Wow! Fox News host forced to report DEVASTATING POLL for Trump
- 🎉 玛丽莲·兰在阿拉巴马州的特别选举中获胜,她以25个百分点的优势翻转了一个州议会席位。
- 🌟 兰的竞选聚焦于堕胎权和体外受精(IVF)的获取,这表明在保守的阿拉巴马州,生殖权利仍然是一个强有力的政治议题。
- 📊 民意调查显示,对于堕胎的看法存在分歧,35%的人认为应该始终合法,24%的人认为大多数情况下应该是合法的。
- 🚫 特朗普声称对推翻罗伊诉韦德案(Roe v. Wade)负有责任,这是反堕胎运动的一个重大胜利,但这一决定在美国并不受欢迎。
- 🤔 尽管特朗普在多个选举中遭遇失败,一些共和党人开始意识到特朗普可能会损害他所支持的人的选举机会。
- 🌊 民主党在拜登时代继续超越预期,显示出在当前政治环境下的强大势头。
- 🔄 弗吉尼亚州的选举结果导致民主党完全控制了州立法机构,这对共和党州长格伦·尤宁(Glenn Youngkin)推动限制堕胎的努力是一个重大挫折。
- 🚨 阿拉巴马州最高法院的一项裁决导致IVF服务暂时中断,这进一步凸显了对女性权利的中世纪式压制。
- 🛑 特朗普政府可能在第二任期推动更广泛的反堕胎议程,包括可能的全国性堕胎禁令。
- 💡 一些自称是亲生命的人士理解国家的立场并不在这里,他们认为第一孕期或15周是全国大多数人接受的堕胎合法时间。
- 🎬 肯·哈巴格(Ken Harbaugh)与本·梅利斯(Ben Meis)共同制作的电影《反对所有敌人》(Against All Enemies)揭示了美国叛乱分子运动的近距离画面,该电影获得了国际奖项。
Q & A
罗伊诉韦德案(Ro v Wade)是什么?
在阿拉巴马州的特别选举中,玛丽莲·兰德斯(Marilyn L)是如何获胜的?
🏛️ 政治选举与堕胎权利
此段落讨论了阿拉巴马州的一场特别选举,其中民主党候选人玛丽莲·兰因提倡堕胎和IVF(体外受精)权利而获胜。这场胜利突显了在保守的阿拉巴马州,关于生殖权利的问题仍然具有强烈的政治影响力。此外,段落还提到了特朗普对罗伊诉韦德案(Roe v. Wade)的废除表示自豪,尽管这一决定在美国并不受欢迎。
📊 民意与政治策略
🚨 特朗普与反堕胎议程
because for 54 years they were trying to
get roie weight terminated and I did it
and I'm proud to have done it on the
issue and he supports that it was his
Supreme Court Justices after all that
overturn roie Wade which was the biggest
win for the pro-life movement I think
this is a giant step forward for Alabama
I think it's a victory tonight for women
for families for Alabama in general so
that was Marilyn L last night after her
victory in a special election to fill a
vacant house seat in Alabama um abortion
IVF uh playing a role Democrat running
on abortion and IVF access wins the
special election in Alabama Marilyn
lands flipped a state house seat in the
Deep Red State by 25 percentage points
best describes um the issues view on
abortion always legal 35% mostly legal
24% uh there you see the break oh that's
got to hurt H interesting well let's he
from the current Republican front runner
on where he stands on this matter Trump
is going to make a determination what he
thinks is great for the country and
what's fair for the country but the fact
that I was able to terminate Ro v Wade
after 50 years of trying they worked for
50 years I've never seen anything like
it they worked and I was even I was so
honored to have done it well I did
something that nobody thought was
possible I got rid of Ro v Wade and by
doing that by doing
that it put Pro lifers in a very strong
negotiating position nobody did a job
like I did including roie Wade bringing
it back to the States what I did by
killing roie Wade which everyone said
was impossible oh so you're saying that
he's on the opposing side of what the
majority of Americans believe yet Fox
still run segments like this yeah it's
awful and yet it perhaps was one of the
most honest evenings we've seen in a
very long time we've always seen honesty
with President Trump what You' just said
is one of the most insanely idiotic
things I have ever heard Emily what he
said was take me on yourself don't use
those upper echelons of justic the doj
and all that permit me to to say this is
that joke between the scientist and God
in connection with promoting the God
Bless the USA Bible CU nothing is more
Christlike than the man who is currently
on trial for paying hush money to a pawn
star he allegedly had an affair with
while his wife was at home with their
child selling Bibles for $60 a pop am I
going insane first thing you say is oh
my God I mean it is not only culty it is
grifty it is so much on brand for Donald
Trump As Trump continues to boast that
he's responsible for one of the least
popular decisions in America the
overturning of row and yet another
election it was proven to be a losing
strategy for Republicans Democrat
Marilyn LS campaigned on abortion rights
in deeply conservative Alabama she won a
special election to the Alabama
legislature in a victory that well
perfectly illustrates vter backlash to
extreme reproductive restrictions
imposed by Republicans Lans decisively
defeated Republican Teddy pow to win the
seat in the House of Representatives in
a Suburban District that while yes has
been increasingly politically moderate
as of late had long been held by the GOP
people are underestimating women people
are underestimating how angry women are
people are underestimating how much
women particularly place like Michigan
mobilized and fought to codify row as a
constitutional right in our state and
there's no way we're going backwards on
that so I think we always look for you
know who do you love as a candidate
instead of the binary choice of at the
end of the day when it comes down to my
personal freedom and what I want moving
forward the person who's going to get it
done final word yeah yeah the main
headline is Democrats continue to
overperform in the Biden era just you
can't dispute it it is blowing the
polling out of the water um Republicans
haven't really had a good showing since
Trump won in 2016 and they really and I
know that there are a lot of them you
know deeply conservative people that are
coming around to the idea that Donald
Trump loses himself elections and he
loses the people that he endorses they
took the house in 2000
right 20 20 20 yeah two Yeah by three SE
so remember your no there 2022 that was
that was your Red Wave remember where
you said I'm getting a 40 seat wave and
then you got three seats and a George
Santos don't remind me okay anyway and
her Victory comes several weeks after
IVF Services were temporarily paused in
the state after the Alabama Supreme
Court issued a ruling equating Frozen
embryos to Children yes somehow
furthering their medieval suppression of
women's rights I mean the state already
bans abion at all stages of pregnancy
with no exception while discussing the
election on Fox host Brett B was fored
to report on yet another Fox News poll
that showcases just how out of touch
Maga Republicans are on the matter um
abortion IVF uh playing a role Democrat
running on abortion and IVF access wins
the special election in Alabama Marilyn
lands flipped a state house seat in the
Deep Red State by 25 percentage points
underscoring the continued political
potency of Reproductive Rights don't
know if that's a canary in the co mine
but it is interesting in Alabama if you
look at our poll Katie best describes um
the issues view on abortion always legal
35% mostly legal
24% uh there you see the breakdown I
mean let's put aside the cold H facts
that since 2016 Republicans have lost
every single election in which
reproductive Freedom was on the ballot
then as a republican I ask you please
send me a team in Richmond that will
work with me and not against me I think
we should progress a bill that protects
life and I I just wanted to make sure
people understand what we would deliver
in Virginia CNN projects Democrats will
gain full control of the state
legislature and a major setback for
Republican Governor Glenn yunan in
Virginia who had been pushing to
restrict abortion many races defined
heavily by the issue of abortion which
drove dramat de Democratic voters
dramatically to the polls big numbers
Virginia state house will be fully under
Democrat control now remember the
governor there Glen yunen was saying
that he really wanted that not to happen
he wanted to flip one side the whole
house by the way was up for
grabs he wanted one side to flip the
whole Senate up for grabs none of that
happened that will prevent State
Republicans from passing new abortion
restrictions and again yunan and
Republicans that hoped the state house
and to flip the state senate Governor
yunan had projected razor thin margins
but that Republicans would win
these races are going to be decided by
hundreds of votes in large in large
turnout but even going into next year I
I expect the exact same issues will of
course be so important to Virginians and
Americans um because this is what
impacts everybody's daily life I do this
Donald Trump lost in
2023 and last
night wow okay but it's just fascinating
that they know this yet still cow to the
needs of the man who continues to take
credit for such an unpopular stance
going to be honest about this and I
consider myself pro-life but I
understand that's not where the country
is uh I would say first trimester or
Do's 15 weeks seems to be where the
country is Kaye I want to stay with you
on this issue and and these issues will
be decided by the states you asked you
talk to the speaker of the house I talk
to the speaker of the house it is not
going to be an issue in in the House of
Representatives this is not going to be
decided any longer Washington DC the
states will decide so if States say that
okay 15 weeks is is the legal time
period where women can have an abortion
and according to reporting is
considering a nationwide abortion ban if
he gets back in office I mean talk about
attaching yourself to a sinking ship but
its consequences it's impact could be
just as devastating consider this new
reporting from Politico so right now the
Heritage foundation's 2025 presidential
transition project the sprawling
Coalition made up of nearly a 100
anti-abortion and conservative groups is
in the process of Designing a
far-reaching anti-abortion agenda for
Trump's second term their drafting
executive orders Trump could use to roll
back abortion protections orders that he
could Implement as early as day
want under a second Trump term federal
agencies could be empowered to and tele
medicine for abortion pills they could
penalize and prosecute virtual clinics
that prescribe abortion pills to
patients and states with a ban federal
agencies could stop health clinics that
receive federal Family Planning funds
from advising patients of all their
options including abortion and they
could classify ingredients in abortion
pills as so-called forever chemicals
which of course are subject to stricter
regulations they also want to require
doctors who prescribe the pill even for
miscarriages to collect and dispose of
the aborted fetus but there's more
project 2025 is also pushing Trump to
enforce a 19th century era law known as
Kong act which could not only cut access
to the pills used in the majority of
abortions but access to the medical
equipment used for the procedure and of
course strict enforcement of the law
could lead to criminal prosecutions of
both providers and patients and yes
they're also going after medically
necessary abortions calling on Trump to
resend Biden Administration guidance
that requires hospitals to offer
abortions to patients experiencing
medical emergencies regardless of State
bans on the procedure for many that can
be a matter of life and death so do not
let Donald Trump fool you with the
so-called moderate talk on abortion I
mean you'd think the results in Alabama
would have alarm bells ringing right but
if it means they're speaking out against
the cult leader they'll just pull a my
pillow over their head and read their go
God bless American Bible until it's time
to vote again good luck with that
strategy folks it's Ken Harbaugh with
the Midas touch Network the film against
all enemies which I co-produced with Ben
melis and this network has won awards
around the world for its up close
portrayal of America's insurrectionist
movement it premieres in the US on March
29th on Amazon and Apple TV go to
againstall enemies or click the
link below but don't just watch against
all enemies tell your friends about it
it's one more way to hold accountable
those who threaten our democracy thanks
might us Mighty let's use our power
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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