How To Be Cool
TLDRThe video script humorously explores the concept of 'coolness,' highlighting the subjective nature of the term and emphasizing the importance of confidence and authenticity. It contrasts the silent demeanor of 'cool guy' Bob with that of Jake, who is perceived differently due to fear. The script also pokes fun at societal expectations of coolness, such as Mark Zuckerberg's uncool image, and advises viewers to be themselves, as being genuine is the epitome of cool.
- đ The concept of 'coolness' is subjective and varies from person to person.
- đ¶ïž An element of mystery can contribute to someone's perceived coolness, but silence alone doesn't guarantee it.
- đ Bob's coolness is attributed to his not needing to talk, embodying a sense of confidence and self-assuredness.
- đ§ Trying to appear cool by mimicking others' actions, like not talking or wearing earbuds, may not yield the desired effect.
- đ Even successful individuals like Mark Zuckerberg can be perceived as uncool due to subjective perceptions.
- đ Academic success doesn't necessarily equate to coolness, as demonstrated by the characters' varying test scores.
- đȘ Confidence is a key component of coolness, and it can be developed by faking it until it becomes genuine.
- đ„ Staying calm and collected in challenging situations can enhance one's cool image.
- đ« Certain actions, like riding a scooter or using a VR headset, are universally uncool and should be avoided.
- đ Being true to oneself is the ultimate path to coolness, regardless of others' opinions.
Q & A
What does the speaker suggest is the key to being cool?
-The speaker suggests that the key to being cool is the element of mystery and not talking, exemplified by the character Bob.
How does the speaker differentiate between Bob's silence and Jake's silence?
-The speaker differentiates the silence by stating that Bob doesn't talk because he doesn't have to, while Jake doesn't talk out of fear of potential negative consequences.
What does the speaker say about the subjectivity of being cool?
-The speaker mentions that being cool is subjective, meaning different people will find different individuals cool based on their personal preferences.
Why does the speaker use Mark Zuckerberg as an example of someone who is not cool?
-The speaker uses Mark Zuckerberg as an example of someone who is not cool because, despite being a successful CEO, he is perceived as uncool due to his public image and the way he presents himself.
What is the speaker's view on confidence in relation to being cool?
-The speaker believes that confidence is crucial for being cool, and that one can 'fake it till they make it,' meaning that even if they're not naturally confident, they can project confidence until it becomes genuine.
How does the speaker describe the relationship between being cool and handling confrontation?
-The speaker describes that a cool person handles confrontation in a calm and collected manner, whether it's by standing up for themselves or walking away unfazed.
What are some actions that the speaker believes no one can look cool doing?
-The speaker lists actions such as riding a scooter chasing a bus, taking pictures with an iPad, chasing paper in the wind, using VR, washing a cucumber, and anything related to Starbucks as examples of actions that no one can look cool doing.
What advice does the speaker give on how to be perceived as cool by others?
-The speaker advises to be oneself, as the coolest people don't care about others' opinions and are too busy being cool. They also suggest embracing one's unique qualities, like a peach, which some may love and others may hate, but it remains true to itself.
What is the significance of the sunglasses in the script?
-The sunglasses are used symbolically by the speaker to represent the 'cool' factor. They are given to the audience as a metaphorical tool to 'see' their own coolness.
How does the speaker address the misconception that being cool is about external appearances or actions?
-The speaker emphasizes that being cool is not about external appearances or specific actions, but rather about how one carries themselves and their attitude, including confidence and authenticity.
What is the speaker's stance on the idea of 'minding your own business' in relation to being cool?
-The speaker suggests that a cool person minds their own business, implying that those who are overly involved in others' affairs, like Mark Zuckerberg is portrayed, are not cool.
đ The Essence of Coolness
This paragraph discusses the concept of being cool, emphasizing that it is a subjective trait. The speaker humorously compares the silent demeanor of 'Bob' to 'Jake,' highlighting that the element of mystery contributes to Bob's coolness. The speaker also reflects on a personal attempt to appear cool by mimicking Bob's silence, only to realize that it's not just about not talking. The paragraph concludes with the speaker questioning the universally accepted notion of coolness and suggesting that being cool is more about confidence and mystery than specific actions or appearances.
đ Coolness and Confidence
The second paragraph delves into the importance of confidence in being perceived as cool. The speaker uses hypothetical scenarios to illustrate that how one reacts to a challenge can significantly impact their coolness factor. It's emphasized that staying calm and collected, even in confrontational situations, is key. The paragraph humorously lists activities that are universally uncool, such as riding a scooter or taking pictures with an iPad. The speaker then circles back to the idea of being genuine and true to oneself as the ultimate path to coolness, ending with an encouragement to embrace one's individuality, much like a peachâwhether others like it or not.
đĄSocial Interaction
đĄStereotypical Uncoolness
đĄMundane Activities
The concept of 'coolness' is subjective and varies from person to person.
Being cool involves an element of mystery, as exemplified by the character Bob who doesn't talk.
The difference between Bob's silence and Jake's silence illustrates that not talking alone does not equate to being cool.
Confidence is a key trait for being cool, and it can be developed by faking it until it becomes genuine.
Mark Zuckerberg is used as an example of someone who is objectively uncool despite his success.
The importance of minding your own business to appear cool is emphasized.
Academic success, as shown by math test scores, does not necessarily equate to coolness.
The act of staying calm and logical in confrontational situations can be perceived as cool.
The way one reacts to a challenge or situation is more important than the action itself in determining coolness.
There are certain actions, like riding a scooter or using a VR headset, that are universally uncool.
The element of mystery needs to be balanced with communication to avoid being perceived as shy or distant.
The ultimate key to being cool is to be yourself, regardless of others' opinions.
Individuality is crucial to coolness; some will love you, some will hate you, but staying true to yourself is paramount.
The transcript uses humor and relatable scenarios to explore the complex social concept of 'coolness'.
The narrative suggests that coolness is not a fixed state but rather a dynamic and evolving social construct.
The character Bob serves as a symbol of coolness through his silence and apparent indifference to others' opinions.
The speaker's personal experiences and reflections are used to illustrate the various facets of being perceived as cool.
I'm not going to lie I think everybody
wants to be cool like being cool is just
like like it's just cool bro like
there's nothing like it and I know some
of y'all are thinking uh chains with all
due respect bro how do you know what
it's like to be cool and my answer to
that is just look at me
bro I [ __ ] don't okay but I do know
someone who is cool he's a certified
cool guy and his name is Bob now what
makes Bob so cool is it the sunglasses
is it the sexy ass face no tell him the
Bob he doesn't talk the answer is Bob
doesn't talk and a crucial role in being
cool is the element of mystery now it's
interesting because if we take a look at
Jake over here Jake doesn't talk either
uh uh I don't think I I mean like me
personally you know I don't really think
Jake's that cool so that means to be
cool you can't just stop talking I mean
I remember one time I thought if I threw
in some earbuds and stop talking to
[ __ ] everyone would see me as
some cool mysterious guy in the shadows
and I'm not even going to lie I was
walking through the Halls feeling like
badman I could even see the people
talking about how cool I was come to
find out it was more like does this kid
even talk N I don't think so yo what's
up with this kid I'm pretty sure he's
autistic or something cuz the truth is
there's a very distinct difference
between Bob silence and Jake silence I
mean Jake didn't talk cuz he would
probably get his ass beat for literally
anything that comes out of his mouth but
Bob on the other hand doesn't talk cuz
he doesn't have to talk like watch
this oh my God
Bob now just for science reasons let's
just see what happens when I do the same
thing you know why not what's the Worst
That Could Happen uh hello can I help
you oh my God help there there's this
creepy at at least she didn't the hands
behind your back buddy now it's
important to note that being cool is
subjective like for example some people
think I'm cool you know like in this big
ass World surely there's someone out
there no there is
nobody okay well what I was trying to
say is you're going to find someone cool
who I don't find cool and I'm going to
find someone cool who you don't find
cool and that just leaves us with the
question what is cool so to answer this
question I need you to think of the
coolest dude on the earth and I'm about
to guess okay you got it yeah all right
I'm not the [ __ ] acinator I'm not
about to guess who you're thinking of
but I can guess with 100% accuracy who
you're not not thinking of and that's
Mark Zuckerberg okay how did I know that
because if you think of Mark Zuckerberg
as the coolest guy in the world you're
[ __ ] all right like there's no helping
you like like click off the video it's
wraps for you bro but how could Mark
Zuckerberg possibly help us get cooler I
mean look at the guy he's practically
oozing un coolness as we speak but
that's important because if being cool
is subjective we need something
objective to look at and objectively
Zuckerberg gets no [ __ ] like let's
just look at the numbers here I mean
this guy's the CEO of meta but he's also
the CEO of being a uncool lizard nerd
guy and if there's one thing I've
learned in my studies of coolness it's
the art of minding your own goddamn
business okay like let's compare George
to Bob who let's just say both Ace the
math test hey chains what' you get on
the test [ __ ] I got like a 65% oh that's
that's really good for you that's good
for you yeah I actually got 100% plus
the bonus question question oh wow nice
bro uh Billy what did you get on the
math test uh math test the dog I could
have swore that [ __ ] was chemistry nope
nope it was math and uh I got 103% uh
Bob what' you
get 110 there there was only one bonus
question that's impossible kissy face
Bob did you pipe the teacher and that's
probably why Zuck over here is so uncool
he's minding a million people's
businesses probably looking through
their cameras and [ __ ] like yeah yeah
[ __ ] you Mark and the most important
trait for being cool is having
confidence you just can't be cool while
shivering your Timbers bro and I know
some of you are thinking oh well I guess
it's over for me then and no it's not
over for you bro cuz confidence is the
most fake it till you make a [ __ ] ever
like you're not going to say the perfect
thing every time Lord knows I don't I'm
pretty sure I say the wrong thing every
time but if you say that [ __ ] with your
chest people let it slide bro and I said
no I wouldn't suck your dick for
oh well that makes one of
us oh
uh well that makes one of us I love this
guy now that's the type of confidence
that's going to take you from a level
one crook to a level 100 mafia boss and
with that power comes responsibility
some dudes will become a level 100 mafia
boss and start picking on other people
cuz it makes them feel powerful but a
cool guy doesn't yearn for power
he yearns
for uh [ __ ] what what do you yearn for
bro damn he's so cool now being cool
comes along with being calm and
collected like if someone walked up to
you trying to fight and you started
running away screaming for your life I
don't think anyone's looking at you like
damn that's one cool ass [ __ ]
bro yeah bro the way he hit that high
note was cool as hell [ __ ] maybe I could
be like him someday now I'm not saying
you got to go out Jackie Chan on the guy
but you do got to stay calm and think
logically like let's see how cool you
are what would you do in this situation
a strike First Strike hard no mercy B
just walk away C give him a little kiss
on the forehead or D do the stanky
leg and the correct answer is any of the
above bro because it's not about what
you do it's about how cool you do it
except maybe the stanky leg one I don't
think anybody can look cool doing the
stanky leg but doing any of the other
options you could look cool as hell like
hey strike First Strike hard boom one
punch knockout that's cool but if you
throw first Miss e [ __ ] not cool B
walking away you're cool as hell unfazed
unless you get jumped from behind and
get your ass beat not cool see give him
a little kiss on the forehead assert
your dominance you pretty much just made
him your son but if you
miss well now you're just kissing a dude
so uh yeah now even though being cool is
all about how you do things there's a
few things that nobody can look cool
doing like riding a scooter chasing a
bus taking pictures with an iPad chasing
paper in the wind using VR washing a
cucumber waving you look nerdy as [ __ ]
eating a cupcake tripping getting out of
a restaurant Booth pickle ball and
literally anything to do with Starbucks
hi can I get a camer Mo ribbon crunch
frappuccino with two extra pumps of
vanilla and the the the you're not cool
bro what what now let's take it back to
the element of mystery for a second cuz
this is the step that will either have
people seeing you as a cool ass dude or
they'll just assume you're shy or or
possibly on the Spectrum bro listen you
got to talk bro or else people have
nothing to go off of and they'll start
filling in the blanks themselves oh wait
so I got to talk to be cool yo yo chains
what do I say whatever the [ __ ] you want
bro oh wait wait really yeah bro the
truth is the key to being cool is being
yourself and I know that [ __ ] sounds
corny and it is but do you think the
coolest dudes on Earth give a single
[ __ ] about what you think hell no
they're way too busy being cool bro you
got to be like a peach man some people
hate peaches some people love peaches
but at the end of the day the peach is
going to be a peach so here take these
sunglasses and if you haven't heard it
today you're a cool ass dude bro
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