The Absurd History of Level 8-2

11 May 202434:44


TLDRThe video script narrates the intricate history and evolution of level 8-2 in Super Mario Brothers, a game renowned for its challenging speedrun dynamics. Once deemed impossible for a perfect run, the level saw a transformation within a year, shifting from an unattainable feat to a prime target for record-breaking attempts. The narrative unfolds through a series of peculiar events, including a 20-minute title screen wait, millions of simulations, and even a solution inspired by a dream. The story highlights the dedication and ingenuity of the speedrunning community as they tackle frame-perfect tricks, phantom bullet bills, and the infamous coin toss mechanic. Despite the complexity and the numerous strategies explored, including a rare plant despawn and a double Bullet Bill jump, the essence of the narrative lies in the pursuit of simplicity amidst absurdity. The journey from an initial time-consuming and complex approach to a more streamlined and efficient strategy is a testament to the continuous innovation and exploration within the speedrunning community.


  • 🎼 The history of level 8-2 in Super Mario Brothers is filled with surprising developments and strategies that have evolved over time.
  • 🚀 At one point, achieving a perfect run in level 8-2 was considered impossible, but within a year, it became a key area for improving world records.
  • 💡 The evolution of strategies involved odd sequences, such as waiting on the title screen and running millions of simulations to find solutions.
  • 🕒 A significant change involved a discovery that allowed for more precise control over the game's frame rules by manipulating power-ups and taking damage.
  • 🌟 The 'Double Bullet Bill' strategy was developed, which potentially improved the speedrun time but required a lengthy wait on the title screen.
  • ⏱ Despite the potential of the Double Bullet Bill strategy, it was not widely adopted due to the initial long wait time and slight increases in difficulty in other parts of the level.
  • 🔄 Kriller 37's innovative thinking led to the realization that the fast acceleration at the start of the level (fast Excel) might not be necessary, which simplified the strategy.
  • 🎉 The culmination of these strategies and insights led to a new world record time for Super Mario Brothers speedrunning, achieving the long-awaited time of 45:45.
  • 🧠 The story of level 8-2 showcases the dedication and creativity of the speedrunning community, as they continuously push the boundaries of what's thought possible in a game.
  • 📉 The process of discovering new strategies often involves complex and sometimes convoluted methods before arriving at simpler and more efficient solutions.
  • 📈 The constant refinement of strategies and the willingness to challenge established methods are what make speedrunning an engaging and dynamic competitive scene.

Q & A

  • What is the significance of level 8-2 in Super Mario Brothers?

    -Level 8-2 is significant because it is one of the hardest levels in the game, especially for speedrunners. It has a history of being considered impossible to complete with a perfect run, but over time, strategies were developed to achieve this.

  • What is the 'coin toss' phenomenon in Super Mario Brothers?

    -The 'coin toss' phenomenon refers to the game mechanic where Mario can only interact with enemies every other frame. On one frame, he can stomp enemies or take damage, but on the next frame, he will pass through them without interaction until the second frame of overlap.

  • How did the initial strategy for a perfect run of level 8-2 change over a year?

    -The initial strategy evolved from being considered impossible to becoming the best place to improve the world record. This change was due to a sequence of odd events, including waiting on the title screen, running simulations, and discovering new tricks like the fast acceleration and the Bullet Bill glitch.

  • What is a 'Phantom bullet bill' in the context of Super Mario Brothers speedrunning?

    -A 'Phantom bullet bill' is a bullet bill that never appears on screen but shows up in memory for one frame. This phenomenon can affect gameplay, and it is used in the strategy to despawn the piranha plant in level 8-2.

  • Why was the Double Bullet Bill strategy not widely adopted by speedrunners?

    -The Double Bullet Bill strategy was not widely adopted because it made early parts of the level slightly harder and required waiting on the title screen for an extended period. Speedrunners preferred the three-frame jump setup, which was more consistent and less time-consuming.

  • How did kriller 37 contribute to improving the strategy for level 8-2?

    -Kriller 37 discovered that a precise jump from the top of the staircase could achieve the necessary height for the Bullet Bill glitch without the need for a fast acceleration at the start of the level. This simplified the strategy and improved the success rate of achieving a perfect run.

  • What is the 'fast excel' at the start of level 8-2, and why was it initially thought to be necessary?

    -The 'fast excel' is a technique where Mario accelerates faster by jumping backwards in the air than running forward on the ground. It was initially thought to be necessary because it allowed for a slight speed increase at the start of the level, which was crucial for achieving the perfect run.

  • Why did the initial strategy for level 8-2 require waiting on the title screen?

    -Waiting on the title screen was a method to manipulate the frame rule timer, allowing access to more patterns that could potentially lead to the despawning of the piranha plant and other advantageous outcomes.

  • How did the discovery of the 'Phantom bullet bills' impact the strategy for level 8-2?

    -The discovery of 'Phantom bullet bills' led to the realization that they could be used to despawn the piranha plant, which was a significant obstacle. However, the conditions required for this to happen were extremely rare and difficult to replicate consistently.

  • What is the frame rule in Super Mario Brothers speedrunning, and how does it affect the game?

    -The frame rule in Super Mario Brothers speedrunning refers to the specific frame on which a player can arrive at a certain point in the game. It affects the game by determining the enemy patterns and other in-game events, which can significantly impact the strategies used by speedrunners.

  • How did the speedrunning community react to the various strategies developed for level 8-2?

    -The community showed a mix of fascination, experimentation, and skepticism. While some runners tried out the new strategies, others stuck with the more established methods. The pursuit of a perfect run in level 8-2 led to significant innovations and a deeper understanding of the game's mechanics.



🎼 The History of Level 8-2 in Super Mario Bros

The paragraph introduces the history of Super Mario Bros' level 8-2, which is considered one of the hardest levels in the game. It discusses how a year of change transformed the level from an impossible perfect run to a record-breaking one. The story involves odd strategies, simulations, and even a solution found in a dream, highlighting the absurdity of the level's history.


đŸŽïž Perfecting Level 8-2: The Three-Step Challenge

This paragraph breaks down the three parts of achieving a perfect run of level 8-2. It details the fast acceleration start, the precise jump over the piranha plant and pipe, and the Bullet Bill glitch. The paragraph also explains how a runner named Tav managed to combine these elements to achieve a near-perfect run, with the only issue being the plant despawning glitch.


đŸŒ± Despawning the Piranha Plant: A Rare Glitch

The focus is on the unusual phenomenon of the piranha plant despawning in level 8-2. The paragraph explores why this happens and how it's related to the game's sprite management. It also discusses the concept of phantom bullet bills and how they contribute to the plant despawning at a specific time, adding a layer of complexity to the level's strategy.


🔍 The Search for the Perfect Pattern

This section delves into the effort to find a pattern that allows for the plant despawn and a perfect Bullet Bill shot. It explains the use of scripts to test millions of combinations and the rarity of the successful outcome. Despite the difficulty, the search continues, highlighting the dedication of the speedrunning community to mastering the game.


🕒 The Time-Consuming Strategy and Its Drawbacks

The paragraph discusses the impracticality of the plant despawn strategy due to the extensive waiting time on the title screen. It also mentions the discovery of a more consistent method to start the game at the right time using power-ups and taking damage. However, the method's inconsistency and the high chance of failure make it unsuitable for top-level speedruns.


💡 Innovations in Level Strategy: Simplified Solutions

This section describes how Kriller 37 questioned the existing strategies and found simpler solutions to the level's challenges. It covers the discovery of a new Bullet Bill jump technique and the realization that the fast acceleration at the start of the level could be skipped without losing the frame rule. The paragraph concludes with the current strategy for achieving a perfect run of level 8-2.


📈 The Evolution of Level 8-2 Strategies

The final paragraph recaps the evolution of strategies for level 8-2, from the initial complex and time-consuming methods to the more straightforward and consistent approaches discovered later. It emphasizes the journey of speedrunners from finding a possible method to refining it into a practical strategy and the excitement in witnessing their innovative solutions.



💡Super Mario Brothers

Super Mario Brothers is a classic platform video game developed and published by Nintendo. In the context of this video, it is the central theme as the script discusses the history and strategies related to speedrunning this game, particularly focusing on level 8-2.


A speedrun refers to playing through a video game quickly, often with the goal of completing it as fast as possible. In this video, speedrunning is the main activity being discussed, with a focus on achieving a perfect run through level 8-2 of Super Mario Brothers.

💡Level 8-2

Level 8-2 is a specific stage in Super Mario Brothers that is highlighted in the video as one of the hardest levels in the game. The video script delves into the history and strategies developed to complete this level efficiently in a speedrun.

💡Frame Rule

The frame rule is a technique used in speedrunning where players manipulate the game's frame-by-frame mechanics to achieve optimal results. In the video, it is mentioned that a perfect run of level 8-2 requires adherence to a strict frame rule to save time.

💡Bullet Bill Glitch

The Bullet Bill Glitch is a specific trick used in Super Mario Brothers speedruns where players interact with Bullet Bills in a certain way to gain an advantage. The video discusses the importance of performing this glitch perfectly in level 8-2 to achieve a faster time.

💡Phantom Bullet Bills

Phantom Bullet Bills are an unusual quirk in the game's programming where Bullet Bills can affect gameplay without actually appearing on the screen. This concept is central to the video as it is used to explain a rare despawning phenomenon of a Piranha Plant in level 8-2.

💡TAS (Tool-Assisted Speedrun)

TAS stands for Tool-Assisted Speedrun, which is a method of speedrunning where players use emulator tools to achieve frame-perfect play that would be nearly impossible for a human player. The video discusses the TAS 8-2 frame rule, which is a reference point for human speedrunners to match or improve upon.

💡Power-Up Animation

The Power-Up Animation refers to the visual effect that occurs when Mario collects a power-up, such as a mushroom, in the game. In the context of the video, manipulating the timing of this animation is explored as a method to affect the frame rule timer and achieve specific patterns in the level.

💡Title Screen Demo

The Title Screen Demo is the introductory sequence that plays on the game's title screen before starting a run. The video mentions that the frame rule timer can be manipulated during this demo, which can affect the patterns and enemy behavior in the game.

💡Piranha Plant Despawn

The term 'Piranha Plant Despawn' refers to an instance where a Piranha Plant enemy in level 8-2 disappears due to specific game mechanics. The video discusses this phenomenon in detail as it provides a significant advantage in speedrunning the level.

💡World Record

A World Record in the context of this video refers to the fastest known time to complete Super Mario Brothers, particularly using the strategies discussed for level 8-2. The pursuit of setting or beating the world record is a key motivating factor for the speedrunners mentioned in the script.


Summoning Salt's video on the history of level 42 in Super Mario Brothers is well-known, but level 8-2 has an equally fascinating and absurd history.

Level 8-2 was once considered impossible to complete with a perfect run, but within a year, it became the key to improving the world record.

Glitch Hunter, known as 'nobody calls me tubby,' demonstrated a perfect run of level 8-2 in three segments, showing each part of the puzzle could be done.

The 'fast acceleration' at the start of level 8-2 is critical and can be achieved by Mario jumping backwards in the air.

To clear the piranha plant without frames to spare, runners must land on the edge of the pipe and time their jump and acceleration perfectly.

The Bullet Bill glitch on level 8-2 requires landing on the very front of the bill for maximum speed, which was achieved through a unique jump method.

Tav Webb managed to combine the fast acceleration, perfect pipe jump, and Bullet Bill glitch in a single run, marking a significant advancement.

GT, while attempting a perfect 8-2, accidentally caused a piranha plant to despawn, which was later understood to be due to 'phantom bullet bills'.

Phantom bullet bills are a quirk where bullet bills show up in memory for a frame without appearing on screen, affecting gameplay.

The plant despawn strategy requires an incredibly rare pattern involving two phantom bullet bills and the plant spawn frame.

Mr. Tubby discovered a method to break the 21-frame rule by pausing the game before the run starts, allowing access to more patterns.

Threecrepio found a way to start the run on different frame rules using power-ups and taking damage on the title screen.

Kriller 37 improved the Bullet Bill glitch by finding a method that didn't require the complex three-frame jump, simplifying the strategy.

Kriller also discovered that the fast acceleration at the start of the level could be skipped by timing a jump through the piranha plant.

These innovations led to the first world record using the TAS 8-2 frame rule, and eventually, the long-awaited 4:54 completion time.

The evolution of level 8-2 strategies showcases how complex and sometimes less efficient methods can precede simpler solutions in speedrunning.

The story of level 8-2 is a testament to the creativity and persistence of the speedrunning community, always seeking the most efficient paths.



summoning salt ever heard of him of course  you have and if you're watching this you've  


probably seen his video about the history of 42  in the original Super Mario Brothers that level  


has quite the history and has continued to have  interesting developments even after that video  


was made you may be familiar with all of that but  there's another level in this game which has its  


own storyed history an absolutely absurd history  that level is 8-2 one of the hardest levels in the  


the game in general and especially in speeduns  if we go back in time just a few years it was  


considered impossible to do a perfect run through  this level the strategy we were doing which was a  


third of a second away from perfect was the  agreed upon limit and that was as good as it  


was going to get but over the course of just  one year everything changed this level went  


from impossible to improve upon absolutely never  happening to instead being the obvious best place  


to improve the world record how did that happen  well it was through a very odd sequence of events  


today you'll learn why someone waited 20 minutes  on the title screen before starting a run how  


people were running millions of simulations  to try and find a solution potential ideas  


coming to one runner in a dream we'll talk about  frame perfect tricks on the title screen Phantom  


bullet bills and more if all of that seems  a little absurd and way too involved for one  


level in a 40-year-old video game you're exactly  right stick around this is the story of level


82 before we move on I have to take one minute to  tell you about this video sponsor rayon they just  


launched an upgraded model of their everyday  earbuds and they include new features which I  


personally appreciate sometimes I see a pile of  dishes in my sink and feel sad then I remember I  


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looking for some noise cancelling headphones but  I don't really like over the ear headphones the  


new everyday earbuds were a perfect fit for me cuz  they now have active noise cancellation they come  


with different sizes of gel tips which helped them  fit in my ear a lot better they're water resistant  


and their newest line comes in a variety of colors  if you'd like to try them out click the link in  


the description or go to byy Cosmic  to get 20% off your raycon purchase plus free


shipping all right let's take a trip back in time  to the year 2019 the world record speedrun of this  


game is 45.7 n by some West this is what 82 looks  like in his run he clears this piranha plant Waits  


on the stairs for a Bullet Bill and then performs  the Bullet Bill glitch I keep re-explaining this  


flag pole glitch every video so I'm going to have  to skip it this time if you're not familiar with  


this trick I recommend this video by bismuth for  the best explanation one crucial detail of it that  


you must understand for this video though is that  it's only possible because of a specific quirk in  


this game you can only interact with enemies every  other frame half the time you'll stomp enemies or  


take damage from them on the first frame you touch  them but the other half of the time you'll just go  


through them on that frame and nothing will happen  until the second frame you overlap with them we  


call this coin toss because there's a 50% chance  each frame that you'll interact with an enemy or  


not anyway in this run by some West his 82 was one  frame rule slower than the perfect tool assisted  


run this was one of just a few areas in the run  where we knew you could go faster but at the time  


it was considered totally unrealistic impossible  and why was that I don't know I really don't  


know why that was the consensus back then I think  those who were familiar with the requirements just  


decided they were probably too hard they relayed  that message to everyone else and we took their  


word for it after all we were having a hard enough  time getting past the stage without making things  


even harder on ourselves so looking into this  wasn't really a priority but around the middle  


of 2019 it started to make more sense to look into  it multiple people were getting runs with all the  


wellest Lish tricks and it was time to push the  game further we knew we could save time in 81 but  


that alone wasn't going to be enough to get the  record down to 454 it was time to find out if 82  


was possible even if just hypothetically in July  of that year the runner and glitch Hunter nobody  


calls me tubby you may know him by another name  comes out of nowhere with this video a perfect  


82 in three segments it's not a perfect run of  the ENT high level but it does show each piece  


of the puzzle can be done let's go ahead and  break down exactly what a perfect 82 is there  


are three parts to it hence the three segments in  his video he tried each part a bunch individually  


until he got it and then put them all together  to show what the whole level would look like  


step number one of a perfect 82 comes immediately  at the start of the level you need to do a fast  


acceleration Mario accelerates faster jumping  backwards in the air than he does running forward  


on the ground doing a perfect turnaround and jump  at the start of the stage you can accelerate just  


a tiny 1 to two frames faster depending on the  level but that extra bit of speed is going to  


make all the difference here once you get the  perfect acceleration to start the level it's  


smooth sailing for a bit until we reach this big  gap now we have the next obstacle this big pipe  


is in the way normally you could jump clean over  the pipe and the piranha plant but not with the  


giant pit that comes just before this one there's  not enough space to gain height before slamming  


into the pipe to get past here we're going to  have to slow down at least a little bit this is  


the main reason doing the level perfectly is  hard it's easy enough for skilled Runners of  


this game to maneuver Mario around the pipe and  over the plant but doing it absolutely as fast  


as possible it requires a different approach you  can't just wait until Mario is above the piranha  


and then speed back up you have to land on the  edge of the pipe and do another jump so you can  


clear the plant while speeding up earlier there  are absolutely no frames to spare on the frame  


rule here normally it wouldn't be a big deal  if you jump a little bit after you land or  


don't land right at the very edge or slow down  slightly more than absolutely necessary but to  


get a perfect 82 there are absolutely no frames  to spare on the frame rule here you have to land  


on the very edge jump as soon as possible slow  down as as little as possible to avoid bonking  


the pipe release your jump at the perfect time  so you land on the pipe as soon as you can and  


jump off the pipe as soon as you land on it  it's a harder thing to do a whole series of  


inputs like this than it is to just hold right  and time some frame perfect jumps like with most  


other tricks this whole sequence is pretty tough  but by spamming attempts at it tubby was able to  


get past the pipe two steps down one to go the  final step was of course course the Bullet Bill  


glitch but again we have to do it perfectly we  can't just land anywhere on the bullet we have  


to land on the very front in order to be fast  enough the usual approach is doing a big jump  


off of the staircase to land on the bill but for  some reason tubby was always one frame too slow to  


get the frame rule he started messing around with  other ways to jump on the bill to see if it made  


any difference and he figured out that doing this  really weird jump onto it it came out fast enough  


so that that was it he had demonstrated that each  of the three difficult parts of a perfect 82 could  


theoretically be performed now if something has  proven possible at all in this game you know it's  


bound to happen sooner or later within one week of  this video being posted Tav web is already getting  


close he got the % world record of 45.74 a few  days after Tubby's video and now he's messing  


with 82 first he posts this video showing him  due the fast acceleration and the perfect pipe  


jump he stumbles a bit with the weird Bullet Bill  glitch method but this was really close he got the  


first and second steps right at least a few weeks  later he posts another video where he starts from  


a Save State before the pipe jump and nails that  and the perfect Bullet Bill glitch now he's gotten  


part two and part three together he just needs to  add the fast excel at the start and one week later  


he did exactly that fast Excel pipe jump Bullet  Bill glitch I got it I think I got it we did it we  


got it that's it it's been done 454 is officially  on its way not really I mean it's been done once  


but we're going to need to put in some more work  before we can pretend this strategy is ready for  


use in runs another Runner GT starts trying it out  he's just tinkering with it seeing what he can do  


and then he posts this on Discord this is massive  don't you see the plant despawned it's gone Mia a  


pced out on vacation this plant being gone for  runs would be massively useful as long as this  


isn't some weird one-off glitch that can never be  replicated with the plant out of the way you could  


get past this section so much easier is it real  though no one has ever seen this before why did  


it happen when GT was trying to do a perfect 82 he  actually messed up a little bit on the first step  


the inputs weren't quite what they needed to be to  get a perfect fast acceleration normally you just  


restart after this and keep loading save states  until you get the perfect start but again he was  


just kind of messing around so he kept running  he was now moving through the stage at a slightly  


different speed than anyone normally would he's is  going to get different enemy patterns than anyone  


normally would and this plant despawned which  normally would not should not ever it doesn't  


make any sense I'll explain why in just a second  but let's take a minute to appreciate that this  


is the same guy who was doing runs of Mario the  Lost Levels when something very similar happened  


uh uh uhuhuh what he accidentally jumped into this  block that has a Vine in it then he tried to swag  


on these Koopas with this fun stomp plus Fireball  combo but he missed fireballing the second one  


and somehow all of that accidentally despawned  the flag at the end of the level this guy is the  


king of accidentally despawning stuff shout outs  to GTA for finding these things for giving me two  


video topics to talk about and for helping a lot  with the research for this video anyway despawning  


is actually extremely common in this game but  it's very rare to despawn something completely  


brand new we already regularly despawn certain  enemies to speed up the Run we hit the vine in  


42 to make sure that no plant appears in this  pipe we stomp on these Koopas in 81 to despawn  


one of these three Goombas and make this section  A lot easier and in 84 we make sure not to stomp  


on this Buzzy Beetle otherwise there will be  a plant in the way in this pipe all of those  


examples work because there's so many Sprites on  the screen already all the available Sprite slots  


are full and there's nowhere for the next enemy  to spawn into so it just doesn't spawn at all but  


look at this example in 82 where GTA managed to  despawn the piranha plant there's hardly anything  


on the screen there is one piranha plant here and  if we rewind a little there's also a parupa that's  


two Sprites but we need five one important thing  to note here is that things try to load in a lot  


earlier than when they come on screen and they  Stay Loaded in even after they go off the screen  


a bit to the left so if we rewind a a little  bit more we can see this Bullet Bill shoot out  


of the cannon and it's following us just off the  screen still loaded in at this point okay that  


makes three Sprites but what else maybe this plant  is loaded nope fun fact piranha plants and Hammer  


Brothers actually have specific checks in place  to delete them sooner after going off screen than  


every other enemy I'm not positive why this is the  case but if I had to guess maybe because there's  


just so many piranha plants in all the pipes in  this game and they don't want them hogging all the  


Sprite slots as much and Hammer Bros I guess they  probably don't want them chucking hammers at you  


from off screen or something but yeah this piranha  plant in 82 is not going to help us because it  


despawns nine frames too early as far as I can see  there's only three Sprites out of the five we need  


here but let's go to the exact moment the plant in  the tall pipe tries to spawn in and take a look at  


what's loaded into each Sprite slot we've got this  piranha plant we've got the parupa we've got the  


Bullet Bill we've got two other bullet bills what  all right my fellow Mario speedrun enjoyers let me  


introduce you to Phantom bullet bills there's a  really odd Quirk with the Bullet Bill cannons in  


this game here's how they work as you go through  a level once you see one of these launchers it  


initializes a timer the timer starts at 14 and  ticks Down based on the random number generator  


so once this timer exists the game is constantly  doing dice rolls to decide when to decrement the  


timer once it takes down all the way it Loops back  to 14 and a Bullet Bill shoots each Cannon has its  


own timer and they're all waiting independently  for their chance to shoot in the case of 82 there  


is a lot of bullet launchers so we can get the  maximum of six timers going at once here's the  


goofy part though the timers stay in memory and  keep working even after the cannon has gone off  


screen as soon as you encounter a bullet launcher  the the game will continue trying to fire bullet  


bills for the rest of the level even after you're  well past it whenever it's time for a Bullet Bill  


to shoot the game will first check to see if that  particular Cannon is still on screen if it is then  


a bullet will of course fire from it but if it's  not the bullet just gets deleted instead there  


is however one frame where the Bullet Bill exists  the Bullet Bill ID will show up in the Sprite slot  


list for a single frame before being deleted the  value for bullet bills is 33 and even though there  


are no bullet launchers on screen right now you  can see the number 33 popping up very briefly here  


and there this is what we call a phantom Bullet  Bill a Bullet Bill which never really exists on  


screen but does show up in memory for one frame  at a time a Bullet Bill which though invisible can  


affect gam playay now that you get the basic idea  of phantom bullets you probably understand what  


has just happened here in 82 with the plant  despawning and if you start to put together  


the finer details you'll realize just how insane  this all is let's review we need five Sprites to  


fill up all the Sprite slots so the plant doesn't  spawn we get two for free the piranha plant in the  


little pipe and the parupa we need three bullet  bills to fill in the rest and three is actually  


the maximum number of bullet bills that's possible  at a time so this works out perfectly in our plant  


despawn example we have one bullet build that shot  out of a cannon and is following behind us still  


barely loaded and not even visible on screen at  this point we need two more bullet bills to fill  


the remaining Sprite slots and the only way we're  going to get them is through the Phantom Bullet  


Bill phenomenon let's take a second to think  about what we're really asking for here we need  


the cannon timers of previous offscreen cannons  to expire so they try and shoot a Bullet Bill and  


it fills up a Sprite slot we need two Phantom  bullet bills here remember Phantom bills only  


exist for one frame so we need two Canon timers  to expire on the same frame but they'll also only  


remain in the sprit lless for one frame so we  need two Phantom bullet bills we need them to  


appear on the same frame and we need both of them  on the same frame that the plant tries to spawn in  


it all sounds crazy and bizarre but that's what  we're dealing with here we need a pattern where  


one Bullet Bill shoots to the right and two more  try to shoot at this exact moment from offscreen  


launchers I did say that there are six timers  available though they're going ham trying to  


spawn bullet bills constantly so how rare could  it really be to get two of them to shoot on this


Frame oh some West wrote a script to go through  every frame rule you could arrive on 82 and check  


for plant despawns he factored in things like  stomping certain enemies which changes what  


pattern you'll get his script tested millions  of combinations and in the end it found 13 out  


of all of them he found 13 frame rules you  can get the plant to despawn on that's not  


a lot and it shows just how rare this is  but it's enough we only need one after all  


so that's it problem solved we can despawn  this plant and make this part of the level  


easier let's go to the leaderboard now and  see how many runs on there make use of this


strategy that one all of that work and the only  person using this is in 334th place shout out to  


yzr by the way legendary NES speedrunner but  why is he the only one using this the issue  


is that when we're trying to match the task and  do a perfect 82 there's already a somewhat rare  


pattern in place that we have to manipulate all  of this plant despawn stuff has been focused on  


part two of the level getting past the pipe but  part three the Bullet Bill glitch also requires  


a Bullet Bill shot and not just a shot not even a  fast shot you need the fastest shot once again we  


have no time to spare when trying to perfect this  level we need this Bullet Bill to shoot as soon as  


possible and if you're too close to the launcher  when it's timer expires this is another case where  


the Bullet Bill will just be deleted instead  of shooting it seems they didn't want them to  


shoot you when you're standing right next to them  which is fair so the earliest this Bullet Bill can  


shoot is right here we need this Cannon's timer  to expire at this exact moment so we can use it  


for the Bullet Bill glitch as soon as possible and  that's the bad news of the 13 plant despawn setups  


that some West found none of them also gave a  perfect Bullet Bill shot that's really unfortunate  


but it was really unlikely with how many bullet  timers we need to line up here I guess this Strat  


is dead we weren't able to find anything even  though we searched through literally every pattern  


wait what if we didn't search through every  pattern the script ran tests on every frame rule  


you can arrive in 82 but frame rules only allow  you to arrive every 21 frames the random patterns  


we get in the level are based on how much time has  passed if all of our tests are arriving 21 frames  


apart that means in theory we're really only  testing about 5% of all of the possible patterns  


out there if we're going to make this happen  we need a way to make more patterns possible  


we need a way to break the 20 1 frame Rule and  this is when Mr tubby had a dream his brain is  


working on this problem he wants to despawn this  piranha plant and his mind solves it in his sleep  


he wakes up hurries to the NES to test out his  idea this gift that his dreaming brain gave him he  


loads into Super Mario Brothers and it works but  it's kind of a huge meme the idea is simple just  


pause the game before the Run starts the frame  rule timer pauses but time in general doesn't  


you can wait any number of frames like this then  unpause and play out the rest of the run like  


normal you can still only arrive at each level  21 frames apart but you can start on any frame  


you want meaning you get access to any of the  other 20 sets of frame rules this Strat works  


we have millions more patterns we can search  through using it but again it's kind of dumb  


you would have to unpause the game with frame  perfect timing to get the right pattern you  


want in 82 and you wouldn't even know if  you did it right until you got to 82 and  


this is all just a big technicality in  the rule set anyway the rules say that  


time starts when 400 appears on the timer in  the top right corner because that's when you  


gain control of Mario you can pause a couple  frames before that happens and wait around but  


it's pretty silly it probably wouldn't fly on the  leaderboards even if it was a good option for runs  


okay back to the drawing board this was a good  start at least now let's jump over to Legendary  


Mario scientist three creepio he's also working on  this problem he knows if you can pause the frame  


rule timer you can gain access to more patterns  but how can we pause the frame rule timer without  


pausing oh wait powerups whenever you get a power  up the frame rule timer freezes and this actually  


holds true even when Mario grabs the mushroom  during the title screen demo in regular gameplay  


this can offset the frame rule timer by 59 frames  but on the title screen you can interrupt the  


PowerUp animation at any point by pressing start  meaning you can use this to freeze the frame rule  


timer for anywhere from 1 to 59 frames this is  yet another way to start the run on a different  


set of frame rules and it also doesn't land in  a weird gray area with the rule set like pausing  


after booting into one one does but it still  has one of the same problems as that Strat to  


get the exact pattern you want an 82 you'd have  to press start with frame perfect timing during  


the PowerUp animation and you wouldn't know if you  got it until 82 we're so close back to the drawing  


board again is there any other way to freeze the  frame rule timer I guess there actually is one  


more option taking damage in exactly the same way  that powerups can offset the timer by 59 frames  


taking damage offsets it by 55 frames in addition  to getting a mushroom Mario also takes damage on  


the title screen creepio realized we can use  any combination of the power up and power down  


animation that we want to start the game on  all sorts of intervals this is it finally the  


solution to our problem a very consistent way  to start the game at the right time except it's  


still not entirely consistent I've mentioned in  a previous video video how the title screen demo  


can desync because of the way enemy Collision  Works this is that coin toss phenomenon at  


Play Again check that previous video for a full  explanation but yeah this means he doesn't make  


it over here to take damage every time the first  time through he never makes it to the glomba and  


each time after that there's a 50% chance that he  does depending on which frame you interrupted the  


previous demo on with that headache in mind  creepio has found a setup using this he made  


his own tools to search through all the different  patterns and combinations in 82 and found a pretty  


good setup All Things Considered but you may have  realized by now that using this strategy is going  


to mean spending quite a while waiting on the  title screen the best currently known solution  


that gets a plant despawn and perfect Bullet Bill  shot requires spending 40 seconds on the title  


screen to let Mario get two mushrooms and take  damage once that's not going to cut it this would  


make the Run Easier by getting the plant out of  the way but to put things in perspective you'd  


spend 11 hours on the title screen every 1,000  attempts top level runs of this game are going  


to require hundreds or thousands of attempts  and you're probably just going to reset one or  


2 minutes in it's just not worth it this is the  real reason that yzr is the only one using this  


strategy he was just aiming for sub five not world  record Pace he could make it here a lot more often  


and when he did he didn't need to go for a perfect  2 or bullet B glitch or anything like that he just  


did it to make the jump past this pipe easier  in general and because it's awesome all right  


at some point we have to admit defeat at least  for now maybe in the future some setup will be  


found which doesn't require waiting forever on the  title screen and this plant despawn can be useful  


in world record level runs even though we weren't  successful at making part two of the level easier  


maybe there's still something we can do maybe  we can improve one of the other other parts of  


the level enter kriller 37 you'll hear killer's  name coming up in a lot of my videos at this point  


he's helped find setups and improve the quality of  life for a lot of tricks in this game and in 2020  


he set out to do exactly that in 82 he took a look  at the current strategy for the level and wondered  


why do you have to do the Bullet Bill glitch so  weirdly what magic is going on here that let you  


save the frame rule when doing it like this but  not when you do it the regular way kriller figured  


out that the core of this issue is Mario's height  when doing it the normal way if you stomp on the  


Bullet Bill from this distance Mario will be too  high when he reaches the pole and you won't get  


a full flag pole glitch but if you have a precise  height value before stomping the Bullet Bill Mario  


will stay a bit lower and he'll be low enough to  trigger it essentially this lets you stomp the  


Bullet Bill from farther away while still getting  the glitch that means slightly less time is spent  


waiting for the bullet to get close to the pole so  if the key here is Mario having a specific height  


is there any other way to make that happen ker  did some searching and figured out that if you  


press jump for exactly three frames When jumping  from the top of the staircase that gives the magic  


height value you would still need to do a perfect  jump height and time things frame perfectly to  


land on the very front of the bill so doing  this isn't like free or anything but at least  


it's not all Wiggly weird that begs the question  are there any other ways to get the magic height  


value kriller kept messing around with things and  then This brilliant idea hits him maybe the best  


solution isn't a specific jump height maybe it's  not a jump at all maybe we can use a second Bullet  


Bill to bounce on he tests this crazy idea and it  just so happens that you can get the specific jump  


iine needed by running off the steps and bouncing  on two bullet bills in a row just a frame Perfect  


Right press to run off and get the glitch as  soon as possible this is awesome I don't think  


an optimal Bullet Bill glitch can get easier  than this this is it 454 is happening let's  


go now to speedrunner hits crits who is about to  do the first ever official 454 attempt using this


strategy yeah so the setup for the Double Bullet  Bill shop pattern has us waiting 24 minutes on  


the title screen hey but once he waits this out  he's got a better shot at 454 than anyone else  


ever has ah so close Okay that was of course  a little silly but the first setup for this  


really did require waiting around for 24 minutes  no worries though just one day later more setups  


were found that only involved a few seconds of  waiting you'd think at this point everyone would  


jump on this cool new Double Bullet Bill strategy  but surprisingly that never really happened all of  


the setups for it seemed to make earli parts of  the level slightly harder and people had gotten  


comfortable with the three-frame jump setup in the  meantime so they just stuck with that this is a  


really cool strategy though that people could use  instead if they really wanted to up to this point  


kriller has been quite successful at improving  the success rate of Tas 8 2 but he's actually  


not done yet so far we've only looked at attempts  to try and improve part two of the level and part  


three but what about part one kriller was once  again thinking about this level and why it all  


works why each piece is necessary we have to do a  super precise Bullet Bill glitch because there's  


zero frames to spare to get the perfect 82 frame  rule we have to do a super precise jump past this  


plant because there's zero frames to spare on the  frame Rule and we obviously have to do this fast  


excel at the start of the level because there  are zero frames to spare on the frame rule it's  


not even a question of course we have to do the  fast Exel there's zero frames to spare of course  


we have to do the fast Excel wait do we have to do  it it's a crazy idea that doesn't even make sense  


to consider or at least it didn't make sense until  kriller came along if we combine all of our Super  


Mario Bros knowledge it may actually be possible  to skip this fast Excel just as a quick recap  


doing this exact movement from a standstill makes  Mario accelerate faster and generally allows him  


to move enough extra distance to save two frames  so if this saves two frames we definitely need it  


to save the frame rule in 82 but that's the thing  it doesn't always save two frames it kind of saves  


1.8 frames it can often let you reach somewhere  in a level two frames earlier like entering a  


pipe or stomping an enemy but sometimes the extra  distance only gets you there one frame earlier it  


just depends on exactly which part of the level is  significant for example it only lets you reach the  


axe in the final room of 84 one frame sooner the  significant point that we need to reach in 82 is  


this ground right here the limiting factor for  getting past this pipe is how soon you can land  


on this bit of ground and start your jump to get  over the plant as it turns out fast acceleration  


at the start of the level only lets you land here  one frame sooner he's really close to getting  


there two frames sooner but doesn't quite make it  all right big deal this fast Excel only saves one  


frame there's zero frames to spare on the frame  rule we obviously still need it ho not so fast  


that's where kriller had a light bulb moment once  again we have coin toss Shenanigans at play this  


piranha plant can only hurt Mario on every other  frame even though we got here a frame slower we  


can get past the plant a frame Faster by going  through it on the frame it can't hurt us it turned  


out that all this time you didn't need the fast  excel at all you could just skip it and still get  


past the plant at the same speed kriller didn't  just improve part one of the level he removed it  


thanks to his efforts now Runners just needed to  do the fast pipe jump and then use his much more  


straightforward jump onto the bullet pill this  is the current strategy for matching the Tas in  


82 just a few months after these Innovations nify  got the first world record with the Tas 82 frame  


Rule and 5 months later he managed to include a  perfect 81 as well resulting in the legendary and  


long awaited 454 yes it's crazy how much this  level changed in just one year it went from  


impossible to a really hard strategy done one time  in practice to a pretty consistent strategy that  


was implemented into runs before other known time  saves even were let's recap everything it took to  


get here we looked into an exceedingly rare  plant despawn something that works because of  


phantom bullet bills these Phantom bullet bills  have to appear on the same frame as each other  


and the same frame that the plant tries to spawn  in we searched through millions of combinations  


to try and make this a useful strategy and in  the end the only person to use it is in 334th  


place the strategy requires waiting 40 seconds  on the title screen there's a 50% chance it  


doesn't even work after waiting all that time  at top level you cannot afford to deal with  


all of that so we try something else this other  very rare Double Bullet Bill strategy turns out  


we're not happy with that solution turns out you  just need a particular jump onto the bullet pill  


turns out you don't even need to do a fast  excel at the beginning of the level at all  


you can just jump through the piranha plant  it's all just so ridiculous all of these  


things combined together for what I consider to  be the most absurd strategy in Super Mario Bros  


speedrunning this is the Absurd history of level  82 it's amazing how often a simple solution is  


not the first one found people find a method that  could be possible and work really hard to make it  


happen until it becomes real and then somewhere  down the road a much easier simpler approach  


is discovered I don't know why this happens  but it really keeps things interesting it's  


always amazing and entertaining to watch Brilliant  Minds at work as they push into unknown territory  


and fascinating to see what trinkets they bring  back from their voyages there that's all for now  


thanks for watching And subscribe if you enjoyed  I've got a lot more videos like like this coming

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Super MarioSpeedrunningLevel 8-2Gaming HistoryTAS StrategiesFrame PerfectGlitch HuntingMario PhysicsSpeedrun RecordGame Mechanics
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