[PoE 3.25] NEW Teaser Reveals MASSIVE Changes To Weapons and Armour | Settlers of Kalguur

8 Jul 202407:45

TLDRIn this quick video, Belon covers a new teaser from GGG about Path of Exile's upcoming 3.25 update. The teaser reveals that quality bonuses on weapons and armor will now be multiplicative, offering significant boosts to physical damage and local defenses. This change will notably impact physical weapons and energy shields. Belon also highlights a new chest armor with a much higher base energy shield. He showcases examples to illustrate the changes, emphasizing their potential impact on the game. Despite the excitement, he advises caution as further adjustments may balance these updates.


  • 🔍 The teaser by GGG for Path of Exile 3.25 reveals significant changes to item quality, particularly for weapons and armor.
  • 🛡️ Quality bonuses on armor and weapons are now multiplicative, meaning full quality armor will provide 20% more local defenses.
  • ⚔️ Full quality weapons will give an additional 20% physical damage, impacting physical weapon types disproportionately.
  • 🏹 The change is likely to make elemental bows, like Fizz, more viable compared to physical weapons in temp leagues.
  • 🕷️ A new chest item, the Night Weave Robe, is showcased with a base energy shield of 260, much higher than the current top item, the Vol Regalia.
  • 📈 The proposed changes could increase the damage per second of certain weapons by 5.7% and energy shield by up to 28.1%.
  • 🔢 The teaser also hints at the possibility of synthesizing a new base type that maintains maximum quality, potentially surpassing other two-handed melee types.
  • 🔄 There might be counterbalancing measures for the changes, such as adjustments to discipline or other mechanics.
  • 🧩 The teaser does not provide a full picture, and further updates are expected to clarify the impact of these changes.
  • 📊 The community is encouraged to keep an eye out for updates and to be prepared for potential adjustments to existing mechanics.
  • 🎥 The video creator, Belon, usually refrains from discussing teasers until the full details are available to avoid speculation.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video?

    -The video discusses the new teaser released by Grinding Gear Games (GGG) for Path of Exile 3.25, which reveals massive changes to weapons and armor, specifically the change in item quality affecting physical damage and local defenses.

  • What is the change in item quality that is being teased for Path of Exile 3.25?

    -In Path of Exile 3.25, quality bonuses on armor and weapons are changing to be multiplicative. This means weapons with full quality will give 20% more physical damage, and armor with full quality will have 20% more local defenses.

  • How does the teaser affect physical weapons?

    -The teaser will disproportionately impact physical weapons, as all weapon types' base damage type is physical. The change will likely make certain physical weapons, like the ones used by Fizz, more powerful.

  • What is the new chest item showcased in the teaser?

    -The new chest item showcased is the Nightweave Robe, which has a base energy shield value of 260, significantly higher than the current highest base value of 163 from the Vol Regalia.

  • How does the change in quality affect the base energy shield value of items?

    -The change in quality will increase the base energy shield value of items with full quality by 20%, making them substantially stronger, as demonstrated by the comparison between the current Vol Regalia and the new Nightweave Robe.

  • What is the proposed impact of the teaser on the Load Thunder bow?

    -With the proposed changes, the Load Thunder bow will have its physical damage per second increased from 1,965 to 2,756, a change of 5.7% more damage.

  • How does the teaser affect the energy shield of the Brimstone Weaver shield?

    -The Brimstone Weaver shield, which previously had 953 flat energy shield, will now have 1,143 flat energy shield with the changes, a change of 19.9% more energy shield.

  • What is the potential impact on the energy shield of a V-regalia with legacy quality craft?

    -A V-regalia with legacy quality craft, which currently has 1300 energy shield, will now have 1,666 energy shield with the changes, a gain of 28.1% more energy shield.

  • Are there any possible counterbalancing measures hinted at in the teaser?

    -Yes, the teaser suggests that there might be adjustments to certain skills or passives, such as Discipline, to account for the increased power from the changes in item quality.

  • What does the teaser imply about the future of two-handed melee weapons?

    -The teaser implies that two-handed melee weapons could become more powerful if the new base types with higher quality can be synthesized while maintaining maximum quality, potentially overtaking other types.

  • How should the Path of Exile community approach this teaser?

    -The community should keep in mind that this is just a teaser and the full picture of the changes has not been revealed yet. It's important to wait for more information before making definitive conclusions about the impact of these changes.



🔍 New Teaser Analysis: Multiplicative Quality Bonuses

The video discusses a teaser by GGG, focusing on the upcoming changes to item quality in the game. The teaser reveals that quality bonuses on armor and weapons will become multiplicative, meaning full quality weapons will deal 20% more physical damage, and armor will provide 20% more local defenses. The presenter explains the current additive system and the proposed multiplicative system, using examples of items like the Vol Regalia and a new chest piece, the Night Weave Robe, which has a significantly higher base energy shield than the current top item. The video also speculates on the potential impact of these changes on physical weapons and energy shield values, providing calculations to illustrate the possible increases in damage and defense.


🛡️ Impact on Two-Handed Melee Types and Possible Counterbalancing

Continuing the discussion, the video script touches on the potential for a new two-handed melee base type to become dominant due to the multiplicative quality changes, especially if it can maintain maximum quality upon synthesis. The presenter considers the possibility of counterbalancing measures, such as adjustments to discipline or other auras, to offset the increased stats from quality. The script also mentions the teaser about changes to the determination aura, suggesting a reduction in flat armor value while keeping the percentage bonus the same. The summary emphasizes the need to keep an eye on further updates and the potential for enchants to interact with quality in a multiplicative manner, concluding with a note on the general excitement and anticipation for these changes.



💡PoE 3.25

PoE 3.25 refers to the 3.25 update of the game 'Path of Exile', which is a significant milestone in the game's development. This update is central to the video's theme as it introduces major changes to the game's mechanics, particularly concerning item quality and weapon/armour stats.


A 'teaser' in this context is a promotional preview or announcement that gives a glimpse of what's to come, without revealing all the details. The video discusses a teaser released by GGG (Grinding Gear Games), the developers of Path of Exile, which hints at massive changes in the upcoming update.

💡Item Quality

Item quality in Path of Exile is a numerical value that affects the performance of armor and weapons. In the video, it is mentioned that quality bonuses on armor and weapons are changing to a multiplicative effect, which is a fundamental shift in how these items will impact gameplay.


The term 'multiplicative' refers to a mathematical operation where one number is multiplied by another, resulting in a product. In the video, it is used to describe how the new item quality will affect stats, meaning that the quality bonus will be applied as a multiplier to the base stats of the item.

💡Physical Damage

Physical damage is a type of damage in Path of Exile that is dealt through non-magical means, typically from weapons. The video explains that weapons with full quality will now give 20% more physical damage, which is a significant increase and will impact the choice of weapons for players.

💡Local Defenses

Local defenses in the context of the game refer to the specific defensive attributes of armor, such as energy shield, evasion, and armor. The video mentions that armor with full quality will have 20% more local defenses, which will enhance the protective capabilities of the armor.

💡Spider Silk Robe

The 'Spider Silk Robe' is a base type of chest armor in Path of Exile. In the video, it is used as a reference point to compare the base energy shield values of different types of armor, highlighting the introduction of a new chest armor with a much higher base energy shield.

💡Energy Shield

Energy shield is a defensive mechanic in Path of Exile that absorbs damage before it affects the player's health. The video discusses how the changes to item quality will affect energy shield values, with examples provided to illustrate the potential increases in shield strength.

💡Vaal Regalia

The 'Vaal Regalia' is a type of unique armor in Path of Exile known for its high base energy shield value. The video uses it as a comparison to the new 'Night's Reave Robe', which has an even higher base energy shield, indicating a significant shift in the game's item hierarchy.


In the context of Path of Exile, 'craft' refers to the process of modifying an item's attributes to improve its performance. The video mentions the potential for crafting high-quality items with the new update, suggesting that players will have new opportunities to enhance their gear.


Discipline is a notable passive skill in Path of Exile that provides energy shield and other bonuses. The video suggests that changes to item quality might necessitate adjustments to skills like Discipline to maintain game balance.


GGG has teased massive changes to weapons and armor in Path of Exile 3.25.

Quality bonuses on armor and weapons are now multiplicative, affecting physical damage and local defenses.

Full quality weapons will give 20% more physical damage, and armor will have 20% more local defenses.

The change will disproportionately impact physical weapons, as all weapon types' base damage type is physical.

Elemental bows may see a shift in viability compared to physical weapons post-update.

A new chest item, the Night Weave Robe, is showcased with a significantly higher base energy shield.

The Night Weave Robe has a base energy shield value of 260, 60% more than the current highest.

The teaser suggests the potential for crafting items with higher stats due to the new multiplicative quality bonuses.

Calculations show that the new changes could increase physical damage per second by 5.7% for certain weapons.

Energy shield values could see an increase of up to 28.1% with the proposed changes.

The teaser hints at the possibility of synthesizing new base types while maintaining maximum quality.

Some base types from Heist that provide quality could be turned into 70% quality, potentially overtaking other melee types.

The update may include counterbalancing measures such as changes to discipline or determination to offset the new stats.

Determination's flat armor value might be reduced in the update as a counterbalance to increased armor from quality.

The teaser leaves room for speculation on how enchants might interact with the new multiplicative quality system.

The video emphasizes the importance of waiting for the full picture before drawing conclusions on the update's impact.

The teaser is a call to keep an eye out for further updates and potential changes to the game's meta.