A Visit To The Hospital/Paddington Takes To The Road/The Last Dance
TLDRقصة مثيرة تحكي عن حيوان ذي عقل يدعى بينغتون، يبدأ قصة هذا الحيوان الذكاء برحلة من بيرو إلى إنجلترا بمفرده، حيث يلتقي بعائلة براون وتبدأ حياة جديدة. يظهر النص كيف يحاول بينغتون التوفيق والمساعدة للآخرين، مع أن يكون يقع في مشاكل غريبة ومؤثرة. يتضمن النص العديد من الأحداث المشوقة مثل المساعدة في إعداد الجل، الإصابة في حادث في المستشفى، المشاركة في دورة الدراجات في فرنسا، ومحاولة تعلم الرقص قبل مشاركته في حفل خيري. ي訴ر النص بطريقة ممتعة قصة الشخصية المثيرة للاهتمام والمواقف الممتعة ل这个角色 الذكاء، بينغتون، الذي يحتفل في النهاية بنجاحه وتأثيره الإيجابية على المجتمع.
- 🐻 Paddington小熊离开秘鲁独自前往英格兰,开始了新的生活。
- 🏠 他遇到了Brown一家,他们带他回家,成为了他的新家人。
- 🌟 Paddington总是尽力帮助每个人,面对问题时从不放弃。
- 👀 他看待事物总是充满好奇,就像一切都是全新的一样。
- 🤗 Paddington友好有礼,总是努力做正确的事情。
- 😅 尽管如此,他还是经常陷入困境,麻烦似乎总是紧随其后。
- 🍎 在帮助Mr. Curry挑选苹果制作果酱时,Paddington发现自己陷入了困境。
- 🏥 Mr. Curry因为想要利用Paddington而最终在医院待了两周。
- 🚴♂️ Paddington通过修理和骑行三轮车参与了环法自行车赛,为村庄带来了荣耀。
- 💃 Paddington学习跳舞,尽管遇到了困难,但最终在舞蹈比赛中表现出色。
- 🎉 故事展现了即使在困难和混乱中,善良和积极的态度总能带来好的结果。
Q & A
هل بادينغتون يعيش وحيدا في إنجلترا أم لديه أقارب؟
-بادينغتون يعيش مع عائلة براون، حيث استقبلتهم وأخذواه إلى المنزلهم.
ماذا حدث عندما سأل مستر كوري بادينغتون للمساعدة في قطف التفاح القاروص لحلوى الجل؟
-بادينغتون وجد نفسه في موقف سخيف وهو يحاول قطف التفاح القاروص، مما أدى إلى تلقي مستر كوري الضربة.
ماذا حدث مع مستر كوري بعد الحادث؟
-مستر كوري تعرض لمرض يسمى habitalitis، مما أدى إلى إدماجه في المستشفى لأسبوعين.
كيف تعامل بادينغتون مع المشاكل؟
-بادينغتون يحاول دائمًا المساعدة وإيجاد حلول، حتى عندما يقع في مشاكل.
ماذا تعني كلمة hyperdoculitis في النص؟
-hyperdoculitis ليست كلمة طبية حقيقية، بل تم استخدامها بشكل مضحك في النص لوصف حالة مريض.
لماذا تغيرت الأحداث بشكل سخيف عندما حاول بادينغتون المساعدة في الفندق؟
-بادينغتون كان يحاول فقط المساعدة ولكن كانت إجراءاته كانت غير مناسبة للوضع، مما أدى إلى تangling الأمور أكثر.
ماذا تعني كلمة 'daredevil doctor' في النص؟
-هذا اسم لمسلسل تلقائي يشير إلى طبيب شجاع يعالج المرضى بطرق مثيرة.
لماذا تغيرت الأحداث بشكل مثير للجدل عندما حاول بادينغتون الانضمام إلى الجولة الفرنسية؟
-بادينغتون استخدم ثلاثية عجلات بدلاً من دراجة نارية، مما أدى إلى تحركات مضحكة وأحداث غير متوقعة خلال الجولة.
ماذا حدث في الأحداث الأخيرة من النص؟
-بادينغتون يتعلم الرقص من مستر غروبر، وهو يحاول تعلم الرقص للمشاركة في حفلة خيرية.
ما هي النتيجة النهائية لبادينغتون في مسابقة الرقص؟
-بادينغتون وشريكه في الرقص يحصلان على الجائزة الأولى ويُدعو إلى الانضمام إلى فريق الرقص.
كيف يرى بادينغتون الأحداث التي يمر بها؟
- Badeenington يرى الأحداث بطريقة إيجابية، يعتقد أنه كل شيء يسير في أفضل الأحوال.
😀 Adventures of Paddington in England
This paragraph introduces Paddington, a bear who has traveled from Peru to England. He is taken in by the Browns and begins a new life in Windsor. Paddington is portrayed as a helpful and friendly character who always tries to do the right thing, even though he often finds himself in sticky situations. The paragraph also includes a humorous anecdote about Paddington's attempt to help Mr. Curry pick crabapples, which leads to an unexpected turn of events.
🏥 Hospital Misadventures with Mr. Curry
The second paragraph details a series of mishaps involving Mr. Curry, who initially asks Paddington for help with making jelly. The situation escalates when Mr. Curry pretends to be sick to take advantage of Paddington's kindness. The narrative takes a comical turn as Mr. Curry's fabricated illness leads to a prolonged hospital stay, with doctors and nurses puzzled by his condition. Paddington's visit to the hospital adds to the confusion, but ultimately, Mr. Curry's scheme is revealed.
🚴♂️ Paddington's Unexpected Participation in the Tour de France
In this paragraph, Paddington finds himself unexpectedly involved in the Tour de France. Despite not having a bicycle, he manages to participate by using a borrowed tricycle. The narrative describes Paddington's efforts to prepare the tricycle and his comical attempts to ride it. His participation in the race leads to an unexpected outcome where he becomes a local hero and brings glory to the village, showcasing his ability to turn unfortunate events into positive experiences.
💃 Learning to Dance for a Charity Ball
Paddington is invited to his first charity ball and faces the challenge of finding something to wear and learning how to dance. With the help of Mr. Gruber, he begins to learn dance steps from a famous dancer's manual. The paragraph humorously describes Paddington's struggles with the dance instructions and his eventual success in mastering the steps, leading to an invitation to join Mr. Vasquez's dance team.
🥪 The Marmalade Sandwich Dance Fiasco
The final paragraph describes Paddington's experience at the charity ball where he is initially reluctant to dance. Instead, he enjoys a marmalade sandwich, which leads to a humorous dance floor mishap involving marmalade chunks. Despite the unexpected incident, Paddington and his partner impress the dance judge, Mr. Vasquez, who invites them to join his dance team. The paragraph ends with Paddington's reflection on his dance lesson and the importance of practice, an alarm clock, and a marmalade sandwich with extra chunks.
💡Charity Ball
💡Tour de France
💡Marmalade Sandwich
💡Sticky Messes
Paddington left Peru and sailed to England alone, starting a new life with the Browns.
Paddington is known for always doing his best to help everyone and finding solutions to problems.
Despite being friendly and polite, Paddington often finds himself in sticky situations.
Paddington's curiosity and outspoken nature sometimes lead to trouble.
Mr. Curry's attempt to make jelly with crabapples results in an accident that lands him in the hospital.
The hospital visit turns into a two-week stay for Mr. Curry due to a condition called 'habitalitis'.
Paddington, mistaken for a doctor, participates in an international forum on mysterious illnesses.
Dr. Brown (Paddington) humorously diagnoses 'hyperdoculitis' and 'hepatocolitis' during the forum.
Paddington's efforts to help Mr. Curry backfire, leading to more hospital stays for Mr. Curry.
Paddington's adventures in France involve learning about the Tour de France and attempting to participate.
Mr. Gruber asks Paddington to find interesting subjects for his book, 'The World and Its Wonders'.
Paddington's tricycle ride becomes an unexpected spectacle during the Tour de France, making him a local hero.
Paddington's dance lessons with Mr. Gruber involve learning to follow printed dance steps.
An alarm clock and a marmalade sandwich play a crucial role in Paddington's dance lesson.
Paddington and Mr. Brown end up winning a dance competition at a charity ball.
Mr. Vasquez invites Paddington to join his dance team after their impressive performance.
Paddington's unique dance style, involving a marmalade sandwich, becomes a memorable part of the event.
left peru and sailed to england alone
there he met the browns and they took
him home
now a new life has begun his windsor
cause he always does his best to help
when a problem appears he never misses a
and always finds a way to land on his
has his very own unique point of view
looks at everything as if it's brand new
he is friendly and polite and he tries
to do things right
but he gets in sticky messes just the
he's curious and speaks his mind but
trouble's never far behind it's
as you know aunt lucy things are always
happening to me i'm just that sort of
bear for instance the other day when mr
curry asked me to help him pick
crabapples for his jelly i found myself
out on a limb
bear get down this instant before you
break my branch his branch i'm more
worried about my leg
i was just trying to get that ripe apple
up there mr curry
perhaps i can help you make the jelly
bears are good at making jelly
i'll get that apple myself and don't
forget to clean up after yourself
mr curry is forever wanting to get
something for nothing
bird calls it taking advantage of others
but on that day i suspect mr curry
wishes he'd managed without me
this patient is suffering from
i'm afraid this doesn't look good what
began as a simple trip to the hospital
to get his leg examined turned into a
two-week stay for mr curry
what did he say
hopper doctor lightis
nurse can't you water those plants
quietly i can't hear ground dexter
we're going to have to operate but first
we need to put this patient in an ice
bath to lower his body temperature maybe
you can help cure mr curry dr grant
dexter no one knows what's wrong with
that mr curry is taking advantage of
paddington laying on the poor bear's
if you ask me
mr curry will be coming out of the
hospital when it suits him and not a
minute before but he has a relapse every
time the doctor says he's getting better
after two weeks worth of visits everyone
had had enough it was finally my turn to
pay mr curry a visit
i had always wanted to visit a hospital
so long as i wasn't a patient excuse me
i'm looking for mr curry
i decided i had better find mr curry
i soon found an office that was just
like the one grant dexter had in the
daredevil doctor
it even had grand dexter's spinning
i thought my once said the appointment
was cancelled i'm sorry i'm dr heinz now
what seems to be the problem i think
it's my head of course why else would
you need to see a psychiatrist
a psychiatrist i'm the head man after
all the head man good since you're in
charge perhaps you know where mr curry
suppose we begin by playing a game of
verb association each time i call out a
word you give me another one with the
opposite meaning right wrong hold on let
go no no yes yes
let's start again
i'll count down one two three go
stop we finished we started why did i
ever get into this business i should
have my head examined
perhaps you would like to talk about it
mr hines
and a folly around hat
fighting quickly
soon the whole hospital would be looking
for a bear in a blue duffle coat and red
hat but they wouldn't be looking for
dr paddington brown
yes well we're just uh missing one
visitor for our international forum
uh here you are and now i am sir
archibald and this is dr hasagawa from
japan a documentary from india
dr micho from france
and uh dr petracelli from italy dr petra
jelly from italy but my name is
paddington brown and i'm from darkest
peru darkest peru
oh what a learning experience this will
be dr brown
we'll start off with a real mystery
no sign of injury and yet this patient
claims he can't move his leg
perhaps there's some south american cure
that can help this man
what do you make of these x-rays dr
as pictures they're not much to look at
all they show a lot of old bones old
amazing the patient looks better already
my leg
i seem to have suffered a relapse
but what is he suffering from doctor
i think it's
tell me is it possible to operate oh yes
dr grug dexter does it all the time but
i shall need a bath of ice
and a box to stand on and i'm not sure
sirachi bald we may have to leave the
patient on ice until after the next
episode of daredevil doctor keep that
bear away from me
stay away i'm fine i want to go home let
me out of here
there's a lot to be said for the old
methods of treatment uh dr brown
sir archibald said he could think of a
few more patients i might be able to
but i still felt guilty about mr curry i
tried to make it up to him by doing some
odd jobs
picking up here and there
i think i should have sent him a get
well card instead
one of the nicest things about france mr
gruber is the bread it's so long
it's like getting 20 buns for the price
of one
now remember mr brown as my assistant i
expect you to find some interesting
goings-on for my book the world and its
wonders that's why we've come to france
yes mr gruber i am honored to help
oh mr gruber me vinnie come in for some
fresh crusher and you do miss you label
thank you miss you dupont
to defrance
to go around
to go around france
on a bicycle mr gruber asked me to keep
my eyes open for any interesting
subjects for his book and what could be
more interesting than people going
around france on bicycles
back in england they'd take the bus
hi yes the tour de france it is an event
not to be missed you mean you already
know about it mr gruber yes mr brown
don't you agree mr dupont the tour
deserves mention in my book yes sir of
20 days a gruelling race a race
but i thought it was a tour it is both
and tomorrow it comes through our
village it is our moment of glory
afterwards the people will forget san
castille ever existed but today
today the all of france will see us on
television and to think mr brown we
shall be a part of it
mr gruber said we would be a part of the
tour de france
but how could i do that if i didn't have
a bicycle
my problem was solved
i will lend you my tricycle
but there is one small condition
some conditions aren't so small
merci madumezel
now what's keeping mr brown
perhaps he's in his room
i hope my assistant is finding out some
interesting facts about the tour de
france luckily for mr gruber he didn't
realize that that's exactly what i was
going to do
cleaning and oiling a tricycle is a lot
harder than i thought it would be
especially the sword with three wheels
now for a little oil
good as new
what shall i do next
now where did this go again
well it can't be very useful or it would
fit somewhere
now for a test ride tricycling is hard
and to think people ride all around
france and not just in their rooms
now for a good night's sleep
oops another problem
i finally found a way to lie in bed
without leaving poor marks all over the
mr bear is very good at making messes no
yes it is one of his strong suits
but where is he the tour de france is on
its way to the village
poor mr brown
he's going to miss everything and he so
likes being in the thick of things it's
funny how mr gruber knows what's going
on even when he's not there to see it
for himself i don't think i could ever
have been more in the thick of things
than i was at that moment
but how can i be part of the tour de
france if i'm not in it
that's it don't fall back
hurry to the town square
mr bear is bringing glory to our village
i had done such a good job oiling my
tricycle that i didn't even have to
that extra part was the brake lever
brakes mr brown use your brake lever i
can't it's in my hotel room
through here
mr brown
mr brown
i'm all right
but i think i'm in trouble again
but far from being in trouble
mr paddington brown is now a local hero
because he helped put sanka steel on the
map now people come from all over to see
the room where the famous muscular bear
music sells many buns as supplied to
monsieur bear
isn't it wonderful how everything works
out for the best it is mr grouper and i
have some unusual souvenirs for my
i just wish my tyre would stay put
dear aunt lucy
yesterday evening the browns told me
that i'd be attending my very first
charity ball all i needed to do was find
something to wear
and of course learn how to dance
which is easier said than done
was that the door henry no mary that was
only a bear would do the tango at half
past six on a saturday morning
don't be cross with him dear he was
having trouble with his turns last night
and i'm having trouble with my sleep
this morning
good morning mr brown dancing is harder
than it looks my legs keep getting
tangled up yes i see what you mean
paddington i think i'd better ask mr
gruber for some help that's a very good
over the years mr gruber has advised me
on lots of topics and i was sure he
would be able to offer a word or two on
the subject of dancing
i didn't know you could dance mr gruber
everyone is doing it mr brown
why anyone who is anyone is going to
tonight's ball i'm afraid they don't
have many ballrooms in darkest peru mr
gruber so i don't know how to
mind you it's a long time since i
tripped the light fantastic
it's the tripping part that worries me
then i
i have just the thing for you but this
is by a very famous dancer called miguel
vazquez he's judging tomorrow night's
learning to dance in the beginning stage
you can follow the steps on the printed
page two to the left one to the right if
you learn these steps you can dance all
first we'll learn
a clockwise turn
that means turning to the right
let's not miss the counterclockwise
that means turning to the left
make your partner grin with a clockwise
spin to the right once more keep your
feet on the floor
clockwise means turn to the right
counterclockwise means turn to the left
if you learn these directions you're
left from your right you move with ease
and dance
and two steps
to the right
i'm going to put my foot down
some of those footprints are marked
clockwise others are marked
counterclockwise it isn't easy trying to
work out which ones to follow and watch
the clock at the same time
learning to dance which is easier said
than done
let me show you something
that's it
one two three one two three one two
three you want as stiff as the hat rat
mr brown
henry ah
yes um
well uh
yeah i think those are enough pointers
something told me that that was the last
time mr brown and i would dance together
for quite some time
so pleased to meet you i'm mrs smith
chumley i'm hosting tonight's charity
that's mr vasquez and his dance team
i see you've been doing some homework
if mr vasquez has trouble with his steps
he'll know where to come
i didn't say he has got trouble i only
don't worry mr vasquez i'm coming it's
all on page 45.
go away you're ruining my demonstration
go away
that sounds like it
like a fire alarm oh no fire fire
it's all right it's only my alarm clock
two minutes
we've only been here two minutes
and now it's time for the dance
and i want everyone to join in the first
prize is this magnificent food basket
all this talk of food just made me
hungry and since no one was going to ask
me to dance i decided to have a
marmalade sandwich instead
you heard what mr vasquez said
everyone has to join in
thank you very much mrs smith chumley
i'd love to
oh all right
you come here often no
and i'd be oblated if you find someone
else to put your paws
i can't
i'm afraid i'm stuck in your
straps my back
there's some busiest creature crawling
down my back let me see
it's not a hideous creature it's only
some marmalade chunks marmalade chunks
just look at them my dance lesson with
paddington certainly paid off
if you twist a little more i might be
able to grab it
i didn't teach in that step
what form what agility what rhythm
i think i can reach it if you bend over
i believe we have found our winners
you two must join my dance team for our
final demonstration thank you very much
mr vasquez
but i think i shall need another
marmalade sandwich
and i know just what to do with the food
lots of people ask me where i learned to
dance i told them all you need is an
alarm clock plenty of practice
and one marmalade sandwich with extra
what a sabrino i
two have
curious and speaks his mind
5.0 / 5 (31 votes)

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