Trump's ability to speak collapses in softball interview gone horribly wrong

David Pakman Show
1 May 202407:34


TLDRThe transcript captures a conversation between two speakers discussing the political climate surrounding Israel and its relationship with the United States Congress. Speaker 2, presumably Trump, expresses concern over what he perceives as a decline in support for Israel within Congress, suggesting a shift from a decade ago. He criticizes political figures for not recognizing the 'evil' of radical Islamic terrorism and calls for support for Israel's war on terror. Speaker 1, however, challenges Trump's statements as incoherent and questions his ability to provide a valid opinion on the matter. The discussion also touches on Trump's decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, which is criticized as a provocative act that escalated tensions. The conversation reflects the polarized views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the role of the U.S. in the region.


  • đŸ—Łïž Speaker 1 expresses concern about the coherence of Trump's speech, questioning if his words form coherent sentences.
  • đŸ€” Speaker 2 discusses a perceived shift in Congress's support for Israel over the past decade, suggesting a worrying trend.
  • đŸ‡źđŸ‡± Speaker 2 emphasizes the need for Israel to complete its 'war on terror,' implying a belief in the righteousness of Israel's actions.
  • đŸ˜€ Speaker 1 criticizes Trump for suggesting a destructive approach to the Israel-Gaza situation, highlighting a stark difference in opinions.
  • đŸ›ïž Speaker 1 questions the sincerity of Trump's concern for a landmark building at Columbia University, contrasting it with his silence on the Capitol on January 6th.
  • đŸ•ïž Speaker 2 laments the lack of political support for Israel, particularly from Jewish politicians, and calls for a unified stance against terrorism.
  • đŸ€” Speaker 2 questions the absence of Senator Schumer's vocal support for Israel, suggesting political considerations may be influencing his stance.
  • 📅 Speaker 2 refers to an event that occurred on 'October 7th,' describing it as a horrific act of violence against innocents, including babies.
  • 🧠 Speaker 2 suggests that those who deny the occurrence of the 'October 7th' event may be 'brainwashed,' reflecting a deep divide in public perception.
  • 🏱 Speaker 1 points out the inconsistency in Trump's expressions of outrage, noting his silence on the Capitol breach and the damage to a landmark building.
  • đŸŽ—ïž Speaker 2 praises Trump for moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, framing it as a significant and long-awaited action by previous presidents.

Q & A

  • What is the speaker's concern about the current state of support for Israel in Congress?

    -The speaker is concerned that there is a very small group of people within Congress that is influencing numbers and decisions in a way that is not supportive of Israel, which is a change from the past when Congress was more protective of Israel.

  • Why does the speaker believe Trump's interview with Sean Hannity did not go as planned?

    -The speaker thinks the interview did not go well because Trump did not come off as coherent or mildly coherent as expected in a friendly interview, and his use of words and sentences seemed incoherent.

  • What does the speaker suggest about the political figures' understanding of the situation involving Israel?

    -The speaker suggests that political figures are not understanding the dichotomy between good and evil, particularly in relation to radical Islamic terrorism, and questions why Jewish politicians appear to be abandoning Israel.

  • Who is the speaker calling out for not speaking up in support of Israel?

    -The speaker is calling out Schumer, questioning why he is not speaking up and suggesting that he might be focusing on votes rather than representing Israel's interests.

  • What event is referred to as 'October 7th' in the transcript?

    -The transcript does not provide specific details about the event referred to as 'October 7th'. However, it is described as a violent and horrible event that some people deny ever happened.

  • What does the speaker imply about people who deny the occurrence of 'October 7th'?

    -The speaker implies that those who deny 'October 7th' ever happened are either brainwashed or in denial, based on the comments they make about the event not occurring.

  • What is the speaker's opinion on Trump's approach to the situation in Israel and Gaza?

    -The speaker believes that Trump would suggest a destructive approach, advocating for the elimination of the entire situation and congratulating Netanyahu, which the speaker finds concerning.

  • What inconsistency does the speaker point out in Trump's attitude towards landmark buildings?

    -The speaker points out that Trump expresses concern for a landmark building at Columbia University that was damaged, but did not show the same level of outrage regarding the U.S. Capitol building when it was stormed by his supporters on January 6th.

  • What action did Trump take regarding the U.S. embassy in Israel?

    -Trump moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which he presents as a significant gesture of support for Israel.

  • How does the speaker characterize Trump's move of the embassy to Jerusalem?

    -The speaker characterizes the move as deliberately provocative and inflammatory, arguing that it did not contribute to any substantive good but rather heightened tensions.

  • What does the speaker suggest is the best option for someone concerned about the situation in Israel and Palestine?

    -The speaker suggests that Joe Biden would be the best option for someone concerned about the circumstances for Palestinians, implying that Trump's approach would be too aggressive and destructive.



😯 Concerns Over Congress' Shift on Israel and Trump's Coherence

The first paragraph discusses a perceived change in the U.S. Congress's support for Israel over the past decade. It suggests that there is a small group within Congress driving policy in a direction that the speaker finds concerning. The paragraph also features an interview with Trump on Fox News, where he appears to struggle with coherence, leading to questions about his mental state. Additionally, there is criticism of political figures for not recognizing the 'evil' of radical Islamic terrorism and a call for support for Israel's war on terror. The paragraph ends with a mention of the violent events that occurred on October 7th, which the speaker insists must be acknowledged and stopped.


đŸș Trump's Jerusalem Embassy Move and Its Aftermath

The second paragraph focuses on Trump's decision to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which is portrayed positively by the speaker as a significant step in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital. The paragraph includes a dialogue that suggests support for Prime Minister Netanyahu's efforts in the war on terror and a call for a swift victory. However, the move is criticized by another speaker who argues that it was a provocative act that escalated tensions without offering any substantial benefits. The paragraph concludes with a brief mention of Trump's self-praise for his actions and a transition to a break in the program.




Congress refers to the legislative body in the United States responsible for making laws. In the video's context, it is mentioned as having previously supported Israel but now is implied to be acting in a way that is not in Israel's favor, which is a point of contention in the discussion.


Anti-Semitism is the discrimination against, prejudice, or hostility toward Jewish people. The script alludes to a perceived increase in anti-Semitism and its impact on attitudes towards Israel among certain groups.

💡Radical Islamic Terrorism

This term refers to acts of terrorism carried out by individuals or groups subscribing to radical interpretations of Islam. In the transcript, it is used to highlight a perceived evil that political figures are not adequately recognizing or combating.

💡War on Terror

The 'War on Terror' is a term often used to describe the military and political actions taken by governments, particularly the United States, to combat terrorism, particularly after the September 11 attacks. In the script, it is mentioned in relation to Israel's struggle, implying that Israel is fighting a similar war.

💡October 7th

This date is referenced in the transcript as a day when a particularly violent event occurred, presumably related to the conflict in Israel. The mention of October 7th serves to emphasize the severity of the situation and the denial of its occurrence by some protesters.


Schumer refers to Chuck Schumer, a prominent American politician and member of the Democratic Party who has been a Senator from New York. The transcript questions why Schumer is not speaking up more on the issue of Israel, suggesting an expectation of his involvement due to his political position and possible Jewish heritage.


Netanyahu is Benjamin Netanyahu, who has served as the Prime Minister of Israel on multiple occasions. The script mentions him in the context of supporting his leadership in the 'war on terror,' indicating a perspective that views Netanyahu's actions as crucial to Israel's security.

💡Embassy to Jerusalem

The moving of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv was a significant political decision that recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The speaker in the transcript takes credit for this move, which is portrayed as a provocative act with implications for regional tensions.


Coherence in this context refers to the clarity and logical consistency of speech. The transcript discusses Trump's ability to communicate coherently, with the suggestion that his recent statements have been incoherent and difficult to understand.


The Palestinians are a group of Arab people who are the indigenous inhabitants of the region now known as Israel and Palestine. The script implies a concern for the circumstances or welfare of the Palestinian people amidst the broader discussion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


Trump refers to Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States. The transcript features critical commentary on Trump's statements and actions, particularly regarding his approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and his communication style.

💡January 6th

January 6th refers to the date of the attack on the U.S. Capitol in 2021, which is mentioned in the transcript to highlight a perceived inconsistency in Trump's reactions to different incidents of violence or damage to landmarks.


Speaker 2 expresses concern over a perceived shift in Congress's support for Israel over the past decade.

Speaker 1 questions the coherence of Trump's statements during the interview, suggesting a decline in his communication skills.

Speaker 2 calls for a recognition of the 'good and evil' in the context of radical Islamic terrorism.

Speaker 2 criticizes Jewish politicians for not supporting Israel as they have in the past.

Speaker 1 is confused by Trump's use of the phrase 'doing numbers' in relation to Congress.

Speaker 2 insists that Israel must be allowed to complete its war on terror.

Speaker 1 labels Trump's statements as a 'deranged rant', indicating a lack of understanding of the situation.

Speaker 2 discusses the violent events of October 7th and the denial of its occurrence by some protesters.

Speaker 1 points out the inconsistency in Trump's concern for landmark buildings, contrasting the Capitol riot with the current situation.

Speaker 2 expresses empathy for Israel, recalling the mutual support after 9/11 and the need for continued support.

Speaker 1 criticizes Trump's decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, calling it a provocative move.

Speaker 2 credits Trump for taking action on the embassy move, which previous presidents had promised but not delivered.

Speaker 1 suggests that Trump's interview was not the softball interview intended to make him look good, but rather had the opposite effect.

Speaker 1 implies that Trump is struggling to communicate coherently, which is problematic for his public image.

Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of stopping the violence and the need for political figures to take a stand.

Speaker 1 questions Trump's credibility as a source of advice on the Israel-Gaza situation, suggesting a more extreme approach from him.

Speaker 2 highlights the significance of the embassy move to Jerusalem and its impact on recognizing the city as Israel's capital.



you go back 10 years I mean Israel was uh  protected by Congress and now Congress is just  


doing numbers that are unbelievable with I think  a very very small group of people within Congress  


and it's got to stop Speaker 1: When Trump appears  on Fox News to be interviewed by Sean Hannity,  


it's supposed to be very friendly. It's  supposed to be a softball interview in  


which Trump at least comes off as mildly  or remotely coherent. It did not work that  


way yesterday. This was Trump's interview  with his friend Sean Hannity. To the extent  


that Trump has has friends. I'm going to  play a clip for you here. As Doctor John  


Gartner warned us, as doctor Harry Siegel  warned us, Trump is getting worse and he's  


getting worse quickly. I'm hearing in  this clip that Trump is using words.  


But are these even sentences? Is Trump okay? Speaker 2: Who would be thinking this could  


happen? You look at the anti-Semitism,  the hatred of Israel by so many people.  


You go back ten years. I mean, Israel was  protected by Congress, and now Congress  


is just doing numbers that are unbelievable  with, I think, a very, very small group of  


people within Congress. And it's got to stop. Speaker 1: Congress is doing numbers that are  


unbelievable with a small number of people  in Congress. What the hell is Trump talking  


about? Usually I know what he means, even if  the syntax of his speeches makes no sense.  


I don't know what on earth he's talking  about there. Trump then saying we must let  


Israel complete its war on terror. What? Speaker 2: Why aren't political figures.  


Understanding that there is good and  evil here and radical Islamic terrorism,  


is the evil part of this? Well, I'm  watching Jewish politicians abandon Israel,  


and I've seen it. And you've seen it. Where is  Schumer? Why isn't Schumer speaking up? He was  


always out there in front because he's looking  at votes, I guess. And I guess he's looking at  


maybe more votes to represent Israel. But that  has nothing to do with it. You have to do you  


have to stop this war on terror is Israel's war  on terror. October 7th was beyond violence. It was  


something that's done to people that nobody has  ever seen before, to babies. And a lot of people,  


people that are out there protesting, they deny  October 7th ever happened. October 7th did happen.  


And it was horrible and violent and disgraceful.  And it's got to be stopped. You can't have a thing  


like that. And when you have people out there  protesting and they're denying that October 7th  


ever took place, they're either brainwashed in a  certain way. I really believe they are brainwashed  


because you look at some of the comments, they  say none of this stuff happened and you know,  


we want Israel back. The fact is, you have to get  Israel back where it belongs because of what's  


happening in Israel right now is. Speaker 1: This is crazy. By the way,  


if you're not understanding this,  this is just a deranged rant. 


Speaker 2: Really not sustainable either.  We have to let Israel complete their war on  


terror. It's a horrible thing, but they have. Speaker 1: Listen, Trump is the last person we  


should be going to for any opinion about this.  If you're concerned about Biden's handling of  


the situation in Israel and Gaza, which, by  the way, it's not Biden's to handle. But if  


you're concerned about that, Trump would just  say destroy the entire thing, kill everyone,  


period. And then he'll go and congratulate  Netanyahu. And by the way, Robert F Kennedy Jr's  


view is not particularly different than Trump's.  So the best option here, the best option by far,  


if we're concerned about, circumstances for  Palestinians is Joe Biden by a long shot. Now,  


Trump pathetically, cries crocodile tears and and  concern trolls about a landmark, I guess in at  


Columbia University that's been damaged. Where  was this attitude on January 6th? I would ask. 


Speaker 2: You, because it would have been a  lot easier if they were in intense rather than  


a building, a tremendous damage done to,  you know, when you look at that building  


that's a landmark and it's it's really  been damaged badly by these people. Yeah. 


Speaker 1: Where exactly was that outrage  about damage to buildings on January 6th  


as thousands of Trump supporters stormed the  US Capitol? Certainly a landmark, certainly,  


and certainly an important building in American  history. And Trump said nothing like this,  


nothing like this whatsoever. And then lastly,  a Trump again reminding us it was he who moved  


the embassy to Jerusalem wanting an attaboy. Speaker 2: So one thing is, is I feel bad for  


Israel because at a time where you think that  America there there are number one ally. They  


were with us after nine, 1101. We lost 2977  Americans that day. They lost the equivalent  


of 40,000 Americans in a single day. And you would  think that you put politics aside and you support  


their victory in the war on terror. And that would  mean Prime Minister Netanyahu's victory in the  


war on terror. And you're saying you support  that and hope that they do it quickly? Well,  


I'm the one that designated, in a sense,  by moving the, embassy back to Jerusalem.  


Jerusalem becomes the capital that is, you  know, a lot of presidents said they were  


going to do that. They didn't do it. Speaker 1: Yeah. And of course,  


moving the embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv did  nothing for anyone of substance. It only inflamed  


tensions. It was a deliberately provocative move.  It made no sense. And Trump continues to say, me,  


me, me. I did this and I did. That was supposed  to be a softball interview, was supposed to make  


Trump look good. Very much the opposite. As Trump  continues to struggle to take words and put them  


into an order that is coherent in any sense of the  imagination. So let's take a very quick break. We  


have a lot of very interesting stuff coming up  on the program, and we'll get to it in a moment.

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Tags associés
PoliticsTrumpIsraelCongressAnti-SemitismRadical IslamWar on TerrorBiden AdministrationJanuary 6thEmbassy Move
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