TLDR在这段视频中,Michael Popac 深入探讨了特朗普家族的财务问题和潜在的道德冲突。他指出,特朗普并非唯一一个向国内外投资者出售自己的政治人物。Popac 特别关注了贾里德·库什纳(特朗普的女婿)在离开白宫后迅速从沙特私人投资基金筹集到20亿美元的情况,暗示这笔投资可能与库什纳在白宫期间的外交政策决策有关。他还提到了库什纳的 Affinity 基金,该基金已经筹集了高达30亿美元的资金,主要来自库什纳在担任总统顾问期间负责的国家和地区。Popac 强调,这些投资行为似乎在出售未来的外交政策,并且对美国普通人没有直接帮助。他警告说,如果特朗普再次当选,我们可能会看到一个因外国资产影响而腐败的总统,以及一个以个人利益为先的家族。
- 💰 唐纳德·特朗普并非唯一一个在财务上受到国内外投资者影响的政治人物,他因财务问题而受到牵制。
- 🤝 贾里德·库什纳作为特朗普的女婿和前总统顾问,在离开白宫后不久就从沙特的私人投资基金那里筹集了20亿美元。
- 👑 这笔投资是在沙特领导人穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(MBS)的明确批准下进行的,尽管投资基金的董事会和顾问对此表示严重担忧。
- 📉 贾里德·库什纳的Affinity基金已经吸引了高达30亿美元的投资,这些投资全部来自他作为总统顾问时负责或覆盖的国家和地区。
- 💵 库什纳通过管理费用每年赚取约4000万美元,即使基金没有任何回报,这笔钱也是基于他在白宫期间建立的关系。
- 🚫 这种投资行为引发了对美国未来外交政策可能受到外国资产影响的担忧,尤其是在特朗普可能重返白宫的情况下。
- 👮♂️ 穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼被美国情报机构确认与记者贾马尔·科吉的谋杀案有关,贾里德·库什纳接受了这笔“血钱”投资。
- 🤔 人们对库什纳的投资能力持怀疑态度,因为他缺乏投资经验和业绩记录,但投资仍然进行,这表明投资者可能更看重他的政治联系。
- 🌐 库什纳的投资组合包括迪拜、阿布扎比、以色列、德国等地的公司,这些投资并不直接帮助普通美国人。
- 🏛️ 这种通过政治关系进行的金融交易被视为对美国外交政策和总统职位的出售,引发了对民主和道德的严重担忧。
- 📢 迈克尔·波帕克(Michael Popak)在Legal AF节目中讨论了这些问题,并强调了这些问题对美国政治和法律的影响。
Q & A
-迈克尔·波帕克提到了SEC表格ADV,这是一份投资顾问必须提交的文件,反映了Affinity Partners的投资情况。
-迈克尔·波帕克提到了美国人联合争取教会与国家分离的组织(Americans United for separation of church and state)和大法官索托马约尔(Justice Sotomayor)。
💰 特朗普家族涉嫌财务不当行为
🌎 库什纳与沙特关系对美国外交政策的潜在影响
本段落中,波帕克进一步分析了库什纳与沙特领导人穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(MBS)的关系可能对美国外交政策产生的潜在影响。他指出,库什纳在白宫期间专注于海湾阿拉伯国家,并且在贾马尔·卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)被谋杀后帮助沙特掩盖了事件。波帕克认为,沙特对库什纳的投资并非基于其投资专长,而是基于他们认为库什纳能在特朗普第二任期中为他们做些什么。他还提到了库什纳通过管理费每年赚取4000万美元,而无需投资回报,这笔钱是通过交易他在白宫期间建立的关系来赚取的。
🏛️ 俄克拉荷马州宗教公立学校与政教分离原则
👑 特朗普家族的腐败与自我利益
💡Donald Trump
💡Jared Kushner
💡Jamal Khashoggi
迈克尔·波帕克(Michael Popack)在节目《非法AF》中提出了对唐纳德·特朗普及其家族的批评,认为他们与外国投资者有不当的财务往来。
贾里德·库什纳(Jared Kushner)在离开白宫后不久便从沙特私人投资基金获得了20亿美元的投资,尽管存在道德和经验上的争议。
沙特投资基金的批准与穆罕默德·本·萨勒曼(MBS)有关,他是《华盛顿邮报》记者贾马尔·卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)被谋杀事件的主要责任人。
库什纳的投资基金Affinity Fund被指控接受来自外国来源的资金,这些资金与他在担任总统顾问期间负责的国家或人群有关。
节目提到了贝恩·罗兹(Ben Rhodes),他是奥巴马总统的顾问,他评论了库什纳与MBS的关联可能如何影响美国的外交政策。
美国人联合争取政教分离组织(Americans United for separation of church and state)对这一宗教公立学校提起了诉讼。
this is Michael popac with il legal AF
hot take Donald Trump's not the only one
that's put himself up for sale to any
investor foreign or domestic because
he's financially compromised on the
balls of his backside and has let the
world know that he can be had for a
price along with I expect foreign policy
if he ever returns to office that brings
us to the sorted tail the ethically
compromised Jared Kushner Donald Trump's
uh uh current son-in-law and former ex
uh advisor to the president along with
his wife Ivanka we've never seen
corruption or ethics violations at this
level in our
history um upon immediately upon leaving
office within just 90 days Jared Kushner
was able to raise an immediate $2
billion from the Saudi private
investment F fund the if under the
expressed approval with the expressed
approval of it the leader of Saudi
Arabia um uh Muhammad bin Salman MBS the
person who all us intelligence has
confirmed was responsible for the uh
terrible um violent uh death of Jamal
kogi an American citizen and reporter
for the Wall Street Journal who was
literally cut into Pieces by Saudi
Security Forces Jared Kushner literally
has taken blood money because MBS
approved the $2 billion investment in
his fund over objections by the private
investment fund the pf's own board and
advisers who said they had grave doubts
about the company's experience or lack
of experience and about uh Jared
kushner's lack of experience in
investing and with no proven track
record despite that MBS said Jared
Kushner son-in-law of a president
somebody who could go back into office
will take it and they invested two
billion now since
then every and I mean every dollar that
Jared kushner's fund the Affinity fund
has taken in up to $3 billion has come
not only from foreign sources that's
that's a given as the foreign policy of
a trump future presidency is literally
being sold before our very
eyes but every one of the Investments
came from a country or people for which
he Jared Kushner was responsible and
covered while he was a presidential
adviser this was his territory the gulf
Arab states he made it his remit and
then as soon as I mean literally the
door had just slammed on him leaving
right the tracks were freshly freshly
made and he made $2 billion and now $3
billion of investment into the Affinity
only from countries and people that he
had a relationship with while he was
while he was a presidential adviser
forget about this phony impeachment
analysis of Joe Biden about Hunter Biden
making you know $3 million over several
years on the board of barisma in Ukraine
that's that's peanut money that's pocket
money even even if that were true that
Hunter made that much do you know how
Jared Kushner is making on a yearly
year-over-year basis just on management
fees as an alleged investment advisor
just that without even getting to any
return on the investment if his fund
does well or even makes a dollar he
makes $40 million a year year over-year
for basically doing nothing other than
trading trading on his relationship
building while his father-in-law was
president and maybe is going to return
look I'd be less hot and bothered if
like Trump wasn't running for office
again but what we're watching is foreign
policy for sale Donald Trump's already
will be if he somehow finds a way back
to the White House and we allow that to
happen the most financially compromised
uh president subject to of course being
turned by Foreign assets being bribed
we've ever seen and now his son-in-law
is a prime example sure Jared Kushner
takes the convenient position that he's
not going back to the White House with
his father but does anybody think that
uh despite him growing a beard and
moving to Miami that the reason that
people are investing in Jared Kushner is
because his name is Jared Kushner or is
it because he's the son-in-law of a
person they are betting on and banking
on will be back in the White House and
they'll have influence over foreign
policy we're watching the sale of
foreign policy in fact Ben rhods an
adviser for Barack Obama in a recent
interview said exactly that let's take a
listen thank you for being here with me
um as you look at it from a sort of
foreign policy perspective how does
kushner's entanglement with someone like
NBS compromise potentially I don't know
the foreign policy platform of his
father-in-law who's running to be the
next president of the United
States well in a word entirely Alex I
mean look this is not subtle corruption
that we're looking at um this is a guy
Jared Kushner who had no expertise no
qualification whatsoever to be in the
white house while he was there he made
it his account to work in the Gulf Arab
states he basically helped lead the
cover up for MBS get him in from the
cold after the murder of Jamal kogi um
and look the Saudis didn't make a$2
billion doll investment because they
trusted in Jared kushner's investment
expertise do they does anybody in the
world believe that that $2 billion is
based on an assessment that Jared
Kushner is who you want to give your
money to uh to make a return no they're
making an investment on what they think
he can do for them if there is a second
Trump term and basically what we can
take from that investment is that in a
second Trump term US foreign policy in
the Middle East and around the world
will be made entirely with the interests
of Muhammad Ben Solon in mind let me
take let me take you through how Jared
Kushner supposedly makes his 40 million
dollar a year a year before even having
made an investment just off the money
management as a percentage of the money
management all disclosed in an SEC form
filing we have a copy of it the form
advv for an investment advisor um
reflects all this for his Affinity
Partners now he's made Investments
finally in year two of some of the money
again only in countries and with people
and entities for which he had a
relationship only because he was in the
White House
trading on the White House selling
future potential foreign policy like
it's some sort of Futures Market on the
exchange he's invested in Dubai a place
he covered it was part of his remit as a
special adviser to the president in Abu
Dhabi same thing in Israel okay in
Germany um and in other places so all
the money is taken up in up to $3
billion is only from investors uh from
countries in which he was already
responsible as allegedly a
representative of the American people
sworn to uphold our
Constitution and then you've got the
Investments that are being made
similarly only there not in American
companies this isn't let me make this
clear make America great again make
America great Again by taking in $3
billion of Saudi uh United Arab Emirates
um and other money and Kuwaiti money
money and investing it in other
countries none of the countries that I
just described this uh Israeli Israeli
car leing company this Dubai real estate
investment company this Abu Dhabi fast
food company that owns fast food chains
in Brazil is helping
Americans This is that dirty little
secret if Donald Trump was a man of the
people and his family were too they were
trying to make America great again
instead of trying to make my bank
account as large as possible again these
Investments wouldn't be the money would
be from Americans maybe some of these
billionaires that just gave Donald Trump
$50 million in some flashy Mara Lago
fundraiser because they're trying to buy
a financially compromised candidate
might as well they've got everything
else at the billionaire they own the
$150 million Mansions they own the
islands they have the 500 foot yachts
they own every plane imaginable they
have homes all around around the world
what else what else what else can I put
up on my shelf Donald Trump I own him
too I've been around these people in my
career that's how they
talk and so they put him up on and Jared
Kushner let's take Jared Kushner too
because he's looking for a buck but I
want to make this clear not one dollar
that has come into the Affinity fund
controlled by Jared Kushner this $40
million blood money that he's earned off
of it and the Investments that he's
making help
everyday Americans it's not helping you
with the gas pump it's not helping you
while you're while you're at the
supermarket shopping for you know milk
and eggs and bread it's helping Jared
Kushner build a bigger house in uh
Indian Creek in Miami it's helping his
wife Ivanka buy another gown hang out
with another famous person right take
another picture of herself and put it on
Instagram that's what you're paying for
long as you know we want to share an
important message from our sponsor
Americans United for separation of
church and state Oklahoma recently
approved the nation's first religious
Public School Justice Soto mayor warned
in her Carson versus Mak descent that
this Supreme Court continues to
dismantle the wall of separation between
church and state that the framers fought
to build we've documented that assault
here on the legal AFP this religious
Public School in Oklahoma is the latest
Christian nationalist test case they
convinced a handful of political
appointees to create the nation's first
religious Public Charter School a
blueprint for other conservative states
to follow Americans United for
separation of church and state
recognized the danger and promptly filed
a lawsuit to stop st Isador of ceville
Catholic Virtual School in Oklahoma Au
says that this is the latest effort to
blur the lines between church and state
Au believes taking tax money and
directing it to a religious school that
will indoctrinate students in one
particular faith and plan to
discriminate against students families
and staff who don't adhere to its
beliefs goes against the founding
principles of our country Americans
United will keep fighting for freedom
without favor equality without exception
keep up with this issue at legal
leala now look at this let's take the
plane up 5,000 ft look back
down and what this means and the most
and one of the things I must have missed
in the earlier reporting and kind of
putting the story together for this hot
take is the role of Muhammad bin
Salman who is the evil leader of Saudi
Arabia effectively who gave the green
light to chop Jamal kogi The Washington
reporter and uh US citizen into little
pieces in in collaboration with another
one of our Frenemy
countries okay he gave the direct order
to hit over the objection of his private
investment fund the Saudi PF that has
$62 billion to invest around the
world it's the same organization the PF
that's trying to figure out how to buy
American Golf how to buy the PGA
effectively and all of the golfers
associated with it for live golf same
company pif even they as corrupt as that
country is and the PF is by extension
even they were the board was like
uh Jared Kushner has absolutely no
experience in running a fund has no
track record in making Investments we
have serious concerns about him unsatis
there are many this is their quote
unsatisfactory aspects of the company
and in a lack of inexperience gives us
pause and all Muhammad bin Salon heard
was Jared Kushner Trump Donald Trump
could get
reelected approved
and we're not just talking like a couple
of shekels here we're talking like
approved $2
billion effectively if we're doing the
math you know it's about um I don't know
one and a half perc is of their fund
total went to Jared Kushner and now he's
raised other money on the backs of that
always from Frenemies of the Americans
places that he covered while he was
Special Assistant to the president
making money in the grift while in
office and like like I said earlier in
the hot take I would feel slightly
differently if the Trump family and
their Caravan moved away and never were
to return to the White House what's done
is done they're not the first family to
ever try to make money on the backs of
having been the president or in the
White House everybody does it one way or
the other speeches at two 300 a million
200,000 a pop a million a pop books for
30 $40 million advances Boards of direct
director positions for hundreds of
thousands of dollars a year they've all
done it Clinton Obama um you know Reagan
Bush B the other Bush they all did it
they all do it but like
this this is this is a Grand Theft Auto
in plain sight this is like us standing
back and watching as you know Jared
Kushner and his family took
sledgehammers to the Tiffany window and
grabbed all the diamonds
that's where we're at right now and I
want to bring it to your attention on
hot taks like this one foreign policy
for sale president presidency for sale
so when people are making their
decisions about who they want to put in
the White House oh I don't want the old
guy I don't know which one that is they
both are but don't you want the old guy
who's not corrupt don't you want the old
guy whose family is not taking in money
from people who are barely our allies
who are responsible for 911 and all
let's let's not go 20 years ago Saudi
Arabia it was already established by by
uh our um you know our of intelligence
community that they funded and and
supported and indirectly help plan
911 that's Saudi but now oh you want to
open up a bunch of fast food chains in
Brazil let's do it $3 billion
please this is a family that corrupt
this is a family that does not care
about Americans average or otherwise
they only care about themselves and they
won't stop until we stop them they will
not stop this is a kleptocracy it was a
kleptocracy when he was in office we
throw a lot of adjectives on the Trump
presidency it's fascistic it's
terroristic it's stochastic terrorism
it's it's on the road to nationalism
it's it's borderline you know the
American first is borderline um you know
what what uh Charles Lindberg was
leading in this country during the
during the 40s right this close to
socialism fascism yes it's also a
kleptocracy they were busy stealing
everything that wasn't nailed down and
they're continuing to do it I'll bring
it to your attention right here I don't
blow smoke or sunshine I do it on the
midest touch Network and I also do it on
a podcast we call Legal
AF yes it's what you think especially
after I I just gave you that analysis uh
join us on Wednesdays and Saturdays at
8:00 p.m. eastern time you'll find out
why we call it legal AF if you like what
I'm doing I'm Michael popac you can do
you can help me it's not ego it just
keeps me on the air thumbs up leave a
comment it really does it signals to the
I don't know who the algorithmic gods at
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content and I'll continue to bring it to
you if you like what I'm doing go over
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12,300 of hot taks just like this one
and then for those that really want to
go to the next level get a masters in
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so until my next hot take till my next
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