I Tested 1-Star Football Stadiums
TLDRيستعرض هذا الفيديو رحلة شاب يزور ملاعب كرة القدم التي تلقت تقييمات سلبية لاختبار مدى صحة هذه التقييمات. يبدأ من ملعب تشستر إف سي، مروراً بملاعب في الدوريات المنخفضة وحتى الدوري الممتاز، يتفقد الشاب الجو العام، الجماهير، الأماكن، والطعام في كل ملعب. يواجه تجارب متفاوتة من السيئة إلى الممتازة، ويكشف عن حقيقة التجربة الحقيقية في هذه الملاعب، مختبراً الشائعات والانتقادات التي تطالها، ويقدم في النهاية تقييمه الشخصي لكل ملعب.
- ⚽ يزور المدون استادات كرة القدم التي تلقت تقييمات سلبية لمعرفة ما إذا كانت تستحق هذه التقييمات.
- 🏟️ يبدأ بزيارة استاد تشستر إف سي، حيث يجد أن الأجواء والمقاعد جيدة على عكس التقييمات.
- 🌭 يجرب الطعام في الاستادات ويجده جيدًا في الغالب، مما يتناقض مع التقييمات السيئة.
- 🚽 يواجه تحديات مثل الحمامات المتداعية ونفاذ الطعام، لكن ليس في جميع الاستادات.
- 🚴 يأخذ دراجة إلى استاد لاختبار ما إذا كانت ستُسرق كما زُعم في التقييم، وتظل آمنة.
- 👎 في بعض الاستادات، يواجه بنية تحتية ضعيفة مثل المقاعد المصنوعة من السقالات والمداخل السيئة.
- 🎥 يُطرد من استاد لتصويره بلوق، مما يؤكد على بعض التجارب السلبية التي ذكرها الآخرون.
- 🏴 يزور سيلتك بارك ويجد الجو مبهجًا والمشجعين ودودين، على الرغم من مشكلات مع المقاعد والرؤية.
- 📈 يختبر المرافق والخدمات بنفسه ويجد بعض التقييمات مبالغ فيها ولكن يؤكد بعضها الآخر.
- 🛠️ يظهر الفيديو التفاعلات والتجارب الشخصية، مما يوفر نظرة ثاقبة على تجربة حضور مباريات كرة القدم في مختلف الاستادات.
Q & A
ماذا يميز ملعب ليب 76 ل Chester FC؟
-يتميز ملعب ليب 76 ل Chester FC بوجود نصف الملعب في إنجلترا والجزء الآخر في ولز، لكن السبب الرئيسي لل造روف هو تقييم الملعب السلبي من قبل الزوار.
ماذا يشير إلى التعليق ال“One star stadium”؟
-التعليق ال“One star stadium” يشير إلى تقييم منخفض للملعب، قد تكون بسبب البيئة السيئة، الجماهير الغير متحمسة، أو حتى الخدمة الغذائية الرديئة.
ماذا تشير إليه بالمواضيع "terrible atmosphere" و "dreadful fans"؟
-يشير هذا إلى تقييم سلبي للبيئة الرياضية والجماهيرية في الملعب، مما يؤثر سلباً على تجربة المشاهدة للزوار.
ما هي التكلفة للدخول إلى الملعب ل Chester FC؟
-التكلفة للدخول إلى الملعب ل Chester FC هي £1.18، وهي قيمة معقولة بالنسبة للدخول إلى ملعب كهذا.
ماذا يشير إلى الاتهام "the football makes me sick"؟
-هذا الاتهام يشير إلى أن الأداء الرياضي في الملعب مروع أو مثير للندامة، قد يكون بسبب مستوى اللاعبين أو نوعية اللعب.
لماذا تصاعدت المشاكل في ملعب Priestfield؟
-تصاعدت المشاكل في ملعب Priestfield بسبب العديد من المشاكل بما في ذلك انخفاض جودة الوجبات الغذائية، وجود حمامات مستنقعة، والإدارة الضعيفة للملعب.
🏟️ Chester FC's Leap 76 Stadium Review
The video begins with the reviewer's visit to Chester FC's Leap 76 Stadium, a unique stadium split between England and Wales. Despite negative reviews citing a terrible atmosphere, dreadful fans, and unsatisfactory football, the reviewer decides to explore the stadium themselves. They find the entrance queue to move quickly and the cost to be affordable at £1.18. Upon entering, they are pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness and newness of the seats. The football experience turns out to be much better than expected, contradicting previous complaints. The reviewer also tests the food, finding it enjoyable and not overpriced, disproving another negative review. They conclude that the stadium does not deserve a one-star rating.
🏟️ Priestfield Stadium: A Challenge to Expectations
The reviewer's next destination is Priestfield Stadium, notorious for its poor reputation among fans. The stadium is difficult to reach, requiring multiple train rides, and the reviewer is apprehensive about the condition of the away fans' area. Despite the scary entrance, which resembles a scaffolding structure, the view from the seats is surprisingly beautiful. The reviewer is initially satisfied with the legroom and cleanliness of the seats. However, they later face issues with the stability of the stand and the overpriced seating. The toilet situation is also less than ideal, with limited availability at halftime. The reviewer is eventually kicked out for blogging, reinforcing the negative perception of the stadium towards away fans.
🚴 Oxford United's Stadium: A Test for Bicycle Safety
The reviewer visits Oxford United's stadium, notorious for bicycle theft incidents. They intentionally bring a bike to test this claim. The stadium itself impresses with its beautiful stands and ample space for seating, despite being in the third division. The reviewer's seat offers a clear view of the bike, allowing them to monitor it throughout the game. During the match, the reviewer notes Oxford's struggle and a goal scored by the opposing team. However, their bike remains untouched, even after a fall caused by an unknown reason. The reviewer also checks the availability of food and finds a surprising variety, including marshmallows. They rate the stadium 3.5 stars, displeased that their bike wasn't stolen as expected.
🏟️ Lester's Stadium Experience: A Tale of Two Visits
The reviewer revisits Lester's stadium, recalling a previous negative experience where they were treated poorly for blogging. This time, they encounter no issues with security or entrance, and the atmosphere is exciting as Lester outperforms their rivals. The reviewer tests the validity of a review claiming a lack of toilets and long waiting times, only to find this not to be the case. They also explore the food options, which are closed before the game ends, leaving a slightly negative impression. Despite this, the reviewer concludes that the overall experience was positive and does not warrant a one-star rating.
🏟️ Celtic Park: Debunking Negative Reviews
The reviewer visits the historic Celtic Park to challenge negative reviews about the view and expensive prices for visiting supporters. They find the stadium's old charm appealing and the fans friendly, contrary to the claims. The seats, while not padded and having a obstructing beam, offer a good legroom and an incredible view of the game. The reviewer is pleasantly surprised by the atmosphere and the excitement of the home fans, especially during a goal. They conclude that the stadium deserves a rating of four and a half stars, far from the one-star review they initially set out to investigate.
🏟️ Luton Town Stadium: A Unique and Rustic Experience
The final stop is Luton Town's stadium, known for its unconventional entrance between two houses and negative reviews about the seating and atmosphere. The reviewer describes the entrance as the most outrageous they've experienced, with views of people's gardens and homes. Despite the old and dusty conditions, the atmosphere is great among the away fans. However, the seating situation is less than ideal, with poor visibility due to obstructing beams and a dusty environment. The reviewer acknowledges the club's plans for a new stadium in 2026 and hopes for improvements. They rate the current stadium as deserving of one star, expressing disappointment in the overall experience.
💡Food and Beverages
💡Stadium Design
Visiting stadiums with one-star reviews to verify their merits.
Chester FC's Leap 76 Stadium straddles the England-Wales border.
Despite negative reviews, Leap 76 Stadium had good seats and better game experience than expected.
Priestfield Stadium's away section has a scaffold stand and issues with food availability.
The visit to Oxford United's stadium involved a test on bicycle theft prevalence.
Oxford United's stadium had a beautiful view and didn't have the bike stolen.
Previous negative experience at a stadium in Leicester led to a repeat visit for a fair assessment.
Celtic Park had an obstructed view and expensive tickets but excellent atmosphere.
The final stadium had an entrance between two houses and old, dusty seating.
The small, old stadium had a unique character and plans for a new one in 2026.
The author's goal was to determine if the stadiums truly deserved their one-star reviews.
The queue for入场 to Leap 76 Stadium was massive but moved quickly.
The food at Leap 76 Stadium was surprisingly enjoyable and not overpriced.
The view from the seats at Priestfield Stadium was surprisingly beautiful despite safety concerns.
The author's friends survived the scary entrance at Priestfield Stadium.
The atmosphere at Celtic Park was lively and the fans were not boring as previously described.
The small, old stadium had an exciting atmosphere and loyal fans.
The author was kicked out of a stadium for blogging, which impacted the overall experience.
a stadium that makes you walk through
someone's Garden a stadium where bikes
get stolen and a stadium that kicked me
out for blogging these are some of the
one-star stadiums I'm going to be
visiting today from the sixth division
all the way to the Premier League my
only goal to see if these stadiums
deserve one star review or not starting
with chester FC's leap 76 Stadium I just
had to read it it's so unknown this one
is a very particular Stadium because
half of the stadium is located in
England and the other one in Wales but
that is not the reason why we're here
we're here because people think this is
a bad place to watch football in fact
Adam said terrible atmosphere Dreadful
fans and the football makes me sick I'm
not going to lie boys these people hated
this place I guess all I can do is go
inside and see if the reviews are true
also the queue is massive and I look
like I'm about to get into a horror
movie luckily the Q moved quickly and it
only costed £1 18 to get inside bro this
is cool I'm like right in front of it
already I'm currently walking towards my
seat sorry guys and this is our seat
these seats are actually quite good they
look clean they actually look new as
well but would the football make me sick
like Adam
said I nearly saw my first ever non
League goal so far we have checked the
seats we have checked the game which has
actually been a lot better than I
expected and we have checked the fans
too I can't believe somebody said that
the fan base was bad so all I'm missing
is the food Mark said the food was
unenjoyable and overpriced avoid this
place unless you are miserable local
well I'm not miserable or a local so I
had to try the food we actually got four
items pie hot dog coffee hot chocolate
and also a water which is actually good
I don't know why they said it's very
expensive now time for this I hope it's
good H it's actually know about oh I
think guys this Stadium does not deserve
one start at all but I promise you some
of the next stadiums will not be this
good I am currently outside priestfield
Stadium I didn't even know this place
existed I had to take four trains to get
here why you may ask well Kevin had to
say ran out of food before halftime
toilets overflowing with pee sat in
scaffold stand has to be the worst
ground in the football league for how
they treat their away fans oh my God the
pictures look even more hor able in case
you didn't guess it by now I will be
sitting with the a away fans I'm not
going to lie boys I'm a bit scared I
might actually fall from those so this
time I brought my friends along they're
going to go up first and tell me if they
survive all right the boys kind of
making it in but it looks a bit scary I
don't know what it looks like up there
this feels like we're going into like a
harder house and even though it was
scary the boys made it all the way to
their seats I mean I'm not going to lie
it does look like this could fall any
minute do you feel safely no I do not
it's been like 2 minutes and I haven't
seen anything of the boys so I'm going
to go inside now I think they survived
this is up this is was above me to my
left bro this is all that's stopping me
from going to the other side this is
easily the worst entrance I have ever
seen but I'm just making it inside and
this view it's actually
beautiful look at this I'm actually
Peach side almost oh and I can see the
bo from here the seat doesn't look too
bad and now we're together again we
surviv we all did for now yeah we still
need to watch the entire game in that
moment we had no idea we weren't going
to finish the game but first let me show
you the seats it's
Rusty it's obviously
old is it dirty as well bro it's so
dirty let's do a seat review the leg
room was just about enough but the floor
it feels like if I jumped this floor
would break let's do a little recap the
stand is made out of scaffolding second
of all I actually had to pay to sit here
£ 26 that's actually very expensive to
be on such a bad seat but we have two
more allegations to the Bonk the first
one is the toilet and the second one is
actually the food it's supposed to run
out at half time you guys go to the food
I go to the toilet what if we don't find
anything I'm actually very hungry so you
better find something I'm actually quite
scared to go to this toilet because the
the reviews said that it's absolutely
horrible and the entire stadium is
horrible at least the away end and this
is the toilet for the away end
apparently they say the food runs out
before halftime we're going to check if
the allegation is true and crunch isn't
going to be happy if we come out with
our Hands and Teeth so the food style is
actually pretty empty it doesn't look
encouraging let's check if they have
something to eat I'm starving I've just
seen the toilet in from the outside it
looks absolutely horrendous you're
literally look at this re
this right next to the toilet I don't
know where that takes you maybe to
another world but this is the toilet I'm
going to go in obviously not film
everything once inside I realized the
reviews were true however the boys had a
surprise checking the food looks pretty
empty hi what do you have for food we've
got hot dog crisp sweets so we got three
hot dogs some Walkers some Haro gums
Coke Fanta and water I actually think
that's pretty good cuz like look at the
size of this sausage crunch is going to
love this one you guys ever run out of
food in
here we we we we can we have them you
have yeah you have but we just get R all
right so that myth is busted sadly that
wasn't the only thing to get busted in
this video it seems like the boys were
able to get food but we're not inside
the stadium anymore something happened
Yeah we actually got kicked out if
you're wondering why I got kicked out it
was for blogging this Stadium if you're
not allowing people to blog and it's
made out of scaffold I think it still
deserves a one stop I'm sorry Gillingham
seem nice but to a away fans not good
next is the English third division where
Oxford United is going to play right
behind me but why are we here well
arushi said don't take bicycle there are
too many incidents of stealing bicycles
there so obviously I brought a bike to
see if he gets stolen by the end of the
match I've literally just left the bikee
right behind me people are walking by it
let's see if somebody takes
it no one really took the bike before
the game so I just went inside the
stadium I'm currently going up to my
seat and I have no clue what it actually
looks like what I really hope is that I
have a really good view of the bike to
see if it gets stolen right behind that
is our seats let's go and see them this
place is absolutely beautiful there is
three incredible stands but sadly it's
missing one and this is our seat they're
not ped but I didn't pay for the seats
but they actually have a lot of space
I'm pretty happy because I can see the
bike from here we're currently 8 minutes
into the game I don't want to be
negative but nobody is cheering that's
because Oxford were struggling all right
Oxford oh really
struggling they just missed an open net
to make things worse my bike was
attracting attention which I didn't
notice because this
happened thir 30 minutes of the game
first goal for the opposing Team bro
right now there is somebody going by the
bike there actually a security guy but
just after that things took a turn boys
something just happened to the bicycle
he fell that's literally all that
happened he just fell it might have been
the wind it might have been somebody
trying to pick it up and then running
away with it I don't know but this is
the perfect time to check the halftime
review Roy said would be nice to have
more than two people serving at halftime
I hope he's more than two cuz I'm a bit
hungry there ain't actually that many
people waiting for food another review
that's a lie there is four people but
since I'm here may as well get some food
I got marshmallows this actually the
first ever Stadium where I see they sell
marshmallows they're actually good so
far Oxford has been absolutely
incredible the next thing I need to
check is if they steal my bike so let's
go out see if it's still there and then
give this Stadium a rating it's time to
see if the bike is still
there no
no it's still there I'll have to take it
home I think you don't understand how
sad I am that nobody stole this bike so
I give this Stadium 3.5 stars now it's
time for the second division and we're
in ler why you may ask well 2 years ago
I was filming a video with my friend
Ricky in this exact same stadium we had
incredible seats we were right in front
of the players but then as I was
blogging this happened oh
I'm recording myself don't BR the this
is the worst I've ever been treated
since I started making videos until
Gillingham of course so today me and
Rick are going to sit in the exact same
area and see if we get kicked out
there's like 200 guyss already we're
getting kicked out today again first
thing I had to do was to find the right
door then I had to go through it whilst
blogging which actually was very easy
cuz the guard on the door was very
friendly then it was time to find my
seat where another security guy was
waiting but he also didn't care that I
was recording so next I finally found my
seats and this is my seat I mean the
city is plastic but the leg room is
quite good and the view is actually
incredible so the game started with
Lester immediately getting a
chance which got me and all the fans
excited putting the security on alert so
I don't know if I'm going to make it
till the end of the game without getting
KCK out and if that happens again I will
have to give this play one star again
I'm sorry in the meantime Lester was out
playing their rival and even had this
chance just before
halftime all right guys it's halftime
and so far I haven't been kicked out I
think this is a perfect time to test
another review Mark said not enough
toilets in the men's room had to wait
for 20 minutes a halftime to go missed 5
minutes of the game this is the perfect
review for me I actually have a history
of missing goals when I go to the toilet
Ricky make sure to put a timer so we
know how long it takes me to come back
and the time St now Ricky just put the
timer I need to hurry up cuz I don't
want to miss any of the game oh my God
how far are these toilets prin just went
to the toilet if I had too bad I say it
misses another goal oh my goodness the
queue behind me it's massive and with
the second half about to start would I
it I will make it to the toilet now I'm
and there is absolutely no quue at all
it took me 7 minutes to the toilet and
back Mark is a liar it didn't even take
me 20 minutes I think I've seen enough
Lester is winning one0 there is zero
signs of security kicking me out I'm
going to check one last thing which is
the food what food will you recommend
what food it's all close now no that's
so sad there is no
food what so the food stor is closed
before the game finishes which is a bit
bad I think but no bad enough to get one
star before we go to the Premier League
I've got a surprise stadium for you it's
Celtic Park but why am I here well I
wanted to include this historic Club but
also Sim Sony said awful view for
visiting supporters at expensive prices
and the atmosphere is dire home support
boring and need a wash he even uploaded
these photos but you can see a literal
piece of metal in the way that's
horrendous I don't know what I'm walking
into but we need to test this review so
let's go inside and see if this is true
but before checking the seats I decided
to try the food and these happened got
SC no not yet is that for me another
really thank you thanks a lot I don't
know who said their fans are horrible
they have actually been nice next it was
time to check my seats oh my God this
stadium is actually beautiful I love how
old football stadiums look but remember
our review said you can't quite see the
pitch from my seat so let's go and find
it we're in row SS which is actually
very H this is C this is D JJ k k l l
and it's this one they're obviously not
padded I mean I didn't pay for VIP seats
the leg room is actually quite good the
only thing is there is actually a beam
which was blocking my entire view of the
goal but are the tickets expensive like
s Sony said I'm going to ask my friend
Luis who bought the tickets how much
these ones cost $40 so yes the review
was right about that but Celtic does
give you a discount for sitting here and
when the game started I can't even see
the entire play when it happens on the
left side I don't know what's
happening the stadium reacted but I
don't know what happened but luckily the
only goal in the game was scored on my
wait seltic just scored and the
atmosphere was incredible the home fans
wen't boring at all time to review this
Stadium does it deserve deserve one
star no I think this Stadium
deserves four and a half stars now it's
time for our final seat this is the
stadium I'm the most excited about why
well because the entrance is between two
houses look at that a real human lives
there but before I show you what that
looks like let me give you a tour of the
area this is one of the streets right
next to the stadium and as you can see
there are no Cars that's because of
match days the people living in this
houses have to move their car so people
can walk this area and also so that the
team ball can be parked here in this
other Street you can literally see how
one gate is in front of someone's front
door that's not normal anywhere else at
all and if you come near this gate and
you find this little Gap you can
literally see the game from there you
wouldn't be able to see the whole match
cheaper than going inside though then in
this street we have an alley between the
stadium and the houses where people have
to walk through to get to their gate
this area is super old and dirty the
craziest thing I could see someone
showering from here I can't lie that's
kind of creepy if you want to buy a
ticket for this game you have to go to
someone's house to get it luckily there
isn't much of a queue and right behind
me is this Stadium store let's see what
they sell inside even though the store
was small they saw a lot of cool items
like this leather bow and even toys and
now it's time to check those horrible
seats the doors are very small and tight
oh my God
I have to squeeze to get here then you
have to come up these old stairs and
after those stairs there is more stairs
where you find more stairs that look
like the emergency stairs from an old
building and from here you can see
people's Gardens I can literally see
footballs laundry toilets bathrooms
anything this is easily the most
outrageous entrance I've ever had to any
Stadium but I think it's pretty cool
because right now all stadiums look
pretty much the same once you're past
the stairs you can go through this
entrance to your stand this is actually
the area where the away fans SE or
pretty much stand because nobody cares
about their seat number they just
squeeze in anywhere just like I did here
at least the atmosphere was great but as
you can see the stadium is pretty small
the city itself might be the worst seat
of all time it's dusty and there is this
beam it's the only thing stopping me
from falling and it's very hard to see
the game because of that beam and that
beam and that other beam and the ceiling
this is the only way I can see the other
go through this little Gap this stadium
is actually smaller than the second
third and fourth division one we went to
but I'll be honest guys I think Luton
has a great future they have loyal fans
and they try to play really good
football in fact the glub already has
plans to build a bigger new stadium in
2026 which hopefully will also be in the
Premier League also I hope their new
seats are better than this because this
is a one star for sure I'm sorry L and
if you love this video you love the next
one click here on the beam to watch it
4.9 / 5 (40 votes)