Data Entry Jobs Work At Home ($900 Online as A Beginner) (Make Money Online)
TLDRLe script parle des emplois de saisie de données, en mettant en avant les sites web, et comme les meilleurs pour trouver ce type de travail. Il explique que les emplois de saisie de données sont récurrents et que les outils nécessaires sont Microsoft Word et Excel. Le script détaille les tâches courantes d'un analyste de données, y compris la préparation et la classification de documents, la saisie et la vérification des données, la résolution des incohérences, la création de sauvegardes de données et la réponse aux demandes d'informations. Il souligne également les compétences nécessaires pour réussir dans ce domaine, telles que la gestion de projets, les compétences en communication et en résolution de problèmes, et la collaboration en équipe. Enfin, il mentionne d'autres sites web où les personnes peuvent postuler pour des emplois de saisie de données, y compris,,,, et
- 🌐 Les trois meilleurs sites web pour les emplois d' saisie de données sont, et
- 💰 Il est possible de gagner jusqu'à 900 dollars par mois en effectuant des travaux d' saisie de données.
- 📝 Les outils de base pour les emplois d' saisie de données sont Microsoft Word et Microsoft Excel.
- 🔍 Les tâches d'un analyste de données comprennent la préparation et la tri des documents, la saisie de données dans les bases de données, la vérification de la précision des données, la résolution des discordances et l'obtention d'informations supplémentaires pour les documents incomplets.
- 🛠️ Les compétences nécessaires pour un emploi en saisie de données incluent la maîtrise de Microsoft Word et Excel, les compétences en gestion de projet, en communication, en habiletés en interpersonnelles, en résolution de problèmes, en ponctualité, en pensée critique et en travail d'équipe.
- 🏢 Microsoft a ouvert des centres de développement à Lagos, Nigeria et Nairobi, Kenya, offrant des opportunités d'emploi garanties pour les personnes locales.
- 🔗 Les candidats peuvent consulter les opportunités d'emploi chez Microsoft en visitant et en cliquant sur 'Carrières'.
- 🌍 Les emplois chez sont disponibles pour les personnes de n'importe quelle région du monde et impliquent souvent la formation d'intelligence artificielle.
- 🔥 Upwork est un marché populaire pour les freelances où les emplois de saisie de données sont également disponibles.
- 🏥 Sur, il est possible de trouver des emplois en saisie de données liés aux soins de santé, souvent à distance.
- 🛍️ et sont des plateformes de freelance où les services de saisie de données sont peu compétitifs et peuvent être une source de revenus supplémentaires.
- 🌟 Les assistants virtuels peuvent être une autre source de revenus mensuels, allant jusqu'à 1 000 dollars, en plus des emplois de saisie de données.
Q & A
Quels sont les trois meilleurs sites web pour les emplois d'entrée de données mentionnés dans le script ?
-Les trois meilleurs sites web pour les emplois d'entrée de données mentionnés dans le script sont, et
Combien d'argent peut-on gagner par mois en effectuant des travaux d'entrée de données selon le script ?
-Selon le script, il est possible de gagner 900 dollars par mois en effectuant des travaux d'entrée de données.
Quels sont les deux outils essentiels pour effectuer un travail d'entrée de données selon le script ?
-Les deux outils essentiels pour effectuer un travail d'entrée de données selon le script sont Microsoft Word et Microsoft Excel.
Qu'est-ce que l'entrée de données implique exactement selon le script ?
-L'entrée de données implique l'entrée de données provenant de diverses sources dans un système informatique d'une entreprise pour la traitement et la gestion.
Quelles sont les principales tâches d'un analyste des données selon le script ?
-Les principales tâches d'un analyste des données selon le script incluent la préparation et la tri des documents pour l'entrée de données, l'entrée de données dans les logiciels de base de données et la vérification de la précision des données saisies, la résolution des discordances dans les informations et l'obtention de plus d'informations pour les documents incomplets, la création de sauvegardes de données en tant que partie d'un plan d'urgence, et la réponse aux demandes d'informations de membres autorisés.
Quels sont les compétences recommandées pour réussir dans le domaine de l'entrée de données selon le script ?
-Les compétences recommandées pour réussir dans le domaine de l'entrée de données selon le script incluent les compétences en Microsoft Word et Excel, la gestion de projet, la communication, les compétences en interaction sociale, la résolution de problèmes, la ponctualité, la pensée critique, la collaboration et l'adaptabilité.
Comment peut-on accéder aux opportunités de travail chez Microsoft en Afrique selon le script ?
-Pour accéder aux opportunités de travail chez Microsoft en Afrique selon le script, il suffit de se rendre sur, de faire défiler jusqu'en bas du site, de cliquer sur 'carriers', puis de sélectionner 'explore career opportunities' et de regarder les emplois en Afrique qui sont mis à jour quotidiennement.
Quel est le processus pour s'inscrire sur selon le script ?
-Le processus pour s'inscrire sur selon le script consiste à faire défiler la page jusqu'en bas, à cliquer sur 'register as a clickwalker', et de suivre les étapes pour s'inscrire et commencer à travailler en tant que clickwalker.
Comment les personnes intéressées par l'entrée de données peuvent-elles trouver des emplois sur ?
-Pour trouver des emplois sur, les personnes intéressées doivent accéder au site, faire défiler jusqu'aux offres d'emploi, chercher des emplois d'entrée de données, et postuler pour ceux qui sont disponibles et correspondants à leurs compétences.
Quels sont les avantages de travailler en tant qu'analyste des données indépendant sur ?
-Les avantages de travailler en tant qu'analyste des données indépendant sur incluent la possibilité de travailler à leur propre rythme, d'utiliser leur ordinateur personnel avec accès à Internet, et de gagner de l'argent en travaillant sur des projets variés pour des clients du monde entier.
Quels sont les autres sites web mentionnés dans le script où les personnes peuvent trouver des emplois d'entrée de données ?
-Les autres sites web mentionnés dans le script où les personnes peuvent trouver des emplois d'entrée de données sont,,,, et
Comment les analystes des données peuvent-ils améliorer leurs opportunités d'emploi en combinant leur travail d'entrée de données ?
-Les analystes des données peuvent améliorer leurs opportunités d'emploi en combinant leur travail d'entrée de données avec d'autres rôles tels que les assistants virtuels, qui peuvent leur permettre de gagner jusqu'à 1 000 dollars par mois en plus de leurs travaux d'entrée de données.
📈 Top Websites for Data Entry Jobs and Earning Potential
The paragraph discusses the top three websites for data entry jobs, which are,, and It mentions the potential to earn $900 per month and emphasizes the recurrent nature of such jobs. The importance of being proficient in Microsoft Word and Excel for data entry work is highlighted. The paragraph also explains what data entry jobs entail, including entering data into a company's system for processing and management. It outlines the tasks involved in data entry, such as preparing and sorting documents, entering data into databases, ensuring data accuracy, resolving discrepancies, creating data backups, and responding to information requests. Additionally, it lists the skills required for data entry jobs, such as proficiency in Microsoft Office tools, project management, communication, interpersonal skills, problem-solving, punctuality, critical thinking, teamwork, and adaptability.
🌐 Exploring Job Opportunities and Application Processes
This paragraph provides guidance on how to find and apply for data entry jobs on various platforms. It starts with instructions on navigating Microsoft's career website to find opportunities worldwide, including in Africa. The paragraph then moves on to describe the application process on, emphasizing the global nature of the work and the independence it offers. It also mentions Upwork as a marketplace for data entry jobs, with examples of the types of jobs available and the earnings potential. The paragraph further discusses other platforms such as Appen, Cigna, CareMetx, Fiverr, Guru, and Axion, providing insights into the range of opportunities and the application process for each. It concludes with a mention of the potential to earn additional income as a virtual assistant, combining it with data entry work.
💡 Enhancing Online Earning Opportunities
The final paragraph focuses on the potential to increase earnings by combining data entry jobs with virtual assistant work. It suggests that virtual assistants can earn up to $1,000 per month, which, when added to data entry income, can significantly boost one's online earnings. The paragraph encourages viewers to explore tutorials on becoming a virtual assistant to improve their online facility and diversify their income streams.
💡data entry jobs
💡Microsoft Word and Excel
💡problem-solving skills
💡teamwork and collaboration
💡virtual jobs
💡remote work
💡virtual assistant
Top three websites for data entry jobs are identified as,, and
Data entry jobs can potentially earn individuals $900 every month.
Data entry work is recurrent, allowing for long-term employment as long as the individual can perform the tasks.
Essential tools for data entry jobs are Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.
Data entry involves entering data from various sources into a company's computer system for processing and management.
Data entry analysts are needed by every company worldwide.
The first task of a data entry job involves preparing and sorting documents for data entry.
Data entry also includes entering data into databases, software, and checking for accuracy.
Resolving discrepancies in information and obtaining further information for incomplete documents is a key responsibility.
Creating data backups is part of a contingency plan for data entry jobs.
Responding to information requests from authorized members is a crucial aspect of data entry work.
Key skills for data entry jobs include Microsoft Word and Excel proficiency, project management, communication, interpersonal skills, problem-solving, punctuality, critical thinking, teamwork, and adaptability.
Microsoft provides job opportunities through its African Development Center in Lagos, Nigeria, and Nairobi, Kenya. is an AI training data center offering data entry jobs worldwide. is a popular marketplace for various jobs, including data entry, with opportunities for individuals globally. is another platform where data entry services can be offered, with a low competition gig. is suitable for data entry jobs but is not accessible for individuals in Africa.
Virtual assistants can earn up to $1000 per month, which can complement data entry jobs.
my top three website for data entry jobs are number one number two and number three is and i can tell
you that you can make 900 every single month doing data entry job i'm going to show you
seven good websites that this can be done in any country worldwide now one of the reasons why i
like this particular form of making money online is simply because it's recurrent once you have
the job you're going to be doing it year in year out as long as you can do it the startup for these
is microsoft word and microsoft excel you need to be able to use these two tools easily and
more favorably but then you might be interested in knowing what is data entry job data entry involves
entering data from various sources into a company's computer system for processing
and management what this simply means is every company in the world needs data entry analyst
now i want you to be able to make money using data entry so let me tell you largely what
exactly you're going to be doing if you get a data entry job and i'm going to tell you six of these
number one is preparing and sorting documents for data entry your job involves every huge document
and so many documents you're going to be given you have to be able to segment them under each
category and where they belong that's a job you do as a data analyst and number two will be
entering data into databases softwares and checking to ensure the accuracy of the data
that has been imputed because if you are getting data from a lot of places you need to asserting
that those details are correct if it involves you to go out for surveys to get these data
you have to ensure that the service you got is the same equivalent data that has been imputed because
there is minimal chance for errors that's not all number three will be resolving discrepancies in
information and obtaining further information for incomplete documents and i can tell you
this happens a lot with my experience on fiverr which is where i get most of my clients from i
know that all the information you're going to be granted will not be complete there are going to be
loads of incomplete information that you have to complete it and that's why you need what is called
your mathematics ability if a is of this value and b is of this value then you should be able
to deduce from a and b that this is a and this is b then absolutely you should be able to get the
value for c right from a and b that is one ability you need and you must take on if you want to be
a good data analyst but then like i said that's not all number four will be creating data backups
as part of a contingency plan because most times these datas you're going to be sending to your
clients they might actually misplace it it might be corrupt somewhere somewhere you need a backup
plan so before you send your final products to them you need to dualize it and make sure you
keep what you have so in case they misplace the ass you don't have to repeat it again because
don't forget this job is continuous it's not going to end and that's why it's important that you have
a backup plan and then number five is responding to information requests from authorized members
i can tell you these that a lot of companies are going to be reaching out to you you are going to
be milling a lot of CEOs and companies you need to be able to answer them correctly and you need to
keep sensitive information's hidden hidden forever i must say let me tell you the skills you can
learn that can help you out in this journey skill number one will be microsoft word and excel skill
that's like evident you cannot do data entry work unless you can work on microsoft word and excel
then you have project management skills then we have communication skills if people are involved
emails are involved you need to know what right to say or not then we have interpersonal skill which
is your ability to socialize among others either they are genuinely your kind of personality or not
your ability to strike up conversations when it doesn't exist this is interpersonal skill
you need it to do data entry and that's not all you also need to have problem solving skills then
we have punctuality you cannot delay your delivery then we have critical thinking everything you're
going to be doing is not going to be something you are used to before so you have to be able to think
fast and clearly so that you would not make errors then we have teamwork and collaboration skills
adaptability skills all of these you need to learn then i promised you i was going to tell you
several websites that can employ you now if you apply and can let you make up to 900
every single month doing data entry work where else do we start from microsoft itself
microsoft came to africa and they opened their hundred million dollars worth of office which is
called the african development center in lagos nigeria the second other part of it is in kenya
nairobi these are guaranteed jobs for a lot of people in nigeria and in africa as a whole so by
simply going to and then you can see all of that there just scroll over till you
get to the bottom of the website and then you can see here company so you click on careers and it's
going to pop up and open those careers for you and then if you scroll down you see students and
recent graduates that's not where i'm going i am an experienced professional so i click
on explore career opportunities as soon as that happens you can see all of this featured location
north america latin america europe india asia pacific and middle east and africa this is always
updated on a daily basis you can see here you have dubai israel johannesburg and istanbul you have to
keep watch on this particular page because a lot of jobs here and nigeria is also going to
be updated when there are free slots here okay now i'm going to tell us number two is
on is the same process of data entry this is ai training data center and you
can work with them as well just scroll down as well i'm showing you how to work with them and
then you're gonna see register as a click walker register as a customer so if you click register
as a click walker that will take you to work with them and just like that you can see here we are
always looking for people from anywhere in the world who enjoys writing translating researching
and data processing now you see this is what they're looking for says here as a click walker
you earn money working completely independently on your own schedule and from any personal computer
with internet access click on register as a click worker as simple as that you can register and
start making money from click worker doing data entry jobs but that's not all number three will
be from our pork up is a very popular marketplace but then most people don't know that you can do
data entry if i click on that now and then we can see data entry jobs yeah this person is charging
seven dollars per hour and then he has made over sixty thousand dollars here on upwork and then
there are a lot of them pakistan philippines you have nigeria you have united states of america
virtually all countries are here doing the same thing you can jump on that as well and make money
off here next is going to be appen now i can tell you that working on a pen is not a
straightforward you can open a pen in any country and just like the other website i've shown to you
you can also open in nigeria but the problem here is you are going to need a phone number for
the verification of append in nigeria and that's where the problem is but i have a way around it
and i can teach it on this channel if you want me to teach happen in full go to the comments and
say african giant give me the append tutorial i'm gonna do that tutorial live on this channel next
is is the same process data entry jobs okay to get started just scroll down
and then until you get to jobs you can see jobs based on your browsing history if you don't have
any browsing maybe this is your first time of getting to the website you're still going to see
some jobs here and then when you scroll through them go to all jobs because as soon as you do
all jobs it's going to open up all the job for you now most of the jobs are not going to be quoted in
your country if you are in africa for example but you look for the one that is virtual when you see
virtual jobs those are the ones you can apply into and then you can apply as well and start making
money from this website but that's not all we also have on it is the same
process patient assets are the speed of light and then you can start with them as well just
scroll down and you see careers at the bottom of the website at the bottom of the website you click
on careers it's going to open up for you and then if you scroll down you're going to see this is one
of the most massive because the deal in health is something that is really really workable as
a data entry analyst and then you can see most of the jobs here are remote that's why this website
is fantastic please go to and get these jobs going then that's not all we still have on as well let me show you something here this is a low competition gig and
a lot of people are not offering it look at this just data entry you have 849 services available
on this and if you scroll down you see all of them are getting orders and you can also do these right
from your home why are you not a data analyst make money with these it makes a lot of difference but
that's not all we also have just like is a freelancer marketplace you as well
can jump on it data analysis here you can see how many entries jobs i had this person is charging
250 dollars to 500 dollars fixed price to be determined so you can actually make these across
all fronts and industry but that's not all we have the only thing is cannot work
in africa so it's simply for our people in diaspora but there is something you can do
to add to this to improve your any facility online it's called virtual assistant virtual
assistants can make you one thousand dollars every single month and then you add it to data
entry jobs look at the tutorial here click on it let's go let's go let's go let's go
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