100 Players Simulate REALISTIC WAR in Minecraft...
TLDRIn an epic Minecraft simulation of World War II, 100 players are divided into five countries and must strategically capture enemy flags while protecting their own. Alliances form and betray, spies infiltrate, and battles ensue across the map. Amidst the chaos, the American team faces internal strife and betrayals, leading to a dramatic final stand where one player's actions could determine the fate of the war.
- 🌍 A Minecraft simulation of World War II was set up with 100 players divided into five countries: Japan, Britain, Germany, Russia, and America.
- 🏁 The objective was to steal all five enemy flags, and the first country to possess all flags won the war. Each player had only five lives.
- 🔫 Players had to strategize, choose their leaders wisely, and decide whether to cooperate or betray one another to succeed.
- 🥳 The Japanese leader, Ace gaming, used the event to promote his new music, showing the multifaceted nature of the game.
- 🤝 Alliances were formed and broken throughout the game, with countries like Germany and Russia, and later the Americans and British, making treaties.
- 🏛️ Bases were fortified, and strategies like controlling the weapons trader to prevent enemy advancement were employed.
- 🪓 Treachery was a part of the game, with players like Booah Haag infiltrating the American team and feeding information to the Germans.
- 💥 Intense battles took place, with players using various tactics like sniping, flanking, and utilizing weaponry like bazookas.
- 🚁 The introduction of planes changed the dynamics of the war, with the Americans attempting to control air space.
- 🏹 The game showcased the importance of strategy, trust, and adaptability as players navigated the complexities of war within Minecraft.
- 🏹 In the end, despite the Americans' best efforts, Japan emerged as the victor, highlighting the unpredictable nature of the simulation.
Q & A
What was the main objective of the Minecraft World War simulation?
-The main objective was for players to represent one of five countries and attempt to steal all five enemy flags. The first country to gather all flags won the war.
How many lives did each player have in the simulation?
-Each player had five lives.
What was the consequence of a player losing all their lives?
-A player who lost all their lives would be banned from the server forever.
Which countries were represented in the simulation?
-The countries represented were Japan, Britain, Germany, Russia, and America.
What was the strategy of the American team at the beginning of the game?
-The American team focused on settling into their base, setting up their chain of command, and choosing their leaders wisely.
What happened when the American team captured the British leader?
-They took the British leader as a prisoner of war and used him as leverage to negotiate a peace treaty with the British, resulting in an alliance between the two countries.
How did the German and Russian leaders approach the war?
-The German and Russian leaders discussed a potential peace treaty to form an alliance early in the game.
What was the role of the weapons trader in the game?
-The weapons trader was a key point of control for teams, as being the first to control the trader could prevent enemy soldiers from getting weapons early on.
What was the outcome of the American team's plan to control the air space?
-The American team successfully bought a plane but mistakenly flew to the German base instead of the Russian base, leading to a failed attempt to steal the Russian flag.
How did the British team betray the American team?
-The British team double-crossed the Americans by forming an alliance with the Germans and planning an attack on the Americans while pretending to be allies.
What was the final outcome of the war simulation?
-The simulation ended with Japan winning as the American player, who was the last one standing, was hidden and ultimately killed, allowing Japan to claim victory.
🌍 World War II Minecraft Simulation
The video begins with an introduction to a Minecraft simulation where 100 players are divided into five World War II era countries: Japan, Britain, Germany, Russia, and America. The objective is to steal all five enemy flags, and the country that manages to collect all flags wins the war. Each player has five lives, and losing them all results in being banned from the server. The video sets the stage for alliances, betrayals, and strategic warfare within the game.
🤝 Diplomatic Maneuvers and Alliances
As the game progresses, various countries form alliances and discuss peace treaties. The American and German teams make a pact, while the British and Americans also form a temporary alliance. The players engage in strategic discussions, planning their moves and sharing information about their bases and resources. The narrative highlights the importance of diplomacy and trust in the game, as well as the potential for betrayal.
🔫 Escalation of Conflict and Treachery
The tension in the game escalates as countries begin to betray their allies. The British double-cross the Americans, leading to a shift in alliances. The Germans and Russians form an alliance, and the Americans struggle to maintain their defenses against the growing threat. The video showcases the dynamic nature of the game, with players adapting to new challenges and forming new strategies on the fly.
🚁 Aerial Assaults and Changing Tactics
The Americans decide to change their tactics and focus on controlling the airspace by acquiring planes. They mine for iron to trade for aircraft and plan a raid on the Russian base. Meanwhile, the Germans continue to strengthen their defenses and the British enjoy a temporary sense of security. The video highlights the importance of adapting to the changing dynamics of the game and the strategic use of resources.
🏹 Sniper Duels and Flag Theft
The video describes a series of intense battles, with snipers taking key positions and players engaging in stealthy tactics to steal flags. The British and Americans team up to attack the Germans, but the plan goes awry when the British betray the Americans again. The narrative focuses on the high stakes of the game, with players risking their last lives to capture enemy flags.
💣 Final Stand and Betrayal
In the final stages of the game, the British leader is banned, and the Americans are left in a precarious position. The player Guardian, who was trusted to protect the American flags, is suspected of betrayal. The video culminates in a solo mission by the last American player, who attempts to steal the remaining flags from the Japanese base. The summary captures the suspense and desperation of the final moments of the game.
💡World War II
💡Military Base
💡Weapons Trader
💡Prisoner of War
100 Minecraft players engage in a World War II simulation with only era-specific weapons and vehicles.
Players are divided into five countries: Japan, Britain, Germany, Russia, and America, each with their own flag.
The objective is to steal all five enemy flags; possession of all flags results in victory.
Each player has only five lives, after which they are permanently banned from the server.
The American base is established and military operations commence.
The Japanese leader, Ace gaming, sets up a chain of command and plans their strategy.
The German and Russian leaders discuss a potential peace treaty.
The British leader is captured by the Americans, leading to a temporary alliance.
The Americans and British form an alliance, with the British leader returned unharmed.
The Germans and Russians become allies, potentially shifting the balance of power.
The Americans recruit forces MC, strengthening their ranks.
A surprise attack by the Germans on the British base leads to a significant loss for the British.
The American team experiences internal strife with the discovery of a potential traitor.
The Japanese players are exiled from their own team, leading to unexpected alliances.
The Americans successfully steal the Japanese flag, a critical victory.
The British and Americans plan an attack on the Germans, but betrayal is in the air.
The war intensifies as the Americans face a series of betrayals and setbacks.
The final battle sees the Americans down to their last life, with the outcome hanging in the balance.
Despite valiant efforts, the Americans are ultimately defeated as Japan claims victory.
in today's video 100 Minecraft players
simulate World War using only weapons
and vehicles from the World War II
era she's a beauty huh look at her
look at her the rules are simple we
split off into five countries Japan
Britain Germany Russia and America each
country has a flag players must do their
best to sneak in enemy territory and
steal all five enemy Flags when a
country finally has all Five Flags at
once they win the war but each player
only has five lives so they'll need need
to be careful or they'll get banned from
the server forever comment which country
you think will win will players work
together or will they betray one another
it all started when each country arrived
at their military base move out
Americans get to the
base everyone line up all right boys we
need to get military operations going
ASAP all right we don't want to get
bombed yes sir players were settling
into their bases and setting up their
chain of command they better choose
their leaders wisely because it could
mean the difference between winning or
losing the war okay Japanese so this is
what we're going to do while Japanese
leader Ace gaming sets up his chain of
command I don't want you guys to miss
out on the new music I'm releasing soon
so go search Josh and V and follow me on
Spotify Ace here is actually a big fan
of my music speaking of Ace looks like
he's just about finished his War speech
so this is what we're going to do we're
going to go out there we're going to
take some lives leave no
survivors having been in many wars
myself I was hoping once again I would
be able to lead my soldiers to Victory
but what I didn't realize is just just
how much this war would take a toll on
me attention there's going to be people
approaching our base and trying to steal
our flag so we need to do everything we
can to protect it we need guns we need
iron does anybody have iron I I have a
lot of it I have two stacks stack have
some Guardian can you stay here I okay
protect our base let us know if anything
happens the rest everyone move out with
me move out with me I decided we needed
to try and find the gun trader thing
that there was multiple Traders set up
across the map I wanted to be the first
team to try and control control the
weapons Trader that way we could stop
enemy soldiers from getting weapons
early on and so we headed Northwest in
the meantime German leader bar and
Russian leader waffles are already
discussing a potential peace treaty
between the two countries so you made an
alliance with the Germans right uh yeah
we are the Germans okay so what what do
we get from this well some of our
teammates have guns we just like don't
kill each other right yeah that's that's
I would like since we're both kind of
close to the trench area where you get
guns I would like to go together Germans
and Russians discuss details we approach
The Trenches oh I see people I'm going
to beat them with my I see Cy Stone ho
cyber cyber what are you doing what are
you doing here who are you I'm going to
beone I am I am Commando of the BR of
the British guys we have the British in
our hands stay with us stay with us
we're capturing a prisoner no no we need
them alive we can use this guys we can
use this we got to be smart all right
cyber you're a prisoner now we captured
the British leader being in open
territory meant we needed to hurry and
so I quickly bought a Tommy gun from the
Traer and then we rushed back to the
American base with a prisoner of war
guardian come on Cyber how how's life
been over there across the pond so far
for you I wouldn't know I just I just
literally spawned in so here's the thing
guys the British are going to be coming
after us they know we have their leader
so we got to we got to keep our eyes
peeled here cyber come with us up here
here I'm up here I'm
falling don't kill me all right cyber
you're staying up here until we uh get
some more information out of you right
all right we need we need someone
watching him I volunteer toito all right
well we got the British leader all right
cburn see you come back for you that's
one less player we have to worry about
if we go and try and steal their flag
toito stayed back to watch cburn us
Americans now had a Target on our heads
I was sure the British were going to
come after us and unfortunately it
seemed we weren't the only team with
weapons hello I got a gun I got fine
weapon fine weapon right give me a gun
boy come in
yeah the German team was interesting
although my team was pretty interesting
as well while I was deep in the caves
American Soldier Jesse was back at our
base digging a giant hole around our
flag I shall make it very hard for
anybody invading hey I think you might
be want to go going to go more down hey
uh fire Labs if you could can you give
me a gun when you do that dude I want to
I really don't care what it is I just
want gun I have two I have two SMGs
that's all I got yeah I'm not sure giant
hole is going to really help considering
you know you can build we should
probably be more worried that Germany
and Russia finalized their peace treaty
and are officially allies they were
certainly on their way to becoming more
powerful but so are we I came up with a
great idea to gain allyship with the
British spoke to folks around him didn't
have too much to say Cy oh oh hello
still uh captured here going a bit crazy
yeah do you miss your team not really
what do you think uh if we return
guardian we could actually become an
alliance with the British what do you
think about that sounds like a great
idea to me all right cyber uh you're
coming with us all right don't try
anything funny I'm not going to try
anything funny now if your British try
to shoot us when we get there there's
going to be a problem oh thank you all
right boys let's move out um there's a
guy over there there's a guy over there
it might just be uh who's that who's
that hello
hey oh oh fire you can't just shoot
people this is the start of fire Labs
lore a player I wish I would have paid
closer attention to all right boys hop
in the boat all right boys is everyone
in I'm in all right here we go cross the
pond it might not be too friendly
considering we have their leaders so
let's be careful all right keep your
eyes peeled I'll admit it I was worried
this deal was about to go south I had
yet to be in British territory and I was
sure they weren't happy with me all
right everyone hop out hop out up and
out come on should have took swimming
lessons in second grade nope we come in
peace we come in peace we actually uh we
want to return your leader someone stole
him and we saved him right right cburn
yes they have saved my life we're going
to trade you curn and in turn we have a
peace treaty with the Americans all
right all right oh yeah yeah okay all
right yeah may this day signify a
beautiful friendship between both FES
all right Americans head back on the
boat and let's head out yes sir back her
up back her up Terry back her up we did
it we now had a treaty with the British
this this was a win for us prepare for
impact what happened over here all right
boys back to the the American base let's
go let him know we got a treaty in place
with the British all right he asked we
put in jail I said you can be you're
free to go when I say you can and then
he he said no I want to be in prison I I
love my did you catch that because at
the time I didn't but hyper said booze
wanted to be in prison someone willingly
wanting to go into prison could only
mean one thing wait what we got a
War what team are you on German German
what is it what what is it they say in
Germany something like
V oh god well we got rid of our prisoner
problem no he wanted to be in prison now
it was smart that I shot boo but
honestly at the time I didn't think he
could be a spy I just felt like shooting
him anyways I called a meeting meet at
the main base meet in the main base all
right Americans line up line up I got
some news to tell yall British all the
British are under attack well the
British are allies so uh we should go
help them that's the news we we are
teaming with the British let's go let's
go go go go go come on boys go to the
British go to the British that's British
that's British cyber cyber you okay yes
well we may need a little bit of help
one of our team members have been killed
by the Germans and we may need your help
taking the trenches the British ended up
coming to us saying they needed help
fighting off some Germans at the
trenches and so we rushed over to see
what we could do yeah there's there's
people over
here they're probably gone by now let's
just move they yeah I think they left
they left there there's name tags at the
side I saw I just saw someone over there
they seem to be gone well it looks like
whoever was here was long gone which is
fine because I wanted to buy a rifle
better to do it surrounded by American
and outli soldiers I'm going to get the
all right guys I need bullets for this
does anyone have iron I need I need I
need six iron I need six iron help me
help me help me help
me yeah he uh he definitely won't be
getting a medal we decided to occupy the
trenches for a bit make it so players
couldn't get guns and it worked a famous
war criminal by the name of buddy
approached us shark what are you doing
here shark are you with the German I
came to buy guns I'm going to
run get out here got
him who's that in the bushes over there
place is very unsafe all right boys we
occupy the the weapons area they can't
get weapons we were surrounded by
players in need of weapons and ammo we
were becoming a Target where are they
where are they where are
they the the no that's her teammate
that's her teammate that's mud that's
mud who are these guys you don't have
who are these guys these are
Japanese please please please murder him
him oh they got lots they got lots of
boys someone just di someone just guys
there's mine there's mine in the
Minefield no one move no one move we
could get mine okay we just lost a
teammate all right all right someone you
walk first you walk first Del Ranger
okay this path is clear we're good we're
good I was out of food and far past
pushing my luck and so I decided to head
back to base I was feeling confident
teamed with the British allies we did
pretty good holding the trenches things
were looking good us Americans were
experimenting with base defenses the
British were talking about making
upgrades to their base the Russians were
doing their thing and the Germans were
singing to themselves while they broke
their own
base and no one actually knows what's
going on at the Japanese base but the
Germans did say this from Japan uh two
people have been exiled apparently from
them I met some Japanese people they
were at middle yeah apparently these two
Japanese players from earlier were
exiled from Japan which makes sense
because I found one living in a hole in
our base what's up what are you doing in
our base area uh I was exiled from
Japanese so now I'm living here while we
were talking to forces MC the Russian
leader AKA waffles approaches us up
waffles Alliance um let's kill the let's
kill the
Japanese yeah I I'm not a fan of the
Germans right now what's what's the uh
what's the Japanese done to you they
Exile me I mean we could we could kill
the Germans if you want I just want to
kill somebody yeah that's right I
decided we were going to invade Germany
with Russia's help I finished the tower
I was working on and added some defenses
then I decided to recruit player forces
MC to the American Army all right forces
we're drafting you to the Americans all
right do you have some dirt go go in
that main building right there and go
get uh some armor on American arm run
what are you doing here please heit me
up man I need a new team man they're
really bad all right all right fine go
go get some American armor oh huge thank
you oh a player just got banned letting
these players join was probably not a
good idea but I didn't think of anything
of it at the time I built another
Watchtower while I waited for the
Russians to bring us grenades yeah
Americans meet up sir yes sir oh yo
cyber hello I wanted to let you know uh
the Russians and I we're going to plan
an attack at the trench with the Germans
we're going to fight the Germans so
here's some five grenades let's go we
got grenades oh my so now we just got to
now I just got to tell them to meet us
there and then got a bunch of dead
Germans also I just want to tell you the
British have been two timing you this
entire time they're all BL British
they're trying to they're trying to
cross me cybercore Guardian the British
leader really hit us like that all right
Americans hop in we're going to the
trenches we're going to see if the
Germans are there bye bye protect our
base protect the flag wish us ready to
raid the war for you fellas PTSD yet on
boys American Jeep American Jeep I see
don't shoot they're on the tower they're
on the tower I can't I have no bullets
get to the bers get to the bers get to
the help my allies come on boys they're
shootting they're on the tower they're
on the
tower oh shoot they blew us up no tro
died run oh shoot there's a Baza here oh
my God I got I got a bazooka oh shoot
another one
down get on the roofs get on the
roofs I sniped one on top of the
tower oh gosh WAFF died WAFF died by
logical Circle they both got shot I
don't know by
who gosh you being blown up by who
taking the golden apple all of my
teammates were dying I felt trapped
Behind Enemy Lines I had no idea what to
do or where anyone was shoot man I think
I need to
I got shot
no oh no I don't have any I don't have
any weapons I need to get back to the
Germans does anybody have an extra gun I
got shot need I need yep there you go
guys we got to get our stuff we got to
go fight cyber we need your help call
for back Josh I I advise maybe holding
off on the on the attack okay okay so I
must tell you this now listen so the the
Germans came the Germans came to the
British base okay they wanted to form an
alliance with us listen to me okay do
not get the wrong idea of what I'm about
to tell you yeah I basically to kind of
gained their trust I might have told
them what you guys were planning to do
okay at the trenches but hang on people
no listen listen listen to me but I now
but I now have that TR so now I can
basically pass on information from them
IM the TR is
broken how dare you betray us he didn't
even ask me first we don't have a peace
treaty with the British anymore guys
just to let you know I'm not shot I'm
shot we're getting
shot does anybody have a med kit I have
all right let's go boys let's go let's
go let's go the plan was to attack the
Germans but at the bunker I decided I
wanted Revenge I mean I say we go attack
the British cuz we could at least get
some of their stuff I think the Germans
are too op it' probably be best that we
make a slow approach towards them oh
they have a fortified base we slowly
made our way to the British base I was
hoping they weren't expecting an attack
the British base is right over here all
right lost the life don't want to lose
another yeah I did too and I'm not very
well suited up for this oh I see someone
right in front of us get him get him get
him oh my God why do you have how do you
have a flamethrower I got it from cyber
all right boys be careful never mind the
CHS someone cover me I'm going to move
forward all
right shoot it's
oh no oh no oh I'm at half heart oh I
got shot from
behind another failed attack only three
lives left until I'd be banned from the
server forever I felt like I wasn't
doing a good job as a leader it was time
to take a step back and reassess what I
was doing wrong at least our new player
booah Haag had some good news I
literally walked into their base I
literally walked into their base and
then killed boss and ran out did you get
anything pick up any guns or anything or
at least I thought it was good news look
at what I caught him saying it's booze
it's booze I'm I'm infiltrating the
American team right now I need I need to
kill someone so it looks like I've done
something the great so that means bahog
here can take any of us out at any time
hey I'm on your team I'm just
infiltrating Amer plus he's able to send
information about our plans of attack to
the Germans meaning they will always be
one step ahead of us need to kill
someone though so it looks like I've
done something in the meantime we
continue to send a clear message that we
were no longer allies with the British
doing here here I got a better idea
everybody back up oh oh three items all
right guys we still have our flag that's
all that matters but uh I do only have
three lives left so I wasn't sure where
to go from here I think my main issue
was I didn't feel like mining for iron
I'd rather you know hunt players and
steal their loot meanwhile the British
of course you know seem pretty happy
with themselves we got a hum V I think
we got shows we got a flamethrower I got
a we got a bunch of guns ammo we are
loaded yeah we are loaded but we are
also triumphant screwed because I
thought I was being clever being so
slick being so sneaky trying to gather
information from the Germans to pass to
the the Americans and instead we went
from having a good alliance and having a
good thing going and now we rightfully
fall Josh's defenses are actually pretty
good and I actually went to the Japanese
and there's no one there no one at the
Japanese base speaking of the Japanese
players what were they planning why were
they so quiet it seems like some of them
were making tunnels under underground
could this be connected to the tunnels
that cburn was talking about I'm not
sure I don't know but something was
going on a Japanese player was speaking
with the Germans you went speechless
when you heard we teamed up with the
British because uh we heard you guys
were going to betray us I no I was
paying attention I'm sorry hold I will
be on the Germans okay come on the
Russians they had no right to do that
yall didn't do anything that's my think
I'll be all little spy the Germans at
this point were certainly the most
powerful on the server and us Americans
were pretty much defenseless we had
barely any guns and ammo something
needed to change and honestly I was too
lazy you to go mine eight stacks of iron
just to get some weapons and so we
decided to take a risk yeah you want to
see my gun we're going to go scout out
the Russians and we're we're just going
to go around the map and see if we can
pick one person off at a time because we
need to steal some iron and loot from
people I have a good sniper so I should
be able to snipe people but uh I really
don't want to get picked off we need to
be careful here oh gosh we're getting
shot oh behind
him oh I'm shot I'm shot I'm shot that
that is there more than one nothing good
was coming from this battle and so we
decided to head back to the American
base only to see that no one was
guarding our flag literally our flag's
open that's not nearly enough defense do
you want me to do some defense on it
conveniently bahog volunteers to guard
our flag this cannot be good all right
yeah you guys stay here we're going to
go check out the Japanese just me and
tro just me and trto of course now we
leave booah hog to guard our flag while
tro I decide to go scout out the
mysterious Japanese base all right tro
we swear if we come back and our flag's
gone and no one's there oh I see
something I feel like we're approaching
like straight from the front this isn't
good all right I see their flag area see
some to your left get down get down get
down he sees us does he see us no he
doesn't hold on let's try and snipe him
no we can't we can't he's too far he's
too far hold on let's see where he goes
just walking about Japanese soldier all
right I think we should try and dig to
it but I don't have a shovel I have a
bunch of wood though hold on let's let's
see if we can sneak up closer let's go
this way their flag was right in the
open unless we were missing something it
was too convenient not to try to steal
this was our moment there's a creeper
right in front of our way let's go back
way I see their flag don't see anyone
it no one's here let's take all their
tankes all right let's go for the flag
um I'll I'll hold it you cover me wait
you have a a gun I have just a bazooka
okay okay yeah you go you go all right
let's go let's go we got it we got it
let's go we got to get this back to our
Base ASAP almost there almost there our
Tower yep it's our Americans we got we
got Japanese flag let's go
Americans I guess just build up the wall
right yeah let's build up the wall well
we worked on upgrading our base it felt
like things were finally taking a turn
for the better for us Americans except
maybe for our fellow Soldier Jetfire who
was trapped in a bunker being
interrogated by a bunch of Germans are
you an American yeah
I'm if you're Amer you know what we got
to do you know what we got to do I trade
I can trade right I can trade no we're
not trading though we're not up for
offers and Now Jet's being hunted by the
shoot shark just died shark just died
where's shark he died he just died up
shark stuff oh and the sun's coming out
beautiful guys all we need is three more
flags and then we win that's right we
only needed three more flags and we'd
win the war you know winning a war it's
not just about showing your strength you
need to be smart and strategic the
Germans has set up good defenses that's
smart now the Russians I think the cold
was getting to their heads Welcome to
our to our bunker entry please they go
through this and they try to attack yeah
we we can just shoot them all like over
here I need food yeah we don't have food
because we're Russia you know they were
doing their best though and that's all
that matters I decided us Americans
needed to change our plan of attack
that's when I remembered there is a
Trader that offers planes in exchange
for iron and so while a group of us
American soldiers were deep in the caves
mining the British were headed to the
trenches to confront the Germans
Adventure wait wait wait okay how do we
drive out by the way I finally got
enough iron to buy a plane but for some
reason when I got back the British
leader cyber showed up to our base yo
boys what's up cyber what are you doing
here hey hey hold me back what is he
doing here Cy we're not here fight
our I'm not friends with cyber after he
betrayed me no no no no not yet go it
was a mistake that cost you our
friendship listen listen we can still
make amends I give you I give you my
most trusted possession to show that I
am sorry my emerald pickax that's pretty
shiny and also 64 and also 64 di listen
64 diamonds and a pickaxe you can bet he
can have his Soldier back all right I'm
going to take that all right you guys
can have this guy back get out of here
right what is wrong with his face J can
I talk to you Qui I wanted to go by
plane but winter llama said he wanted to
talk to me all right Josh that that
blade guy he uh kind of came around out
of nowhere like he just showed up and he
was like one he was like asking asking
me king and uh a bunch of questions
everything he was asking like what team
you're on and like so what you're saying
is he's suspicious you should keep an
eye on him he yes he is sus good to know
thanks for letting me know Soldier it's
my honor sir so he's saying blade could
be a potential traitor the funny part is
look who's the only person standing just
close enough to overhear our
conversation booah Haag I need to round
up some guys we're going to go and try
and uh get some planes going we began
making our way to the plane trader
follow me boys follow me so our plan is
that we're going to go get some guns and
some planes and then we're oh shoot
there's people right follow us who are
they hold on run run run run run run
we're not ready for this we're not ready
guys they're shooting us they're
shooting us they're shooting us we were
surrounded by Germans we walked right
into a surprise
attack guys push back push back push
back run run run run run run run run oh
gosh we're being invaded oh my gosh I
don't want to die again I don't want to
die again either tell the Americans
Americans we're being invaded we're
being invaded get to the towers
Germany's invading get out of the get
out of this hole right now we're being
invaded get in the towers get in the
towers have a weapon I'm going in no no
no no no no no we need your lives we
need your lives it's okay hide just hide
just hide the Germans continued pushing
but us Americans weren't going to let
them take our flags guys they have they
have really good guns they have really
good guns no no infity di they're
approaching they're approaching the
bridge they on the bridge I have no am
oh I got one I got one let's go it felt
like we were getting attacked from every
angle they even managed to sneak up into
the top of our Tower gaining The High
Ground on us wait who's up in the top
Tower oh yeah they're on the top they're
on the top they're on the top oh shoot
we need get in there we need guys he's
peeking he's peeking I'm going to
Bazooka them if I can do it do it oh
gosh I saw bar they're going down
they're going down yeah they're going
down they're going down for the most
part we were managing to hold them
Toritos tank skills were definitely
helping so much so it made the Germans
rethink going forward with the invasion
we can't take that we can't take that
okay wait let not over yet just hold the
flag Hold the Flag oh no you just shot
our teammate no fire is a traitor fire
laabs has been working with the Germans
really yes I wanted to get this
information to you sooner fire Labs
asked me to join them I declined so fire
Labs was also a traitor I'm not
surprised what is this what is what is
that oh my I don't know what that was on
fire La body bro I had an ender pearl
and 50 diamonds okay well take it thank
you jet all right boys I'm going to get
guns in a plane whoever wants to come
with me uh I'll come with you I need
more anyway I assembled a small group to
go with me to get weapons and planes
meanwhile player bahug was caught saying
this to Bar the German leader bar why'd
you kill me I'm on your team you scared
me dude I'm supposed to scare you that's
the whole point I was supposed to scare
you they know they know they know what
they know we have a Traer bro they told
them through here a little bit a while
ago so we'll probably meet up with them
okay good I bought a Le Shield rifle and
some grenades then we continued our
journey to the mountain where the plane
trader was located I wanted us Americans
to be the first ones to control the air
space kind of bought the same sniper
that you got the Lee Enfield yeah it's
one shot oh dang uh I think the plane
trader is up here what's up Pat oh this
sounds fuel sounds fuel oh this is the
fuel guy yeah he's the fuel guy oh wait
we we get airplanes from our base we
came here for nothing guys yep that's
right we came to this mountain for no
reason and so we left with a reason to
go back and trade for a plane and raid
the Russian base all right I'm going to
see if I can fly this thing P-51 Mustang
I'm to see if we can steal the uh
flag oh oh um okay that was nice I'll
see you guys on the other side to Russia
you see this here this is me flying
directly to the wrong base oh this is
the the German base oh shoot dark what's
going on right now I think we're being
under attack all right I'm going to head
towards the Russian I think it's right
over here yep I think I see it to see if
I can circle around and try and shoot
guys coming in
hot all right I missed them it's close
now they know I'm here I think they
retreated into some hole yep B just said
I'm in a plane they know I'm here it's
not very smart of them to leave their uh
flag out wait is their flag even here
did they lose their flag already Russian
flag is gone who has the Russian flag
the Germans let me go Circle the German
base yep the Germans had taken the
Russian flag and so I made the mistake
of Shifting my focus to the German base
there's two other people to come with
you and me for an attack on what's
happening what's happening what's the
what's the
What's oh gosh go Bing also what
happened to that one plane plan need it
felt like this attack was going on for
hours but I wasn't happy with the damage
I was doing and eventually I got
careless with my f oh
no oh
no no ah I don't have ammo
no I died I'm so in the video for that
that's right I now only have two lives
left all right boys um so this isn't
good I don't have any weapons or
anything and I only have two lives left
did you lose your um plane as well I did
do not get into a fight with them
nothing sneak around and steal guns from
them if you have to kill kill them no
America hoping they have guns Good Luck
Good Luck oh we got wait we got two
flags app there's three of them
though Russian flag I guess somehow we
sto the Russian flag that means we only
need two more Flags to win us Americans
we becoming a huge Target for the rest
of the server Russ you Mo one more in I
will shoot you what Russian visitor wait
fire Labs fire Labs is kind fire Labs
okay we need to let them speak let them
speak uh I don't think that we should
what is Bob the turkey doing here you
can't be back here my dude
bu you took me hostage no fire Labs
you're exiled for trading TR I hey wait
a minute I recognize you flag you're the
one that killed me like two time you
are I couldn't believe it I really only
had one life left just like that I was
in shock kill fire kill fire kill fire
kill fire kill him kill him kill him I
need fire literally brought him in here
and he killed Josh you at your last life
dude I have one life left we got good
stuff boys we got good stuff can I can I
have the six Germans kill back six
Germans okay now I'm so confused is
bahaw really a traitor if so he's been
playing it very smart so I have one life
left I I don't know what to do at this
point this is not good Josh I have an
idea I have an idea what's idea all
right what if we have a very very very
secret secret like attack team right
that goes in you recognize a way that we
go in and out grab the German flag of
course he wanted me to raid the Germans
and fall right into his trap bro the
Germans are stacked I don't know about
that I think we have a better chance
going for the British first yeah yeah we
can do that I bet he was so mad I didn't
go along with his plans I figured we had
a better chance of successfully stealing
the British flag yo we just killed two
people and now all three of us have full
inventory of ammo oh nice so we need to
go find a chest and get this stored at
no spread them out across our players
we're about to go attack the British or
so that was the plan until the British
approached us first yo yo yo yo yo yo yo
people on the bridge people on the
bridge we're here to talk cyber we're
past talking no listen Josh listen I'm
here to make an offer so a a l b told us
your plan to at some point attack the
Germans okay we would like to offer our
services to help honestly the Germans
are so stacked we could use their help
all right grab your team and bring them
over here we're about to go storm the
Germans then we shall do that teaming
with the British is actually smarter
than you think if the British help us
steal the German flag then the only
team's flag we would have left to steal
is the British and then we'd win the war
now having only one life left I I just
have to you know not die in the process
all right guys new plan we're teaming
with the British to attack the Germans
the Germans are so stacked that we need
their help yeah I just killed we just
killed two of them and they had more
ammo than we could hold so we just got
to make sure that the British don't
double cross us like last time Chile
just killed another person dang Chile
chill out it's the British it's the Bri
okay we're teaming with British we're
teaming with the British we're going to
attack the Germans with them to the
move out
boys the we certainly were bringing the
war to them go boys move out hey yo the
Germans the Germans are running Germans
are running get in the trenches get in
the trenches they went into like a
tunnel it wasn't in the trenches though
they're they're like in they're right in
front of us right in front of us are
they yeah right
here I got him he's bed one down
probably 100 more to go the Germans had
no idea what was about to hit them I
really need ammo we all do we
need we need to go we need to go talk
with let's go boys move out move out
there always so many I don't know all
right be careful be careful they'll
snipe you they'll snipe you be
careful hey hey hey hey hey cyber cyber
cyber cyer cyber you picked up my gun
dude they're in the center
Tower oh oh oh oh oh we're going to go
flank we're going to flank you want to
flank yeah we're going to flank them
we're going to flank them make sure you
guys are healed up make sure you guys
are healed up yeah they're hurt they're
hurt rush in Rush go go go go go go rush
boys get him I thought we were allies
nice nice the man the man behind you
behind you can't die like this die shoot
I think I acci shot a teammate but it's
fine go for the flag go for the flag I'm
steal their flag someone cover me hey yo
Guys somebody come down here with me
there's a bunch of weapons Galaxy's
right there there's galaxy I'm dropping
the flag so I can shoot
him I got him hold on who picked up the
flag who picked up the flag this is the
moment things go wrong who has the flag
guys who picked up the flag who picked
up the flag oh R Ryan's on
top we get him get him get
him got him I think there's one more up
on the hill Oh Yep they're by The
Trenches oh no it's raining you see him
y tro died back at her base guys tro
died back in her base head to base head
to base our base was under attack and so
we headed back to go help sniper there's
a sniper wait wa wait wait whereit you
guys okay you guys okay he's come back
with a sniper of we don't know we don't
know feeling he up there but that's not
it's obviously might not be true fire
laabs was there sniping us and we had no
no idea where he was the uh oh gosh he
just got sniped by fire lives fire lives
where why we let him L we did can't let
him L yeah and then we let him back on
the team don't just stand still be
careful we don't know where he is he's
on the to he's on the he near where
where where I see them I see them where
up on the top on the roof on the roof on
the roof here multiple multiple targets
T go go go go go shoot him shoot him
where where's fire the thing's on the
other side around here around here oh
that was that was be man we lost fire
and Bubba little did we know they were
literally right under us but our
attention shifted when a player
approaches us who's that that's the guy
he wanted to come around here we have a
hostage we have a
hostage want executed are you are you
British but he can tell a ger I'm
British what do you have to say the
Germans I'll go and or guys the British
have the German flag we don't have time
to talk let's go if the British really
did have the German flag all we had to
do was go take both flags from them we
were so close it was time for another
Raid kill the British kill the British
cuz the British have German flag this is
it boys this could be our final battle
but I'm on my last life so you guys got
me or what I got you we all got you hey
the Americans are coming the Americans
are coming wait America is attacking us
when now what guys we need to buy like
vehicles and stuff quickly we we need to
we need to buy stuff we need to get
guns I'm going to finish down a line of
rer wire okay I'm going to go this way
Sak in maybe we could pick out a few
from the tower start shifting so they
can't see you yeah everyone shift yeah
oh my gosh what a long spiral staircase
where are they where are they I see a
plane I see a plane oh I see him I see
him why did you shoot Josh I didn't oh
okay let's see where is their flag where
is their flag
at they're approaching us they're
us oh sorry yeah you're good you're good
okay how that not hit
Nice Shot Nice Shot K another oh never
mind they're in a tank oh we should have
not left that guy I felt trapped in the
tower one hit from cyber's tank and I'd
be gone forever that's when fire Labs
approaches the battle but pay attention
to what he's holding in his hand yo he's
got a tank oh he fell somebody fell oh
oh no Jesse Jess's dead he shot my
teammate now I was alone stuck in enemy
territory okay I need to get down from
here where I let teamm to go oh gosh oh
gosh he couldn't shoot cyber because he
was holding on to the American and
Japanese flags and it's against the
rules to shoot while you're holding the
flags but how did he even get our flags
in the first place I had no idea he even
had them I was just trying to stay alive
I don't know what to do he's running I'm
going to run up I'm going to run up I'm
running let see if I can flank him all I
want is their Flags just need to get in
and out in my head we were so close to
winning I kept thinking to myself if I
could just steal their flag if I could
just steal their flag I had tunnel
vision all my teammates were gone yet I
I couldn't help myself from pushing
forward oh hey yo who's shooting what's
happening a oh what's going here behind
the base behind the base right there in
hole I saw Josh's little head peeking
out of the corner my goal was to just
try and pick as many off as possible
without the them knowing where I was
shooting from and for a while it seemed
to be
working he's
there right here right here on the roof
I found another Banner on the roof on
the roof on the
Roof oh come on come
on we haven't
got oh I think a teammate's here you
here what yeah we surrender we surrender
we surrender you guys finally came bro I
was here all alone for so long that was
so intense we got betrayed I'm here for
Revenge stole all the flags betrayed
everyone no way not only did the British
not have any Flags but my teammates were
telling me booah hog betrayed us and
stole all of our flags now I'm confused
because I thought I saw fire laabs
holding the flags but of course I guess
at this point I wasn't aware of that
kryp has our banner I threw it away
krypton's banned he he had our Banner
where's our Banner I have the banner now
yes okay so now we have our Banner back
giving us another shot at winning this I
don't know how that happened but I'm not
going to complain you just killed my
second and command so by order of the
britishy can't say I feel bad after he
betrayed me the British leader was now
banned from the server as the war went
on teams began to shrink all right y
back to the American base someone can
hop in with me I can't believe we got
traded by booze I knew he wasn't
trustworthy I know I watched some K Lama
but I forgot to say we headed back to
our base my heart was starting to weigh
I was getting tired I felt like I I
couldn't trust anyone not even my own
teammates fire here fire here here where
where where where I see him no that's
raid Master H where are they where are
they probably back on top of the tower
are we being attacked yeah yeah fire is
here fire hold on get the flag place
it's boo it's
boo super
wo got him we got him one that stole all
of our flags nice jet finally buag got
the punishment he deserved rumor had it
Germany had their flag Japan somehow had
the Japanese British and Russian flag
and of course you know we had the
American flag but Japan was so quiet I
was surprised they managed to capture so
many flags of course with less soldiers
it was becoming increasingly difficult
to guard our flags and make sure nothing
happened to them in fact here you'll see
a German soldier B digging directly
beneath our base meanwhile we were
distracted who is this guy what do you
want oh yeah he doesn't have voice chat
he he doesn't have voice
chat we can't trust anyone at this point
guys we really can't yo all of our flags
are gone what all of our flags are gone
does no one watch the flags I swear once
again I returned back to all of our
flags being stolen at this point I was
close to giving up yeah this this was
starting to feel hopeless what was going
to change we we couldn't even keep
control of our own flag let alone steal
others here boys let's go to the let's
go to the German base but I I couldn't
give up I had a whole country that was
counting on me and so we decided since
Germany had pretty much Fallen it'd be
best if we went on one last effort to go
and capture their flag but last time I
was at Germany's base they had like
nobody so they might not have anything
it doesn't look like anybody's here
there's no Germans here y there's
there's nobody here I think they all got
banned they went from being the most OP
in all the server to all getting banned
oh their flag's just sitting here hold
on Don't Break It We want to break the
bar wait we got the flags yep let's go
all right I got their flag we got to
bring it back to our base you want to
if anyone sees B man Buzz it's too
onsight guys okay we managed to capture
the German flag but it was like we
couldn't keep our heads on straight next
thing we know we're chasing a player I
got guys I think he has our flag oh is
that our flag oh guys he's right there
he's right
there he died he died yeah he did yeah
American flag's right here pick it up
pick it up you know what he said let me
live and you'll have it what what about
if You' kill him and take it it's the
same thing he didn't think that one
through apparently drift Master had our
flag so I guess it was good we did did
go after it we took the German and
American flag back to our base all right
guys let's go let's go back to our base
and place these Mr blade just got banned
here someone place our flag right there
oh yeah want all right we need two
people to stay here and watch the flag
Guardian will you do us an honor of
staying back after what I've done I feel
like I'm very trustworthy you are will
you stay back for us and protect our
flags this was it the British Russian
and German for the most part had
completely Fallen except for maybe a few
straggling players left spread out
across the map it was time to see what
the Japanese were capable of why were
they so quiet it was time to steal those
flags and declare Victory this is our
last chance all right boys let's head
out to Japan for the final war let's go
boys move out I got one life so I got to
be careful who's that on the roof that's
our friend
us oh I got Ace I got him
oh I got Mystic I got
I got wles you get all the flags you get
all the flags I'll cover you
flag my teammate got shot by Golden I
had to be super careful
here going to grab their flags all right
oh hyper just got banned I think we're
good run yeah yeah we run we run we run
someone sniping on the roof watch out go
tro go this is it tro this is it come on
all we need to do is play place our
flags down and we're good Galaxy
Guardian where are they there's no way
there's no way our flags are gone bro
how many time can people not can we not
trust Guardian I I trusted Guardian
where' they go at this point I was
confused every time we get back to base
it seems like our flags were gone and
the only common factor I can think of is
player Guardian they stayed back to
protect our base almost every time this
whole time I thought I could trust them
but maybe they were the reason we were
having such a hard time keeping track of
our flags but after looking closer at
the footage they did say they were under
attack in chat so maybe we could trust
them Guardian no way he had a
flamethrower oh my gosh ah go go no no
no Treo
no no there's no way everything that
could go wrong is going wrong right now
logical has been taking all of us out
just like that guardi and I were the
only Americans left and we were being
targeted did by a sniper oh my gosh I
didn't even know oh where was that from
where are they sniping from who shot at
us sniper wait on our hanger on our
hanger yeah I see them on top oh yeah I
see him
T I'm hitting him but it's not hitting
him out of ammo jolty just got killed by
Mystic I got Ace I got Ace we held our
positions for a while but at what point
is enough enough I had no choice but to
trust Guardian okay Guardian I don't
know what we should do I think the only
thing left to do is for me to go solo
there's not much we can do I'll try to
hold down the fort all right let me know
if you see anyone all right good luck I
wanted this war to be over so I gave
Guardians some golden apples and headed
straight towards the Japanese base where
the rest of the flags
remained I'm so scared I hope guardian's
okay I have one life left I'm all alone
this is either going to be the craziest
clut ever this is going to be the end
there's no in between I snuck onto their
hanger I figured I might be able to
snipe some players oh there he
said no how did that Miss how how how do
they know where I am that was my shot I
it I got him I got him is there anyone
else hey it seemed like that was the
only Japanese soldier around I wasn't
sure I was hoping the flags were free
for my taking okay I got to get off here
I need to be careful still gly just got
banned by logical no I'm the last one
here there's like nobody left in that
case I'm going to hide in
oh no who killed me this n was hiding he
was hiding Japan wins well I guess you
can't win every battle subscribe to my
channel it's Josh and
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