The Adventures of Paddington Bear - Paddington in the Galapagos | Classic Cartoons for Kids HD
TLDRالنص يحكي قصة小熊 بيينغتون، الذي يبدأ حياته الجديدة في إنجلترا بعد مغادرة بيرو وحده. يلتقي بيينغتون بعائلة براون ويصبح ابنهم، وهو دائمًا يساعد الآخرين وين 찾아ل مشكلة. يحاول الشخصية الغامضة المشاكل، وهو دائمًا يجد طريقة للوصول إلى أرضه. يتميز بيينغتون برؤية فريدة من نوعها، ينظر إلى كل شيء كأنها جديدة، وهو دائمًا لطيف ودائمًا يحاول الأمور بشكل صحيح. ومع ذلك، يقع في مشاكل عالقة بنفس الطريقة. يتضمن النص أيضًا مقاطع من الحياة اليومية للعائلة براون، مثل تركيب الباب الخدمة في المطبخ والعمل على مسار الخرسانة في الحديقة. كما يتضمن النص مغامرات بيينغتون مع الحيوانات في جزر غالابagos وتجربة مغامرة في معرض البورتوبيلو.
- 🧳 **Paddington小熊离开秘鲁独自前往英国,开始了新生活。**
- 🏠 **布朗一家收留了Paddington,他成为了家庭的一员。**
- 🤗 **Paddington乐于助人,总是尽力帮助每个人。**
- 🔍 **当问题出现时,Paddington从不放弃,总能找到解决问题的方法。**
- 🌟 **他有自己独特的观点,看待一切事物都像是全新的。**
- 👍 **Paddington友好且有礼貌,总是尽力做正确的事情。**
- 😅 **尽管如此,他还是会陷入一些困境。**
- 🗣️ **他充满好奇心,直言不讳,但麻烦总是紧随其后。**
- 🏡 **邻居库里先生一直在模仿布朗家的装修,包括安装服务窗口和铺设混凝土小径。**
- 👷 **布朗先生完成了家中的多项装修,包括安装服务窗口和粉刷厨房。**
- 📸 **在加拉帕戈斯群岛,格罗弗先生和桑切斯先生进行了自然研究,拍摄了独特的生物。**
- 🚗 **格鲁伯先生拥有一辆古老的蒸汽动力汽车,希望在波特贝洛路的国际博览会上展出。**
- 💪 **Paddington意外地参与了“世界上最强壮的男人”比赛,并展示了他的力量。**
- 🎉 **通过大家的共同努力,格鲁伯先生的汽车得以修复并参加了盛大的游行。**
- 🛁 **Paddington期待洗一个热水澡,而布朗太太则对魔法泡泡的效果感到满意。**
Q & A
هل بارينغتون يعيش الآن في إنجلترا؟
-نعم، بارينغتون يعيش في إنجلترا بعد مغادرته من بيرو.
ماذا فعل بارينغتون بعد أن لفت نظرة مستر كوري؟
-بارينغتون قام بتدمير جدار في منزل مستر كوري، وهو ما كان مجرد خطأ.
لماذا يحاول مستر كوري نسخ أفكار الآخرين؟
-يبدو أن مستر كوري لا يملك أفكاره الخاصة الأصلية، بل يحاول نسخ ما يفعله الآخرون.
ماذا حدث عندما حاول مستر براون التقاط صورة للدب الأرجواني؟
-الدب الأرجواني تفاجئهم وهو يطارد مستر براون وmr. Grover.
ماذا تعني كلمة "الكروم" في هذا السياق؟
-في النص، "الكرون" يشير إلى المركبات القديمة التي تعمل بالبخار، قبل اختراع المحرك.
لماذا يساعد بارينغتون مستر غروبر في إصلاح المركبة القديمة؟
-بارينغتون يساعد مستر غروبر لأن المركبة قد تكون مفيدة في المهرجان الدولي على طريق روتوبيلو.
ما هي الوظيفة الجديدة لبارينغتون في الأحداث الأخيرة؟
-بارينغتون يحاول مساعدة في إصلاح المركبة القديمة و使之准备好 للمشاركة في المهرجان.
ماذا يحاول مستر غروبر تحقيقه من خلال التصوير في جزر غالابagos؟
-يحاول مستر غروبر التقاط صورًا لأنواع جديدة لم تُعرَّف عليها من قبل في جزر غالابagos.
لماذا تغيرت الخطة الأصلية لبارينغتون ومثيله في المهرجان؟
-الخطة الأصلية تغيرت لأن المركبة تعرضت لبعض المشاكل، مما أدى إلى استبدالها بفكرة جديدة.
ما هي الميزة الوحيدة لدار مستر كوري في الشارع؟
-الميزة الوحيدة لدار مستر كوري هي وجود فتحة تسليم، التي لم تكن موجودة في أي منزل آخر في الشارع.
ماذا يشير إلى العبارة "i do wish mr curry would hurry up and finish all his home improvements"؟
-العبارة تشير إلى أن مدام براون تشعر بالقلق أو الانتظار لأن مستر كوري ينفق وقتًا طويلاً في تحسينات منزله.
😀 Paddington's New Life and Mr. Curry's Imitation
The first paragraph introduces Paddington, a bear from Peru who has started a new life in England with the Browns. He is portrayed as a helpful and friendly individual who always tries to do the right thing, despite sometimes getting into trouble. The narrative also touches on Mr. Curry, a neighbor who is preoccupied with copying the Browns' home improvements, such as the serving hatch and concrete path. Paddington decides to stay home while the Browns are out, but finds himself entangled in Mr. Curry's renovation plans, which include a misguided task that leads to Paddington knocking down walls instead of helping with the stakes for a path.
🏡 Mr. Curry's Home Improvements and the Galapagos Adventure
The second paragraph continues the story with Mr. Curry's efforts to emulate the Browns' home, including a mistaken directive to Paddington that results in a wall being knocked down. Meanwhile, the Browns are on an exciting trip to the Galapagos Islands to study and photograph the wildlife. They meet Mr. Grover, a researcher who has been granted permission to conduct his research due to Paddington's Peruvian origin. The paragraph ends with the Browns and Mr. Grover attempting to photograph a blue-footed booby, but their efforts are thwarted by unexpected challenges.
📸 A Rare Discovery and Mr. Grubber's Old Car
The third paragraph describes a surprising turn of events where a rare, undocumented species is captured on film during the Browns' Galapagos Islands visit. The footage reveals that the species resembles Paddington's attire, but its whereabouts are unknown. The narrative then shifts to Mr. Grubber's acquisition of an old steam-powered car, which he wishes to restore with Mr. Brown's help for an upcoming international fair. Despite an accident that damages the car, they manage to repair it, and Paddington inadvertently becomes part of a strongman competition at the fair.
🤸♂️ Paddington's Unexpected Strongman Victory
In the fourth paragraph, Paddington, who is clean and shiny after being washed with magic bubbles, accidentally enters a strongman competition at the Portobello Road International Fair. Despite the initial confusion and the challenge of holding up a heavy bone prize, Paddington manages to impress the crowd with his strength, which is further amplified by his slippery state from the cleaning solution. His victory brings joy and relief to Mr. Grubber, who was worried about his car's damaged state.
🛁 Paddington's Anticipation for a Bath and the Magic Bubbles
The final paragraph concludes the script with Paddington looking forward to a hot bath after his eventful day. Mrs. Bird expresses amazement at the effectiveness of the magic bubbles, which cleaned Paddington thoroughly. The paragraph ends on a note of anticipation for the potential of the magic bubbles for future use, hinting at more adventures to come.
💡Mr. Curry
💡Mrs. Brown
💡Galapagos Islands
💡Serving Hatch
💡Steam-Powered Automobile
💡Portobello Road
💡Strongest Man
💡Magic Bubbles
Paddington left Peru and sailed to England alone, where he was taken in by the Browns and began a new life as their son.
Paddington is always eager to help everyone, never misses a beat, and always finds a way to land on his feet.
Paddington has a unique point of view, looking at everything as if it's brand new.
He is friendly, polite, and always tries to do things right, but often gets into sticky situations.
Paddington is curious and speaks his mind, but trouble seems to follow him.
Mr. Curry is constantly copying the Browns' home improvements, such as the serving hatch and concrete path.
Mr. Brown installed a serving hatch that made life easier for everyone in the household.
Paddington accidentally knocks down a wall at Mr. Curry's house while trying to help.
Mr. Curry surprisingly appreciates Paddington's mistake and decides to use the rubble for his path.
Paddington mistakenly creates a serving hatch in Mr. Curry's house instead of the Browns'.
Mr. Curry is delighted with the serving hatch and considers it a practical, unique addition to his home.
Mr. Grover and Mr. Sanchez are in the Galapagos Islands to photograph and study the animals.
The Browns join Mr. Grover and Mr. Sanchez on their Galapagos adventure to observe evolution in action.
Paddington inadvertently becomes the subject of a rare species discovery by Mr. Grover and Mr. Sanchez.
Mr. Brown and Paddington work together to restore an old steam-powered car for the Portobello Road International Fair.
Paddington competes in the "Strongest Man in the World" challenge at the fair and impresses the crowd.
Paddington's strength and slipperiness help Mr. Galore start Mr. Grubber's car for the grand parade.
Mr. Grubber thanks Mr. Brown and Paddington for their help, allowing him to participate in the parade.
Paddington looks forward to a nice hot bath after his adventures at the fair.
Mrs. Bird uses the magic bubbles to get Paddington clean and shiny after a long day.
left peru and sailed to england alone
there he met the browns and they took
him home
now a new life has begun he
is son
cause he always does his best to help
when a problem appears he never misses a
and always finds a way to land on his
has his very own unique point of view
looks at everything as if it's brand new
he is friendly and polite and he tries
to do things right
but he gets in sticky messes just the
he's curious and speaks his mind but
trouble's never far behind it's
i do wish mr curry would hurry up and
finish all his home improvements i
wouldn't mind if they were his ideas in
the first place but now he's even
talking of putting a serving hatch in
his kitchen wall just like the one mr
brown installed he said he'd do that
right after he copies the concrete path
mr brown put in our garden
if mr curry's not simply being mean he's
busy copying everyone else's ideas
are you sure you won't come with us
paddington no thank you mrs brown i
think i'll stay at home and sit in the
garden oh
i don't think you'll get much peace not
while mr curry's busy trying to copy all
of henry's improvements
it had indeed been a very busy week for
mr brown
the serving hatch he installed made life
easier for everyone not just mrs bird
and the kitchen sparkled with a fresh
coat of paint
it was when mr brown laid the new
concrete path in the garden that mr
curry got wind of it all
mrs byrd says that mr curry's never had
an original idea in his life
i'll never finish these renovations
good morning bear
good morning mr curry i wonder if you'd
care to lend a poor bear i'm laying down
some stakes and it's a bit difficult
with only one pair of hands
this way
mrs bird is right mr curry
you do want your house to look like ours
anyway i'll show you where you can put
the stakes and you can carry on while i
go out for more supplies
and if you finish before i get back you
can collect some rubble for the paths
if you do a good job there might be 10
pence in it for you
thank you mr carrie but good now when i
nod my head you hit it
where are you bear
come back here bear
i couldn't believe my ears when mr curry
told me to hit his head but over the
years i've learned never to question him
there's always a first time
now i shall have to stop at the doctors
before buying my supplies
while i hadn't agreed to lend a poor
with the stakes or collect rubble i did
feel badly about hitting mr curry and i
wanted to make it up to him
but since he hadn't shown me where to
put the stakes i'd have to find another
way to help him
and i did oh
i found that knocking down walls was
much more interesting than what mr curry
had planned for me
even with all the dust
i had finished one of the best jobs i
could ever remember doing and i was sure
mr curry would be just as pleased
oh dear i think i'm in trouble again
i'd seen the brown's house from a great
many different angles
but never from that direction
there you are there what are you up to
what am i up to now mr curry
ah i see you're trying to make amends
and you've done very well this is
excellent rubble here i promised you ten
pence and i must say you've earned it
thank you very much mr curry
but i won't spend it yet in case you
want it back nonsense of course i shan't
want it back
this rubble's just what i need for my
i don't think you should use it for your
path mr curry you may want it for
something else something else whatever
are you on about give me an example
if it's all the same to you mr curry
i'd rather not well
back to weapon
that's welcome up again in a hurry once
it's set
where have you got to bear
i just saw a bear running that way he'll
be doing more than running when i catch
him don't worry mate i'll just leave
your milk in this delivery hatch won't
even have to bother you from now on
delivery hatch
it's a terrific idea you know i'm sure
the grocery boy and anyone else who has
to make deliveries will agree
it'll make life so much easier
if you build a cupboard inside you won't
even have to answer the door
i wouldn't would i
ah there you are bear
come here at once
i'm sorry about the serving hatch mr
curry you see i picked the wrong wall by
mistake your house is the same as the
browns except everything's the other way
around don't worry bear it's a splendid
idea very practical indeed don't know
why i didn't think of it ages ago
and you know what the best part of it is
bear it was free mr curry
not only that bear what's best of all is
that no other house on the street has
maybe i'll surprise mr brown with one as
people come from all over the world to
photograph and study the animals of the
galapagos islands
that is why i'm afraid you only have one
day to carry out your research mr grover
that should be plenty of time mr sanchez
i'm sure i'll be able to get all the
photographs i need for my book the world
and its wonders and it is because of
this young bear that you have been given
permission after all he is from peru and
because peru and ecuador are right next
to each other
we're neighbors mr sanchez exactly
we will meet back here at the end of the
day good luck
isn't this exciting mr brown the
galapagos islands where evolution
happens before your very eyes
look mr brown
oh wait
i hope evolution slows down a bit while
we're here mr gruber otherwise you won't
get any good pictures
the blue footed booby steady mr brown
don't startle it
i'm sorry mr gruber but you didn't say
anything about it startling me don't
worry mr brown but we shall have to work
out a plan if we are to get the
photographs we need
you go that way
and i'll go this way we will circle
towards each other and corner the bear
bears are good at going around in
circles mr gruber
quietly friend do not frighten them away
hurry fritz oh the shot will be ruined
we've waited hours for the sun to be
perfectly positioned and to ruin the
me fritz you are the one who wasn't fast
one whole month and still we have
nothing interesting for a documentary
film on the galapagos islands
we must find something soon our
reputations will be ruined
but where's mr gruber
perhaps i can see him from up there
but i'll need to use my claws
what's that
red feet
are you feeling of course
do you see that
red feet blue body red crest what kind
of creature is this
i have never seen anything like it
you had better not ruin this shot fritz
mr gruber
we must get closer but first
we need
i certainly have a helpful assistant his
cries sent the bird right to me
sorry mr gruber
oh mr gruber i've ruined another picture
that's quite all right mr brown we'll
just have to try again
whatever happened to your wellingtons
oh i left them back there perhaps you
should fetch them while i tracked the
i loved this part of our job
i shall be taking leaves out of my hair
for weeks you must be perfectly quiet
friend i must be quiet
that sounds like something very large
i hope it isn't something that's looking
for lunch
here it comes
ah it must have spotted us it is time to
get away
it's chasing me
this creature is behaving strangely
almost as if it knows it is being
something sprung a leak
i must be sure to tell mr sanchez about
now is the time to get a close-up we
must be very careful who knows what
we're dealing with
i wonder if this creature has a defense
it could be dangerous
this creature it
it throws rocks
ah mr brown
i'm afraid to say that i've lost the
well there's lots more we can take
pictures of mr gruber
it's the blue footage booby again
i think it's after your marmalade
aunt lucy always told me to share
good work mr brown
hurry up mr gruber it's about to begin
what a stroke of luck mr brown to be
able to watch a nature documentary on
the galapagos islands so soon after our
trip there
i'm sure it'll be very helpful for your
book mr gruber
we have made a truly wonderful discovery
a new species never before seen on the
galapagos islands isn't that right mr
experts have examined this footage quite
carefully and all agree that this is an
undocumented species
but that looks like my coat and my
wellingtons and my hat but the greatest
mystery is that this rare species seems
to have disappeared without a trace
well we know where that rare species is
don't we mr brown and if you had your
camera mr gruber you could take a
picture of it
my favorite part of the day is sharing
my buns with mr gruber i always learn a
lot from our chats together
good morning mr gruber
mr gruber
that's funny mr gruber never misses our
i do hope he's all right
not a sign of him
and no clues
and second thoughts
mr gruber are you all right
mr brown is that you
ah good morning mr brown
i see you've spotted my greatest
acquisition it's an old croc
that's the name given to vintage cars
this one is so old it runs on steam you
mean you have to boil a kettle to make
it go
no no mr brown what i mean is that it's
a steam-powered automobile it was built
in the days before they invented the
engines we used today
but i'm afraid it's a little worse for
wear at the moment
i wonder if you wouldn't mind helping me
to restore it mr brown restore it oh yes
please mr gruber
soon there will be the international
fair in the portobello road and i hope
to enter it in the grand parade
if it's ready in time i've had plenty of
practice at cleaning things up mr gruber
i'm sure we'll be able to turn this old
croc into a new one in no time at all
and after a lot of hard work that's just
what we did
but i also managed to get
very very dirty
it was time to use a secret weapon
magic bubbles contain special
ingredients with just one capful magical
results are guaranteed
magical results that's just what i need
if one capful does all they say think
what two might do
after all tomorrow is a very special day
here you are paddington i think i've
removed all the stains thank you very
much mrs bird you look so clean and
and so slippery
it almost seems a pity to cover you up
it's the magic bubbles mrs bird
two-ton muscles galore the strongest man
in the
world he sounds very interesting
ah mr brown i have to go and register
the car
why don't you have a look around the
where shall i start mr gruber
why just follow your nose mr brown
ah i see you've seen the bony praise
prize for dawson the keeper
you're kidding me roy he'd never be able
to hold it up i'll have you know that
bears are very good at holding things
thank you very much
come on now muscles it's time for your
oh dear mr brown this has put a damper
on our entering the grand parade perhaps
we could try parading it on three wheels
it's possible i suppose mr brown
but someone would have to hold the other
someone with a lot of strength
i shall be a moment mr gruber
here in this corner i give you the
strongest man in the world the one the
only two
and our challenger ladies and gentlemen
whoa you champ
my name isn't champ it's paddington
brown and i'm from darkest peru
helen is cooler
all the way from darkest peru
paddington brown
now ain't this just a funny turn of
events it's him again
i'm gonna enjoy this
mr galon i was
he's all slippery
he's all slippery worse than an eel
did you hear that
come over here
no thank you just
you ought to be ashamed of yourself why
don't you pick on someone your own size
mrs bird i only wanted to ask mr galore
if he'd help with mr gruber's car
anything i'll do anything you want just
get her to start will ya
i must thank you mr brown i almost given
up hope of entering the grand parade
you're welcome mr gruber but mrs bird
helped a bit too
you looking very full of beans
paddington anyone would think you had a
bus to catch actually i'm looking
forward to a nice hot bath mrs bird
goodness gracious
wonders will never cease my whiskers are
a bit dusty so i may need some more
magic bubbles they were so successful
today who knows what results they could
bring tomorrow
curious and speaks his mind but troubles
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