Wicked - Official Trailer

Universal Pictures
15 May 202403:32


TLDRThe script delves into themes of morality, power, and identity at Shiz University, where the green-skinned Elphaba and the popular Galinda begin their tumultuous journey. Elphaba, ostracized for her appearance and unique magical abilities, finds herself at the center of a prophecy, drawing the attention of the Wizard of Oz. Despite Galinda's initial disdain, the two form a complex friendship. As they navigate the political and social landscapes of Oz, Elphaba's powers become a beacon of hope and fear, culminating in her transformation into the infamous Wicked Witch, challenging the Wizard's authority and the very fabric of their society.


  • 🀔 Are people inherently wicked or does circumstance impose wickedness upon them?
  • 🎓 Introduction to life at Shiz University for new students, highlighting their initial interactions and assignments.
  • 👭 Elphaba is reluctantly paired with Galinda as her roommate, sparking initial conflicts.
  • 💚 Elphaba's unique green skin color is highlighted, indicating it sets her apart from others.
  • ✹ A discussion on the rarity of true magic in Oz sets the stage for revealing significant magical abilities.
  • 🎩 The narrative introduces the Wizard as a central figure looking for someone with special powers, hinting at Elphaba's destiny.
  • 👗 Galinda's superficiality is showcased through her attitude towards possessions and appearance.
  • 🏙 Summon to the Emerald City for Elphaba to meet the Wizard, emphasizing a pivotal turning point.
  • 🧙‍♂ A conflict with the Wizard hints at underlying power struggles and the quest for control in Oz.
  • 🔮 Elphaba's emerging confidence and power hint at her transformation into the 'Wicked Witch' and a major force against the Wizard.

Q & A

  • What is the initial question raised about wickedness at the beginning of the script?

    -The script opens with a philosophical question about the nature of wickedness, asking whether people are born wicked or if wickedness is thrust upon them.

  • Who is Elphaba and why is she significant in this script?

    -Elphaba is a student who is introduced when she arrives at Shiz University. She is significant because she is identified as someone the Wizard has been waiting for, hinting at her central role in the story.

  • What conflict does Elphaba face upon arriving at Shiz University?

    -Elphaba faces a housing conflict at Shiz University. She was promised a private suite but is instead asked to room with Ms. Galinda, which she finds unfair.

  • How does Elphaba react to her powers being revealed during the class?

    -Elphaba seems surprised and unaware of her own capabilities when her powers are revealed during a class session, indicating that she has never known the full extent of her abilities.

  • What does the interaction between Elphaba and Galinda reveal about their characters?

    -The interaction between Elphaba and Galinda shows a contrast in their personalities and social status. Galinda is more concerned with appearances and social norms, while Elphaba is less concerned about what others think of her.

  • What significant event is Elphaba invited to attend?

    -Elphaba is summoned by the Wizard to the Emerald City, which is a significant event indicating her importance and potential role in the larger events unfolding in Oz.

  • What is the Wizard's perception of his own power?

    -The Wizard admits to having no real power, which is why he feels he needs Elphaba. This admission reveals his insecurity and possible manipulation.

  • How does Elphaba's perception of herself change by the end of the script?

    -By the end of the script, Elphaba appears more confident and assertive, stating that it is the Wizard who should be afraid of her, signaling a shift in her self-perception and readiness to confront higher powers.

  • What underlying theme is suggested by the Wizard's plan to unify people in Oz?

    -The Wizard suggests unifying people by giving them a common enemy, which reflects a theme of manipulation and the use of fear or external threats to maintain control over a population.

  • How does the script explore the theme of identity and acceptance?

    -The script explores identity and acceptance through Elphaba's journey at the university, her interaction with other characters, and her eventual rise against the Wizard's authority, illustrating her struggle and growth in a society that initially sees her as an outcast.



🎭 Introduction to Shiz University and the Dynamics of Magic

The scene opens with philosophical questions about the nature of wickedness, introducing the audience to a conversation between new students at Shiz University. The protagonist, Elphaba, who is noticeable for her green skin, is assigned to room with the cheerful and popular Ms. Galinda. This setup leads to immediate conflict, as Elphaba faces subtle discrimination and discomfort, particularly when Galinda expresses discontent about sharing a room. The university setting is depicted as a place where real sorcerers are rare, yet Elphaba unknowingly demonstrates her inherent magical ability, capturing the attention of those around her, including a professor who acknowledges her potential. This sparks a series of interactions that emphasize Elphaba's unique position in the magical hierarchy of Oz, leading to an invitation to meet the Wizard, positioned as a significant turning point in the story.




Wickedness refers to the quality of being evil or morally wrong. In the context of the video, the question 'Are people born wicked, or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?' sets the stage for exploring themes of inherent nature versus external influence. This is central to understanding the transformation and moral questioning of characters like Elphaba, who is labeled as 'wicked' due to her actions and appearance, but whose motivations may be misunderstood.

💡Shiz University

Shiz University is a fictional educational institution in the video, serving as a pivotal setting where the main characters meet and develop. It symbolizes a place of learning and transformation, where characters like Elphaba and Galinda undergo significant personal growth and face moral dilemmas that challenge their initial beliefs and values.


Galinda, later known as Glinda the Good Witch, is a key character who represents the societal ideal of popularity and superficiality. Her interactions with Elphaba, including moments of friendship and conflict, highlight themes of acceptance and prejudice. Her character development is crucial in exploring how perceptions and loyalties can change over time.

💡Private suite

The mention of a 'private suite' during the dispute over dorm arrangements at Shiz University underscores themes of privilege and entitlement. It illustrates the societal hierarchy and class distinctions prevalent in the setting, impacting the characters' interactions and the unfolding of the narrative.


The term 'sorcerer' in the video symbolizes power and the ability to manipulate magical forces. The discussion about the rarity of true sorcerers and the fascination with real magic sets a backdrop for the conflicts involving magical abilities and their implications in the broader political and social context of Oz.

💡The Wizard

The Wizard of Oz is a central figure symbolizing authority and the manipulation of power. His role in the story involves orchestrating perceptions of good and evil, as he uses his position to control and influence others. The Wizard's interactions with characters like Elphaba and his deceptive nature play a critical role in the narrative's exploration of truth versus illusion.

💡Emerald City

The Emerald City is depicted as the capital of Oz and represents a place of allure and grandeur but also of secrets and underlying corruption. The summons to the Emerald City marks a turning point in the video, where characters confront the realities behind its glittering facade and their own roles within it.


The concept of an 'enemy' is strategically used in the video to unify people under a common cause. The Wizard's statement about bringing people together by giving them a 'real good enemy' reflects tactics used by leaders to manipulate public perception and divert attention from internal issues.


Power in the video is a multifaceted concept involving magical abilities, political authority, and personal influence. Characters like the Wizard and Elphaba wield different forms of power, leading to clashes that drive the plot. The struggle for power, its uses, and its abuses are central themes that challenge the characters' morals and intentions.


Fear is a recurring motif used to explore characters' vulnerabilities and motivations. Elphaba's declaration that 'It's the Wizard who should be afraid of me' flips the typical narrative, positioning her as a powerful figure challenging the status quo. This illustrates the shift in power dynamics and the transformative journey of characters confronting their fears.


Are people born wicked, or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?

You're green!

Welcome new students to Shiz University.

You can room with Ms. Galinda.

I was promised a private suite, but thanks for asking.

In today's Oz, a real sorcerer who possesses true magic has become all too rare.

That was you that made all that happen. How did you do it?

You're the one the Wizard has been waiting for.

I'd give it away, but I don't hate anyone that much.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz summons you to the Emerald City.

To meet the Wizard! I couldn't possibly. This is your moment!

I am Oz, The Great and Terrible.

Something bad is happening in Oz.

The best way to bring folks together is to give 'em a real good enemy.

It's the Wizard who should be afraid of me.



Are people born wicked?


Or do they have wickedness thrust upon them?


You're green!


I am.


Welcome new students to Shiz University.


Miss...? -Elphaba.


You can room with Ms. Galinda.




Oh, I saved you some space, by the way.


Do you really think this is fair?


I do not.


I was promised a private suite, but thanks for asking.




Please, everyone take your seats.


In today's Oz,


a real sorcerer who possesses true magic


has become all too rare.


Absolutely remarkable.


That was you that made all that happen.


How did you do it?


I don't know. I've never known!




Come with me. -Of course.


Not you.




You're the one the Wizard has been waiting for.


Galinda... -Hmm?


Eww! -I know. It's my granny's.


I'd give it away, but I don't hate anyone that much.


[Both] Hey!


You should join us tonight


and don't tell me you have nothing to wear


because you could wear this.


She doesn't give a twig what anyone thinks.


Of course she does. She just pretends not to.


The Wonderful Wizard of Oz


summons you to the Emerald City.


Come with me. -What?


To meet the Wizard!


I couldn't possibly. This is your moment!


I'm coming.


I am Oz, The Great and Terrible.


Something bad is happening in Oz.


The best way to bring folks together


is to give 'em a real good enemy.


You have no real power.


That's why I need you.


Don't let her get away!


This wicked witch.


Don't be afraid.


I'm not afraid.


It's the Wizard who should be afraid of me.

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Fantasy DramaMagicUniversity LifeWicked WitchEmerald CityOzSorceryPower StruggleStudent LifeDestiny