a productive week living alone | in my 20s diaries
TLDRتعيش الزوجة بمفردها لأول مرة بينما يسافر زوجها عبر البلاد لتحقيق تحدي البنس لصالح السيد بيست وجمعية Feeding America. خلال غيابه، تنغمس في تأسيس روتين يومي يشمل التمارين الرياضية، العناية بالشعر، وإتمام معاملات جواز السفر. تتخلل أيامها زيارات من الأصدقاء وتحضيرات لرحلة قادمة، بالإضافة إلى تحديات الطهي وتنظيم المنزل. هذه التجربة تعكس تحديات الاعتماد على النفس وتجدد الحيوية الشخصية.
- 🏠 تجربة العيش بمفردها لأول مرة وتكيفها مع الروتين الجديد بينما زوجها ريان يسافر لتحدي التبرع بقطعة نقدية.
- 📅 تخطط لتنظيم حياتها بشكل أفضل استعدادًا لزيارة أصدقائها ورحلة مقبلة.
- 🏋️♀️ تحاول تحفيز نفسها للذهاب إلى الجيم بالتظاهر أنها ستمارس تمرينًا خفيفًا، وقد نجحت في ذلك طوال الأسبوع.
- 💇♀️ تستخدم شامبو وبلسم باهظ الثمن لمعالجة مشكلة الشعر الدهني، بناءً على توصية شهيرة على تيك توك.
- 📚 تختار قراءة كتاب جديد بعنوان 'ماري جين' لجيسيكا أنيا بلاو، معجبة بغلافه الجذاب.
- 📩 تنجز مهام تجديد جواز السفر بمساعدة موظف لطيف في مكتب البريد، وتقديره بإكرامية عبر تطبيق كاش آب.
- 🌟 تعبر عن اكتسابها لروتين يومي مُرضٍ وتستمتع بأنشطة مثل المشي الصحي مع صديقتها وقراءة الكتب.
- 🎥 تعد لتصوير فيديو ترويجي وتجرب نظارات أمازون إيكو الشمسية التي تضم مكبرات صوت للاستماع إلى الكتب الصوتية.
- 🍪 تجرب أنواع جديدة من البسكويت من متجر كرمبل وتشارك تقييماتها الصريحة على تيك توك.
- 👗 تُعيد تنظيم خزانتها موسميًا وتعبر عن إحساسها بالإنجاز بعد تنظيم المنزل والتخطيط لحياتها بفعالية.
Q & A
هل الشخصية الرئيسية تعيش وحدها في الشقة؟
-نعم، الشخصية الرئيسية تعيش وحدها في الشقة لفترة من الزمن أثناء رحلة زوجه لتسليم دينار للmr beast وجمع المال من خلال Feeding America.
ماذا تفعل الشخصية الرئيسية لتعزيز الإنتاجية؟
-تستخدم الشخصية الرئيسية مخططاتها والكتب والصحف للمساعدة في تحسين الإنتاجية، وتجعل المهام المكتوبة تجعل القرارات أسهل وبالتالي تزيد الإنتاجية.
لماذا ت改变了她的头发颜色؟
-الشخصية الرئيسية تغيرت لونها عدة مرات، بدءًا باللون الأصفر، ثم البني، والعودة إلى اللون الأصلي البني الغامق. ترغب في الحفاظ على اللون الغامق الآن بعد التحول إلى اللون الأخضر.
لماذا تشعر الشخصية الرئيسية بالتعب في المشي؟
-تشعر الشخصية الرئيسية بالتعب في المشي لأنها لم تتناول الخضروات بشكل كاف، وبالتالي تعاني من قلة الفيتامينات والعناصر الغذائية الضرورية للجسم.
ماذا تفعل الشخصية الرئيسية لتحسين صحة شعرها؟
-تجرب الشخصية الرئيسية شامبو ومرطب من pureology这个专业品牌 لتحسين صحة شعرها، وخاصة لأن شعرها الزيتي.
لماذا تشعر الشخصية الرئيسية بالقلق при尝试 new things؟
-الشخصية الرئيسية تشعر بالقلق لأنها تملك تجارب سلبية في ال過去 عندما كانت لا تعرف ما تفعله و受到了客 ال责骂 بسبب ذلك، مما يزيد من توترها في المواقف الجديدة.
ماذا تفعل الشخصية الرئيسية لتنظيم محتويات الCLOSET؟
-ت搬移 الملابس الشتوية إلى صندوق للتخزين والتخزين في الأعلى جهة للمساحة، وتضع الملابس الصيفية في الأماكن الفارغة في ال步入式 الملابس.
لماذا تشعر الشخصية الرئيسية بالإنجاز والإنتاجية؟
-الشخصية الرئيسية تشعر بالإنجاز والإنتاجية لأنها تتبع مخططاتها وتضع المهام المكتوبة، مما يساعدها على التركيز على المهام وتحقيق النجاح في الإنجازات البسيطة التي تؤدي إلى الإنجاز الأكبر.
ماذا تفعل الشخصية الرئيسية لتطوير مهارات الطبخ؟
-تشاهد الشخصية الرئيسية مقاطع فيديو للطهي على منصات التواصل الاجتماعي للمساعدة في تحسين مهاراتها الطبخية وتطوير حب للطهي.
لماذا تغيرت الشخصية الرئيسية في نمط-shopping؟
-تغيرت الشخصية الرئيسية في نمط التسوق لأنها بدأت في التفكير بشكل أعمق عن ما تريده وحتاجته، بدلاً من التزوير في التسوق بشكل عادي. بدأت في التفكير في التنظيم والترتيب واختيار الأشياء التي تناسبها حقاً.
🏠 Living Alone and Productivity
The speaker discusses her experience of living alone for the first time and how she's settling into a routine that increases her productivity. She talks about her husband's travel for a charitable cause, her workout routine, and her plans to prepare for friends' visit and a fun trip. She also shares her struggle with oily hair and her search for a suitable shampoo and conditioner, as well as her recent experience at the post office where she was helped by a kind staff member.
🎥 Content Creation and Daily Life
The speaker shares her daily life activities, including her workout, using new hair products, and her social media content creation process. She talks about her love for planning and how it helps her stay productive. She also discusses her struggle with cooking and her desire to become more interested in it. Additionally, she mentions her experience with a tech gadget, the Amazon Echo Frames, and how it has changed her listening habits during her walks.
🧺 Laundry, Organization, and Self-Care
The speaker talks about her struggle with doing laundry and organizing her closet. She shares her feelings of accomplishment after reorganizing her space and making room for summer clothes. She also discusses her feelings of angst and how she copes with it through dance and watching cooking videos. She mentions her book reading progress and her attempt to diversify her reading genres.
💡Living Alone
💡Fitness Routine
💡Personal Care
💡Social Media
💡Grocery Shopping
💡Content Creation
丈夫Ryan正在进行一项挑战,横越全国向Mr Beast递送一分钱,同时通过Feeding America筹集资金。
主人公尝试了一种昂贵的洗发护发产品,Pureology Professional Color Care Hydrate Sheer Shampoo和Conditioner,以解决头发油腻的问题。
主人公选择了一本名为《Mary Jane》的书,由Jessica Anya Blau著作,因为其漂亮的封面吸引了她。
主人公分享了她对Amazon Echo Frames的看法,这是一款带有扬声器的智能太阳镜,可以让用户在不戴耳机的情况下听音乐或播客。
previously on in my 20s i thought you
did live in your own apartment and i did
for two weeks so just to recap my
husband ryan is currently traveling
across the country to deliver a penny to
mr beast and raise money through feeding
america so i am here living alone for
the first time and since i've been doing
it now for about two weeks i feel like
i'm finally getting into a routine where
i can actually start to be productive
good morning guys it's monday that's
gonna bruise because my butt is too bony
so we need to go to the gym and put some
meat on it
living alone again ryan's doing his
penny challenge i'm here
yes we are still married i got a few
comments that were like wait i thought
they were married though yes indeed i'm
gonna make today a get my life together
day because i actually have some friends
visiting me by the end of the week like
thursday and then i'm actually going
somewhere fun after that so i need to
get my life together a little bit like i
need to get back into the workout
routine i need to actually go grocery
shopping i need to do my laundry and i
want to read a new book so maybe we'll
go to barnes noble or we'll just read
what we have here of course yeah okay
let's go to the gym to trick yourself
into going to the gym just tell yourself
you're gonna go for like 10 minutes to
just do the easiest thing like i don't
know walk on the treadmill or something
and i successfully have tricked myself
every day of the week so far and it's
been great hey guys
i went to the gym 20 minute stair
stepper that is all kind of dressing
beachy today i used a new shampoo and
conditioner today and i really really
splurged on it okay it's the pureology
professional color care hydrate sheer
shampoo and conditioner these are so
expensive i think this was like seventy
dollars with shipping which is so
expensive and these are like not even
that big there was this viral hair video
that got put on my tic toc for you page
i watched the whole thing she was like
debunking myth and she was talking about
how if you have oily hair you have to
shampoo twice or else you're not going
to do anything and my hair has been so
oily to the point where if it's not a
hair washing day i just hate how i look
basically which that's pretty bad like
for every day to feel like that so i was
researching the best shampoo and
conditioner and this one is just the
most hyped up one on tik tok so i used
it for the first time shampooed twice so
i'm gonna see how i like it and i also
needed something that was color safe
because ever since going blonde and then
brown and then back to my natural hair
color which is like super dark brown if
it's not color safe then it'll go back
to that brown color and i hated the
brown color that my hair was oh my gosh
i wish i could erase that entire era but
unfortunately i did have that brown hair
color for a really long time but anyways
i actually forgot i need to finish my
passport stuff today and i really really
need to because if i don't i'm just
never gonna get a new passport it's time
for me to choose a new book i think i'm
gonna choose mary jane by jessica anya
blau which is one of the prettiest
covers i think i've ever seen my whole
life i didn't take you on my errands but
i did finish them i went to the post
office and i was met with an angel i was
praying that i would find someone super
nice to help me out because you are
supposed to make an appointment with an
acceptance agent who like witnesses you
sign your passport application but every
time i called it didn't work i just had
to show up and then the guy was so nice
he used his off time to help me and he
helped me for like 25 minutes and he
just he did everything for me and i was
completely clueless and i get so anxious
in those scenarios because in the past
i've just had bad experiences of like
not knowing what i'm doing and then
getting yelled at for not knowing what
i'm doing which makes it worse because
then i'm just nervous and he was so nice
and i was like do you have a venmo or a
cash up like this man needs to get
tipped for working overtime for me so i
got his cash app and he's a little angel
so shout out to that man at the post
office and then i went to fedex and i
shipped it off so that whole passport
thing is done i think i don't actually
know how it works um i think i should
get a passport in the mail i don't know
this adulting stuff is very new to me
but i think i accomplished something i
think and then i ate fireball cafe and
now i am exhausted it's 1pm and i just
have that midday slump i guess so i'm
going to read a new book or i'm going to
read the bible and or update my planner
we will see what happens and i'm going
on a hot girl walk later with my friend
karen so that will be very fun
okay you can really tell i'm settling
into living alone if you see me pull out
my planners and my journals and my books
this is literally me in my prime i'm
just planning my life i love doing it so
much and it inevitably makes me more
productive because first the motivation
is just to make my planner cute but then
it becomes that i want to actually make
what i wrote down come to life so i
noticed my entire week was different
because i was actually using a planner
again and making to-do lists because
that takes out the decision-making of it
i pick it up after reading two chapters
in my book now we need to do laundry and
i really want starbucks
i got my starbucks it's a good one they
gave me tons of vanilla cream cold foam
and now i'm going to clean finally i'm
going to fold my laundry put it up and
then clean downstairs a little bit and
then it'll almost be time for my hot
girl walk and i also might film a book
video we'll see how many hours we have
in the day
karen is also going to help me film a
brand deal of sorts i have an instagram
reel due tomorrow it's gonna be so funny
like the video is not gonna be funny but
the product that i'm promoting is so
funny it's like good it's a good product
but i just can't believe like the
concept of it so go to my instagram and
see if that reel is out because you'll
know what i'm talking about it's a tech
okay i know i told you to go to my
instagram but i just have to talk about
these it's not sponsored for the video
but these are amazon echo frames and
their sunglasses but there's a speaker
so you can listen to audiobooks or
spotify or what like whatever you want
or podcasts while you're just wearing
them but you're not wearing headphones
and i'm just like messing around with it
listening to stuff and it is the coolest
experience like i like it more than
headphones this is crazy like this is a
game changer for hot girl walks are you
kidding me and i was worried they would
look stupid but they actually look good
like i would buy a pair of sunglasses
that look like this i love these these
are actually life-changing also i just
had a fire quiet time it went brazy if i
say so myself
i uber eats some sweet green i wanted to
grocery shop today but the old meals
that i was making that i knew were like
easy to make healthy ish i'm sick of
that so now i don't know what to make
which means i need to spend a bunch of
time watching what i eat in a day and
then usually like half the things that i
see and what i eat a days i don't like
because i don't really eat vegetables
like i don't eat salads i don't eat i
know it's so bad me and ryan are both
like this we literally don't eat
vegetables i like broccoli i've
discovered that i like buffalo
cauliflower from trader joe's but they
didn't have it in stock so yeah pretty
time consuming so for today we're doing
okay here's my hot girl walk outfit i'm
just gonna say hot girl outfit no hot
girl outfit um this is the set active
package that i opened in a previous
video and i not worked out without
wearing an extra large t-shirt maybe
ever so
if i wasn't filming this brand deal then
i probably would wear an extra large
t-shirt but let's go hot girl walk
here's some goofy behind the scenes
clips of the girl walk and that night
had to rep the old penny t-shirt spock
looking at his fodder sleeping with an
entire load of laundry on my bed but
morning came forth and it was time for a
new to-do list
good morning little girlie pop i checked
off yesterday's to-do list so satisfying
and then i made today so many comments
in the last video were asking me what
planner this is this is what a week
spread looks like it's literally been my
favorite planner for so long i'll show
you a blank month there's so many pretty
illustrations it just looks like this
plain but so cute but the illustrations
in it are super cute it's from the
website ban dot doe but i have a link to
it in the description if you want this
specific one it's got a different design
on the front but it's the same planner
anyways i kind of have a lot to do today
i'm going to do things but it's well
okay i don't know why i'm putting myself
down i do have a lot of things to do
today but i get to do them it's not like
i don't really know what i'm saying i'm
gonna go to the gym and then i'm gonna
come back and get ready i've been trying
crumble cookies on my tic toc account
and it's a new week so i need to try the
new one so i need to like go to the gym
and go home put my makeup on and fill my
little tick tock and then i have a
sponsored video do as an instagram reel
so i need to make that those are like
priority and then after that i just want
to finish my laundry because as you can
see i slept on my bed which is actually
very cozy and comforting there are so
many other things i would like to get
done like i would love to organize all
the drawers and stuff so that when ryan
gets back he can have a nice little
surprise i can't even make a grocery
shopping list because i don't know what
food i want to make so i feel like
that's a more pressing issue we're going
to address some of those things today
guys you might be looking at me like
haley what are you doing are you cooking
are you in the kitchen yeah i know it's
crazy i was watching what i eat in a
days while i was stare stepping and i
was like wow i love watching people cook
well that's actually the first time i've
ever said that this is really funny
because yesterday i was like god please
let me fall in love with cooking serious
prayer like completely legit praying
that and would you look at me today i
was like i love it's so satisfying and
calming to watch these people cook one
second oh freaking fracking why is it
stuck i did oil oh no one of them
survived but look at me now i actually i
really want to fall in love with cooking
i think if i just watch enough content
of it then i can get obsessed with it so
if there's like a cooking youtuber i
should watch let me know
i mean imagine this ryan comes home and
i cook three meals a day
he'd be like what did you do while i was
not too shabby guys would you look at
is this the easiest thing you've ever
seen in your entire life yes but for me
this is a big sleigh so i'm gonna
congratulate myself big time on the
small wins so that i want to get to the
big ones you know what i'm saying
i actually just finished the sponsored
thing that i had to do and i dropped off
something for ryan because he is in town
but i only get to visit him for like an
hour at a time because he is obviously
on his grind and then i decided to do
some fake nails olive in june sends me
them all the time and then i posted a
tick tock trying the crumble cookies i
really took my rage i don't know i'm
feeling very angsty today i really took
up my rage on these cookies so people
were like this review was a bit dramatic
don't you think i'm like yeah i know my
caption literally says sorry for the
sass but yeah all these cookies sucked
except for this reese's peanut butter
cup one so i'm gonna eat this while i
watch ryan's new video i'm sorry if i'm
coming off sassy okay some days i just
wake up and i feel angstier i need to
have a dance party to like let it out a
little bit anyway
okay it's time for me to finally finish
my pile of laundry
just like i am dreaming
putting up laundry is becoming so
frustrating because i have no room and
it's because half of my closet is taken
over by winter clothes so all of those
are hoodies and i'm gonna take that bin
up there and store them away so we're
gonna do kind of like a seasonal closet
thing right now i've been needing to do
this for so long
wait this is so sad i just filled up the
bucket and then realized it's too heavy
for me to put up alone so i was about to
just go call ryan to do it but he's not
here for me
cool well now it's stuck back here
that's good
oh gosh i used to do crossfit i should
be able to do this
i did it i got it up there i almost died
and i did it that was actually probably
really stupid because if i would have
fallen over no one would have known it's
actually so bad what if i knocked myself
out and fell over and no one was around
and i was unconscious i'm gonna finish
rearranging and then i'll give you the
tour okay i'm done my closet is just
gonna look like a mess regardless
honestly but look at all the stuff that
i put up there and then i cleared out
some more space for summer clothes to
happen so like stuff can go here and
there's space here and here and here and
my shirts are all out and yeah there's
just some more space some places for me
it makes sense but on camera it looks
like a mess but all of these i had to
take out because they were sitting in
the bin and i actually want to use these
to organize drawers downstairs so i'm
just going to put them down there and
i'm probably not going to do it right
now because i just did that i'm kind of
being a productive queen right now i
i feel so productive and accomplished
after randomly deciding reorganize my
closet i put some of the drawers
downstairs and like lightly organize a
tiny bit they still look messy but i
think i showed you guys that i started
this book yesterday and it's so good i
already got to page 200. so i think i'm
gonna just try to finish it it's really
short it's only like 300 pages but this
is the perfect summer book i'm trying to
read books outside of the romance genre
because i'm kind of sick of it and this
is just a literary fiction book which i
usually never pick up it's set in the
70s yeah 70s and it is so good well i
was definitely happier and more
productive in this episode and i did get
to visit ryan correlation causation
perhaps i don't know y'all see you guys
in the next episode
4.7 / 5 (30 votes)