PoE Is Back On The Menu

6 Jul 202410:59

TLDRIn this transcript, the streamer discusses the return of 'Path of Exile' (PoE) to their streaming content, speculating on the game's upcoming Expedition league and its potential impact on gameplay mechanics like attrition and regeneration. They also touch on the possibility of nerfs to certain skills, share anecdotes from their gaming sessions, and hint at trying out different builds and ascendancies in the game. The excitement for PoE's comeback is palpable, with the streamer planning to integrate it into their regular streaming schedule.


  • 😀 The title 'PoE Is Back On The Menu' suggests a return to playing Path of Exile (PoE).
  • 🎮 There's a trailer for a game update or event, which the speaker is excited to watch.
  • 🤔 The speaker speculates about the game's mechanics, particularly the importance of regeneration in PoE2.
  • 😵 The mention of attrition and the difficulty of playing hardcore mode due to the risk of dying early in the game.
  • 🔥 The speaker anticipates that regeneration will be very powerful in the new game version, PoE2.
  • 🎉 The speaker shares a humorous anecdote about a DOTA game where a fan recognized them and reacted excitedly.
  • 🛡 The discussion of game mechanics, such as nerfs to abilities like Bone Shatter, and the impact on the game's balance.
  • 🏰 The speaker considers trying different builds and strategies in the game, including using Warcry and Rage Vortex.
  • 🛍 The speaker contemplates the possibility of reworking certain game aspects like ascendancies and the removal of Slayer.
  • 🛡 The speaker evaluates the viability of the Gladiator class in the game, considering its outdated mechanics and lack of effectiveness.
  • 💥 The speaker mentions a character with impressive stats at level 45, highlighting the potential for high damage output in the game.
  • 🗡 The speaker expresses interest in trying melee builds and discusses the potential for a 'melee league' to make melee combat even more powerful.

Q & A

  • What is the main topic of the video transcript?

    -The main topic of the video transcript is discussing the return of the game Path of Exile (PoE) and the anticipation of its new content or updates.

  • What does the speaker think about the sustainability in PoE2?

    -The speaker believes that sustainability, particularly regeneration, will be very important and possibly 'absurdly good' in PoE2, as it can prevent players from dying to attrition.

  • Why does the speaker mention 'attrition' in the context of PoE2?

    -The speaker mentions 'attrition' as a factor that can cause players to die in the game, especially if they fail to regenerate or run out of resources like 'Flash'.

  • What does the speaker think about the current state of the Gladiator class in PoE?

    -The speaker considers the Gladiator class to be outdated and not viable unless there are significant changes, such as making block percentage equal damage reduction.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on the Berserker class in the current state of the game?

    -The speaker seems to think that the Berserker class is not very good, comparing it to the Slayer class in terms of being underwhelming.

  • What is the speaker's view on the block mechanic in PoE?

    -The speaker believes that the block mechanic is worthless in most Uber fights, making classes reliant on block, like Gladiator, less viable.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the potential reworking of ascendancies in PoE?

    -The speaker dreams of a scenario where three ascendancies are reworked, with Slayer being completely removed or 'hard deleted', which they find appealing.

  • What is the speaker's strategy for dealing with the character's lack of gear?

    -The speaker plans to play the character with no gear to see if it's playable and then consider adding gear later to enhance the character's performance.

  • What does the speaker imply about the difficulty of playing hardcore in PoE?

    -The speaker implies that playing hardcore can be very challenging, with a high chance of dying in Act One, especially for new or less experienced players.

  • What is the speaker's plan for the upcoming league in PoE?

    -The speaker plans to play a character through Maps and see how it performs, with the possibility of playing other mini-games before the league starts.

  • What does the speaker think about the transfigure gems from the last league?

    -The speaker seems disappointed with the transfigure gems from the last league, suggesting that there weren't any particularly cool or interesting ones.



🎮 Gaming and Speculations on 'POE2' Mechanics

The speaker discusses their anticipation for a game trailer and shares their thoughts on the game mechanics, particularly the importance of regeneration in 'POE2'. They mention that without proper sustain, players will likely die to attrition. The speaker also talks about their gaming experiences, including a humorous anecdote about a DOTA player who recognized the speaker and went hysterical. They speculate on potential nerfs to certain abilities and hint at their plans to play 'POE2' aggressively with a focus on high damage output builds.


🤔 Contemplating Class Choices and Gameplay Strategies

In this paragraph, the speaker is contemplating different classes and builds for an upcoming gaming league. They consider the viability of the Berserker class and discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of various skills and mechanics such as exerted attacks and war cries. The speaker also reflects on the outdated nature of certain classes like Gladiator and the importance of block mechanics in fights. They mention their own character's stats and speculate on the possibility of playing a melee-focused character in the upcoming league.


🛡️ Shield and Sword: Speculating on Gameplay and Builds

The speaker continues to discuss potential builds and strategies for the game, focusing on the use of a shield and sword for leveling and the possibility of using Herald of Purity for chaos damage. They consider the possibility of using buffs like rallying cry and the challenges of early game leveling. The speaker also talks about their plans to delete currency to avoid farming and their thoughts on the potential for high crit chance and multi on a level 45 character. They end with a humorous recollection of a player who struggled with a boss fight.




PoE, short for 'Path of Exile', is a popular online action RPG game developed by Grinding Gear Games. It is the central theme of the video as the script discusses various aspects of the game, including new content and gameplay strategies. The term is used to refer to the game itself and its updates, as seen in the script where the speaker mentions 'POE Is Back On The Menu', indicating a return to playing the game.


A 'trailer' in the context of video games is a promotional video that showcases upcoming content or features. In the script, the speaker mentions watching a trailer, which is likely related to the game PoE, sparking discussion about the game's new content or updates.


Expedition refers to a specific game mode or content update in PoE. The script mentions 'Expedition 2', which could be a sequel or a second part of a particular game feature, suggesting the introduction of new challenges or gameplay elements for players to explore.


'Regen' is short for regeneration and in gaming, it typically refers to the gradual recovery of health or mana over time. The script discusses the importance of regen in PoE, indicating that having no regen or poor sustainability can lead to player character deaths, as seen in the phrase 'you have, like no regen you know your, sustainability like Runs Out'.


In the context of the video, 'attrition' refers to a style of gameplay where the player character dies due to the gradual depletion of resources or health, rather than a single, large hit. The speaker mentions dying to attrition, which implies a common occurrence in the game where players run out of healing or defensive options.


Hardcore mode in PoE is a challenging game mode where the player's character has only one life. If the character dies, the player must start over. The script mentions playing 'hardcore' and the high likelihood of dying early in the game, as in 'you're just going to die in Act One 100%'.


A 'nerf' in gaming is a reduction in the effectiveness or power of a game element, such as a character ability or item. The script discusses the possibility of 'bone shatter' being nerfed, which implies that it might be too powerful and could be adjusted by the game developers.

💡Rage Vortex

Rage Vortex is a skill or ability in PoE that creates a vortex pulling in enemies and dealing damage over time. The speaker mentions 'rage Vortex' in the context of wanting to delete all currency except for it, indicating its importance or desirability in the game.


Ascendancies in PoE are powerful passive skill trees that provide unique bonuses and abilities to a character. The script mentions the possibility of reworking ascendancies, which would be a significant change to the game's character progression system.


Berserker is one of the ascendancy classes in PoE, known for its high damage output at the cost of defense. The speaker contemplates playing as a Berserker, discussing its strengths and weaknesses, such as 'Berserker is not even that good for this honestly'.


Melee refers to close-combat fighting techniques used in games, where the character engages enemies at close range. The script mentions 'melee Buffs' and a 'melee League', indicating a focus on enhancing melee combat abilities or a league or event centered around melee gameplay.


Introduction of a new trailer for the game, suggesting a return to Path of Exile (PoE).

Discussion about the potential features of PoE2, hinting at improvements in gameplay.

Mention of the importance of regeneration in PoE2 for character sustainability.

Comment on the difficulty of playing hardcore mode in PoE, especially in Act One.

Anecdote about a DOTA game where the player was excitedly reacting to the streamer's identity.

Speculation about potential nerfs to the bone shatter skill and its impact on the game.

The idea of using earthquake, holy flame, and rage vortex as a build strategy.

Consideration of the complexity and potential power of a build involving RF (Rain of Fire).

Plans for variety in gameplay before settling into a main character for the league.

Expression of a desire to play grindy games and a mention of possibly streaming Bloodborne.

Concern about the lack of interesting transfigure gems in the current league.

Dream scenario of reworking ascendancies and removing Slayer for a fresh experience.

Analysis of the build's complexity and the need for many skill links.

Discussion on the effectiveness of war cries and buffs in the current build.

Consideration of trying a Herald of Purity chaos damage build with sword and shield.

Reflection on the difficulty of leveling with Sunder and the potential for a melee league.

Critique of the Gladiator class as outdated and not viable in current game mechanics.

Story about a player who struggled with a level 45 character in PoE2.

Anticipation of a melee league and the potential for even more broken mechanics.

Recollection of a player who repeatedly died on a boss fight and had to take a break.

Final thoughts on the build's playability without gear and the benefits of using a shield.

Closing remarks about the potential of the build and plans for future gameplay.