No hay peor ciego que el que No quiera ver!

18 May 202401:56


  • 🌟 Embrace uniqueness: The script emphasizes the importance of recognizing and embracing one's own uniqueness, rather than conforming to societal stereotypes.
  • 🤖 Resist conformity: It is suggested that trying to fit in with societal norms can lead to feelings of alienation and insecurity, and that one should not be like a pre-programmed robot designed to follow social mandates.
  • 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Be true to oneself: The message encourages individuals to be genuine and not to cater to others' expectations or desires, as everyone is here to be themselves, not to please others.
  • 🎨 Art for all: The script likens a person to art that is appreciated by those who can truly see and understand it, suggesting that one's value is in the eye of the beholder.
  • 🤝 Value and respect individuality: It is important to value and respect one's own individuality and not to let others mold you to fit their preferences or to belong to a group of 'standards'.
  • 💡 Self-awareness: The script encourages self-reflection and the realization that one is irreplaceable and should not compare oneself to others.
  • 🌈 Celebrate individuality: It is a call to celebrate one's individuality and to not let the judgmental, inquisitive, or mocking gaze of others cloud one's self-perception.
  • 💎 Recognize self-worth: The message is clear that each person is precious and deserving of honor, and should not feel the need to prove their worth to those who do not value them.
  • 🗣️ Speak truth to power: The script suggests that there is no need to show beauty to the blind or tell truths to the deaf, implying that those who do not value you are themselves lacking.
  • 🔓 Break free from lies: It is a call to liberate oneself from the lies that bind and to recognize one's true worth and dignity.
  • 💬 Affirmation of self-worth: The final takeaway is an affirmation that the speaker values themselves greatly and deserves much, inviting others to express the same about themselves.

Q & A

  • What is the main message of the script?

    -The main message of the script is to embrace one's uniqueness and individuality, not conforming to societal standards or stereotypes, and to value and love oneself.

  • How does the script describe the societal pressure to conform?

    -The script describes societal pressure as 'copias baratas pretendan meterte en el mismo costal de estereotipos creados por la sociedad de consumo', implying that society tries to fit everyone into the same mold of consumer-driven stereotypes.

  • What does the script suggest about the feeling of trying to fit in with societal expectations?

    -The script suggests that trying to fit in will make one feel 'extraño y con inseguridades', meaning strange and insecure.

  • What is the script's stance on being a 'robot prediseñado'?

    -The script discourages the idea of being a 'robot prediseñado', or a pre-designed robot, which implies not being someone who blindly follows social orders and mandates.

  • What is the script's advice on how to deal with people who do not appreciate your individuality?

    -The script advises to 'libera atate de las mentiras que te amarran a alguien que no eres', which means to free yourself from the lies that bind you to being someone you're not.

  • How does the script define the term 'singularidad'?

    -The term 'singularidad' in the script refers to one's uniqueness or individuality, which should be valued and respected.

  • What is the metaphor used in the script to describe the essence of a person?

    -The script uses the metaphor 'barro cósmico', or cosmic clay, to describe the unique essence of a person.

  • What does the script suggest about the importance of self-love?

    -The script suggests that self-love is crucial, stating 'Enamórate de ti', which means to fall in love with yourself.

  • How does the script address the issue of people trying to mold others to their preferences?

    -The script addresses this by saying 'Y que no quieran moldearte a su gusto y placer', indicating that one should not let others shape them according to their tastes and pleasures.

  • What is the script's perspective on the need to prove one's worth to others?

    -The script's perspective is that it is not necessary to 'mostrar belleza a los ciegos ni decir verdades a los sordos', meaning one should not feel the need to prove their worth to those who cannot or will not see it.

  • What conclusion does the script draw about self-worth?

    -The script concludes that one should recognize their own worth, as indicated by the phrases 'eres precioso y digno de honra' and 'eres mucho valgo mucho y, merezco mucho', affirming that one is precious, honorable, and of great value.




Uniqueness refers to the distinctive qualities that make something or someone one-of-a-kind. In the context of the video's message, it emphasizes the importance of recognizing and embracing one's individuality. The script mentions, 'lo único, irrepetible que eres,' highlighting that each person is irreplaceable and should not conform to societal stereotypes.


Stereotypes are widely held but fixed and oversimplified ideas or beliefs about a particular type of person or thing. The video script criticizes society for creating these, suggesting they are designed to standardize people and make them feel like 'copias baratas' or cheap copies. The video encourages viewers to resist the pressure to conform to these stereotypes.


Conformity is the act of matching attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to group norms. The script warns against the desire to fit in, stating that if one tries to conform, they will feel 'extraño y con inseguridades.' It implies that true self-worth comes from being true to oneself rather than trying to fit societal expectations.


Humanity refers to the human race or the quality of being human. The video script uses the term to differentiate between humans and robots, stating 'eres un ser humano y no un robot prediseñado.' This distinction is made to emphasize that humans should not be bound by pre-set social orders and should instead celebrate their individuality.


Appreciation in this context means recognizing and valuing someone or something for what they are. The script encourages the viewer to be appreciated for who they are, as it states 'eres para personas que sepan apreciarte como eres,' suggesting that true value comes from being acknowledged by those who understand and respect one's individuality.


Singularity refers to being the only one of its kind or having a distinctive characteristic. The video script implores the viewer to 'valora respeta tu singularidad,' which means to value and respect one's own uniqueness. It is a call to embrace the aspects that make one different from others.


Resistance here implies the act of opposing or not yielding to external pressure or influence. The script talks about 'la resistencia' and how societal norms and judgments attempt to cloud one's vision, but the viewer is encouraged to resist these influences and see their true self.


Self-love is the act of having a deep affection for oneself. The video script includes the phrase 'Enamórate de ti,' which translates to 'fall in love with yourself.' It suggests that self-love is a crucial step towards valuing oneself and not being swayed by others' opinions.


Liberation refers to the act of setting free or being set free from confinement or control. The script speaks of 'libera atate de las mentiras,' which means to free oneself from the lies that bind one to a false identity. It is a call to break free from societal constraints and embrace one's true self.


Worth in this context is the value or usefulness of something or someone. The video script asserts 'eres mucho valgo mucho y, merezco mucho,' emphasizing that each person has inherent value and should not be judged or devalued by others' standards.


Authenticity is the quality of being genuine or not false. The video script encourages the viewer to be true to themselves and not to be molded by others' preferences, as stated in 'no es necesario Mostrar belleza a los ciegos ni decir verdades a los sordos.' It suggests that one should not try to present an inauthentic version of themselves to please others.



Ojalá ojalá te dieras cuenta lo único


irrepetible que eres Aunque muchas veces


copias baratas pretendan meterte en el


mismo costal de estereotipos creados por


la sociedad de consumo con la única


intención de regular a todos como


estándar o iguales no somos todos


iguales si pretendes encajar te sentirás


extraño y con inseguridades eres un ser


humano y no un robot prediseñado para


cumplir con órdenes y mandatos sociales


vacíos puedes decidir por ti no viniste


a este mundo a complacer a nadie siempre


serás arte ante los ojos correctos no


eres del pueblo y para el pueblo eres


para personas que sepan apreciarte como


eres Y que no quieran moldearte a su


gusto y placer para según ellos


pertenecer a un grupo de Stand Ares


iguales valora respeta tu singularidad


date cuenta no tienes comparación y es


por eso la resistencia la mirada


inquisidora la burla pretende nublar tus


ojos para que no puedas verte al espejo


y descubrir quién eres pues yo te lo


diré eres barro cósmico Así que


Enamórate de ti luego de la vida y luego


de quien tú quieras te mereces mucho


porque eres mucho libera atate de las


mentiras que te amarran a alguien que no


eres eres precioso y digno de honra no


es necesario Mostrar belleza a los


ciegos ni decir verdades a los sordos


porque el que decide no valorarte es


porque en realidad no tiene para dar lo


que tú vales por favor deja en los


comentarios soy mucho valgo mucho y


merezco mucho