Melbourne’s MOST Notorious Suburbs pt 3 South Melbourne - Into The Hood
TLDRهذا النص يحكي عن رحلة شخصية في墨尔本، استكشف المناطق المعروفة بالإهمال والعنف، مثل South Melbourne وSt Kilda. يتحدث الراوي عن تغيرات الحي وتأثيرها على المجتمع، ويذكر قصصًا عن العنف والعنف وتأثيره على المجتمع. يشير إلى التأثير الكبير للثقافة ال塗鸦 والحراك الراب على مجتمع المدينة، ويذكر قصصًا عن الأحداث العنيدة التي حدثت في الحي. كما يشير إلى التغييرات الحديثة في المنطقة، مثل تحسين الأوضاع الأمنية وتأثيرها على السكان الأصليين. ويتضمن النص أيضًا مناقشات حول التغيير السكاني والتنمية وتأثيرها على الهوية الثقافية والاجتماعيةة للحي.
- 🌆 **شهر ملبورن**: النص يتحدث عن المناطق المعروفةة بالإرهاب في ملبورن،オーストラリア، وتشير إلى تغيرات في المناطق المعيشية والسكان.
- 🏚️ **الشققات المهجورة**: تشير إلى وجود قواعد مهجورة ومشكلة بالsyringes في المناطق المعيشية.
- 👶 **الأطفال يلعبون**: يُشير إلى الأطفال يلعبون في المناطق المهجورة، مما يشير إلى تجاهل الأمان.
- 💉 **مشكلة بالمواد المدمرة**: يُشير إلى وجود مشاكل كبيرة بالمواد المدمرة، بما في ذلك الهيروين والايس.
- 👮♂️ **الشرطة والسيطرة على الجريمة**: يُشير إلى محاولات الشرطة السيطرة على الجريمة في المناطق المحددة وحجز كميات كبيرة من المخدرات.
- 📚 **الثقافة والتاريخ**: يُشير إلى أهمية الحفاظ على الثقافة والتاريخ التقليدي لل Hoods.
- 🎨 **الgrenafi**: يُشير إلى أهمية الgrenafi في ملبورن وتأثيرها على الثقافة ال街舞.
- 🏢 **التغيير والتجديد**: يُشير إلى عملية التجديد والتغيير في المناطق المعيشية وتأثير ذلك على المجتمع.
- 👨👦 **العلاقات الاجتماعية**: يُشير إلى العلاقات الاجتماعية بين السكان وتأثير الهوية والثقافة على المجتمع.
- 🚧 **التنمية والتجديد**: يُشير إلى التطورات في المناطق المعيشية والتركيز على تطوير المناطق وتحسينها.
- 📖 **الكتاب**: يُشير إلى نجاح الكتب المصورة بالتاريخ والأحداث في المنطقة.
Q & A
视频中提到的'St Kilda'是什么地方?
-St Kilda是墨尔本的一个著名郊区,以其夜生活、街头艺术和海滨而闻名。
视频中提到的'Chapel Street'有什么特别之处?
-Chapel Street是墨尔本的一个著名购物和娱乐区,以其夜生活、时尚和文化活动而知名。
视频中提到的'Golden Triangle'是什么?
-Golden Triangle是视频中提到的一个地区,以其犯罪活动和帮派争斗而臭名昭著。
视频中提到的'Prince of Wales Hotel'有什么历史?
-Prince of Wales Hotel是视频中提到的一个地点,与一些人物的故事有关,包括一起暴力事件,其中涉及了砍刀。
😀 Exploring Abandoned Flats and Notorious Suburbs
The speaker discusses exploring abandoned flats in Melbourne, specifically in South Melbourne, and the notorious reputation of the area. He mentions witnessing children playing amidst syringes and reflects on his own upbringing in a housing area in Sydney. He also talks about crime in the area, referencing a young father's stabbing and drug seizures by the police. The paragraph ends with an introduction to the guide for the area, a rapper named Little Jaay.
🏙️ Disappearing Hoods and Cultural Shifts
This paragraph delves into the changes happening to the inner-city suburbs of Melbourne, with a focus on South Melbourne. There's a discussion about gentrification, the loss of cultural heritage, and the impact on the community. The speaker reminisces about the diverse cultural makeup of the area, the strong sense of unity despite economic hardships, and the prevalence of graffiti and other street cultures. The narrative also includes a personal story about a friend who was murdered.
🚧 Life in the Projects and the Impact of Crime
The speaker provides a first-hand account of life in the projects, highlighting the sense of community and the daily struggles with crime and drugs. He talks about the changes to the area, including the installation of security and the challenges of gaining access to the flats. The paragraph also mentions the view from the top of the flats and the proximity to the city center and the Formula 1 race track.
🏚️ Abandoned Flats and the Reality of Urban Decay
The narrative focuses on the state of abandoned flats in South Melbourne, describing the boarded-up buildings and the signs of drug use and neglect. The speaker discusses the potential reasons for the abandonment, including the possibility of selling to developers. He contrasts the abandoned areas with a nearby park that remains active and the resilience of the community in the face of these challenges.
🏁 Formula One Track and the Changing Landscape
The speaker reminisces about the Formula One track and the activities that took place there, including sneaking onto the roofs of walkovers to paint graffiti. He talks about the changes in the area, including the development of the housing complex and the shift in the community's dynamics. The paragraph also includes personal anecdotes about encounters with drug users and the impact of the area's nightlife.
🏢 From Hotel Hell to Gentrified Apartments
This paragraph tells the story of a notorious hotel that was a hub for the community but eventually gentrified. The speaker discusses the history of the hotel, its decline, and the impact on the local women who worked there. He also talks about the broader changes in the area, including the influx of backpackers and the transformation of the hotel into a desirable location for tourists.
🎭 Graffiti, Skate Culture, and the Evolution of a Neighborhood
The speaker reflects on the graffiti and skate culture that were once prevalent in the area, discussing the evolution of these art forms and their connection to the neighborhood's identity. He talks about the changes brought by gentrification, the replacement of old landmarks, and the impact on the local community. The paragraph also includes a mention of a documentary and the influence of famous skaters from the area.
🛤️ Nostalgia for the Old Neighborhood and its Characters
The speaker expresses nostalgia for the old neighborhood, describing the sense of community and the various characters that made it unique. He talks about the history of the area, including the Golden Triangle and the various confrontations that took place there. The paragraph also includes tributes to friends who have passed away and the impact they had on the community.
🏘️ The Impact of Gentrification and the Future of the Flats
The narrative discusses the impact of gentrification on the community, including the mix of public and private housing. The speaker talks about the changes to the flats, the potential for future development, and the challenges faced by residents. He also mentions the efforts to uplift the community and the importance of remembering those who have contributed to its history.
📚 From Book Sales to Skateboard Legends
The speaker shares his experiences with book sales and the rarity of his book, which became a bestseller in Australia. He also talks about the local skate culture, mentioning famous skaters from the area and their achievements. The paragraph includes a discussion about the changes to the skate park and the broader cultural shifts in the neighborhood.
💡Inner City Projects
💡Abandoned Buildings
💡Drugs and Crime
💡Hip-Hop Culture
💡Notorious Suburbs
💡Urban Decay
💡Youth and Community
💡Cultural Diversity
💡Social Issues
The South Melbourne flats are notorious and considered the worst inner city flats in Melbourne over the past decade.
The area has a rich history of graffiti, with one of the biggest crews in Melbourne, TKO, originating from here.
The community is diverse, with residents from various nationalities living in close proximity.
The area has faced significant crime issues, with syringes and signs of drug use evident throughout.
There is a strong sense of community and connection among residents, despite the challenges they face.
The Melbourne graffiti scene is showcased, highlighting the city's vibrant street art culture.
The impact of gentrification is evident, with many old buildings being knocked down and replaced.
The area has a reputation for being rough and dangerous, with instances of violence and crime.
Despite the challenges, there is a sense of pride and resilience among the residents.
The community has produced notable figures in the fields of music, art, and sports.
The area has a rich history and cultural significance that is being documented to preserve its legacy.
Efforts are being made to uplift the community and provide opportunities for youth.
The impact of drug addiction on the community is discussed, highlighting the struggles faced by residents.
The area has a strong connection to the hip-hop scene, with many local artists emerging from the community.
The importance of preserving the area's history and culture is emphasized to prevent it from being erased.
The impact of redevelopment and gentrification on the community's sense of identity and connection is explored.
The area's unique character and resilience in the face of adversity are highlighted.
yeah but these flats are hammered
columia pulls the machete starts to go
hack on this dude accidentally chops
Maxi this goes Pioneer the Melbourne
graffiti how doing lad nice to what are
you doing lad pieing up now it's all
abandoned now so these are all abandoned
eh every single one of them is bordered
kids playing you can see them playing
syringes everywhere look look at that
straight away syringe syringe look how
many there are I'm span I was raised in
a housing area as a Sydney City spent
most of my youth and adult life in
prison and after a total of 13 years I'm
free and I'm out and about flying around
susing out the hoods all over the world
O A young father has been stabbed to
death outside his girlfriend's South
Yara apartment an 18-year-old trady has
been stabbed to death on a crowd at St
kilder fora a man who police feared had
a gun is in cust following a 10 standoff
in Windsor sniffer dogs and specialist
police have been deployed to crack down
on crime in St kilder and more than
$150,000 worth of drugs have been seized
by detectives determined to clean up S
Kilda streets all right everyone welcome
back into the hood we're back in
Melbourne Melbourne's most notorious
suburbs part three I'm excited for this
one these are the hoods I love inner
city hoods inner city projects we're
going today to South Melbourne South
Melbourne flats and the surrounding
South Melbourne areas which are
notorious areas St Kilda pran Windsor
Melbourne is full of inner city flights
there's many suburbs Flemington
Collingwood Fitzroy out of all of them
they all have a a long notorious history
right but lately the worst inner city
flats are South Melbourne everyone says
bro you got to get to South Melbourne
it's been going crazy last 10 years that
place is chaos so we're going down there
now we're catching a tram it's like two
stops on a tram like 4 minutes we could
probably walk it but I'm saving my
calories for the Tre lad it's Midday
Sunday so we're here on the weekend
there's a rapper from there his name's
little jaay meeting him and a couple of
his boys I think he's going to take us
up into the projects big towers tell us
the Yarns this and that let's go
bro it's full chockers little
BR all right that was literally like a 3
minute Tri right I think we can still
see where we got on the trm just down
there I think this is the [ __ ] stop
down here ah there's like he brought
like 15 people along lad how you doing
oh yeah good good good good little Jace
out promoting myself that's what I got
to do but from pan full disclaimer not a
South Melbourne boy got some South
melbour boys with me though um but you
know spent a bit of time in South
Melbourne we spent a lot of time your
name to to spent a lot of time growing
up there too man just running them Mar
yeah but South Melbourne from where you
grew up PR same hood they're different
hoods but they're all connected because
there's only a couple of schools that
everybody goes to you don't really beef
like we're pretty much all together
because of the friendships obviously
there are some people that don't like
each other happens in every Hood
supposed to it's not a hood if it's not
like that majority of the time
everyone's connected bro you just know
everybody and the mecca for me it's like
all roads lead to Pand that was always
the mea because of Chapel Street it's a
2 km strip world famous for the CU I
heard of it that's why I'm asking St
fashion they might want to argue like
Fitzy and all that shout out to the fit
boys but it's different like it's all
nightclubs cuz there's two sections to
pan and Chapel there's the night time
and then there's the daytime and they're
two different worlds graffiti is a big
thing in melbour me and my cousin
started one of the biggest crews in
Melbourne TKO have some of Melbourne's
best Riders oh yeah to you're right
it's we that was a big big big thing in
our time and um so we'll definitely be
showing you some walls all Melbourne
graffiti lad I got to show you is you
know the world famous Melbourne graffiti
so this is our line we used to basically
back on trams like the old school ones
you could back on them and we just go
cuz sometimes they're packed and you're
like yeah I'll just jump on the back and
you just keep backing yeah yeah top it's
hard to do that now the way they make
them we're going to go Ragin Street
first one of the first housings that we
were in was uh South was South Melbourne
rag Street do do it's a little flat Rich
history then we'll go down to Park
Street Park Towers still in South
Melbourne Yep they're very close to each
other it's similar to Glee badford like
that we'll go to Dorcas Street flax
which is going to be a good one yeah and
then yeah we'll take then then we'll St
P I've heard South Melbourne flat
have been real bad lately amongst the
worst flat in Milbourne they have it's
pretty cooked you know obviously there
been they've got their stories it's yeah
mad mad so some of the boys here from
South NOA yeah yeah yep some of the boys
here from South no Andre just very uh
the culture is really obviously cafes
coffees long black shout out to Columbia
with the long black he's made to
Columbia by the way my mate he's not
colia and my ghost hunting and that
we're going to get him on the long
blacks you know you got the pockets of
um flat you know so there's three main
Flats we'll go through all of them you
know one of the flats D Street is
abandoned now oh is it yeah it's boarded
up the whole thing yeah really so I'm
going to um get knocked down or
something or yeah bro there's a bit of
dis gentrification that happen in it's
happening bro is that happening
throughout Melbourne or just here
everywhere shattered because in pan they
knocked down like half of it oh that's s
and I was there the other day man and I
just felt I was just sad bro like I
couldn't believe like a part of us has
just been ripped yeah I know ex exactly
how you feel that's that's the feeling
when any Hood gets knocked down I said
that before it's like you don't want to
say it's a bad thing because it's a good
thing if they're in you know like to
society it's a good thing but to us it's
like that's every yarn that I've got
that's right now the stories the stories
are gone and it's just in my head that's
how the whole Sydney is becoming too
whole water L getting knocked down and
it's like after that what do you tell
people there used to be this thing and
it used to be fun
would like imagine that you know lucky
I've got like you lucky yes and lucky
this is one of the things I said when I
do this it documents because I'm telling
you most hoods that we go through say 15
years from now I promise they won't be
there so everyone will be looking back
at into the hood to remember the old
Australia the true Australian culture
underground Sydney City Melbourne City
stuff like let o that's what that's what
I see it as this is going to be part of
History hopefully 20 years you can still
see it and be like that was pan that was
South Bel
yeah that's the best doging the trolley
Land Air portable surveillance they got
him here too yeah like um Darwin
yeah no no they don't have those in
Sydney do those ones talk to you though
no no no no see the Tails here that's
this is like comparable to when I done
the episode in Sydney um s Hills Water L
red fern this is compar comparative
they're actually both South so that's
South Sydney as well in Sydney red fern
South City and this is South to and it's
a similar setup except there a lot more
shops here a lot better shops too out
ready shops in Red Fern Street Al
disclaim are nowhere near as big like
the that section that section that you
guys have got way bigger way bigger yeah
this is more but separated yeah like a
building here and a building there yeah
yeah one of the boys here old school vet
boy o G from pan he ended up getting
murdered out here oh really it was on
the news he ended up um getting his uh
throat sliced M yeah someone ran out
behind him just here yeah it was along
here somewhere I don't know apparently a
robbery G wrong a young boy dead set
yeah shout out to Ricky it was Ricky is
one of the first guys I met when I was
in pan old school Viet it was sad man
yeah good guys one of the tough guy on
the on the Main Street here you say it
was like 3 3:00 a.m. in the morning
far out that was a couple of years ago
out of the areas that we're going what's
the cultural makeup of the people for us
it was every nationality bro oh was it
like we had every Asian you can think of
a lot of WS man we had Turk boys Leo
boys so it's as mixed as you can get I
would say it was I always say like we're
like all nations bro and I think that
that's what made us back in the day so
strong cuz we weren't just one
nationality and then because of the
different Nation but what about now
right make up now it's still a little
bit like that probably less Asians a bit
more African because the they've had
their immigrations and you know they've
been coming also a lot of Africans moved
to these back in the days back in the
days wasn't as many Africans except down
in um North Melbourne Flemington that's
really where they were but now pretty
much Africans everywhere oh that's
interesting it's so diverse I always say
we never saw racism we just saw poor we
were all poor that was the nationality
we were and we we were all just United
as one so spoke the same language no
money all right soone rling straight now
these are the first flights we're coming
up to oh so these are small complexes
very tight Community y this is rling
this is where um me and my C grew up
this his his mom had an apartment here
they still do man we had some good times
here a lot of punch on just with the
local kids how we learn how to do one-on
one these are all hous obviously what
what's the natur of the people that live
here all sorts man all sorts like Jas
was saying before definitely this little
section here we set up like basketball
rings we just be playing one-onone all
day every day um just getting into it
with the local
boys ET running a
mro this section was where we pick it
man oh he's all chilled here in the
middle huh yeah yeah there was like
hundreds of kids back in the day that's
like so everyone used to K it it's
either this square or the next Square
down there
one of the boys here got his um crib
shot up when we were young he was old up
apparently just missed him H one the
brick walls and that was here what not
oh the news came yeah so I don't know
what they did was a ride by walk by
whatever but popped a couple of shots
into his crib rumor was that he was on
the couch and [ __ ] was just flying past
his head hitting the brick
walls see those see the brown bricks
looks like that oh does
it no way
yeah so people live down here as well oh
people live down here yeah like you can
see it looks
ja oh that you mean that's the doors I
thought you meant here I thought you
meant people leave
there people leave here too
yeah so that's some of their doors
they're spe like it's not nice look at
that imagine that's your
door if you go dramas with people that's
the worst door to have
true see look how easy you can get got
here this is like the front side of the
flats I think Main Street middle of the
flats front
entrance look more parts of syringes
y wait where's the other
one this is the one going to put
yeah that's the wood trol it's got a bit
blood all right where what are these
Flats Park Street Park Towers Park
Towers this is the full Melbourne
aesthetic that I think of the basketball
court the little park outside and then
the morbit towers Brown and Brown with
light blue windows it's like a hospital
and see look that's where we are in
respect to the city I know in the GoPro
that looks a million miles away but it's
like 5 minutes
away you saying the the the bars the
framing on the outside stop people
opening it up uh opening the windows and
jumping out people used to do that jump
out of here yeah these are hammed like
straight here this this at each door
even on the other side straight bins and
it stinks look trolley full of
garbage hey yeah that's the
entrance I just SP
man here yeah there not anymore man why
what was it like then sou M's another T
now oh is it is the real deal here T's a
area still yeah just
ago things Windows
man another did you hear that [ __ ] say
that one more guy come here how did you
answer that phone City MO you K we kill
him who is it a [ __ ] it's Andre
usw it's it's
smos let us in B there's Security in
these Flats too like in watero look
watch and I wonder if they got dramas
like in
City he knows us yeah he knows us all
right we're sweet one of us knows me all
right so we've had like big dramas to
get in the flats and the uh security
down in the thing the same story as
water and there's a lad here behind us
telling us he's going to call the
propers on us still
filming if he films the building he's
committing an offense
yeah's a one of the like an OG pan boy
like like everywhere boy like you know
what I mean everyone knows he let us he
let us in if it wasn't for him we
you with your Flats you get a mad view
you know yeah it's hectic how high are
these 30 stories I've seen yeah yeah and
we're on the 20th or something yeah 14th
yeah construction side
eh something oh
yeah lucky I've gotten used to Heights 6
months ago i' been shooting my self been
like this yeah I can handle it now so
you can see the Formula 1 race track
from here oh can you yeah that's that's
the track
our oh yeah yeah all the
events my little y yeah you know lot of
family communities really good people
may in a li
SP oh look whole apartment's boarded up
here what's that water called Port
Phillip that's Port phip oh yeah thank
you to is down there yeah that way look
at the Windows like prison windows so
this what it looks like when you come
out of the lift like this that's that's
what it is bro rubbish on the floor
hammered floors look like they don't get
cleaned yeah but these flats are
hammered what your food just dumped
rubbish dumped in the in the
all we're heading to D straight FL
yeah dcas centry D straight Flats D
straight Flats South Melbourne um it's
all abandoned now so as you'll see oh
these are all abandoned boarded up we
take through these are mad these are in
a mad spot yeah you'd have been cheering
to have these right right at the step of
doorstep of the city mad shops just
there location these would have been
sick no wonder they boarded them up
selling them off to some developers eh
yep yeah yeah look every single one of
them is
boarded these out of out of the three we
seen here in South Melbourne are the
closest like the brother the city just
there and the M shops are just there
it's like the perfect
position this so you can't climb the
balcony but it's scary dark in there
buto look in here I don't see anything
this is where Maxi is the
boys oh hold on they having
parties parties
y I shot my first official music video
in in here yeah it's called s you
find in
this place is just syringed out
like well be careful there's actually
sharp no caps on them wonder why they're
selling them though like maintenance in
them cleaning them up and they're still
very usable there nothing wrong with the
building oh so there's still a Park area
that's getting used in between it all
yeah W look at you see there's kids
playing here a park look so it's not
like the whole complex is it's just
that's still that's still active but
that's hammered look at that yeah that's
still Happ that reminds me of when I was
Bulgaria mad massive but all all the low
Rises areand look kids playground here
kids playing you can see them playing
syringes everywhere look just the bang
look look at that straight away syringe
blood in it cap off syringe full of
blood at least that's got the cap on
syringe syringe look how many there are
look blood syringe
syringe kids playing J what drugs are
still getting used around still a lot of
heroin heroin still obviously ice is I
probably competing big time yeah yeah
heroin because was in Sydney heroin just
because of how expensive it is and how
much to have a heroin habit is it is it
yeah yeah it's just nowadays it's it's
it's a lot harder for criminals to make
money got compared to like early 2000s
late '90s so having a having a heroin an
addiction nowadays doesn't sense it's so
hard you know what I mean but ice
because it it lasts for so long it's
cheap like you can be an ice addict for
$150 a day you know what I mean if $150
it's like a coffee $150 of heroin's not
getting you nowhere you're barely making
it to the afternoon oh so this one's
bought it up too
y 50% of this rock garden is cigarette
butts look look oh they syringe boxes
yeah look at least they had
those they're getting used you they
might be getting used there's no
syringes on the floor there these are
all the ones that are getting
decommissioned however you say it but
the one here I still the the high-rise
people still live in
it think
maybe oh really yeah it does actually
obviously refuse to go until they get a
spot so they're just hanging around with
the syringes for the time being
yeah still live here they're still
active not sure what they're going to do
with these ones all right so those ones
were four story ones this one looks like
it's like 15 stories 12 stories or
something where we going now just uh St
Kilda winds St Kilda Windsor
let's this is the Formula One track land
yeah I remember one time we we realized
that the helicopters always go over
those walkovers we got up onto the um
top of one and we our tag grab the roofs
cuz we're like man we're going to get
that mad views and they are like next
day covered oh so you'd have been
watching it spewing yeah we were like
we're like oh what like how did they
even know we were up there and this is
just open thorough fair to the public
for the rest of the year and and these
Grand stands they stay here all year or
they back up because the formula one's
about to yeah they pull them down oh
yeah put them back up they they take
about a month to put everything up and
what and what's here when when they when
they're down just grass yeah just grass
fields soccer fields footy Fields lot of
sport that's sick are we on the home
straight here yeah oh yeah you can tell
straight away home straight so when no
one's here it's like guys pumping you
know what I mean do drags and
stuff I lived down here for like 26
years what was that tram stop there
station St station oh yeah and this a
big housing complex through here eh yeah
yeah they low right at the
station yeah so this is sta housing
there's a lot around like small Pockets
yeah but this is where pretty much I
grew up 96 yes everyone always said St
kilder is like U Melbourne's version of
King's cross that's exactly right is
that that's yeah you think of it like
that that is which is like just like a
seedy Night Live junkie sort of if you
don't know what King's cross is it's
currently just recently got burned out I
did it so he had he had a bit of Dramas
and he's off now oh no way you had a
video of
it one story I remember this gu cooked
that and like he was H help help it's
like 2:00 in the morning I'm listening
to this guy like help help help and I'm
like what the so I grab a bat I come out
I walk over I'm like brother you're all
good he's like they're trying to get me
they're trying to get me I'm like who
brother who like cuz Aid
I think he just smoked I think he had
slept for 3 days you know I didn't know
that that's what he was doing you know
cuz he seemed all right and I remember
just going I'm like bro you're all right
but he like held hostage he's like no
they're after me they're after me I
ended up realizing I'm like bro you'll
quick go to sleepo he said his own house
on fire that's
why you get a lot of junkies and stuff
coming through here from Fitzroy street
because no one's here so a lot of
activity happens in the park Fitzroy
street is the main street of sta yeah
right hey D what are you doing they're
actually three stories what do you think
made people make that comparative about
St Ked at Kings Cross so on Fitzroy
street is it comparable to Kings Cross
is like strip club no strip clubs clubs
but big red light district red light
district so a lot of prose drugs dealers
n oh no not really a bike is a thing in
Melbourne actually they are now they are
definitely was Sydney first we never
really were so they all started getting
like they came down here way more people
weren't patching up it was was notexist
it's becoming a thing now though 100%
those are the gangs The Gangs now yeah
they said the same thing in Dar one
actually and I'm like bro I didn't think
that and I go n it's just a new thing we
think they all come from Sydney that's
what they said if uh I think I remember
when the laws started coming in like
they I don't know they there was Sydney
laws and bro I'm such a saying your
video you live here yeah I live right
here yeah mad what's it like living here
it's it's all right um it's cleaned up
boys are telling used to be bad it used
to be bad yeah used to especially down
there yeah near the beach there used to
be like seab bars now but it used to be
like this massive club and a lot of
crime happens when a lot of people come
to the beach and like people like I went
down and it was like really popular like
cuz everyone comes down from West Side
they you know they all come down here to
St Beach hang around yeah and then um I
went down there just to walk this my
twin um yeah we went around the corner
and people just like stomping on massive
like fights fights like pepper spray all
the time every summer yeah yeah every
summer and like there's a lot of like
yeah drug use here yeah and we've had
like people break into our house like
crackheads and [ __ ] oh Dead Set yeah
it's like they're trying to um trying
toy s can't get rid of the people can't
get rid of the people the G with it's a
hotel and it um it used to be for
Backpackers and like the block came in
and developers bought it and then just k
out all the people out on Street the
yeah the the show they bought the
developers bought it and then kicked all
the people out on the street and now
they're just on the street like outside
7-Eleven really it was the worst hotel
in like Australia it was really bad yeah
it was really really bad so they they
they come and they come and bought it
without any plan for the people and just
said get on straight now the story was
so if I actually watched the documentary
so there's two ladies they looked after
it they were great women um the Jacks
ended up putting up uh fines they ended
up putting these laws on them and they
couldn't pay the fines anymore oh okay
and then they forced the girls had to
sell and then the block came and
gentrified it we called it Hotel Hell
that's what it was called Hotel Hell
Yeah like to primary school and I get B
like I had a bottle thrown at me and
[ __ ] from like the windows and yeah I've
had a lot we've had a lot of experiences
but yeah keep going nice to meet you
Hotel Hill let's
o my cousin did this it's an rip jock oh
yeah mad my old man Jo columia know was
my dad my dad was a oh your dad my dad
was old school gangster St that's how we
ended up here used to same crew as
Chopper mad charie mad Charlie was
someone that was very good friends with
my dad and I forgot about that story of
Melbourne when I was just asking you
before about if um viy gangs here and
then I forgot there's that old
underbelly RNA all of those dramas all
those ones those were like the ones that
were really kicking off motorcycle clubs
aren't really part of that story no it
was more areas so like my old man with
St Kilda and you know St ker was a
really yeah King cross type it real
rough back then and gangsters around and
that's where what a lot of those names
and heads y h around there yeah yeah I
think uh Bo Jangles was down St ker and
that's where Choppa in the movie oh in
the movie ended up yeah shot the lad in
the car park that's St is this this is
not the main part of St Kilda this is
the main part tro straight straight yeah
yeah yeah yeah what's going on here why
is it it looks like a bunch of homeless
people they would be they would be in
the gwick oh so this is the people of
the Gatwick oh okay so it was a homeless
hostel if you can't get housing and
you're fresh out of jail so it's a
transition yeah but there are people
that really live there and they'll tell
you most of the trouble would have came
from people who didn't live there all
right so post relase crisis transitional
housing you're getting out of jail
you're going to Hotel
Hell you wouldn't walk past here you
just if you could a handle yourself you
cross the street you go but I mean and
look at it now it it looks like Posh now
know how they refurbish this stuff the
amount of dead death that's in this
joint you know what I mean I don't even
know how you people swear like ghosts
and stuff and want to like that's crazy
and look at it now look what they've
turned it into now million dollar
million dollar
Apartments funny it's turned into a
Backpacker place like King's cross
correct that's exactly what exactly what
you're saying now you go there and it's
it's all Backpackers it's all
Backpackers yeah Prince of Wales any
underground or even any hip-hop pack you
can think of you know from Onyx to
Gangstar to oh they performed there they
performed there the down there like a
lot of Rich history and Hip Hop acts
they come to sta they book out these
shows done a couple of opening acts
there I did like lick nuts onx Bone
Thugs oh Bone Thugs have been there yeah
oh he they met the man red manb just
around the corner Prince of Wales this
is this is the Colombia story he's not
my best mate Colombia they got a yarn so
Colombia did time down here with maxi
they did 5 years I think and it was
because of the punch on that happened at
the front of this so oh this is where it
happened this where
it finally here columia my way what did
you get up to what happened here what
happened at the Prince of Wales Hotel in
Melbourne mate I don't know if you still
got the actual CCTV footage of it but I
remember seeing it cuz he showed me it
basically they got into it out here
Columbia pulls the machete as he does
and starts to hack on this dude Maxi
gets in the middle and he start he
accidentally chops Maxi in in the middle
of it so like Maxi's like what you do so
they're bleeding and it goes off so that
all lasted they they they dipped um but
because who are they pun who just random
some random bro some random and um yeah
they ended up doing 5 years for they
done 5 years for it and I end up looking
after Columbia while he was here tapping
him in with some of the boys inside and
um he met some of the boys inside so you
know they still know columia but yeah
this is where it happened this is why
years yeah probably have nothing
probably someone said something he was
quick to pull it yeah so that um Bo
Jangles was down on the beach one where
choer shot that blow this was used to be
a nightclub called Joy back in the day
that was pretty notorious was that right
yeah yeah that's a lot worse at night
everyone's just laying out yeah cuz they
can't go to the gatewick anymore M like
graay Street well known for its uh red
light district obviously crosscuts oh
yeah still active old school one of the
pioneering graffiti Crews there was a
gs38 uh piece it was like the oldest
piece in Melbourne was it yeah oldest
yeah they've gone over it now oh have
they yeah but anybody who knows graph
Future 4 gs38 and um bro yeah pioneering
graph this is what so this whole street
is like service centers housos bit of
prostitution a bit of drugs noral Hood
I think this is the lane that um H and
Kate Kate ended up like getting attacked
cuz her house is here or something you
know just like boarding houses and [ __ ]
she end up getting the taes on the news
massive car culture in Chapel Street um
every other Hood comes to Chapel Street
to do chap
laps let in the back was just saying I
won't tell you which one but he's got
his knife on him because it's like it's
a bit more serious around here and yeah
he he was talking serious he go look
it's all jokes aside I don't want to be
lack in here because they get a bit
stabby so to get the
M16 man it's been hectic since day
one I'm good of the boys from uh we went
to school together you oh yeah hectic
hectic what's your name Jesse man Jessie
yeah man got a shout out to ball boys B
clav is pretty much won with st ker we
could have really go there it's a little
bit out the way but shout out to the B
boys man B and it ain't Balor anymore
you know what it's like yeah that was a
really there was a very very uh there
was used to be a penny paa there first
it was called um jimmies then little
Hustlers um but the the ball boys would
be there Jim is Iconic jimm is Iconic
yeah so you know so it's a it's a suburb
next to sta yeah it's it's its own
little place is that yeah yeah with a
neighborhood all right so ball boys pan
boys we'd congregate and um when we'd
get together there'd be like a 100 of us
so yeah that was a good thing about the
crews yeah it was like winds pan Bal you
we could all just rock a party you know
what I mean crash every party and
everyone would be like they're coming to
the party this is Chapel Street yeah so
little bit of a history lesson like one
of the first old school break dancing
movements back in the I think 80s I was
here it was a place called Hollywood I'm
pretty sure it was there that building
here like behind oh
behind yeah so like Hollywood was like
where they first started breaking first
graph scenes from here in St Kilda one
of yeah one of the first boys had um a
place like a like a little Club there
called Big City some of the boys that I
first started rapping webar uh family
friend Richie so those are the things
that inspired me in the hip-hop scene
all the graph all the B boying all the
uh DJing all the rapping so this is the
center of that whole scene this whole
whole street yeah this whole street and
then um this used to be a p I think the
wi Hotel winter Railway so this was a
pretty hardcore Hotel um Hub but now
it's a Bottle Shop so you saying here is
where everyone comes down in the cars
yeah cars show off their cars show off
their bike show off whatever you know
what I mean yeah show off their push
B hey I like your
bikes he's a beast what do you call this
type of push bike go bro good good
mad it looks like an AC School got
to yeah how does he R
what all right I can hold oh
God I'm going to die I hung in there bro
I didn't stuck it mate I had death
wobbles at 2 km an hour I know I think
I'm a bit tall for that the laps the
kind of the car culture was like I don't
know when I went to George Street back
in the days they used to go up and down
yeah not as much as you but like it was
like it's always back to back to back
yeah yeah now hardest Lane now we get
some graffiti here yep yep
yep so shout out to one of the Cruisers
WCA wild child artist they're old school
shout out to them boys oh this is all
theirs yeah these are
ogs yeah they're gun pieces
lad it's called AR yeah these are my
yeah there oh yeah you got one of
the this Pion of the melbour graffiti
hectic good man doing lad nice to meet
man how are you good good good good what
are you doing lad pieing up now yeah
yeah just doing a sham yeah mad players
on on the right there they saying you're
one of the OJs of the graph game down
brother I'm like second generation
Melbourne yeah I came after like dud
like peril Paris Jewel and all them yep
yep what years are we talking about
here 87 onwards 87 onwards and then
that's o again like 96 and just started
solidly painting every two weeks in yeah
M for those of you the like that are
wondering what it is RDC Rock the city
yeah Rock the city FMC fresh which is
like a New York crew yeah yeah you ever
you ever get around spraying yeah I went
last overseas are
youor it died out slowed down you know
I'm 50 now so I'm trying to pass on my
knowledge to player and whether it's hip
hop or cuz I produce as well he raps now
and he was my student like I I teach so
I teach music production and art he was
one of my students so now that I'm
retiring or like slowing down and not
doing as much trying to find a younger
lad passing this is monitored by Union
Heights which you know if this Lane was
left to everyone it'd be smashed smash
we try and maintain yeah you know it's
like do you know this guy is he all
right yeah so quality control in the
lane eh everyone's kind of keeping the
quality up you know that's
Internationals that come they'll paint
down here what's this L called
yeah I'm going to try ride it
again we just edit the other ones
out talk check out the tunes yeah yeah
it's connection too all right first real
gang to be ripping post codes yeah was
3174 hectic gang in the Southeast JFK
Just for kicks as well is the graph
store in the middle of Chapel Street the
best best stickers oh yeah this is where
people come to get
yeah oh you got M side bags
he brother the bo around here can do our
sell it in here yeah that's M that's mad
do that that's hectic brother mad oh
that's hectic that's hectic that's
he I remember younger had that album
yeah baby so me and my cousin started a
a crew called TKO Total Knockout this
was one of our best writers in it ca
he's passed away pass away that was the
we seen him on the bridge spray up yeah
he was uh he was train surfing and it
didn't go well so oh yeah so s was
prolific like he got up everywhere
everywhere and anywhere so everyone in
waspp TKO tot knockout for a while great
artist very like took his art like in
graffiti actually and started the
monetized I don't think we have time to
really go down there right now but I'm
going to shout out the bang streight
Flats that's the one that got full
gentrified it's been knocked down the
apartments are already up and they're
completed Bank Street was down there
those plats y Chapel Street was the
congregation for all the hoods to come
down yep and then you've just got flat
in the bang middle of it so all the
hoods around here including some of them
we've been through this is the spot for
them to kick back everyone's chilling
here there's more action here yeah and
and there's all this is the spot cars
punch on graffiti everything like that
all the break Crews dancing back in the
days and the and the flat FL Spang back
in like the middle yeah so then you end
up coming out like feel the boys are
drinking they come out on the chapel get
into it with whatever Pro what's revs
revolver it's open 24 hours all weekend
oh yeah what is it a club where you go
when you can't get in anywh get in
revolver oh revolver Lan out the FR ah
24/7 Club oh no way you're 3 days up
that's where you are the things people
in Sydney are crying
for so Monday morning they come and see
the sunlight you could come here Monday
morning and watch them all come no way
no way that would be C feel good about
yourself but this Street's mad lad
actually this street is hectic just the
amount of people the amount of like
shops and the cultural feeling in the
street yeah you can feel you can feel a
cultural sense to the street it's not
just a a bland shop straight you know so
now we start to get into like the real
heart yep
that's sick brother have you had that K
in Syd be impounded in like 3 seconds
brother do they even without the
bouncing cars just like how the form
factor of it it's straight in the Cop
Shop the dog's in the backpack now I
notic that so this this is the startup
praying flat
oh mad it's in a mad spot lad my book
please yeah yeah yeah
yeah the people watching don't know that
I got an Australian bestseller book sold
out in Australia in 9 days and then a
company that sells it didn't want to
sell it no more rare you can sell that
on eBay you can sell that on eBay for
500 they're rare those books now so all
roads lead to P yeah basically and
that's why cuz look at the you walk out
and you're there that's why no it's in a
mad spot that's why come from the bottom
of that street into into here so what we
they'd be like from every Hood South
Melbourne Bal St winds we're in here
drinking and and then we head out to the
Chapel Street and it's on and cracking
if you wer from here you just could not
walk through the it's not
ja that little um minimum security
detention C there so you can't work out
like normally you know what I mean
welcome to the pan Flats y lots of love
here lots of Brotherhood lots of
family this is the cage of death cage of
death we bring everybody in and then
Only the Strong Survive
Wrestlemania Wrestlemania lad so as you
can see you can just say Chapel right
there yeah so we're right there on CH
we're pretty much on Chapel stet 100% so
such a mad spot BR what what would
normally happen is like we back the day
we're all just drinking in here might be
50 of us 100 of us one of the boys goes
down to KFC which is just there gets
into it as you can see it's right there
so they' be like boys boys Bo 50 100
running out off the chapel pumping
whoever it was whatever Cruise coming
back ining them
coming CU it was it was too hard they're
only coming down with maybe 50 20 people
but then it's like 5050 60 always
drinking and everyone just like bang
pump them leave them so that's why was
always on bu GT's Golden Triangle was
like a notorious bards place um the
older boys were there we it was still
there when we were around he can tell
some stories but yeah it was there
was brown is OG foro is older than us he
was there but Golden Triangle I remember
there was I don't really even know your
hood yeah it is my hood oh look a lot of
things happened you know I'm busting to
go to the toilet though really badly but
yeah no you know back then you know like
it was a lot of demographic area
obviously you know we got the crew
different places come down try to take
over and then we sort of stand that
ground um back then Country Road bags
machetes yeah you name it that's all we
had so you're saying Lads came down here
try to take over it's a bit bit just
just territory you know um does they get
pumped and come back in this very court
right here I did a one-onone with a guy
had a one-onone they closed the gate
everyone surround the gates he got me to
solarx winded me he's going to love this
he winded me I was out my m j the F just
beat him with a pole but you know it was
something where I didn't like it cuz it
made me look like a [ __ ] obviously you
know but yeah man he got me good man a
solx I was move old school he had like
the whole
TR you
know some guy yet me guy had his hand
chopped offer I believe bit of a bit of
a story Golden Triangle yeah Golden
Triangle but then I had friends we had a
few other altercations where Chings
happened but yeah man a lot of like cuz
back then 20 years ago it was like Asian
PR it was just Asian choppings um that's
it even around here
like it was just a lot of from here is
one of my best mates did a really good
job of like transitioning um into like
youth work and he helped a lot of the
kids from here for like 20 years did it
for ages man like you know so he really
did a lot for the the youth but he
really made it out legit but yeah
Country Road bags artillery bag of just
like seven trolley
n we just rock up so I won't name the
gang names people came looking for you
guys I think yeah yeah and we're in the
park is all tar like and they all hid
like everywhere you stood like if you
flicked it like a machete would flick up
so everyone was standing in the par
coming back for retaliation and it's
like we'll just
wait well they'll think oh that's
nothing but then we'll
just we got to pay respects to the
people aren here for you know rest in
peace a lot of the brothers man a lot of
them gone close one of ours Ruben was
one of one of our closest you know was
our 5A Everywhere We Roll he protected
all of us man show so much love bit like
you span it it was a unit man it was a
big boy yeah he was exactly like yeah
but yeah man many others you know but
yeah just shout out yeah
Jimmy anybody else there's a lot of Bara
there's so many people that have
pass all those boys from here um even
just from surrounding areas we all know
them and there just been a lot of boys
that have just passed away that was a
good thing about here the like even
though people were from like s Everyone
s came here together and like
he was part of the crew back in the day
he was around one of the first like
times that the boys passed was a big
card Chase it was all over the news and
um they ended up crashing and three of
the boys pass and he was one of them and
he survived and and T so they they
actually survived that that we were
really young we were like 15 16 um so
rest in peace trash him
um and man rest in peace of swer first K
if it wasn't overdoses it was murdered
like it they're in jail like there's a
lot of boys that haven't just they're
still working it out or they're not here
with us so you know we want to make sure
we give that homage you know what I mean
one of the young boys ended up getting
for imagine the cops holding a gun to
your head telling you let go of his neck
bro yeah and this he said I didn't want
to do it and when he did pissed that
blood died good he TR TOS from it man
yeah bro that's That's Heavy huh how
young was the kid that got
oh man 13 he ended up
knocking got sick of getting bullied
went up and just jabbing one as well as
back in the day we used to Havey old we
used to have access to the roofs and we
used to have a lot of jumpers oh that's
it you can't get up there now no not
anymore but I remember I was standing
with a friend's uh little brother and
this guy just fell in front of me and it
was just disgusting man it's flat yeah
they shot that [ __ ] down as well I R
because people used to Chuck controllers
off there TVs and
[ __ ] what do I this is clar she's 100%
like the best female rapper in Australia
check her
out so you what's her name what's her
name boss so you've got two of the best
rappers in austral incling spania and
third everyone forgets that I used to
rap before was a YouTuber and I want to
give and I want to give a shout out to
Columbia because that's how I came
across Bard winner was crooked uh
hypnotics and he would send me the
videos when you first started shooting
he said there was one in a train tunnel
by like old school stuff saying what
he's talking about he's all have no idea
when I got out of jail and I started
rapping on YouTube before I knew what
was going on and yeah she's she's from
here so yeah she's one of the best
rappers GRE up right there so you know
we're trying to uplift our community
that's what I'm trying to do that's what
no plant B is about you know so I'm just
trying to help you show something on
your back there's nothing
there you just showed us it was on
so mentioning Rubes I actually have a um
music video coming out called Reuben and
it is about Rubes and D song so that's
going to be on YouTube too man check it
out little Jay Ruben and it's a mad
song spent a lot of time in Jo since
I've years yeah have you I've had a
little bit of a vacation from pan come
here and made all these new people every
time you get out it's all new heads all
new heads yeah same same stories same St
they knocked them
down they're knocking down everything
they're knocking in four years time
they're going to knock down everything
and build ones like this oh yeah over
there like the ones over there yeah so
where it's fenced off here this was well
this was this was like like this what
made them specifically knock this one
down you reckon as opposed were were
these the worst ones they were probably
one of the first here and the ones
at you see there's still walk UPS around
yeah but they're going to knock all them
down now they've just rebuilt them and
they're half government half private y
yep yep yep yep oh that's what they're
doing so they half half houso half
private so they're sort of spreading out
the ghetto a sad yeah that's what they
do everywhere but they're beautiful
Flats yeah are they yeah I've went
inside in construction in solar powered
CCTV one
thores we ended up having Richmond boys
there was an issue that transpired and
we heard they were coming down about 30
of the Richmond flat boys came down
there was about 30 of us here and um it
was supposed to just be a chat but we
didn't know if they were coming on but
whatever we just stoed all the machetes
in here about 30 just cover a cover we
ended up chatting it out and it was
funny because everyone said what up what
up obviously there was a few boys that
didn't see our ey but it would have been
our blood bar had it gone off BR they
never knew that we just had but this was
we'd all just kind of like wait for them
to come in St and there was a lot of
retaliation back in the day coming out
so and as you can see know all of this
was flat Rises lot of memories um it's
SB yeah just a lot of gentrification lot
of the boys had their they making money
off you can buy some now can you yeah he
was saying it's half private half
private half private so it's mixed in
hous and private that's what they do
they do that everywhere now they do that
everywhere they're doing that in Sydney
because what their idea is is that uh if
you have too many housos together that's
what creates a ghetto so if you spread
them out amongst richer people then it
can't create like that situation so that
that's the logic yeah until
they start moving out like [ __ ] who's my
neighbor so we kick it here we kick it
in then and here just up here one of the
the last spots that we all kick in in
the 80s before they had those windows up
there that's where face the jump oh yeah
as a kid I used to walk under the flats
I was too scared to walk on the outside
cuz I scared body was going to drop oh
no way that's back in the 80s heroin and
Hip Hop heroin and Hip
Hop why is there an extremely violent
pitball down there we got a dog with us
here we'd all be drinking up here just
kick it back sometimes you just got this
whole area packed down again 100 of us
drinking [ __ ] heaps of flats all down
there were Flats but I was thinking it
was one so so what been what three how
many three 2 3 4 5 there was like seven
eight like more 10 yeah as well yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah all there in the
Reuben music video I filmed in those
Flats particularly so you will see it
but like just and what about these ones
these ones these ones are still active
they're still no rumors that they're
disappearing I don't know but I I just
feel like I don't know how they're going
to knock these
down they can't yeah so active yeah
there's too many people relying on this
place in Sydney the way it worked when
they done that and I think it might have
a same approach is they do put them
somewhere else temporary and they do
have them to go back in there unless
they have drug convictions okay so
that's how they work so so it's like
yeah if you have a drug conviction
you're staying in the yeah they Chuck
you in the western suburbs and everyone
who behave while they leave they come
back in and all the criminals stay out
there that's that's the way they do it
so it might be the same here all right
we're going up into the flood
here oh yeah I forgot the
security oh there's not all s just the
ones walking around
yeah there was two brothers from our
Hood papis brothers and they ended up
going world famous and they ended up
taking on Tony Hawk no way yeah from
here and this is where they were there
that's where they used to skate
yeah they were skers and Tony Haw are
dirty r i don't like oh yeah he took the
900 from from T man cuz Tess was
practicing that [ __ ] for months yeah
it's like he did it one of the boys did
the 900 first and
thenon so he made it a thing to go do it
like all on camera just just to get in
there quick [ __ ] yeah one of them
ones you know I mean buts from here and
they they full went to the tops like
first Tony one of them passed one of
them got locked like they were hit me
the document is called all all is Mayhem
all is Mayhem yeah man if you want to
look that up that's crazy that's a mad
story that was a skate park you know
skate culture something in Melbourne
back then
it SK because skating always got went
hand or from where I'm from hand in hand
with graffiti to a certain sense you
know what I mean cuz there was a
festival called Chapel Street Festival
imagine Chapel Street on a festival from
winds all the way up so they shut it
down because it was getting too violent
cuz there'd be like 100 of us buting
everybody and the festival was what type
of Festival Music Festival uh everything
Street they
just well how often once a year a that's
mad some of our boys Old school bit
older generation got into it with police
cave these yeah and after that like a
lot of players got hurt and they were
like we can't do this anymore cuz every
Chapel Street Festival was just h
abely 100 CS be at theing ball yeah 100%
punching on we be punching on with each
other did that have a name that that
skate that bowl no no just pan skate
skate park yeah it only a bowl back in
the day oh it was a bowl yeah yeah the
half poipe and the bow you know so
that's that's the old half it's all
rusted out that's the same one so
they're replacing that yeah they're
gentrifying that whole thing Mak so yeah
they have basketball courts to and all
that and I say there's floods straight
across there too small fls what's it
stre I
think more Elder over there knife boys
let's see it South Melbourne to BR Flats
what's going on thank you
boys man lers
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