Porter Robinson - KNOCK YOURSELF OUT XD (Official Music Video)

Porter Robinson
24 Apr 202403:13


TLDRThe video script presents a raw and candid self-portrait of a celebrity grappling with the pressures of fame and public perception. It captures the inner turmoil and the struggle to maintain authenticity amidst the superficiality of stardom. The protagonist, likely a stand-in for the artist Taylor Swift, reflects on their own identity, questioning their worth and the impact they have on their fans. The narrative is punctuated with moments of self-doubt, humor, and defiance, showcasing a complex character who is both a product of their environment and a deeply flawed individual. The script is a commentary on the celebrity lifestyle, highlighting the dichotomy between public image and private struggles, and the relentless pursuit of happiness in a world that often feels unattainable. It's a poignant reminder of the human side of those in the public eye and an invitation for viewers to look beyond the headlines and see the person behind the fame.


  • 📱 The individual expresses a sense of frustration and detachment, as indicated by throwing their phone into the sea.
  • 🧘‍♂️ There is an admission of dependency on a team for even the most basic tasks, highlighting a lack of self-sufficiency.
  • 🌟 The person lives in the 'afterglow' of the feelings they experience, possibly suggesting they are constantly influenced by their emotions.
  • 🤡 They acknowledge being perceived as a 'short-lived joke' and 'soulless', indicating self-awareness of their public image.
  • 🗣️ The lyrics question why people continue to be let down by the individual, suggesting a troubled relationship with their audience or fans.
  • 💭 There's a reference to being 'in the mirror', which could symbolize introspection or the idea of people seeing a reflection of themselves in the individual.
  • 🤑 A boastful claim of wealth and fame is made, with mentions of being compared to Taylor Swift and having a valuable wristwatch.
  • 😷 The individual admits to feeling physically sick and emotional distress, such as crying at the airport.
  • 📸 There's a mention of being approached for a picture and being told a sad story, which might be a commentary on the constant attention and emotional burden of fame.
  • 🚫 The person questions their reasons for not quitting, hinting at a struggle with the pressures of their lifestyle.
  • 😁 The final lines present a more carefree and defiant attitude, with references to a big smile, a drink, and a luxury car, suggesting a return to confidence and enjoyment of their status.
  • 🔄 The mention of a 'brand new feeling in the back of my head' could imply a change or shift in the individual's mindset or perspective.

Q & A

  • What is the speaker's emotional state in the first line of the transcript?

    -The speaker is expressing a sense of frustration or dissatisfaction with their current situation, as indicated by the act of throwing their phone into the sea.

  • How does the speaker describe their dependence on their team?

    -The speaker humorously exaggerates their dependence by saying they wouldn't know how to brush their teeth without asking their team.

  • What does the phrase 'Living in the afterglow' suggest about the speaker's life?

    -The phrase implies that the speaker is experiencing the lingering effects or consequences of past events or feelings, possibly suggesting a sense of nostalgia or regret.

  • What is the implication of the line 'But baby I’m a short-lived joke; as soulless as I seem'?

    -The speaker is acknowledging that they may appear to be a fleeting source of amusement or a superficial person, suggesting a self-awareness of how they are perceived by others.

  • What does the line 'And I’m everything you talk about' indicate about the speaker's public persona?

    -The speaker is suggesting that they are a topic of conversation and possibly a subject of fascination or gossip, which could be due to their fame or notoriety.

  • Why does the speaker question why someone should 'keep letting yourself be let down'?

    -This question reflects the speaker's awareness of their own shortcomings and the impact they have on others, inviting reflection on the nature of their relationships and the expectations placed upon them.

  • What does the line 'I’m in the mirror, baby, let it all out' symbolize?

    -This could be an invitation for self-reflection and honesty, suggesting that the speaker is encouraging someone to confront their own feelings and emotions directly.

  • What is the significance of the line 'Don’t know my schedule on the fifth, Bitch I’m Taylor Swift'?

    -This line is a playful and exaggerated self-reference, possibly indicating the speaker's celebrity status and the chaotic nature of their life, where they are too busy to keep track of their own schedule.

  • How does the mention of 'a hundred million on my wrist' reflect the speaker's wealth?

    -This is a hyperbolic way of indicating extreme wealth, likely referring to an expensive piece of jewelry or a watch, which serves to emphasize the speaker's luxurious lifestyle.

  • What is the emotional state conveyed by 'Physically sick, Crying at the airport'?

    -This line suggests a deep emotional turmoil or distress, possibly due to the pressures of fame or personal issues, which the speaker is experiencing even in a public place like an airport.

  • What is the purpose of the repeated line 'I got a brand new feeling in the back of my head'?

    -This repetition emphasizes a sense of internal change or realization that the speaker is experiencing, which could be related to their personal growth or a shift in their perspective on life.

  • How does the mention of 'a face tattoo' and 'a new Bugatti' contribute to the speaker's image?

    -These details serve to create an image of the speaker as someone who is unconventional and affluent, emphasizing their unique status and possibly their desire to stand out from the crowd.



😔 Reflections on Fame and Authenticity

The first paragraph delves into the struggles of a celebrity, presumably Taylor Swift, as they grapple with the superficiality of fame and the loss of personal identity. The lyrics express a sense of emptiness and a feeling of being a 'short-lived joke.' The artist reflects on their dependence on a 'team' for even the most mundane tasks and the constant scrutiny they face from the public. The narrative questions why anyone would continue to be let down by someone who is 'everything you talk about.' It ends with a countdown and a shift to a more defiant and assertive tone, suggesting a desire to break free from the constraints of fame and to be seen as a 'regular man,' despite the extravagance and superficiality that surrounds them.




A phone is a telecommunications device that allows users to communicate over long distances. In the context of the video, the act of throwing a phone into the sea symbolizes a desire to disconnect from technology and societal pressures, emphasizing the theme of seeking simplicity and authenticity.

💡Human being

This term refers to a person, highlighting the vulnerability and imperfections that come with being human. The video uses this concept to contrast the complexities of life with the desire for simplicity, as seen in the line 'Simple human being, Wouldn’t know how to brush my teeth, without asking my team.'


Afterglow refers to the lingering feelings or effects that remain after an event has ended. In the video, 'Living in the afterglow' suggests that the subject is constantly living in the past, unable to escape the memories or consequences of their actions, which ties into the theme of self-reflection and introspection.


A joke is a form of humor, often with a punchline. However, in the video, 'short-lived joke' implies a transient moment of amusement that quickly fades, reflecting the fleeting nature of fame and the superficiality of public perception.


The soul is often considered the immaterial essence of a person, representing their innermost character or moral and emotional nature. The phrase 'as soulless as I seem' in the script suggests a feeling of emptiness or loss of identity, which is a central theme in the video about the cost of fame and public scrutiny.


A mirror is an object that reflects an image, often used metaphorically to represent self-reflection. The line 'I’m in the mirror, baby, let it all out' encourages the viewer to confront their own inner feelings and emotions, which is a key element of the video's message about self-awareness and authenticity.


A schedule is a plan for carrying out a process or procedure. In the context of 'Don’t know my schedule on the fifth,' it highlights the chaotic and unpredictable nature of a celebrity's life, where personal time and privacy are often compromised.

💡Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift is a renowned singer-songwriter known for her narrative songwriting and relatable themes. The mention of her name in the script, 'Bitch I’m Taylor Swift,' is likely a metaphor for the pressures and expectations that come with fame, and how it can feel to be constantly in the public eye.

💡Physically sick

To be 'physically sick' means to experience physical symptoms of illness or distress. In the video, this phrase is used to convey the extreme emotional toll that fame and public attention can have on an individual, which is a significant theme in the narrative.


An airport is a place where people travel to and from different locations. The mention of 'Crying at the airport' in the script could symbolize the emotional turmoil associated with constant travel and the disconnection from a stable home life, which is a common challenge for celebrities.

💡Face Tattoo

A face tattoo is a form of body art applied to the face. In the video, 'I got a face tattoo, I’m not a regular man' could be interpreted as a metaphor for the unique and unconventional path the subject has chosen, distinguishing them from the 'regular' life and emphasizing their individuality.


A Bugatti is a high-end luxury sports car, often associated with wealth and status. The line 'I drive a new Bugatti, not a Mercedes Benz' in the script could be seen as a symbol of the material wealth that comes with fame, contrasting with the emotional and personal costs explored in the video.


I threw my phone into the sea

Simple human being

Living in the afterglow, of everything you feel

But baby I’m a short-lived joke

And I’m everything you talk about

Why should you keep letting yourself be let down?

I’m in the mirror, baby, let it all out

Knock yourself out

Don’t know my schedule on the fifth, Bitch I’m Taylor Swift

Got a hundred million on my wrist

Physically sick, Crying at the airport

Telling me a sad story, Another reason not to quit

I wear a big smile, got a drink in my hand

I got a face tattoo, I’m not a regular man

I got a brand new feeling in the back of my head

I drive a new Bugatti, not a Mercedes Benz

You gotta, hold on, I'll tell you 'bout it again




I threw my phone into the sea


Simple human being


Wouldn’t know how to brush my teeth


without asking my team


Living in the afterglow


of everything you feel


But baby I’m a short-lived joke;


as soulless as I seem


And I’m everything you talk about


Why should you keep letting yourself be let down?


If i’m everything you talk about,


I’m in the mirror, baby, let it all out


Knock yourself out


Knock yourself out


Don’t know my schedule on the fifth


Bitch I’m Taylor Swift


Got a hundred million on my wrist


Physically sick


Crying at the airport


I’m sorry, can I get a pic?


Telling me a sad story


Another reason not to quit


And I’m everything you talk about


Why should you keep letting yourself be let down?


If i’m everything you talk about,


I’m in the mirror, baby, let it all out


Knock yourself out




I wear a big smile, got a drink in my hand


I got a face tattoo, I’m not a regular man


You gotta


hold on, I'll tell you 'bout it again


I got a brand new feeling in the back of my head


I wear a big smile, got a drink in my hand


I drive a new Bugatti, not a Mercedes Benz


You gotta


hold on, I'll tell you bout it again


I got a brand new feeling in the back of my head

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Celebrity LifeEmotional StrugglesFame ImpactVulnerabilitySelf-IdentityLyrical ExpressionPop CultureMusic IndustryPersonal GrowthPublic PersonaArtistic Reflection
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