Compare and Contrast Essays

Mometrix Academy
30 Apr 201804:21


TLDRThis video script outlines the purpose and methodology of writing a compare and contrast essay. It emphasizes two main goals: analysis for evaluation and gaining insight through identifying similarities and differences. The script provides a step-by-step guide, including stating shared elements, highlighting similarities and differences, and constructing a clear thesis. Two common organizational patterns, point-by-point and block, are discussed, offering clarity and effectiveness in presenting comparisons.


  • 📝 The primary purpose of a compare and contrast essay is to analyze two or more subjects, facilitating an evaluation or gaining insight into their similarities and differences.
  • 🔍 The essay can determine if one subject is superior to another or if both are equally effective or flawed.
  • 🀔 The 'why' behind writing a compare and contrast essay makes the 'how' more understandable and easier to follow.
  • 📊 Two major types of compare and contrast essays: one that focuses on evaluation and one that seeks to understand the subjects without bias.
  • 📌 To write effectively, identify and explain three or more major elements shared by the subjects being compared.
  • 🔎 Highlight the similarities and differences of each element mentioned in the essay.
  • 🎯 Construct a clear thesis that states your stance on the subjects after comparison.
  • 📂 There are multiple ways to organize a compare and contrast essay, but two common methods are taught for their clarity and effectiveness.
  • 🔑 The point-by-point pattern organizes the essay by discussing one aspect of each subject in separate paragraphs.
  • 📂 The block pattern dedicates separate body paragraphs to each subject, discussing one aspect per paragraph in order.
  • 💡 The video aims to provide clarity on the process of writing a compare and contrast essay, encouraging viewers to engage with the content.

Q & A

  • What is the primary purpose of a compare and contrast essay?

    -The primary purpose of a compare and contrast essay is to present an analysis of two or more things so that an evaluation can be made, often to determine which option is better or to understand their similarities and differences.

  • What are the two major purposes of writing a compare and contrast essay?

    -The two major purposes are: 1) to analyze and evaluate two or more items to determine their relative merits or differences, and 2) to gain insight and understanding of the items by exploring their similarities and differences without necessarily declaring one superior to the other.

  • How does a compare and contrast essay help in making decisions between options?

    -By highlighting the similarities and differences, especially those on the positive and negative spectrum, a compare and contrast essay assists in making informed decisions by showing which option has more favorable attributes.

  • What is the aim when comparing and contrasting two things that are often confused with each other?

    -The aim is to clarify the important distinctions between the two items, helping to gain a thorough understanding of what each one actually is, rather than trying to determine which one is better.

  • What are the three key elements to include when writing a compare and contrast essay?

    -The three key elements are: 1) stating and explaining three or more major elements shared by the subjects being compared and contrasted, 2) examining the similarities and differences of each element, and 3) constructing a thesis that states your stance on the subjects being compared.

  • What does the point-by-point pattern involve in organizing a compare and contrast essay?

    -The point-by-point pattern involves discussing the same aspects (like cost, durability, comfort) of each item in separate paragraphs, comparing one item with the other based on each shared element.

  • How is the block pattern different from the point-by-point pattern in organizing a compare and contrast essay?

    -The block pattern involves discussing all aspects (cost, durability, comfort) of one item in separate paragraphs before moving on to the next item and discussing its aspects in a similar structured manner.

  • Why are the point-by-point and block patterns considered effective methods for organizing a compare and contrast essay?

    -These methods are considered effective because they provide clear and structured ways to present the comparison and contrast, making it easier for the reader to follow and understand the analysis.

  • What should be the focus when stating the thesis in a compare and contrast essay?

    -The thesis should clearly state the writer's stance or conclusion regarding the comparison and contrast, whether it's that one side is stronger, both are equally effective, or both are equally undesirable.

  • How can the structure of a compare and contrast essay influence the reader's understanding?

    -The structure, whether point-by-point or block pattern, influences the reader's understanding by organizing the information in a logical and coherent manner, allowing for easier comparison and clearer insights into the subjects being analyzed.

  • What is the significance of understanding both the similarities and differences in a compare and contrast essay?

    -Understanding both similarities and differences is crucial as it provides a comprehensive view of the subjects, allowing for a more nuanced evaluation and a better-informed conclusion or stance on the topics being discussed.



📝 Introduction to Compare and Contrast Essays

This paragraph introduces the topic of the video, which is about writing compare and contrast essays. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the 'why' behind writing such essays, stating that it helps in comprehending the 'how'. The paragraph outlines two primary purposes of compare and contrast essays: the first is to analyze two or more items to make an evaluation, and the second is to gain insight and understanding of the items being compared. The paragraph also provides examples of how these essays can be structured and what they aim to achieve, such as determining which option is better or simply understanding the differences and similarities between the subjects.



💡compare and contrast essay

A compare and contrast essay is a type of academic writing that aims to analyze the similarities and differences between two or more subjects. It helps readers understand the relationship between the items being compared. In the video, this essay type is the central focus, with the speaker explaining its purposes, how to write one, and how to organize it effectively.


The purpose of a compare and contrast essay, as outlined in the video, serves to either present an analysis for evaluation or to gain insight and understanding. When aiming for evaluation, the essay might conclude which of the compared items is superior, while aiming for insight focuses on clarifying the distinctions and similarities without judgment.


Analysis in the context of the video refers to the process of examining the elements of the subjects being compared. It involves identifying and explaining the characteristics of each item, which is crucial for both evaluation and insight. For instance, when comparing two types of headphones, an analysis would include looking at their cost, durability, and comfort.


Evaluation in the video is the process of making a judgment or forming an opinion based on the analysis conducted in a compare and contrast essay. It could lead to a conclusion about which item is better or more suitable in a given context. For example, the video illustrates that after comparing aspects of two items, one might find that item A is superior to item B.


Similarities are the common features or characteristics shared by the subjects being compared in a compare and contrast essay. The video emphasizes the importance of identifying these shared aspects to provide a balanced view and to help readers understand the relationship between the items. For instance, it could highlight shared features between two products.


Differences refer to the contrasting characteristics between the subjects in a compare and contrast essay. The video underscores the need to highlight these differences to provide clarity and depth to the analysis. It is through these differences that one can make informed evaluations or gain a better understanding of the subjects being compared.


A thesis in the context of the video is a statement that presents the writer's stance or the main argument of the compare and contrast essay. It is crucial as it guides the reader on what to expect and it provides a clear direction for the essay. The thesis could state that one item is better than the other, or that both items have their merits and drawbacks.

💡point-by-point pattern

The point-by-point pattern is one of the two common organizational structures for a compare and contrast essay, as mentioned in the video. In this pattern, the writer discusses the same aspect of each item in separate paragraphs, allowing for a clear and direct comparison on each point, such as cost, durability, and comfort of headphones.

💡block pattern

The block pattern is the second organizational structure discussed in the video for a compare and contrast essay. It involves discussing each item in separate blocks or sections, with each section dedicated to a particular aspect, such as cost, durability, and comfort. This method allows for a focused discussion of each item's attributes before moving on to the next.


Organization in the video refers to the structure and layout of the compare and contrast essay. Effective organization is key to ensuring that the essay is clear, logical, and easy to follow. The video mentions two common ways of organizing such essays: the point-by-point pattern and the block pattern, both aiming to present a coherent and persuasive argument.

💡key elements

Key elements are the major aspects or features of the subjects being compared and contrasted. The video emphasizes the importance of identifying and explaining these elements to provide a solid foundation for the analysis and evaluation. For example, when comparing two types of headphones, key elements might include aspects like sound quality, battery life, and design.


The video begins by emphasizing the importance of understanding the 'why' behind writing a compare and contrast essay.

The first major purpose of a compare and contrast essay is to present an analysis for the purpose of evaluation.

In comparing and contrasting, one may find that one subject has more positive aspects than the other, leading to a conclusion about which is better.

The second purpose is to gain insight and understanding without necessarily declaring one subject better than the other.

When subjects seem identical but have important distinctions, a compare and contrast essay can clarify these differences.

Three key elements must be identified and explained in a compare and contrast essay.

After explaining the elements, one should highlight the similarities and differences between them.

A thesis statement is crucial, indicating the stance on the subjects being compared and contrasted.

The point-by-point pattern is a common method of organization for a compare and contrast essay.

In the point-by-point pattern, each paragraph is dedicated to a single point of comparison.

The block pattern involves discussing one subject in full before moving on to the next.

Using the block pattern, each characteristic is discussed in separate paragraphs for each subject.

The video provides a clear and structured approach to writing a compare and contrast essay.

The importance of organization in presenting a coherent and effective compare and contrast essay is emphasized.

The video offers practical advice on how to organize and structure the essay for clarity and impact.

The video concludes by encouraging viewers to like and subscribe for more educational content.



Hey guys!


Welcome to this video over comparing and contrasting.


Now, before we just jump into how to write a compare and contrast essay, I think we must


first answer the why.


By having the "why" answered, it will help to make the how more understandable, and easier to follow.


A compare and contrast essay generally serve two major purposes.


The first, and most common purpose, is to present an analysis of two or more things,


so that an evaluation can be made.


For example: A and B have some things in common.


Here are the things that A and B have in common.


However, A and B also have some differences.


Here are their differences.


As you can see, a majority of the differences that B has


are further on the negative spectrum when compared with A.


The positive aspects of A far outweigh the positive aspects of B.


Therefore, A is a better option than B.


Or it may be that after an analysis is made


between A and B, you are able to make the evaluation that either option is a good one.


The second purpose of a compare and contrast essay is to gain insight and understanding


of two or more things.


So, instead of trying to say that one is better than the other, you are simply trying to find


out how each "thing" is different, and how they are similar.


This is generally done, when there is confusion between two or more things that seem as though


they are the same thing, but there are in fact important distinctions that need to be made.


For instance, what is the difference between an analysis and an evaluation


When comparing and contrasting these two things, your aim is not to find out which one is better,


because both are necessary.


Your aim is to gain a thorough understand of what each actually is.


Alright, now let's take a look at how to actually write a compare and contrast essay.


To effectively write a compare and contrast essay there are three things that you should always do:




State and give an explanation of three or more major elements shared by the subjects


that are being compared and contrasted.




Of the elements that you stated and explained, shine light on the similarities and differences of each.




Construct a thesis, stating your stance


concerning the major subjects that have been compared and contrasted.


Like I said when talking about the purpose of a compare and contrast essay, it may be


that one side is clearly stronger or it may be that after your analysis both are equally


effective, or that both are equally bad.


Whatever the case, be sure to state your thesis.


Now, the last thing that we will talk about in this video is how to organize your compare and contrast essay.


First, hear me say this,


there are numerous ways to organize your essay.


S-o-o m-a-a-any wa-a-ays.


However, there are typically two common ways that are taught.


The reason is, because these two ways have consistently proven to be clear and effective.


With that being said, those two ways are the ways that I will be discussing.


The first type of organization pattern is the point-by-point pattern.


Let's say you are comparing two different headphones.


The two types of headphones would be our items.


Now, if we chose to compare them on the grounds of cost, durability, and comfort then those


three things would be our points.


So, when using a point by point pattern of organization we would separate our paragraphs by each point.


In one paragraph we would compare the cost of headphone A and the cost of headphone b.


Then, in our next paragraph we would compare the durability of headphone A with the durability


of headphone B, and so on.


The second type of organization pattern is the block pattern.


Using this type of organization you would discuss the one type of headphone first, headphone A.


You would discuss the cost in the first body paragraph, the durability in the second,


and the comfort in the third.


Then you would move on to discuss these three same points except now for our second item, headphone B.


I hope that this video on how to write a compare and contrast essay has been helpful to you.


If you enjoyed it, then be sure to hit that like button, and subscribe to our channel


for further videos.


See you guys next time!

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