ELDEN RING Shadow of the Erdtree | Story Trailer

21 May 202403:15


TLDRIn this narrative, Miquella the Kind recounts the tale of a primal seduction and betrayal leading to the creation of Gold and Shadow. The story unfolds into a hidden war, devoid of grace or honor, under the oppressive reign of Messmer's flame. Miquella, despite renouncing his own power and destiny, inspires a following. The script invites the audience to join this enigmatic journey, hinting at a struggle for freedom and identity.


  • 🌟 Miquella the Kind is a central figure who speaks of the origins and significant events.
  • 💔 The narrative involves a seduction and betrayal that led to the creation of Gold and Shadow.
  • 🔥 Gold's emergence is associated with a destructive event, suggesting a cataclysmic origin.
  • 🌑 Shadow's birth is linked to the same event, indicating a dualistic or opposing force to Gold.
  • 🛡️ A hidden war is mentioned, one that is beyond the scope of traditional storytelling.
  • 🗡️ The script refers to a 'purge', implying a violent and possibly unjust act of cleansing.
  • 🐉 Messmer's flame symbolizes a tyrannical force that has had a significant negative impact.
  • 🏹 Miquella's self-sacrifice is highlighted, as he abandons his power and destiny.
  • 👥 The speaker invites the listener to join them in following Miquella's path, suggesting a call to action.
  • 🤝 The theme of unity and collective action is present, as the speaker asks 'Will you walk with us?'

Q & A

  • Who is Miquella the Kind mentioned in the script?

    -Miquella the Kind is a character who seems to be of significant importance in the narrative, possibly a deity or a leader, who speaks of the beginning, the seduction, and the betrayal.

  • What is the significance of 'the seduction' and 'the betrayal' in the script?

    -The 'seduction' and 'the betrayal' refer to pivotal events in the story's past that led to the creation of Gold and Shadow, suggesting a conflict or a significant turning point.

  • What does 'Gold arose' and 'Shadow was born' imply?

    -These phrases suggest the emergence of two opposing forces or entities, possibly representing light and darkness, good and evil, or other contrasting principles.

  • What kind of war is being referred to as 'unseen'?

    -The 'unseen war' could be a metaphorical or spiritual conflict, not a physical one, which might be why it 'could never be put to song', indicating its intangible or abstract nature.

  • What is the nature of the 'purge without Grace or honour'?

    -This phrase describes a harsh and possibly unjustified act of cleansing or elimination, carried out without any redeeming qualities such as grace or honor, possibly referring to a tyrannical act.

  • Who is Messmer, and what role does the 'tyranny of Messmer's flame' imply?

    -Messmer appears to be a figure associated with a destructive force or power, as 'flame' often symbolizes destruction. The 'tyranny of Messmer's flame' suggests a period of oppression or dominance by this force.

  • Why would Miquella the Kind abandon everything?

    -Miquella the Kind's abandonment of everything, including his golden flesh, strength, and fate, could signify a self-sacrifice or a renunciation of power in response to the events described.

  • What does it mean to 'choose to follow' in the context of the script?

    -Choosing to 'follow' implies that there is a group or a path that others are deciding to join or adhere to, possibly in opposition to the events or forces mentioned earlier in the script.

  • Who is the intended audience of the question 'Will you walk with us?'

    -The question is directed towards the listener or reader, inviting them to join the collective that is choosing to follow the path set against the backdrop of the described events.

  • What themes does the script touch upon?

    -The script touches upon themes of creation, conflict, betrayal, sacrifice, and the choice to stand against tyranny, suggesting a rich narrative with moral and philosophical undertones.

  • How does the script's language contribute to its tone and atmosphere?

    -The script uses poetic and evocative language, with phrases like 'golden flesh' and 'tyranny of flame', to create a mysterious and dramatic atmosphere, enhancing the sense of a grand and ancient tale.



🌟 Creation and Conflict

The script begins with Miquella the Kind recounting the tale of creation, seduction, and betrayal, which led to the emergence of Gold and Shadow. It describes an unseen war, devoid of grace or honor, under the oppressive rule of Messmer's flame. Miquella, in his kindness, relinquishes his divine attributes and fate, leaving a legacy of sacrifice. The narrative then shifts to an invitation to the audience to join in a journey, implying a shared purpose or quest.



💡Miquella the Kind

Miquella the Kind appears to be a central figure or character in the narrative, possibly a deity or a leader. The term 'Kind' suggests benevolence or compassion. In the script, Miquella is associated with the beginning of a significant event, indicating a foundational role in the story's mythos. The character's actions, such as abandoning 'his golden flesh, his blinding strength,' and even 'his fate,' suggest a profound transformation or sacrifice, which is central to the video's theme of change and consequence.


The term 'seduction' typically refers to the act of enticing someone to do something by using charm or persuasion. In the context of the script, 'seduction' is linked to the beginning of a series of events, hinting at a narrative of temptation and subsequent consequences. It is not explicitly defined who or what is being seduced, but the term sets a tone of intrigue and potential moral complexity.


Betrayal is the act of breaking a trust or promise, often causing emotional pain or loss. In the script, 'betrayal' is juxtaposed with 'seduction,' suggesting a narrative of initial attraction followed by treachery. This term is crucial to the video's theme as it implies a turning point or a critical event that leads to conflict or war.


Gold is often associated with value, wealth, and purity. In the script, 'Gold' arises from an affair, which could symbolize a significant event or creation that has both positive and negative connotations. The emergence of Gold alongside Shadow suggests a duality or dichotomy that is central to the video's narrative, possibly representing opposing forces or ideologies.


Shadow typically represents darkness, secrecy, or the unknown. In the script, Shadow is born alongside Gold, indicating a balance or contrast between light and darkness, good and evil, or creation and destruction. The concept of Shadow is integral to the video's exploration of duality and the consequences of actions.


War is a state of armed conflict between different groups or nations. The script mentions 'a war unseen,' which could imply a metaphorical or spiritual battle rather than a physical one. This war is described as one 'that could never be put to song,' suggesting its magnitude or horror is beyond human expression, making it a central element of the video's dramatic tension.


A purge refers to the act of removing unwanted elements or ideas. In the context of the script, 'a purge without Grace or honour' indicates a violent and unjust act of cleansing or elimination. This term is used to emphasize the severity and inhumanity of the conflict, aligning with the video's theme of moral struggle and the cost of power.


Tyranny is the oppressive and absolute power exercised by a ruler or government. The script attributes 'the tyranny of Messmer's flame' to a specific entity, suggesting a villainous or antagonistic force in the narrative. Tyranny is a key concept in the video as it highlights the abuse of power and its impact on the story's world.


Messmer is a name that appears to be associated with a force or entity that wields 'flame,' which could symbolize destruction or power. The script does not provide further details about Messmer, but the association with tyranny implies a negative role in the narrative. Messmer's flame is a symbol of the oppressive power that the characters in the video are resisting.


To abandon means to leave something or someone behind, often permanently. In the script, Miquella the Kind abandons 'his golden flesh, his blinding strength,' and 'his fate,' which could signify a renunciation of power or a transformation. This act of abandonment is a pivotal moment in the narrative, symbolizing a turning point or a decision that has profound implications for the story.


To follow suggests adherence to a path, belief, or leader. The script ends with an invitation to 'walk with us,' which implies a call to action or a request for solidarity. The concept of following is central to the video's message, as it encourages viewers to align themselves with the cause or ideology presented in the narrative.


Miquella the Kind is mentioned as a key figure in the narrative.

The beginning of a significant event is alluded to, involving seduction and betrayal.

Gold and Shadow are described as entities that emerged from an affair.

An unseen war is referenced, one that cannot be put to song.

A purge without Grace or honor is mentioned, suggesting a brutal event.

The tyranny of Messmer's flame is highlighted, indicating a destructive force.

Miquella's abandonment of his attributes is noted, including his golden flesh and strength.

Miquella is also said to have abandoned his fate.

The narrative invites the listener to not be deterred by Miquella's actions.

An invitation to follow a certain path is extended.

The transcript poses a direct question, asking if the reader will join the journey.

The theme of choice and following is a recurring element in the narrative.

The transcript implies a sense of mystery and a call to action.

The story seems to be set in a fantastical or mythological context.

The language used is poetic and evocative, suggesting a rich narrative.

There is a contrast between light and dark elements, as seen with Gold and Shadow.

The mention of 'Kindly Miquella' suggests a benevolent yet conflicted character.

The transcript conveys a sense of loss and the consequences of choices made.



Miquella the Kind spoke of the beginning.


The seduction. And the betrayal.


An affair from which Gold arose.


And so too was Shadow born.


What followed was a war unseen.


One that could never be put to song.


A purge without Grace or honour.


The tyranny of Messmer's flame.


And so Kindly Miquella would abandon everything.


His golden flesh, his blinding strength.


Even his fate.


But we are not deterred.


We choose to follow.


Will you walk with us?

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Mystical JourneySeductionBetrayalGoldShadowWarTyrannyMiquellaAbandonmentFollowers
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