TLDRIn diesem Video diskutiert der YouTuber Zas Su die neuesten Entwicklungen im Rap-Battle zwischen Drake und Kendrick Lamar. Er analysiert die Wortspiele und die tieferen Botschaften hinter den Liedtexten, die sowohl persönliche als auch kontroverse Themen ansprechen. Zas Su zeigt sich beeindruckt von der Intensität und dem Engagement der Fans und fragt sich, ob es noch weitere Überraschungen geben könnte, wie etwa das Erscheinen eines neuen Songs von ASAP Rocky oder Future. Er betont, dass es wichtig ist, sich auf soziale Medien über die neuesten Entwicklungen zu informieren und ruft die Zuschauer dazu auf, sich einzubringen und aktiv zu bleiben.
- 🎤 Die Diskussion konzentriert sich auf die Reaktionen und Meinungen zu den jüngsten Veröffentlichungen von Drake und Kendrick Lamar.
- 🔥 Es wird spekuliert, dass Kendrick Lamar mit seiner Musik einen harten Einschlag nehmen könnte, was die Zuhörer auf der Kanzlei setzt.
- 🤔 Der Sprecher ist neugierig auf die Strategie, die Drake für seine Musik wählt, insbesondere angesichts der vielen Gerüchte und Spekulationen.
- 📉 Der Titel des Songs von Kendrick, 'Heart Part 6', wird als eine Art Kontrast zu Drakes 'Hard Part' interpretiert.
- 💬 Es wird diskutiert, ob Drake möglicherweise Absichten hat, Informationen zu manipulieren oder Lügen zu verbreiten, um seine Botschaft zu untermauern.
- 👀 Der Sprecher bringt die Idee auf, dass es möglicherweise einen 'Verräter' innerhalb des Lagers von Drake geben könnte.
- 🚫 Es wird angemerkt, dass es seltsam ist, dass bestimmte Arten von Lügen verbreitet werden, insbesondere wenn es um schwerwiegende Vorwürfe geht.
- 📉 Die Diskussion umfasst auch die möglichen Konsequenzen für Drake, wenn die Vorwürfe wahr sein sollten.
- 🔍 Der Sprecher bezieht sich auf frühere Diskussionen und Kontroversen, die mit den Künstlern in Verbindung gebracht wurden.
- 🎶 Die Musik von beiden Künstlern wird als 'Banger' beschrieben, was auf ihre Qualität und den Einfluss ihrer jüngsten Veröffentlichungen hinweist.
- 📉 Die Diskussion schließt mit der Meinung des Sprechers, dass Kendrick Lamar möglicherweise die führende Rolle in der aktuellen Situation einnimmt.
Q & A
Was ist das Hauptthema des Gesprächs in diesem Skript?
-Das Hauptthema des Gesprächs ist die Diskussion über die Konfrontation zwischen den Rappers Drake und Kendrick Lamar, insbesondere in Bezug auf ihre Musik und die dadurch entstandenen Gerüchte.
Welche Figur aus der Musikindustrie wird in dem Skript als Teil der Diskussion erwähnt?
-Whitney Houston wird in dem Skript erwähnt, als ob sie mit den Diskussionen zwischen Drake und Kendrick Lamar in Verbindung steht.
Was ist die Meinung des Sprechers über die Situation zwischen Drake und Kendrick Lamar?
-Der Sprecher scheint skeptisch zu sein und sagt, dass er nicht glaubt, dass Drake einen Spion in Kendricks Lager hatte, um Informationen zu sammeln. Er diskutiert auch die möglichen Auswirkungen von Musik, die möglicherweise falsche oder manipulative Botschaften vermittelt.
Welche Art von Strategien werden von den Rappers in dem Skript verwendet?
-In dem Skript werden verschiedene Strategien diskutiert, wie das Setzen von Narrativen, das Verwenden von Lügen als Taktik und das Aufdecken von Informationen, die möglicherweise nicht öffentlich bekannt sind.
Was ist der Bezug auf 'Excavation' in dem Skript?
-Der Begriff 'Excavation' wird verwendet, um die Tiefgräberei nach alten Gerüchten oder 'Knochen' zu beschreiben, die als metaphorische Ausdrücke für verborgene Wahrheiten oder Lügen dienen.
Welche Rolle spielt die öffentliche Meinung in der Diskussion?
-Die öffentliche Meinung wird als Faktor angesehen, der die Rapper beeinflusst und möglicherweise dazu beiträgt, ihre Handlungen und Entscheidungen zu erklären. Der Sprecher diskutiert auch, wie Fans auf die Situation reagieren.
Welche Kritikpunkte werden gegenüber Drakes Verhalten in dem Skript geäußert?
-Es wird angedeutet, dass Drake beschuldigt wird, Lügen zu verbreiten und seine Fans zu manipulieren. Der Sprecher kritisiert auch mögliche Hypokrisie in Bezug auf die Unterstützung von Künstlern, die in ähnlichen Skandals verwickelt sind.
Was ist der Hintergrund des Liedes 'Heart Part 6', das im Skript erwähnt wird?
-Das Lied 'Heart Part 6' von Kendrick Lamar ist Teil einer Serie von Liedern, die persönliche Geschichten und Gefühle des Künstlers ausdrücken. Im Skript wird diskutiert, wie es in den Kontext der Diskussion zwischen Drake und Kendrick eingebettet ist.
Welche Rolle spielen soziale Medien in der Diskussion?
-Soziale Medien werden als Plattform beschrieben, auf der die Diskussionen stattfinden und die Musik verbreitet wird. Es wird auch erwähnt, wie die Rapper möglicherweise auf sozialen Medien interagieren und ihre Botschaften verbreiten.
Was ist der Einfluss von Musik auf die Wahrnehmung von Ereignissen in dem Skript?
-Musik wird als mächtige Waffe betrachtet, die verwendet wird, um die Wahrnehmung von Ereignissen und die öffentliche Meinung zu beeinflussen. Der Sprecher diskutiert, wie Songs Details preisgeben oder Manipulationen versuchen können.
Wie wird die Rolle der Familie und persönlichen Beziehungen in dem Skript thematisiert?
-Die Rolle der Familie und persönlicher Beziehungen wird durch die Erwähnung von Eltern und Kindesmädchen thematisiert. Es wird diskutiert, wie diese Beziehungen die Identität und das Verhalten der Rapper beeinflussen können.
😀 Diskussion über Drakes und Kendricks Lamars Rap-Gegensatz
Der erste Absatz konzentriert sich auf die Diskussion zwischen den Rappers Drake und Kendrick Lamar. Es wird erwähnt, dass Drake 'standing on business' ist und dass es viele Gerüchte und Spekulationen gibt, ohne dass klar ist, was genau passiert ist. Der Sprecher zeigt Begeisterung und Neugier über die Musik, die Kendrick Lamar veröffentlicht hat und wie Drake möglicherweise darauf reagieren wird. Es wird auch auf ein mögliches tiefes Verhältnis zwischen den Künstlern und die Bedeutung von 'Free' als möglichem Bezug zu einem langjährigen Geschäftspartner oder sogar zum Paten eines Kindes hingewiesen.
😯 Analyse der Lyrik und Spekulationen über die Cover-Art
In diesem Absatz wird weiterhin über die Kontroverse zwischen den beiden Künstlern gesprochen, wobei besonderer Fokus auf den Lyrics und der Cover-Art liegt, die möglicherweise aus Gründen der Verletzung von Rechten oder wegen anderer Probleme entfernt wurde. Es wird auch spekuliert, warum Whitney Houston in Bezug auf die Vorwürfe schweigt und warum es einen Abstand zwischen Kendrick Lamar und seinen Kindern gibt. Der Sprecher reflektiert über die tieferen Botschaften in den Texten und die möglichen Auswirkungen von Kindheitstraumata auf das Verhalten der Künstler.
🤔 Kritik an Drakes Streaming-Daten und Verhalten
Der dritte Absatz enthält eine scharfe Kritik an Drakes Streaming-Daten und seinem Verhalten im Internet. Der Sprecher bezieht sich auf Drakes mögliche Kauf von Streams und Kommentaren und fordert ihn auf, auf solche Praktiken zu verzichten. Es wird auch auf die Diskussion über die Veröffentlichung von Musik, die möglicherweise die Meinungen anderer Künstler widerspiegelt, eingegangen, und es wird angedeutet, dass es möglicherweise eine 'Kriegserklärung' zwischen den Fans der beiden Rapper geben könnte.
🤨 Spekulationen über mögliche nächste Züge in der Rap-Gegenüberstellung
In diesem letzten Absatz geht es um Spekulationen darüber, wer als nächstes in die Diskussion einsteigen könnte, insbesondere ASAP Rocky und Future. Der Sprecher diskutiert die möglichen Auswirkungen, wenn diese Künstler ihre Stimme zu dem Streit hinzufügen würden, und wie es die Dynamik zwischen den Fans beeinflussen könnte. Es wird auch auf die Bedeutung der Unterstützung durch die Fans und die Rolle von sozialen Medien in solchen Diskussionen eingegangen.
💡Kendrick Lamar
💡Streaming Data
💡Clout Chaser
💡R Kelly
💡ASAP Rocky
Zas Su and Taloo discuss the anticipation surrounding Drake's response to Kendrick's recent song.
They speculate on the depth of the relationship between Drake and Kendrick, including possible business and personal ties.
The conversation touches on rumors and the public's curiosity about the truth behind them.
Zas Su and Taloo analyze Kendrick's lyrics, suggesting that they imply a mole within Drake's camp.
Drake's strategy in the feud is questioned, with the hosts doubting the effectiveness of using a mole.
The discussion includes a critique of Drake's character, with accusations of him being a 'white boy' and a 'hypocrite'.
Kendrick's use of wordplay and complex lyricism is praised by the hosts.
The hosts express skepticism about the authenticity of the feud and the veracity of the claims made by both artists.
A cover art controversy is mentioned, with speculation about why it was removed from platforms like Apple Music.
Whitney's silence on allegations and her relationship with Kendrick are brought up as points of discussion.
The metaphor of 'digging up old bones' is interpreted as a reference to uncovering past lies.
The hosts discuss the emotional impact of the lyrics, touching on themes of trauma and affection.
Drake's alleged insincerity and the suggestion that he is only chasing clout is criticized.
The potential for other artists, like ASAP Rocky, to enter the feud and change its dynamics is considered.
The hosts conclude by stating their belief that Kendrick is leading in the feud based on the lyrical content and strategy.
They invite listeners to share their thoughts on the feud and the artists' responses in the comments section.
The conversation ends with a promotion for their streaming content and an invitation to engage with them on social media.
what the doe what's good YouTube it's
your boy Zas Su and
taloo I'm dress for the occasion what's
occasion Drake standing on business
today bro you feel me I'm he he's
standing on business bro I ain't never
been this much on the edge of my seat
bro this [ __ ] Drake and I I ain't going
to lie today when I was going I was
chilling today right yeah I'm like bro I
think everybody chilling today I thought
people went to church I'm saying said
they thanks and was nothing going on in
I'm like everybody going to let every we
going resume we going to resume the
following week you feel what I'm saying
no bro I'm on you right now that [ __ ]
crazy bro I ain't going to lie bro cuz
Kendrick he's coming
I that song Kendrick drop is a banger
though hey they not like uh
I was kind of curious what angle Drake
was going to take though cuz it's like
what else do you say n and that's what
I'm saying bro cuz like I'm looking at
thumbnail and I
see it's
spooky cuz it was it was it's a lot of
uh like you say a lot of rumors and
stuff going around which nobody knows
you know what I mean so that's a day
free that's Kendrick like long time
partner like his business partner
whatever yeah cuz that's what Drake
Drake was saying something about
remember free that other song right but
I'm saying if that's his longtime
partner that could also be his like his
kids Godfather or something you feel me
like yeah I mean that's I don't know how
deep the relationship is but like you
say [ __ ] it's it's it's it's it's it's
it's it's it's is is it's getting crazy
all right the Heart part six that's uh
that's one I see what he did though what
like the that's kend [ __ ] that's
Kendrick titling like the hard
part Kendrick got the Heart part five
fli all
right the pull a prize winner is
definitely spiring I got your [ __ ]
lies tapped I swear that I'm dialed in
first I was a rat so where's the proof
of the tri in
theet okay he coming on some calm [ __ ]
sayig have to like you know what I'm
saying might get get get a little closer
let's do what he's saying you feel let's
do it all right come
on prize winner is definitely spiraling
I got your [ __ ] lines tapped I swear
that I'm dowed in first I was a rat so
where's the proof of the tri in where's
the paperwork of the cabinet is filed in
1090 Jake would have took all the walls
down the streets would have had me
hiding out in a small town my Montreal
connect stand up not far down the ones
that you getting your stories from they
all clowns I am a War General
preparation my jacket covered inals
honor and decoration you waited for this
moment over the desperation we plotted
for a week and then we fed you the
information a daughter that's 11 years
old I bet he takes it we thought about
giving a fake name or a destination
thirstday you not concerned with
investigation instead you in advant
CRA you hear what he saying bro I
think like no no no I'm thinking I know
what he said what' he
say you got to listen be l no I'm bro
I'm listening as hard as I
can you know how Kendrick is trying to
say like [ __ ] I got a mle in your Camp
yeah yeah that's revealing all this
information to me that you don't even
know about yeah oh we
[ __ ] yeah Drake trying to say like [ __ ]
that's our mode [ __ ] we put him in your
camp on
purpose and he fed you lies damn bro he
moving like the US government or
something some crazy [ __ ] secret spy you
know what I'm saying Secret Agency and
[ __ ] that's crazy but do you believe
that though that's what I'm saying
though I don't believe that I'm not
buying that I ain't going to lie cuz
like think about it why would you have
him feed him them type of lives like the
pedophile and the uh you know all that
other [ __ ] you feel what I'm saying also
too if you really did have a mo you
would have been came out and said [ __ ]
this is the [ __ ] we had that you was
talking to you would have been shown
proof like this is the what saying he
would even got out this far yet what I'm
saying you would have shown proof of
conversation that your
mole had with whatever you feel what I'm
saying like the conversation and the mo
would have been came out like nah [ __ ]
you thought I was a mo [ __ ] you feel
what I'm saying I'm team overo [ __ ] we
played you that person with a B came out
a b said this is the [ __ ] you talking
about you feel what I'm saying believe
it I'm not buying what y'all
think and impatient your fansing
thinking is my even you use the jokes
and the medication the glove and the
drug Master manipul you B on a
speculation but why did the cover art
get took down though you know what I'm
talking about the cover art got took
down I heard on like apple music or
something like that um I'm not positive
but if I'm not mistaken it has something
to do with like the um
um what about the bones we dug up in
that excavation and why isn't Whitney
denying all of the allegations why is
she following and I miss the mor you
haven't seen the kids in months the
distance is
wild where you been
Kendrick where you been Kendrick
what the [ __ ] cuz no no no listen to
what he said though zek he said dug up
the bones in the excavation you know
what excavation
is excavation is when they put the stuff
in the ground and they dig right they
dig and and and he saying they like they
dug deep for the bones but the skeletons
that means like the Bones is like the
skeletons like the lies that's like you
feel me so we digging up old bones and
that's like the lies boom send that back
to Kendrick like bro we dug the we dug
it up excavation and then what he say
what he say after
that Whitney denying all of the
allegations following day free and I
miss the morale you haven't seen the
kids in 6 months the distance is Wilding
emis the childing anything with get hold
this EP angle was the [ __ ] I expected
Tik Tok videos you collected and dissed
instead of being on some sh you rather
[ __ ] grab your
mother wa a second instead of being onir
[ __ ] you rather [ __ ] grab your pen
andir [ __ ] my mom came over today and I
was like mother ey mother I mother ey
wait a second that's that one record
where you say you got molested a [ __ ] me
I just made the whole connection this
about to get so depressing is tra your
own confs your father leave home alone
with hold on bro this then he was about
to say when your father leave you alone
with no protection Kendrick never said
he got a molested though where did he
get that from though that's what I'm
saying I'm trying to figure out where it
came from p and misir [ __ ] my mom came
over today and I was like mother I
mother ey
mother wait a second that's that one
record you say you got molested [ __ ] me
I just talking about oh he talking about
he's talking about he's he's talking
um from uh that album Mr Morales in the
St that
song M
so I guess he saying on that song he he
admitted that he got molested but I
don't recollect that though yeah yeah
conf lyrics when he say that that's what
I'm saying is that in the lyrics though
this about to get so depressing this is
Trauma from your own confessions this
when your father leave you home alone
with no protection so neglected that's
why these pedophile raps and [ __ ] you so
obsessed with it's so excessive they
acting like it's so aggressive but you
just never known affection I don't want
to diss you anymore this really got me
second guessing Touch My Body by Mariah
car play you probably start reflecting I
never been you he what he say you what
he say you he what he say you what he
say give me right you got to give me
tou my body put me on the
B give me some
hair is that not it hell
no I never been with no one underage but
now I understand why the angle that you
really mess with just for clarity I feel
disgusted angle though that whole
angleo sugested but that's not the
lesson clearly there's a deeper message
deep cuts that never healed and how they
got infected like if da really [ __ ]
your girl and got a pregnant talk about
Brea resentment how to e
the I'm praying you recover from both
inci but you a piece of
sh he call that [ __ ] a piece of [ __ ]
Bro Drake snapping on his ho that's a
white boy insult you piece of [ __ ]
ain't that how white boys ins yeah you
piece of [ __ ] like yeah like you you you
uh you
prick you know what I'm saying like
like a name that you going see on no sex
offender list e does it you mention a
minor but [ __ ] got to be and the fans
who was it you
FL that was hard Bel that was wh you
hear that what that was hard what was it
[ __ ] what
Drake is not a name
sex you mention that remember A Minor
remember A Min Min look
howar not listen listen listen listen oh
I see put it together I see put it
together does it you mention a minor but
[ __ ] got a B sharp and tell the fans
who was it you thought you
FL n no no that's hard that's hard
that's hard that's hard oh everything I
like that Dr that was hard that was hard
like the
word c d e f I'm like he put that [ __ ]
together bro I ain't going to lie that
word play bro
like word I like when [ __ ] play with
it bro like stop stop stop stop stop
stop stop bro what what made
I your thr with and rck like that one
flight from I'm your baby screen that
was crazy that that
flight teenag I'm a [ __ ] hit maker
aaker yeah bullets that I'm stuffing in
each chamber your ass in extreme danger
stop buying views and B comments you may
as well keep the paper [ __ ] you about to
need for later I give a [ __ ] about your
streaming data you could drop a 100 more
records I'll see you later yeah maybe
when you meeter I don't want to fight
with a
be deleted your is going a
hypocrite Dam that's what I'm saying
he's saying a lot of words we got we got
hey you got you got to SC in he talking
I ain't trying to miss nothing for
sure give a [ __ ] about your streaming
data you could drop 100 more records
I'll see you later yeah maybe when you
meet your maker I don't want to fight
with a woman beater it feeds your nature
if you still bumping our Kelly you could
thank the Savior said if they deleted
his music and your music is going to a
hypocrite I don't understand why these
people you sound like I like that see I
like them I like how [ __ ] is flipping
each other's angles bro like Kendrick
calling him a pedophile he's saying like
[ __ ] remember like back in the day when
they was going to take uh it was
something I think it was something like
it was something like it was something
about like Spotify
taking down um R Kelly music and uh oh
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it was
kind of like a strike like Kendrick
like if you take down Kelly music then
like take down his [ __ ] it's like a he
made a stance you what I'm saying yeah
like like like he was standing with it
or something yeah yeah yeah yeah he's
saying like [ __ ] that's that's you a
yeah I'm lost
still [ __ ] I like I'm still lost cuz
I'm still lost when he need some paper
album dropping soon no wonder you turn a
clout Chaser instead of doing hard label
[ __ ] I see you when I see you like
Fantasia Whitney you can hit me see
you I
see that's heyy I'm sming that song
[ __ ] yo I'm not going to lie this [ __ ]
was some some good exercise like it's
good to get out get the pen working he
he was talking
no no no for sure for sure really a
predator and you weren't [ __ ] lying
to every blogger and editor
but it is what it
is you definitely got this [ __ ] burnt
the [ __ ] out though like you got 10 more
records to drop the one before the last
one we finessed you into telling a story
that doesn't even
exist and then you go and drop the West
Coast one and try and cover that up I
would like that one that that that would
be some [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] cuz that was a
banger [ __ ] that [ __ ] was a listening
like a mug yeah hey that listen I don't
give [ __ ] who you is [ __ ] that you not
like us you not like us you not like
hey [ __ ] tripling down on some whole
other [ __ ] but you know at least
your fans are getting some raps out of
you I'm happy I can motivate you that
that is fact n no no I ain't going to
lie CU hey everybody eating you feel me
everybody eating right now bro I'm not
me we needed this content [ __ ]
everything in my [ __ ] is
facts I'm waiting on you to return the
favor like let us know in the comments
what y'all think about the response so
let me tell you let me tell you how d i
I still think Kendrick's in a lead my my
personal opinion I still think
Kendrick's in the lead you know what
would be a real curveball what if ASAP
Rocky drop a this like [ __ ]
oh if if cuz you can't forget about
[ __ ] [ __ ] if future drop a this bro
it's going to turn up you feel me
and like really get on that [ __ ] though
like [ __ ] start rapping rapping like [ __ ]
going to turn it up damn that would be a
curve ball bro this SK get in that's
what I'm saying this this might be a
battle bro but it might not be the
war do you feel me elaborate Bel I got
to Zeke so
like this is like say they battling over
here right but it's still a whole
country around it you know what I'm
saying cuz you got two different sides
that's like beefing so you got this
amount of number and you got this amount
of number and they going at it so like
why they like arguing over here and like
say one of them defeats the other
there's more people coming you feel me
because there's an army of people like
on both sides so like the war is not
done until they actually
like take over like the whole like thing
you know what I'm
saying hey no bro bow delivering in the
all 50 states legally man if you ain't
got nothing to do make sure you roll up
some of that Belo sticky glue we about
to start streaming on here y'all so make
sure y'all turn your post notifications
on so y'all know when we go live if you
a supporter you want to tap in with us
daily make sure you text our number um
it's a free line text us ask us
questions send us [ __ ] ask us advice all
that man um if you on Twitter with it
make sure you join the Twitter com you
lit over there no what I'm saying that's
where we active at
wow helloow helloow hello
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