently.

  • What does the script suggest about the availability of the code for this AI technique?

    -The script indicates that the code for the AI technique is or will be available, according to the website mentioned, allowing interested individuals to explore the technology further.

  • How does the script encourage viewers to engage with the content and share their thoughts?

    -The script invites viewers, referred to as 'Fellow Scholars,' to share their thoughts and potential uses for the AI painting technique in the comments section below the video.



🎨 AI-Assisted Image Painting Technique

The script introduces an innovative approach to painting using artificial intelligence (AI) instead of traditional brushes. It discusses the concept of diffusion-based AI techniques that generate images from text, starting from noise and reorganizing it into an image. The twist involves using images as a 'brush' to create non-repetitive and varied artwork. The script also touches on the limitations of simply tiling images and the creative potential of this technique, allowing for more control and consistency in the artwork.



AI Paint

Refers to the use of artificial intelligence to create digital paintings. In this video, it describes how AI is used to paint using images rather than traditional brush strokes. The AI technique mentioned generates images from text through a diffusion process.

Diffusion-based AI

A technique for generating images by starting from noise and gradually reorganizing it into a coherent image. This process is used to create images from text and is central to the painting method described in the video.

Text-to-Image Generation

A process where AI generates visual images based on textual descriptions. The video discusses this technique as the underlying technology for the new painting method, which starts from noise and evolves into a detailed image.

Image Tiling

The process of filling a space with repeated images. The video explains that simply tiling images can be boring and repetitive, highlighting the AI's ability to avoid this by creating more interesting and varied results.


Refers to the ability to precisely manage the placement and amount of elements in the AI-generated images. In the video, control is demonstrated by painting moss on objects or creating specific textures, showing the user's influence over the outcome.


The quality of maintaining uniformity and coherence in the generated images. The video notes that previous techniques struggled with consistency, particularly in maintaining believable lines and shapes, while the new method shows significant improvements.

Predecessor Techniques

Refers to earlier methods used for similar purposes, such as Photoshop's techniques. The video compares the new AI painting method to these older techniques, highlighting its advantages in terms of tiling, consistency, and versatility.

Stable Diffusion

An existing AI tool mentioned in the video that can be used for text-to-image generation. It exemplifies how current tools can already achieve similar results and hints at the potential for even more advanced techniques in the future.

Creative Potential

The possibility for users to explore new forms of creativity using the AI painting method. The video emphasizes how this technology can democratize creative processes, enabling anyone to produce impressive digital art without extensive training.

Future Applications

Speculations about how the technology could evolve and be used in the future. The video suggests potential improvements, such as integrating the entire image into a powerful text-to-image AI to generate even better results, highlighting the continuous advancement of AI capabilities.


NVIDIA's AI technology allows painting with images instead of traditional brushes.

This technique uses a diffusion-based AI to generate images from text, starting from noise and reorganizing it into an image.

The AI can paint with images without repeating patterns, unlike simple tiling methods.

The AI technique maintains consistency, especially when drawing lines with slight drifts.

It enables drawing with almost any image, expanding the creative possibilities.

The AI can tile images in a more natural and varied way compared to Photoshop's technique.

The AI's painting capabilities are not as refined as a human artist but offer significant potential for improvement.

Future developments may involve using the AI to generate new images based on the user's painting as a guideline.

The technology can be used with free and open tools like Stable Diffusion, making it accessible to a wider audience.

The AI's painting technique can be used to add details such as moss on objects with controlled placement.

The AI can help non-specialists create art with a level of control and creativity previously difficult to achieve.

The paper includes detailed comparisons with previous techniques, showcasing the advancements made.

The code for this AI painting technique is expected to be made available, according to the website.

The AI's painting capabilities can be used to create more creative and unique art pieces.

The technique's impact is not just on art creation but also on enabling more people to express their creativity.

The video transcript invites viewers to share their thoughts on how they would use this AI painting technology.