TLDRمرحبا بكم في فيديو جديد من القناة، حيث نشهد معركة فريقات الأبطال بين جوش (alias kid Martinelli) و رومانيلو (alias kids son). جوش صديق كبير لرومانس، وقد نزحف إلى لوس أنجلوس لهذه المعركة العظيمة في حقبة جوش. القواعد بسيطة: بعد كل تحدي سيتم اختيار لاعبين لفريق الأبطال. تحديات بدأت باختيار حارس الgoalkeeper بين أليسون و إيديسون، ثم استمر الأحداث مع تحديات مثل تحدي الدقة والضربة القاطعة، وحتى تحدي التحكم باللمس. اللاعبين يتنافسون لاختيار أفضل لاعبين مثل فيران فان ديك و كين دي بروين. الأحداث تتطور مع تحديات أخرى مثل تحدي الضربات الجزاء و التحكم باللمس، وحتى الجولة الأخيرة التي تحدد اللاعبين الأخيرين في فريق الأبطال. جوش يختار رونالدو في النهاية، بينما يحصل رومانيلو على ميسي. يرجى التعليق على القناة لمعرفة فريقك الأفضل بين فريق جوش (مارتينيلي) وفريق رومانيلو (سونيك).
- 🎥 Josh (AKA Kid Martinelli) and Roman (AKA Kid Son) are competing in an Ultimate Team Battle in Josh's backyard in LA.
- 📋 The rules are simple: they go through challenges to earn the right to choose players for their ultimate team.
- 🤾♂️ The first challenge is for the goalkeepers, with options being Allison and Edison, decided by a top bin challenge.
- 🏟️ The second challenge is an accuracy challenge to knock a ball off a cone, with center backs Micky van and Thiago Silva as rewards.
- 😂 A face-to-face 'first to laugh' challenge determines the selection of Mickey van and Thiago Silva for the teams.
- ⚽ A crossbar challenge follows, with the winner choosing between Ruben Diaz and Van Dijk for their squad.
- 🧢 The players are tasked with creating their own challenge, which involves hitting a rebounder and then hitting Roman on the head.
- 🏆 Josh wins the top bin challenge and chooses Edison as his goalkeeper, while Roman gets Allison.
- 🥅 Roman wins the accuracy challenge and picks Mickey van, leaving Thiago Silva for Josh.
- 🏃♂️ In a touch control challenge, the players earn points by controlling the ball within a square, with Phil Foden or Bukayo Saka as the reward.
- 🥅 A penalty shootout challenge is followed by a duel 1v1, with the winner choosing between Modric and Toni Cruz.
- 🏡 The final challenges involve kick-ups with the choice between Harland and Kane, and a free kick challenge to complete their teams.
Q & A
-视频中提到的两位主要角色是Josh,也被称为kid Martinelli,和Rom,也被称为kids son。
-在1对1对决挑战中,Josh和Rom必须在视频开始时提到的“top bins”位置得分。
-在任意球挑战中,Josh和Rom可以选择的球员包括Harland、Kane、Mbappe、Vinnie junor、Messi和Ronaldo。
-Josh和Rom在视频中提到了'top bins'(顶进垃圾桶)、'crossbar challenge'(横梁挑战)、'kick-ups'(踢起球)等足球术语。
😀 开场介绍及守门员挑战
😄 精准度挑战与中后卫选择
接下来的挑战是精准度挑战,两位选手尝试将球射落锥形标志,胜者可以为球队选择中后卫。挑战中,Josh和Roman进行了一场面对面的不笑比赛,最终Roman胜出,选择了Mickey van,而Josh则得到了Thiago Silva。随后是横梁挑战,胜者可以为球队选择球员,但具体球员未在挑战中透露。
😉 反应挑战与神秘挑战
😊 球员选择与1v1对决
两位选手面临球员选择挑战,Roman选择了Kevin De Bruyne,而Josh选择了Jude Bellingham。随后是控制挑战,每人有三次尝试将球控制在指定区域内以得分。最后,进行了1v1对决,胜者可以为球队选择球员,Josh选择了Toni Cruz,而Roman则得到了Modric。
😁 最终挑战与球队展示
视频的最后部分是关于最终挑战的,两位选手进行了一场精彩的任意球挑战,以完成他们的球队并选择最后的球员。Josh和Roman分别选择了Mbappé和Vincent Junior。最终,Josh选择了Ronaldo,而Roman得到了Messi。视频以展示两队阵容和观众评论哪队更优结束。
😇 结束语
💡Ultimate Team Battle
💡Rock Paper Scissors
💡Accuracy Challenge
💡Crossbar Challenge
💡Touch Control Challenge
💡Duel 1 V 1
💡Free Kick Challenge
💡Comment Section
Josh and Roman are competing in an Ultimate Team Battle in Josh's backyard in LA.
The rules are simple: win a challenge, choose a player for your ultimate team.
The first challenge is for the goalkeepers between Allison and Edison.
Josh wins the top bin challenge and chooses Edison as his goalkeeper.
The next challenge is an accuracy challenge to knock the ball off a cone.
Roman wins the accuracy challenge and chooses Mickey van as his center back.
Josh gets Thiago Silva as his center back after losing the accuracy challenge.
The Crossbar Challenge determines who gets to choose a player between Ruben Diaz and Van Dijk.
Josh successfully hits the crossbar and chooses Van Dijk for his team.
In a creative challenge, the players must hit a rebounder and then hit Roman on the head.
Josh wins the reaction challenge and gets to choose between Rudiger and CBA.
Roman is left with the choice of Jude Bellingham and Kevin De Bruyne.
Roman chooses Kevin De Bruyne for his team over Jude Bellingham.
The touch control challenge awards points for controlling the ball within a square.
Roman wins the touch control challenge, earning the right to choose between Phil Foden and Saka.
Josh wins the 1v1 duel and gets to choose between Modric and Toni Cruz.
In a square control challenge, Josh and Roman compete to control the ball in a marked area.
Josh chooses between Haaland and Kane in a kick-ups challenge.
The final challenge is a free kick challenge with mannequins as targets.
Josh and Roman have to choose between Messi and Ronaldo for their last team pick.
Josh ends up with Ronaldo, while Roman gets Messi for his ultimate team.
Viewers are encouraged to comment on which team they think is the best.
yes guys welcome back to the channel
this is an Ultimate Team Battle we have
got Josh AKA kid Martinelli versus
romalino AKA kids son now Josh is a big
friend of Romans we've flown all the way
to LA and we are in Josh's Back Garden
for this epic battle so what are the
rules really simple guys you're going to
go through a number of challenges if you
win the challenge you get to choose one
of two players to go in your ultimate
team you guys vote Below on the team
that wins this ultimate Challenge are
you up for this guys yes yes I'm going
to beat you no you
get get comment below which seems better
Arsenal or Spurs so the first challenge
is for the goalkeepers and the
goalkeeper choices are between Allison
and Edison so if you win the challenge
you get to choose what goalkeeper is on
your team the challenge is a top Bing
challenge I I don't really care who I
get cuz they're both decent goalkeepers
rock paper scissor to see who goes first
wait what's the challenge again rock
paper scissors who goes first top bin
yeah Rock Paper Scissors Shoot yes oh do
you want him to go first or you go first
I want to go first you can end it right
here Josh and pick your best goalkeeper
how you feeling good nervous no you
ready for this yeah you know what to do
give me a spud watch this he's techy
techy who's that
richison it it's like a chicken dan what
is that what keeper is he going to
choose oh it's close roam your up oh my
money don't jiggle jiggle it folds i'
like to see you wiggle wiggle the
pressure is on Roman
now oh the pressure got to him round two
no top Bean zenos yet R it's not your
shot bro oh my
gosh Josh do you think he's going to get
this one no you'll get your next shot
yeah what's that K oh no that you got a
gun with like a little wheel what that
down there that is Smoothie to be fair
he missed his mouth and look no it just
dripped down here uh well Roman where is
Tottenham in the league oh that
definitely put him off low blow where's
Tottenham in the league okay Josh steps
up I've got a good feeling about this
one for Josh oh it's so close guys it is
so close your your breast smells like
the gravy that you ate last
week what you you can't say that then
miss a shot that was a low blow the
gravy violation specifically gravy I
mean what's going on bro what are you
talking about man
here we go
oh that is it Joshi makes he's on the
floor he is oh he's dropped the ball on
him and the ball's in the top binzo so
Josh wins the top bins challenge Josh
you get to choose between Allison and
Edison to make your squad Edison he's
choosing Edison I know it which means
Roman gets Allison Josh gets Edison and
we are on to the next challenge let's go
so boys the next challenge is an
accuracy challenge you have got to try
and knock the ball off the cone you're
going to be shooting from the other end
you got to try and knock the ball off
the cone if you do that you get to
choose another Center back and the
center backs are Micky vaner and Thiago
Silva go down that end guys good luck
let's go guys this isn't rock paper
scissors this is the first to laugh
loses face to face you have to look at
each other's eyes and the first one to
crack loses get Giggles yeah get your
Giggles can't smile get G get them out
Josh one more get them out
I think Josh is going to lose this one 3
two 1
turn toam get bed everywhere they go
topam get batted everywhere they
go oh so close Arenal
geted oh so close I like the standard
boy ready
oh oh oh oh
oh rodino gets the point but hang on
you've got one more go cuz Roman went
first so Josh you've got to make
this I Roman you take the point you get
to choose Mickey van oh he's chosen
Mickey vanin which means Josh you get
Sila this is the Battle of the north you
have got Ruben Diaz and Van whoever gets
the crossbar it's Crossbar Challenge
gets to choose which player they want in
their squad rock paper scissors to see
who goes first let's go Rock Paper
Scissors Shoot oh my God remember if you
get it first go Roman still get to go
afterwards okay you both have to have
one go each at least okay Josh you know
what to do if I hear that sound that
means it's hit the crossbar let's
go I heard a little
raspberry unlucky Ryme good effort what
you're going to hear the C
oh so close to the top bins of postand
the crossbar Roman you got to focus on
your shop hey Roman this is what you
sound like on the
toilet you're godamn right it's quite
accurate to be fa no
more oh they're getting close they're
cooking and FC Academy player here he's
a baller that sound I'm just listening
to it
ready told
you I knew it I knew it Josh who are you
going to choose Van Dyk van djk Ro we've
got van djk and
Edison okay the next challenge is up to
you guys you have got 30 seconds to go
over there and come up with a challenge
then come back let's go what about
um he should pit it against that
rebounder and he's standing there and it
hits his head oh yeah Billy we've got an
idea you got an idea we think we should
hit it off the rebounder and hit your
head so what on on my nuggin you're
telling me you going to hit the
rebounder and he's got to hit me on the
head to win the challenge what's what
challenge is this I like the challenge
well I don't like the challenge but I
like the way you creatively come up with
it okay Center back we have got CBA and
rudiger to choose from okay whoever hits
me on the canister gets to choose all
right guys to see who goes first this is
a reaction challenge when call out what
you've got to do you got to put your
hands there and when I say ball it's the
first one to grab the ball are you
ball yes I got it I got it I got it you
touched it but I got it no but I I bring
it to my side no you didn't guys V on
that R first or second first it's quite
easy you know what you got to do the
challenge is you hit it there and he got
to hit me on the head okay okay and you
win a
challenge yeah boy yeah boy no no no boy
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah boy
I can't do too many of these Lads agero
that's what he does that's all he
know no I'm getting
braver oh shoulders Head Shoulders Knees
oh that g so close hit the back you got
my back in your room you got my back
literally got my back okay
oh that almost shaved my eyebrow off got
a fresh trim from the
barers oh on the buming
yes that touch your ha that skin my hair
you got a fresh fade now it's fresh how
much do I owe you $25 d right dust is
here guys Dusty give me five you can do
this can't
you oh D just like that I'm fearful of
this one
no no close tou your hair you've now got
to get the ball into the top bins I got
bins steps
oh I told you it's going to happen Josh
gets to choose it's rudiger or ca ca CRA
it is which means Rome you get rudiger
and we're on to the next challenge let's
go for this round we're not going to
tell you which players you get if you
win the challenge and we'll give you the
option afterwards this is a mystery so
the rules on this one losing goal I'm
going to demonstrate oh he plucked it
down Louis knows what's
happening oh he's put it in the top end
all you don't get double points for that
but you do get
respect rock paper scissors who goes
first it's the first person to score two
penalties wins The Challenge Paper
Scissors Shoot Rock
scissors Sho first or second no bonus
points for top bins this is just
okay oh yeah b a r what was that it's
not in it's not in massano irati and
it's been disallowed oh Lou with the
save super Lou oh Lou we love you well
you don't love him now you're about to
take a penalty against him but I'm going
to score
so jeez rece one Josh you know where to
put this
oh good save blue he's got some agility
to him that you for agility don't let
him score don't let him score
Arenal oh it over it's what he
does off the shin off the
B it's still one n it's the first of two
Lou performance of his lifetime off the
most this is theatrical to say the
least oh it's a beautiful penalty that
makes it one all going into the final we
just need one more
goal we love you Lou we do oh Lou we
love you m that was ter what was I doing
there it's 21 but Josh gets one more
shot we do oh Lou we love
you oh okay next challenge oh I haven't
said the players have I so this is a big
one you're probably thinking what player
is it oh sorry I was go that was in in
the in the konas little peanuts dry
roasted Mini Eggs happy
Easter just no need man to choose the
player in now Rome and this is a big
choice because you have got to choose
between Jude Bellingham and Kevin De
bruyne oh yes what do you mean yes what
are you choosing oh okay I can play with
K ready you going Kevin the bruyer yes
done dude Bellingham I don't know why
Kevin De bruyne locked it in let's move
on to the next round which is crossbar
chalange we done that already weor we've
done that already
okay guys so the next challenge is a
touch control challenge the guys get
three attempts each each time they
control the ball inside the square they
get a point the person with the most
points at the end are the champions
go nice that is in one
point oh
unlucky oh just outside do one
Josh oh
stay it comes down to
this it comes down to this if Roman
plucks this one he takes a victory and
he gets to choose which player makes his
Team yes
R okay so the players to choose from
this one I bet it's Messi or Ronaldo no
it's not Messi or Ronaldo but it is Phil
foden or saaka Saka come oh he's taking
sacka away from joshh strategically cuz
Josh loves sacka and Arsenal that is
savagery okay so the next round is a
duel 1 V one the ball's going to be
played in the middle the boys have got
battle it out to score it's the first
two two two twos and two twos restaurant
make sure you go there it's unbelievable
we're on deliver this is a proper
challenge are you ready guys I'm going
to kick the ball up and we're going to
play are you ready let's
go this is going to be a proper
Jew I need a toyer ah premax
nerves same again this time I'm not
going to pluck it
go oh great defending
Josh the
leg hey
hey right just to make it clear while
the balls on my head the next goal wins
and that means the next goal wins duh
back here he
is Josh you won that one you get to
choose between modic and Tony Cruz who
you choosing go mod Tony Cruz for you
Rome on to the next challenge are you
ready so for this challenge guys you
stand inside the square which doesn't
look like a square it looks more like a
rectangle so you're going to stand in
here I'm going to Zing the ball all the
way over there chicken Zinger have your
dinner control it in the Square get the
point three goes each most points wins
go oh
Unlucky One Zero good
touch yeah you went my li well you got
to adap to your environments it doesn't
always come on your left look right foot
oh guys why don't you stand inside the
square I don't understand
it no so one Z3 goes each we
wi there going to demonstrate one of
them let's move on to the next okay so
the player's choices guys there's two
players here that are both decent are
you ready you get to choose between
human son or Bernardo Silva I'm kid son
okay not just because of kid son because
son is an absolute bowler and he's one
of our own come on you
sp so guys the next challenge will be
the very first spy to hit it in every
single Target oh that's easy don't even
eat me that's easy there you go see
oh give me some skin come on
one see
yes great
shot another great shot and now we're on
be both got the top bins top
bins oh unlucky that was close thank you
very much that's it that is it Josh
that's what we're talking about Josh
needs one more row you need to secure a
top bin to be level question
is he was behind me yeah yeah so hello
hello turn around and win
hello there you
go off like that but Josh you can still
end it in one shot
oh to end
get one more try that was a shot but
Josh gets one more try this is not going
in this is not going
in come on this one is tight I don't
know what you're going to choose but it
doesn't matter Josh because even if
Roman gets a choice the other player is
so good choice is mbappe or Vinnie junor
and you locking it in yeah mbappe it is
Josh you get Vinnie
junor so we got two more challenges to
go guys and they're for two absolute
amazing groups of players the next
challenge is going to be kick ups and
they get to take their best score stay
still and the choice is between Harland
and Kane oh Harland all day Harland it
is Josh you get
HurryCane so the final challenge is the
Epic one it's a free kick Challenge and
you wait till you see what players the
guys have got to choose from to complete
their team this is going to be epic
let's get the mannequins out let's get
him out so guys it's come down to this I
think this is might be a CH what's your
tactics where you going top left top
right going to take turns like top right
top left top right top how good are you
your free kicks super good who who do
you think the last two players are maybe
like Ronaldo and someone who do you
think the last two players are Messi and
Ronaldo you think Messi and Ronaldo good
luck let's go don't forget to comment
below which ultimate team is the best
team Martinelli which is Josh or team
son which is Romans let's see who's got
the best team after they win this last
Challenge and choose their last players
let go so Josh as this is your backyard
you go first he the first person to get
in the top bins
with oh it's a great first effort Roman
steps up is he going to bend this round
the wall he does and still too short
Josh steps up again lovely off the
post yeah nice though bit of curl on it
see Josh steps up oh yes yes it's
him Josh with the shot so Josh has got
it in what a shot Josh put it up there
bro Roman's got one more shot because
Josh shot first so unless Roman pulls
out a Wy Josh gets the last pick of the
competition shoot
yes unlucky which means Josh you get the
last pick and the last pick is Messi or
Ronaldo who are you
oh okay so that means Roman gets Messi
Josh gets Ronaldo let's have a look at
both teams now and let us know in the
comment section which team you think is
best team Martinelli team Josh or team
Roman team
Sonic thanks for watching guys I'm so
happy happy that you've invited me to
this house Josh you have got the best
Back Garden football pitch I have ever
seen in my life and you've got some
serious techers M thanks so much for
inviting us hope you enjoyed this video
guys don't forget to comment below which
team you like best until next
time Bey they
5.0 / 5 (35 votes)

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