Welcome to EA SPORTS FC™ MOBILE 24 | Basics Guide

1 Feb 202410:11


TLDRمرحبا بكم في فيديو حول لعبة EA SPORTS FC™ Mobile، حيث سنتعرف على أساسيات اللعبة. سنبدأ بإعداد تشكيلات الفريق، والتي يمكن تغييرها من صفحة النادي. ثم نتحدث عن اختيار تشكيلة تناسب أسلوب اللعب، مثل 4-3-3 Attack التي اختارها للمهاجمين الwide. نستعرض أيضًا كيفية إضافة الاحتياطيين والتغيير في دورهم خلال المباراة. بعد ذلك، نتحدث عن تغيير دورات الفريق مثل الكابتن والقاذف الحرة والجزاء والكنارة. نشرح أهمية مكافأة نقاط اليوم والأسبوعية من خلال إكمال المهام، والتي توفر العملات داخل اللعبة وعناصر لاعب. نتحدث عن مدى أهمية نقاط Star Pass Credits في تطور الحساب في Star Pass. نتعرف على تحويلات اللاعبين وكيفية تعيينها وممارسةها في ملعب التدريب. في نهاية الفيديو، نشكر الجمهور وندعوهم للاشتراك في القناة والاعجاب بالفيديو.


  • 📌 تغير تشكيل الفريق في لعبة FC Mobile يبدأ من النقر على "نادي" من شاشة الاستقبال.
  • 📌 يمكن تغيير تشكيل الفريق إلى 4-3-3 هجومي إذا كان لديك مهاجم مركزي ومهاجمين يسار ويمين.
  • 📌 يجب اختيار التشكيلة وفقًا لأسلوب لعبك، مثل التركيز على الهجمات من المناطق الواسعة.
  • 📌 يمكن إضافة بدائل في اللعبة بنقر على علامة البدلاء في أسفل الشاشة.
  • 📌 البدائل تعتبر مهمة في النصف الثاني من المباراة، حيث تبدأ اللاعبين في التعب.
  • 📌 يمكن تغيير دورات الفريق، مثل الكابتن أو مأخذ ال任意球 أو الجزاء أو مأخذ الكنارة.
  • 📌 ينصح باختيار لاعبين ذوي إحصائيات جيدة في.FRK (Free Kick Accuracy) لأخذ ال任意球 المختصرة.
  • 📌 يفضل استخدام لاعبين ذوي إحصائيات عالية في LPA (Long Pass Accuracy) لأخذ ال任意球 الطويلة.
  • 📌 يجب استخدام لاعبين ذوي إحصائيات جيدة في CRO (Crossing) لأخذ الكنارات.
  • 📌 ينصح باختيار لاعبين ذوي إحصائيات عالية في PEN (Penalty Taking) لأخذ الجزاء.
  • 📌 يمكن الوصول إلى المهام من شاشة الاستقبال من خلال النقر على علامة المهام.
  • 📌 يمكن التقدم في Star Pass من خلال الجمع على Star Pass Credits من خلال المهام اليومية والأسبوعية والأحداث.
  • 📌 يمكن لكل لاعب تنفيذ حركات مخصصة من خلال النقر على زر SPRINT & SKILL.
  • 📌 يمكن تخصيص حركات اللاعبين المخصصة من خلال قسم حركات المهارات في Team Editing.
  • 📌 يمكن تحسين مهارات اللاعبين من خلال ممارسة حركات المهارات في ملعب التدريب.
  • 📌 يمكن فتح حركات المهارات المقفولة من خلال ال前往 إلى المتجر وشراءها بـGems.

Q & A

  • كيف يمكن للاعب تغيير تشكيل الفريق في لعبة FC Mobile؟

    -لتغيير تشكيل الفريق، يجب على اللاعب النقر على "النادي" من شاشة البداية، ثم النقر على "التشكيلة"، واختيار "تحرير الفريق" من الجهة اليسرى، واختيار التشكيلة المرغوبة مثل 4-3-3 هجوم، ثم النقر على "تحديد".

  • ما هي أهمية اختيار تشكيلة معينة في لعبة FC Mobile؟

    -اختيار التشكيلة تبعا لأسلوب لعب اللاعب، مثل التركيز على الهجوم من المناطق الواسعة و切ting داخليا مع الأجنحة اليسرى واليمين، مما يتطلب وجود LW و RW في التشكيلة.

  • كيف يمكن للاعب إضافة بدائل في FC Mobile؟

    -لإضافة بدائل، يجب النقر على علامة ال_PLUS_ في أسفل الشاشة، وسحب اللاعب المرغوب إلى قائمة البدائل، ويمكن استخدام ما يصل إلى 3 بدائل في المباراة ووضع ما يصل إلى 7 بدائل على الصنارة.

  • كيف يمكن للاعب تغيير دورات الفريق في FC Mobile؟

    -لتغيير دورات الفريق، مثل تغيير قائد الفريق أو مأخذ ال任意ي، يجب النقر على "تحرير الفريق" من الجهة اليسرى، ثم النقر على "الأدوار"، و在那里可以 تغيير جميع الأدوار.

  • ماذا ينصح RKReddy باختياره لأخذ ال任意ي القصير في FC Mobile؟

    -RKReddy ينصح باختيار لاعب له دقة FRK جيدة، وذلك من خلال النقر على خيار "فرز FRK" واختيار لاعب لديه أفضل إحصائية FRK في الفريق.

  • لماذا يفضل RKReddy استخدام لاعب لأخذ ال任意ي الطويل؟

    -يفضل RKReddy استخدام لاعب لديه قيمة LPA عالية لأنه يحاول عادة التكتيك الأساسية في ال任意ي الطويل، مما يتيح لعضو آخر في الفريق فرصة لمحاولة الهدف.

  • كيف يمكن للاعب ترتيب لاعب يأخذ ركلة الكنارة اليسرى في FC Mobile؟

    -لترتيب لاعب يأخذ ركلة الكنارة اليسرى، يجب النقر على خيار "فرز CRO"، واختيار لاعب لديه أفضل قيمة CRO، مثل Cole في المثال.

  • ما هي الطريقة لاختيار لاعب يأخذ ركلة الجزاء في FC Mobile؟

    -يجب على اللاعب النقر على خيار "فرز PEN"، واختيار لاعب لديه أفضل قيمة PEN، مثل Hernández في المثال.

  • كيف يمكن للاعب الوصول إلى المهام في FC Mobile؟

    -للدخول إلى المهام، يجب النقر على علامة المهام في أسفل يسار الشاشة الرئيسية، حيث يمكن العثور على جميع المهام المتاحة مثل المهام اليومية والمهام المرتبطة بالأحداث.

  • ماذا يمكن لللاعب من خلال المهام في FC Mobile؟

    -المهام تتيح لللاعب كسب عملات داخل اللعبة مثل الجيمس والنقود والعناصر اللاعبين وXP، مما يساعد في التقدم والتطور في اللعبة.

  • كيف يمكن لللاعب التقدم في Star Pass في FC Mobile؟

    -لتقدم في Star Pass، يجب على اللاعب كسب نقاط Star Pass Credits، التي يمكن كسبها من خلال المهام اليومية والأسبوعية، أو من خلال اللعب في المباراة H2H وVS. Attack وManager Mode.

  • ما هي الخطوات لتخصيص حركات المهارات للاعب في FC Mobile؟

    -لتخصيص حركات المهارات، يجب الذهاب إلى Team Editing، ثم النقر على علامة Skills Moves، و在那里可以تعيين حركات المهارات المختلفة لكل حركة.



😀 Team Formations and Substitutions in FC Mobile

RkReddy introduces viewers to EA SPORTS FC™ Mobile, focusing on team formations and player roles. He explains how to access the Club and line-up to change formations, such as switching to the 4-3-3 Attack formation. He emphasizes the importance of selecting a formation that suits one's gameplay style, like his preference for attacking with wingers. RkReddy also demonstrates how to add substitutes and change team roles, including captain, free kick taker, and penalty taker. He provides tips for choosing players with specific attributes for roles like Short Free Kick and Long Free Kick takers.


📈 Completing Quests and Progressing in Star Pass

The second paragraph delves into the quest system in FC Mobile, explaining how to access and complete various types of quests to earn in-game currencies and rewards. RkReddy details the rewards structure for Daily and Weekly Points, including Gems, XP, and Star Pass Credits. He also discusses the Star Pass progression system, which relies on Star Pass Credits earned through gameplay and rewards. Additionally, he touches on Skill Moves, showing how each player has a unique Skill Move and how to assign and customize these moves for different swipe actions.


📺 Skill Moves and Practicing in FC Mobile

In the final paragraph, RkReddy continues the discussion on Skill Moves, highlighting the ability to assign up to four different Skill Moves to each player. He demonstrates how to unlock and assign new Skill Moves through the Store and Live Events. RkReddy also introduces the practice arena feature, where players can practice and master their Skill Moves before using them in matches. He concludes by inviting viewers to share their favorite Skill Moves in the comments and thanks them for watching the video.



💡팀 형태 설정

팀 형태 설정은 축구 게임에서 팀의 공격 및 방어 전략을 결정하는 중요한 요소입니다. 이 동영상에서는 클럽을 클릭하여 홈 화면에서 팀 형태를 변경하고, 팀 편집에서 사용 가능한 모든 형태를 찾아 선택하는 방법을 소개합니다. 예를 들어, CAM, 왼쪽 수비수, 오른쪽 수비수가 있는 플레이어는 4-3-3 공격 형태로 설정하는 것이 좋습니다.

💡교체 선수

교체 선수는 경기 후반에 플레이어들이 피로해졌을 때 중요한 역할을 수행합니다. 이 동영상에서는 교체 선수를 추가하기 위해 하단 화면을 클릭하고 플레이어를 드래그하여 교체 선수로 등록하는 방법을 설명합니다. 교체 선수를 사용함으로써 경기 내에서 실시간으로 플레이어를 교체할 수 있습니다.

💡팀 역할

팀 역할은 각 플레이어가 팀 내에서 수행하는 특정 책임을 정의합니다. 이 동영상에서는 팀의 캐프틴, 프리킥 슈터, 페널티 슈터, 코너킥 슈터 등의 역할을 변경하는 방법을 다룹니다. 이를 위해 팀 편집 옵션에서 역할을 선택하고 원하는 플레이어를 클릭하여 변경할 수 있습니다.

💡퀘스트 완료

퀘스트 완료는 게임 내에서 경험치, 게임 머니, 플레이어 아이템 등의 보상을 얻을 수 있는 방법입니다. 이 동영상에서는 일일 퀘스트와 이벤트 기반 퀘스트를 완료하여 게임 내 통화를 벌어들이는 방법을 소개합니다. 또한 일일 포인트를 획득하여 일간 및 주간 보상을 받을 수 있습니다.

💡스타 패스 진행

스타 패스는 게임 내에서 보상을 받기 위한 진행 시스템입니다. 이 동영상에서는 스타 패스 크레디트를 획득하고, 이를 사용하여 스타 패스의 각 노드를 진행하는 방법을 설명합니다. 스타 패스 크레디트는 일일 및 주간 보상, 또는 경기를 통해 획득할 수 있습니다.

💡기술 움직임

기술 움직임은 축구 게임에서 플레이어가 수행하는 특수 동작입니다. 이 동영상에서는 SPRINT & SKILL 버튼을 탭하여 각 플레이어가 자신만의 기술 움직임을 수행하는 방법을 소개합니다. 또한 팀 편집에서 기술 움직임을 설정하거나, 상점에서 잠긴 기술 움직임을 해금할 수 있습니다.

💡라이브 이벤트

라이브 이벤트는 게임에서 정기적으로 진행되는 특별한 이벤트로, 플레이어는 이를 통해 게임 내 보상이나 아이템을 획득할 수 있습니다. 이 동영상에서는 상점에서 라이브 이벤트 섹션에 접근하여 기술 움직임을 해금하는 방법을 설명합니다.

💡플레이어 등급

플레이어 등급은 축구 게임에서 각 플레이어의 능력을 나타내는 지표입니다. 이 동영상에서는 플레이어의 등급에 따라 기술 움직임을 수행할 수 있는지 여부가 결정되는 점을 강조합니다. 예를 들어, 4성 플레이어만 레인 체인지와 같은 특정 기술 움직임을 할 수 있습니다.

💡게임 모드

게임 모드는 플레이어가 게임을 즐길 수 있는 다양한 방식을 말합니다. 이 동영상에서는 H2H, VS. Attack, Manager Mode와 같은 다양한 게임 모드에서 팀 형태와 맞춤형 전술을 선택하는 방법을 다룹니다. 이는 플레이어의 게임 스타일에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다.


게임 내에서 보상은 경험치, 게임 머니, 아이템 등을 의미합니다. 이 동영상에서는 일일 및 주간 보상 시스템을 통해 플레이어가 보상을 획득할 수 있는 방법을 소개합니다. 또한 스타 패스를 통해 추가적인 보상을 받을 수 있음을 언급합니다.

💡게임 내 통화

게임 내 통화는 게임 내에서 사용되는 가상화폐나 아이템을 말합니다. 이 동영상에서는 Gems, Coins, Star Pass Credits와 같은 게임 내 통화를 획득하고, 이를 사용하여 게임을 진행하는 방법을 설명합니다.


RkReddy introduces the basics of EA SPORTS FC™ Mobile, focusing on team formations, player roles, and game progression.

To change team formation, navigate to Club from the home screen, then to line-up and Team Editing to select from available formations.

RkReddy chooses a 4-3-3 Attack formation for having a CAM, Left Wing, and Right Wing, emphasizing the importance of selecting a formation that suits one's gameplay style.

Substitutes can be added by tapping the bottom of the screen and dragging the desired player to the substitutes tab.

The importance of using substitutes in the second half of matches in Manager Mode or H2H when players get tired is discussed.

Team roles such as captain, free kick taker, penalty taker, and corner taker can be changed through the Team Editing option.

Choosing the Short Free Kick taker with good FRK accuracy is advised, demonstrated by sorting the team by FRK and selecting Maddison.

For Long Free Kicks, a player with high LPA is recommended for passing into the box, with Best being chosen in the example.

Left Corner Kick taker should have good CRO stats, with Cole being selected for both left and right corner kicks.

For Penalties, selecting a player with the best PEN stat is suggested, with Hernández being the choice.

Quests can be accessed from the home screen and are crucial for earning in-game currencies and progressing in the game.

Daily and Weekly Rewards are tied to the completion of quests, offering various incentives such as Gems, Coins, player items, and XP.

Star Pass progression is explained, detailing how Star Pass Credits are the sole currency needed and can be earned through gameplay and rewards.

Skill Moves are performed by tapping the SPRINT & SKILL button, with each player having their unique move.

Players can be assigned up to four different Skill Moves through the Team Editing and Skill Moves tab.

Skill Moves can be previewed and unlocked in the Store under Live Events, with Gems used to unlock them.

A practice arena is available for players to practice and master their Skill Moves before using them in matches.

RkReddy encourages viewers to subscribe to the channel and like the video, ending with a prompt for comments on favorite Skill Moves.



Hello guys! I'm RkReddy,


and today I'm here on the EA SPORTS FC™ Mobile channel


to show you the basics of FC Mobile, so let's get started.


First, I want to talk about setting up team formations.


If you want to change your team formation,


all you have to do is click on Club when you're on the home screen.


You get into this page, and then click on the line-up.


At the left side you'll find an option called Team Editing, so tap on it.


This is where you find all the formations available.


I want to change to 4-3-3 Attack because I've got a CAM,


Left Wing and Right Wing, so I'm just going to set it


to 4-3-3 Attack. Now, just click on Select and that's it,


your new formation has been set. Also, make sure to choose a formation


according to your gameplay style. For example, I prefer attacking


from the wide areas and cutting inside with my wingers,


so I need to choose a formation with LW and RW.


That's the reason I go with 4-3-3 formation for H2H.


Similarly for VS. Attack and Manager Mode,


choose your formation based on the custom tactics used.


You can also add substitutes in FC Mobile. If you want to do that,


all you have to do is tap on the bottom of the screen,


and the substitutes tab will be maximized.


Click on the plus and that's it, just drag the player you want to add


to the substitutes and place them there. It's very simple.


I'm going to use these two as my substitutes. Having substitutes is very important,


because in the second half of the match in Manager Mode or H2H,


your players start to get tired and that's when you can use a substitute.


So bring on a couple of players and instantly change them in match,


just like in real life. Make sure to use your substitutes,


you can use a maximum of 3 substitutes per match,


and you can place a maximum of 7 substitutes on the bench,


so choose them wisely.


And not just that! In FC Mobile, you can change the team roles.


For example, you can change the captain of your team,


your free kick taker, your penalty taker, your corner taker…


It's so easy to do, all you have to do is tap on the Team Editing option


at the left side of the screen, click on Roles, and that's it.


This is where you can access and change all the team roles.


For example, I want to change my captain right now.


I'm going to click on Kyle Walker, and I want to put Edwin van der Sar


as my captain, so just click on the player,


then Confirm, and that's it, your captain has been set.


With Short Free Kick, I have a very important tip for you all.


When you're choosing your Short Free Kick taker,


I will always recommend you to use a player with good FRK accuracy.


All you have to do is click on this "Sort FRK" option,


and use the player who has the best FRK stat in your team.


In my team, Maddison has got the best FRK stat with 87,


so I'm going to select him as my Free Kick taker and confirm.


Now, the free kick taker has been set.


Moving on to the Long Free Kick, I would advise you


to use someone with high LPA,


because whenever I have a long free kick I don't shoot it with the Free Kick taker.


Instead, I try to pass the ball into the box,


so one of my team members might shoot. That's why I always prefer using a player


with high LPA when it comes to Long Free Kick,


and that's the reason why I'm gonna choose Best.


You can also go with Marchisio or Maddison,


since they've got a similar LPA, but I'm just going to choose Best.


Click Confirm and the Long Free Kick will be set.


Coming to the Left Corner Kick, it's always best to use a player


with good CRO stats. I'm gonna sort by CRO,


and Cole has the best stat at 94, so I'm gonna set him


as my Left Corner Kick and Right Corner Kick taker.


Finally, we have Penalties. For Penalties, I would just use the player


with the best PEN stat. I'm going to sort by PEN,


and Hernández has got the best PEN stat.


I would always advise using the player with the best PEN stat.


Just click on Confirm. That's it, guys! This is how you set up your team roles.


It's very simple and easy to do.


Let's talk about a very important aspect of FC Mobile, which is completing Quests.


First, I'm going to show you how you can access Quests.


Right now, I'm on the home screen of the game,


and at the bottom left you can find the Quests tab.


Click on it, and there's where you can find all the quests available.


In FC Mobile, there are different types of quests,


like Daily quests and event-based quests. By completing these,


you can earn in-game currencies like Gems, Coins, player items, and XP,


which helps in progressing and leveling up your account.


There are also event-based currencies.


You can earn Star Pass Credits, which help progressing in the Star Pass.


The big question is, how to complete Quests?


It's very simple. Right now, I'm in the Daily Quests tab,


and as you can see, the quests are straightforward.


I just have to play a few H2H matches to earn Daily Points,


a few VS. Attack matches and a few Manager Mode matches


to maximize my Daily Points. I also have to train a player once


to earn 15 Daily Points, and open a Shop Pack


to earn 15 Daily Points as well. These Daily Points will help progressing


in the Daily and Weekly Rewards, which you can see


at the right side of the screen. As you reach 40 Daily Points,


you can get 60 Gems, 100 XP and 600 Star Pass Credits.


The Star Pass Credits are very important, I will explain them later.


As you get 60 Daily Points, you get more Gems, more XP,


and more Star Pass Credits, and similarly for 100 Points.


There are also Weekly Rewards, which is the best part.


If I get 150 Points in a week, I get 200 Star Pass Credits and 200 Gems.


If I get 350 Daily points in a week, I'll get a 75-85 Mixed Version Player


along with 400 Star Pass Credits. And finally, if you get 500 Daily Points


in a week, you can get an 80-90 rated Base, Hero or Icons Player.


Next, we have Universal Rank Player quests,


where you can earn this 81 Dudek card. This card can be used to rank up


any player with less than 90 OVR. These quests are very straightforward.


And then you've got some long-term quests, which you can complete slowly


to earn some Gems and Coins. So, this is it for the Quests.


Let's talk about how you can progress in Star Pass.


First, let's get into the Star Pass.


To get into the Star Pass, you will see three icons


at the left side of the home screen.


Click on the pentagonal icon and you will be inside the Star Pass.


To progress in Star Pass,


all you need are Star Pass Credits, it’s the only currency to keep in mind.


You can earn Star Pass Credits in two different ways.


The first one is by completing the Daily and Weekly Rewards.


The next one is by playing H2H, VS. Attack and Manager Mode matches.


Also, the event matches and skill games in events


are going to help you earn more Star Pass Credits.


Each node in Star Pass is 300 Credits. For example, if I want to progress


through the third node, all I need is 300 Credits,


and then I can go to the next node and claim the reward.


The more Star Pass Credits you earn, the faster you can progress


in the Star Pass, simple as that.


Now, let's talk about Skill Moves.


Whenever you tap on the SPRINT & SKILL button,


every player will perform their own Skill Move.


For example, Luis Hernández has his own Skill Move.


If you want to see the Skill Move, just click on Details on the card,


go to Traits, and you can find his original Skill Moves at the top.


He's got Roulette as his main Skill Move,


so whenever you perform a SPRINT & SKILL button tap,


he will perform a Roulette. Similarly, every player has their own Skill Move.


Apart from that, you can assign 4 different Skill Moves to every player.


To do that, just go to Team Editing and then you can find the Skill Moves tab,


where you can assign the four different Skill Moves.


There are four actions: swiping the SPRINT & SKILL button


to the left, to the top, to the right, and to the bottom.


For each action, you can set your own Skill Move.


I want to set a Lane Change for when I do a SPRINT & SKILL swipe


to the left, so I click on Change Now, Lane Change, and Assign.


From now on, if I swipe the SPRINT & SKILL button to the left,


my player will perform a Lane Change. Also in this tab, you can see


what other players can perform a Lane Change.


As you see, you need 4-star Skill Moves to perform a Lane Change,


so only the 4-star players out of all rated players can perform it.


Best, Hernández, Maddison, Sterling and Marchisio are the only players


that can perform this Lane Change from our team.


You can see which players can perform each Skill Move


based on their rating, and you can also have a preview


of the Skill Move before you unlock or assign it.


As you can see, some of my Skill Moves are locked.


If you want to unlock a Skill Move, just go to the Store,


in the Store go to Live Events,


and at the bottom you will find Skill Moves.


Tap on them to unlock them.


I want to unlock Feint and Exit,


so I will click on it and just unlock it with Gems,


and now this Skill Move has been unlocked.


I want to assign this Feint and Exit Skill move now,


and I want to assign it to a swipe to the top,


so I will click on Change, then Feint and Exit, Assign and that's it.


Now, whenever I do a SPRINT & SKILL swipe to the top,


my player is going to perform a Feint and Exit.


For a swipe to the right, I want to leave it as Elastico.


I want to change the swipe to the bottom to Open Up Fake Shot,


so I will click on Change, select Open Up Fake Shot,


click on Assign, and that's it! We are set.


Also, did you know you can practice your Skill Moves?


Yes, you can practice them! All you have to do is click on Try.


Now, I'm in the practice arena, and I'm going to perform the Lane Change.


Now I'm going to do the Feint and Exit, and now the Open Up Fake Shot.


I'm going to master these Skill Moves in the practice arena.


Make sure you use the practice arena to practice your Skill Moves.


In the comment section below, let me know what's your favorite Skill Move.


My favorite definitely has to be Elastico, I really enjoy doing it.


Thank you so much for watching this video!


Make sure to subscribe to the channel and also like this video.


RkReddy signing off!

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