Your 5-Year Plan is Holding You Back (S2 Ep. 1)

Get Paid to Live Podcast
25 Mar 202488:11

TLDRThe podcast episode discusses the limitations of the traditional 5-year plan approach to goal-setting and success. The hosts share their personal experiences and advocate for a more flexible, intuitive '5-foot plan' that focuses on taking small, immediate steps towards what truly aligns with one's passions and interests. They emphasize the importance of learning through doing, embracing uncertainty, and being open to the journey of self-discovery and growth.


  • 🎉 Embracing change and setting goals in a non-traditional timeline can lead to a more fulfilling and less stressful approach to personal development.
  • 🌟 Trusting your instincts and focusing on what feels right can guide you more effectively than rigid, long-term plans.
  • 🚀 Starting small and building on successes leads to exponential growth over time, as opposed to getting overwhelmed with big, distant goals.
  • 💡 It's important to recognize that life is unpredictable, and thus, flexibility and adaptability are more valuable than strict adherence to a plan.
  • 🧩 The journey towards personal and professional growth is a series of connected dots that only make sense when viewed in retrospect.
  • 🔍 Paying attention to what you enjoy and dislike in the present moment can provide clues about your future path and direction.
  • 🌈 Allowing for randomness and exploration in your life can lead to unexpected, yet rewarding outcomes and opportunities.
  • 🛤️ The 'Five Foot Plan' concept encourages focusing on the immediate next steps rather than a distant, detailed future that may not accurately represent your true desires or circumstances.
  • 💭 Letting go of the need for certainty can open up space for learning and growth, ultimately leading to more effective action and progress.
  • 🌟 Authenticity in pursuing your passions and interests is the key to creating a life that feels successful and fulfilling to you.

Q & A

  • What is the main theme of the podcast discussed in the transcript?

    -The main theme of the podcast is about reevaluating the concept of a 5-year plan and adopting a more flexible and intuitive approach to goal-setting and personal development, referred to as the '5-foot plan'.

  • Why did the podcast hosts decide not to set goals on January 1st?

    -The hosts decided not to set goals on January 1st because they felt that it was better to start the year without the pressure of immediate change, allowing for a more gradual and realistic approach to implementing new behaviors and goals.

  • What was the hosts' experience with a work retreat?

    -The hosts conducted a work retreat to strategize on their 2024 goals in a new environment, similar to a corporate offsite. They found it beneficial to get out of their usual home office setting and focus on their objectives.

  • How did the hosts feel about the traditional 5-year plan mentality?

    -The hosts felt that the traditional 5-year plan mentality is grounded in the delusion that life is predictable, which is not the case. They believe it's more effective to focus on the immediate next steps and adapt as necessary.

  • What was the hosts' biggest takeaway from their first semester of entrepreneurship?

    -The hosts' biggest takeaway was the importance of listening to themselves and doing what they genuinely want to do, rather than following preconceived notions of what entrepreneurship should look like.

  • How did the hosts' views on their podcast evolve from season one to season two?

    -From season one to season two, the hosts shifted their focus from exploring various options to shedding the things that didn't align with them. They realized that what they initially thought was important (signal) turned out to be noise, and vice versa.

  • What is the '5-foot plan' that the hosts propose as an alternative to the 5-year plan?

    -The '5-foot plan' is a more immediate and flexible approach to goal-setting, where one focuses on the next obvious step in front of them rather than a detailed and often inflexible long-term plan. It emphasizes adaptability and intuition over strict planning.

  • Why did the host feel that creating a business plan was not necessary at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey?

    -The host felt that creating a business plan was not necessary at the beginning because they lacked the knowledge and experience to accurately define their business. Instead, they focused on taking small, obvious steps and learning through action.

  • What is the significance of the 'hell yes' and 'hell no' concepts mentioned in the podcast?

    -The 'hell yes' and 'hell no' concepts are used to identify activities or tasks that either excite and fulfill the individual or drain them. These identifications help in understanding personal preferences and aligning one's actions with their true desires and passions.

  • How did the host's initial approach to content creation evolve over time?

    -The host initially approached content creation as a hobby or side activity, not foreseeing it as a main focus. However, over time, they realized that content creation was not only something they enjoyed but also something that was providing them with positive feedback and growth, leading them to focus more on it.



🎉 Starting the New Year with a Work Retreat

The speaker begins by sharing their excitement for the year 2024 and the decision to start it with a work retreat instead of setting goals on January 1st. They explain that this approach allowed them to ease into the year without the pressure of immediate change, reflecting on past experiences and realizing the importance of aligning goals with reality. The retreat serves as a strategic move to transition smoothly into their 2024 objectives in a new environment, away from their usual workspace.


🌟 Embracing Entrepreneurship and Letting Go of Preconceived Notions

The speakers discuss their journey into entrepreneurship, sharing their experiences of quitting their jobs to pursue their dreams. They reflect on the lessons learned from their first semester in the world of entrepreneurship, emphasizing the importance of listening to oneself and trusting one's instincts. They highlight the need to shed preconceived notions about what entrepreneurs should do, sharing personal stories of trial and error that led to the realization of what truly aligns with their values and passions.


🚀 Shifting Focus from Corporate to Creative Pursuits

The speakers delve into their transition from corporate jobs to creative endeavors, with one of them sharing their initial foray into consulting and content creation. They discuss the unexpected traction they found with content, which led to a shift in their focus from consulting to content creation as their main endeavor. The conversation highlights the importance of adapting to new realities and being open to change, as well as the challenges of aligning one's work with their personal values and preferences.


🤔 Questioning the 5-Year Plan Mentality

The speakers critique the common practice of creating elaborate 5-year plans, arguing that life is too unpredictable for such long-term planning. They share their personal experiences and observations, suggesting that the pursuit of unique, individual goals cannot be effectively planned years in advance. Instead, they advocate for a more flexible, adaptive approach to goal-setting and personal development, emphasizing the value of learning from experiences and adjusting one's path accordingly.


🧩 Piecing Together the Puzzle of Personal Desires

The speakers discuss the challenge of identifying and pursuing one's unique desires and goals, acknowledging that these are often not well-defined or easily projected into the future. They emphasize the importance of taking action and gaining experience to better understand one's aspirations. The conversation touches on the concept of 'unknown unknowns' and the limitations of knowledge in shaping future plans, advocating for a more exploratory and adaptive approach to personal growth and success.


📉 The Pitfalls of Corporate Planning for Individuals

The speakers continue their discussion on the impracticality of corporate-style 5-year plans for individuals, highlighting the differences in pace and predictability between large organizations and individual endeavors. They argue that the comfort and control provided by such plans are illusory and can hinder personal growth and adaptability. Instead, they propose a more flexible, experience-based approach to planning that acknowledges the unique and unpredictable nature of individual paths.


🔍 Finding Clarity in the Present Moment

The speakers advocate for a focus on the immediate present, arguing against the common practice of creating long-term plans that may not accurately reflect one's true desires or future realities. They propose the concept of a 'five-foot plan,' which emphasizes taking small, clear steps within one's immediate reach rather than plotting out a distant and uncertain future. The conversation encourages listeners to embrace the uncertainty and potential of the present moment, trusting in their ability to navigate their path as it unfolds.


🎯 Aligning Actions with Personal Vision

The speakers stress the importance of aligning one's actions with their personal vision and goals, cautioning against becoming too attached to the specifics of how one achieves their objectives. They argue for flexibility in approach while maintaining a clear vision of the desired outcome. The conversation touches on the experiences of successful individuals who have achieved their goals not through rigid planning, but through persistent action, learning, and adaptation.


🌈 Embracing the Journey and Trusting the Process

The speakers share their personal experiences and insights on the journey of entrepreneurship and content creation, emphasizing the value of the process itself. They discuss the importance of taking small, consistent steps towards one's goals, and the transformative power of doing what one loves. The conversation highlights the beauty of randomness and the unexpected connections that can emerge from following one's intuition and interests.




In the context of the video, a retreat refers to a work-related getaway where the speakers are planning their goals and strategizing for the year 2024. It is a form of corporate offsite, providing a change of environment to stimulate creativity and productivity. An example from the script is when they mention 'we are at the Nyo hotel' for their work retreat.


Entrepreneurship is a key theme in the video, referring to the process of starting and managing a business or businesses, typically with the goal of making a profit. The speakers discuss their journey as new entrepreneurs, the challenges they faced, and the lessons they learned. For instance, one speaker mentions 'we both if you don't know the backstory we, similar times we quit our jobs to really, just pursue our dreams'.

💡Goal Setting

Goal setting is the process of identifying and prioritizing specific, achievable objectives. In the video, the speakers discuss their approach to setting goals for the year, emphasizing the importance of aligning these goals with their realities and personal values. An example is when they talk about 'let my goals become Real by seeing what, actually matched my reality'.

💡Content Creation

Content creation refers to the process of producing and sharing various forms of content, such as videos, articles, or podcasts, to engage and inform an audience. The speakers discuss content creation as a significant part of their work, with one mentioning their surprise at the traction they got with their content and the shift in their focus towards it.


Consulting is the practice of providing expert advice in a particular area to individuals or organizations for a fee. In the video, one of the speakers initially pursued a consulting business in social media management but realized it wasn't aligned with their preferences, as they didn't enjoy having clients or reporting to people.

💡5-Year Plan Mentality

The 5-Year Plan Mentality refers to the common practice of setting long-term goals or plans that extend over a period of five years. The speakers criticize this approach, arguing that it is grounded in the delusion that life is predictable and that it can lead to a lack of authenticity and flexibility. They advocate for a more immediate and adaptable planning strategy.

💡Signal vs Noise

Signal vs Noise is a concept used to distinguish between meaningful information (signal) and distractions or irrelevant details (noise). The speakers discuss how they learned to differentiate between what truly matters for their goals and what doesn't, as part of their entrepreneurial journey. For example, they mention how they initially thought certain business opportunities were 'signal' (important), but later realized they were 'noise' (unnecessary).


Authenticity refers to being true to one's own personality, spirit, or character, despite external pressures. The speakers emphasize the importance of authenticity in their entrepreneurial journey, discussing how they learned to trust their instincts and pursue what genuinely aligns with their values and desires. One speaker mentions 'trust yourself' as a key takeaway from their experience.

💡Corporate Environment

A corporate environment refers to the setting of a large business organization, often characterized by a hierarchical structure and formal operations. The speakers discuss their past experiences in corporate jobs and how those experiences shaped their perspectives on entrepreneurship and personal growth. They contrast the predictability and structure of corporate life with the uncertainty and freedom of their current path.


A podcast is a digital audio program available online for downloading to a computer or mobile device. The speakers discuss their podcast 'Get Paid to Live', where they share their experiences and insights on entrepreneurship, following dreams, and living a fulfilling life. The podcast serves as a platform for candid interviews and reflections on their journey.

💡Season 2

Season 2 refers to the second series or cycle of the podcast 'Get Paid to Live'. The speakers mention that they have entered a new phase of their podcast, akin to the second semester of their freshman year in entrepreneurship. This indicates progression and the continuation of their journey.


The importance of not setting goals on January 1st, but instead allowing goals to become real by matching reality.

The benefits of doing a work retreat to strategize on goals in a new environment.

The realization that changing behaviors and goals immediately at the start of the year may not be the most effective approach.

The idea of taking time to get out of the house and be in a new environment to help with strategizing goals.

The concept of treating work like a corporate offsite, even when working from home.

The hosts' decision to quit their jobs to pursue their dreams and the challenges they faced in the first year.

The importance of listening to oneself and doing what one wants to do without doubting.

The realization that preconceived notions about entrepreneurship can be limiting.

The idea of shedding preconceived notions and trusting one's instincts in business decisions.

The shift from trying to fit into preconceived business ideas to finding what aligns with one's values.

The concept of the 'five-year plan mentality' and its limitations in predicting life's unpredictability.

The importance of focusing on the present and taking small, manageable steps towards goals rather than planning too far ahead.

The idea that the world is not predictable, and that one should not rely on the illusion of control provided by long-term plans.

The concept of 'signal' and 'noise' in discerning what is truly important in one's life and goals.

The idea of accepting a lack of control and focusing on what is clear and obvious in one's immediate surroundings.

The concept of the 'five-foot plan', focusing on the next obvious step instead of a long-term plan.

The importance of understanding one's desires and taking quick, obvious action towards them.