We Surprised Ryan Trahan With His Own Movie
TLDRقصة مثيرة للاهتمام تدور حول مصورين يسعون لمفاجأة يوتيوب يوتوب يوتر بعمل فيلم شخصي له. يبدأ القصة بمحاولة الأخوين الأستراليين لإيجاد الشخص المثالي لتمثيل يوتر في الفيلم، وهم يستخدمون التكنولوجيا الرقمية لجذب الجمهور والحصول على الدعم. بعد عدة محاولات ورحلة طويلة عبر العالم، ينجح الأخوين في إعداد مقاطع تصوير مثيرة وممتعة لقصة يوتر، ويُعدوا يومًا لعرض الفيلم في موعد خاص. يحتوي الفيلم على قصة يوتر حول تحديته وخياراته وكيف اختارها لمتابعة مسيرته في المحتوى الرقمي. في نهاية الفيلم، يقدم الأخوين على عرض ليوتر فرصة لتعاون في إنتاج فيلم ليوتر يوتيوب Mr Beast، مما يحقق نجاحا مشتركًا.
- 🎬 **电影制作**: 故事讲述了两位澳大利亚兄弟为了给YouTuber Ryan Trahan一个惊喜,制作了一部关于他生活的电影。
- 🔍 **寻找分身**: 他们寻找了一个和Ryan长得很像的分身(doppelganger),Jake,一个来自内布拉斯加州的TikToker,来扮演电影中的Ryan。
- 📹 **拍摄挑战**: 在拍摄过程中,团队面临了诸多挑战,包括失去主要演员和时间紧迫等问题。
- 🌟 **Ryan的故事**: 电影深入探讨了Ryan的个人故事,包括他在大学的经历、作为YouTube创作者的成功,以及他做出的重要人生抉择。
- 🎉 **首映礼**: 他们为Ryan举办了一场电影首映礼,让他在不知情的情况下观看了这部电影。
- 🎉 **情感体验**: Ryan对电影的放映反应非常积极,他感到震惊并对制作团队的努力表示赞赏。
- 📝 **提议**: 制作团队向Ryan提出了一个提议,如果他能安排一次与Mr Beast的会面,他们就会在为Mr Beast制作的电影中加入Ryan的名字。
- 🤝 **握手协议**: 为了接受提议,Ryan必须同时用两只手分别与两位兄弟握手。
- 🏆 **Mr Beast电影**: 制作团队的最终目标是为另一位YouTuber Mr Beast制作一部两小时的电影。
- 💌 **Creator Now支持**: Creator Now社区为制作团队提供了支持,包括赞助和联系Ryan Trahan的机会。
- 📈 **社交媒体力量**: 通过TikTok等社交媒体平台,制作团队能够吸引观众的注意,并在寻找分身和推广电影方面取得了成功。
Q & A
ما هي الفكرة الأساسية التي يحاول فيها روين تراهان التقاطها في الفيديو؟
-الفكرة الأساسية هي تحويل قصة حيات روين تراهان إلى فيلم وعرضه لديه في موعد خاص.
لماذا اختار روين تراهان الابتعاد عن الجري والالتحاق بقناته الشخصية على يوتيوب؟
-روين تراهان اختار الابتعاد عن الجري والالتحاق بقناته الشخصية على يوتيوب لأنه بدأ في جني الدخل من خلال القناة ورأى أنه يستطيع النجاح في مجال المحتوى الرقمي.
ما هي الخطوة الأولى في خطة الإنتاج لفيلم روين تراهان؟
-الخطوة الأولى في خطة الإنتاج هي الرحلة من سيدني إلى أوستن تكساس حيث يعيش روين.
كيف ساعد فريق كريماتور نو في إيجاد ممثل لدور روين تراهان في الفيلم؟
-فريق كريماتور نو استخدم تيك توك للإعلان عن البحث عن ممثل لدور روين تراهان، وحصلوا على العديد من الاقتراحات، و最終 اختارو جيك، مستخدم تيك توك من نبراسكا، للعب دور روين.
ماذا قدم لهم منصة كريماتور نو من الدعم أثناء محاولتهم لإنتاج الفيلم؟
-منصة كريماتور نو قدمت لهم الدعم اللازم ل摄制 الفيلم، بما في ذلك الانضمام إلى ورشات عمل على الهواء المباشر، الحصول على تعليقات شخصية على مقاطع الفيديو، والتعاون مع كريماترز آخرين.
ما هي الخطة النهائية لفريق كريماتور نو في مسيرتهم كصانعي مقاطع الفيديو؟
-الخطة النهائية لفريق كريماتور نو هي إنتاج مقاطع تصوير ل유توبرز حتى يتمكنوا من الوصول إلى مستر بيست وإنتاج فيلم بطولة لديه.
لماذا تغيرت الخطة الأساسية لفريق كريماتور نو من الإعلان عن مقاطع الفيديو إلى الذهاب إلى أمريكا؟
-الفريق أرادون الحصول على ردود فعل أكثر شخصية من اليوتيوبرز، ويرى أن الذهاب إلى أمريكا والحصول على ممثل لروين تراهان وتصوير الفيلم هناك هو الطريقة الأفضل لتحقيق هذا الهدف.
ما هي الخطوة التالية التي يخطط فيها فريق كريماتور نو بعد إعداد الفيلم؟
-الخطوة التالية هي عقد موعد لعرض الفيلم لروين تراهان شخصيا وتقديمه لديه في موعد خاص.
كيف ساعد زك، المدير لايراق، في محاولات فريق كريماتور نو؟
-زك ساعد في محاولات فريق كريماتور نو عن طريق مشاركة الفيديو الذي أرسلوه لروين تراهان، مما سمح لهم بالإتصال بشكل مباشر معه.
ما هي الفكرة الجديدة التي想到了 لويس لتقديمها لروين تراهان؟
-لويس想到了 ideiyan لجعل روين تراهان يساعدهم في الحصول على اجتماع مع مستر بيست، مقابل وضع اسمه في إخراج الفيلم.
ماذا حدث في نهاية الفيديو بعد أن رأى روين تراهان الفيلم؟
-بعد مشاهدة الفيلم، استمر روين في التعليق والتفاعل مع فريق كريماتور نو، وا接受了 الفكرة الجديدة التي想到了 لويس.
🎬 电影首映惊喜计划
Ryan Trahan和他的团队准备了一个惊喜计划,他们想要为Ryan制作一部电影并在首映时让他观看。他们购买了跨国机票,尝试联系Ryan,甚至考虑找到他的一个完美的替身来扮演他。他们通过TikTok发起了寻找Ryan Trahan的替身活动,并获得了社区的支持。此外,他们还获得了与Ryan Trahan有联系的Zach的帮助,Zach在前一集中已经看过他们制作的电影。
🎉 与Creator Now的合作
在洛杉矶的一次偶然机会中,团队遇到了Creator Now的团队,这是一个由Ryan Trahan的朋友创立的YouTuber社区。他们得到了Creator Now的支持和赞助,并获得了与Ryan Trahan接触的机会。此外,他们还计划在Ryan的家乡德克萨斯州拍摄电影,并为Ryan Trahan举办一个专属的首映礼。
🎥 拍摄挑战与创意解决方案
在拍摄过程中,团队遇到了多个挑战,包括主要演员因COVID-19退出,以及时间紧迫等问题。他们不得不即兴应变,甚至让工作人员Dave临时扮演了一个角色。他们还深入了解Ryan Trahan的故事,以确保电影的真实性和深度。
🏃♂️ Ryan Trahan的人生抉择
Ryan Trahan在大学期间因YouTube频道的成功而面临抉择,最终决定放弃跑步和大学学业,全身心投入到YouTube事业中。这一决定最终证明是正确的,他的频道迅速增长,他也因此实现了个人的梦想和目标。
🏆 电影制作与首映准备
团队在紧迫的时间内完成了电影的拍摄和剪辑,并成功预定了电影院进行首映。他们还为Ryan Trahan准备了特别的座位,并设计了电影海报,以确保首映礼的完美体验。
🤝 最终的提议与合作
在电影首映结束后,团队向Ryan Trahan提出了一个提议:如果他能帮助他们与Mr Beast会面,他们将在Mr Beast的电影中加入Ryan的名字作为回报。Ryan接受了这个提议,并与团队握手,象征着合作的开始。
💡Ryan Trahan
💡Movie Premiere
💡Mr. Beast
💡Creator Now
💡Social Media
💡Red Carpet
💡Penny Series
Ryan Trahan is surprised with a movie about his life, created by two Australian filmmakers.
The filmmakers' goal is to make trailers for YouTubers, eventually aiming to create a feature film for MrBeast.
They use social media, particularly TikTok, to engage with the audience and find a Ryan Trahan look-alike.
The team travels to Texas to film the movie with the doppelganger and local resources.
A last-minute change in plans leads to the team member, Dave, stepping in as an actor for a key role.
The story of Ryan Trahan's life, including his decision to leave college for YouTube, is depicted in the movie.
The filmmakers face challenges such as losing luggage, weather issues, and a tight schedule.
They manage to secure a meeting with Zach, a connection to MrBeast, through the Creator Now community.
The movie includes reenactments of Ryan's iconic YouTube moments, like the penny series and sensory deprivation tank.
The film's climax involves a creative proposition for Ryan Trahan to help the filmmakers meet MrBeast.
The premiere of the movie for Ryan Trahan is held at a local cinema, with a red carpet and custom-made posters.
Ryan Trahan's emotional reaction to the movie showcases the filmmakers' success in capturing his journey.
The film production process is documented, giving insight into the challenges and creativity behind short film making.
The filmmakers propose that Ryan Trahan help them pitch a full movie to MrBeast, in exchange for a credit in the film.
The response to the proposition and the aftermath are captured in an authentic and engaging manner.
The project is supported by Creator Now, providing resources and a community for the filmmakers.
The filmmakers' commitment to their craft and their ambitious goal to create content for MrBeast is a central theme.
The story concludes with a successful premiere and a positive response from Ryan Trahan to the proposition.
is Ryan Trahan sitting down to watch the
Ryan Trehan movie ready for my premiere
Us in complete disbelief we're sitting
down next to our favorite oh my gosh
it's starting now
that looks like me no freaking way dude
this is unbelievable zero guarantee we'd
be able to track Ryan down we bought
tickets to the other side of the world
with one insane goal do you have any way
we can contact Ryan Trey turn his life
into a movie what's up guys you guys
came to Austin without even contacting
me this is episode two of making
trailers for YouTubers until we make an
actual freaking movie for Mr Beast you
guys are so exciting I feel like what
y'all are doing is so cool
would you be willing to get us a meeting
with Mr Beast
the story Starts Here Sydney
International Airport we're about to
miss a three thousand dollar flight that
we only bought tickets for an hour ago
but this flight is not for Ryan Trehan
it was however the day that started it
all this was actually a few weeks
earlier our first attempt to surprise a
YouTuber with their own movie Iraq he
was throwing the world's largest pizza
party and we woke up with the idea to
hijack it in premiere's movie he'd thank
us later
but the crazy idea just came way too
we missed the flight although we did get
a pretty cool comment on the video we
knew we could take it a whole lot
further the whole thing is like this
time we don't want just a comment on the
video we want to actually like see their
reaction and be bonus points if we're
there with them but like at least a
video reaction for our next trailer we
decided we'd surprise our favorite
YouTuber Ryan Trahan all right so we put
out a tick tock saying we're searching
for Ryan Trey we've been looking for him
for three weeks and he's nowhere to be
found so we aren't searching for the
real Ryan tryhand we're searching for
his clone a doppelganger the perfect
person to play him in a movie we've got
some pretty good suggestions already and
do you care if they're in America I
think everyone wants to see us just go
to America make it happen how are we
gonna see Ryan tree I don't know in the
same trip to go shoot it we'd have to
edit it post it and try find Ryan and
show it to him everything Eric taught us
is leading to this email to give them
value if you want a club with them
sending in three two one Ryan get back
to us maybe in the next shot will be
with Ryan yeah we will what if we slap
this is so fun what else do we have up
our sleeves to make it work we have a
little tiny back and forth with air X
manager Zach but it's not like foolproof
just for context Zach was the guy who
showed Eric the movie we made for him in
the last episode like the only other
thing that's going good for us right now
is we're getting a few views on Tick
Tock so if we made another Tick Tock
openly committing to we're flying over
we need help to get Ryan's attention
like maybe the audience can help us yeah
doppelgangers regular Joe's that look
freakishly like celebrities recently we
started a search party to find a
doppelganger for our favorite YouTuber
Ryan tree why because we're gonna
surprise him with his very own movie tag
Ryan Trehan in the comments and share
this video Ryan this is your Premiere so
let us know for invited bro we have 280
000 views 280 000 views on Tick Tock bro
it's actually like popping off this next
Tick Tock we're gonna do we're gonna try
and hit a million or something yeah try
and beat the last one we found proof
clones exist we asked you guys to find
us a clone of our favorite YouTuber Ryan
tree here's the Clone that you found for
yo hey how's it going good to meet you
so officially you have the role so just
so you know so this is Jake a tick
tocker from Nebraska who got an
overwhelming number of roads to be cast
in the range right hand movie and we
thought he'd be perfect
so I started to talk about a year ago I
started like getting oh this dude looks
like at Ryan Trahan I was just like oh I
kind of do you know things go well you
should be paid in clout as well sure
yeah if we're gonna film this in Texas
where Ryan lives we'd have to fly Jake
Interstate for the shoot write the
script before we leave more on that
later and we also realized that we'd
need camera gear besides lighting what
else do you need this is Ryan to avoid
confusion we'll call him gear Ryan we
found him through a YouTube Community
we're a part of called Creator now he's
a Texas local and he says he has a bunch
of gear and if we're going to travel
across the world and leave our gear at
home we had to ask him this can we rely
on you uh just so you know like you can
trust me let me go grab like a couple
camera equipment
it was time to let our new tick tock
audience know we're rolling so here's
the game plan phase one flight from
Sydney to Austin Texas where Ryan lives
phase two film the movie in his hometown
with the Doppelganger from our last
video phase three holds an exclusive
premiere for Ryan Trahan himself
we are at the airport this has been
probably the most stressful week of Our
Lives how much have we spent are we
dropping the number so it's ten thousand
we don't even know if we're gonna see
Ryan yet we're not leaving Austin until
we find Ryan tree here on the journey to
Texas we had an unfortunate 10 hour
layover in Hawaii it was terrible turns
out gear Ryan was also in Hawaii so that
was cool our next layover was 12 hours
in the land where dreams come true La we
lost our luggage it was raining and it
was also my birthday
this day was about to turn right around
so remember Creator now how we found
gearain well the Creator now support
team heard we were passing through LA
and actually invited us to come say hi
maybe it'll just be some good
connections but hopefully it leads to
getting to Ryan Treehouse the reason why
we think that might be possible is
because Creator now hosts these
workshops with massive YouTubers all the
time and guess who we've seen do one of
these the man we're tracking down so
we're hoping that someone in this
building knows Ryan tree no they're
this is Ryan
how you going good I'm Lucas I'm Curtis
nice to meet you so cool to see inside
of Creator now but the really cool thing
is that this community was started by
Iraq and his manager Zach the only two
people who we even have a slight
connection with and if we see either of
them in this office you know what we'll
be asking foreign
just triple checking there's no one here
have a contact with the Ryan Trahan yeah
I met him a year ago and like I don't
have the old text yeah that's quiet
so that was kind of depressing but as we
were leaving sweet
what's up
man I'm Zach dude what you guys made is
incredible it's a hell of a niche thanks
man yeah thank you have we told you how
big a plan no so we're gonna make these
trailers for YouTubers until we can
reach Mr Beast and make an actual
two-hour movie for him that's the plan
you won't have to make many I'm sure
he's already seen the airplane
how do you know that would it be
I'm sure Eric probably yeah guys let's
keep in touch I gotta branches here
again before you go last thing yeah
because we have to ask do you have any
way we can contact Ryan Trahan
send me a video that I can send to him
of you guys doing a pitch of like hey
this is what we have we want to show it
to you yes we applied and show it to you
and then I'll send that to him and if he
responds what's the best way to send
that to you send it to me
all right awesome thank you so much all
right see ya
that was such an awesome experience
I got pizza fired okay not only did they
give us pizza fire and a lead to fine
Ryan Trahan but they believed in the
series so much that when we got home
started editing they even came through
with the sponsorship so this is as real
as a brand deal gets guys created now
has helped us so much it's basically a
membership where you can join live
weekly workshops get personalized
feedback on your videos and collaborate
with other creators but what we love is
that it's given us the drive to chase
our YouTube dream and the tools to
actually do it it's completely free to
get started so if you're a creator of
any kind YouTuber filmmaker the link is
in the description go check it out we'll
see you in we finally have a real lead
so what we have to do is go film a video
right now before we leave LA tonight
send it to Zach we've got a lot to do
Ryan with filmmaker brothers from
Australia we flew halfway across the
world to show you something we're
turning your life into a movie and we
can move we want to give you your own
exclusive Premiere let us know what day
works for you we're going to hire at a
cinema there'll be fun drinks yep be
there for b square so we sent off the
video to Zach and then flew to us while
we eagerly awaited his response we
locked in the other two actors we needed
for the film Ryan's dad and his College
advisor Ryan's College advisor not his
dad's College advisor that would be no
that would have been silly but we still
had a lot to get done before the shoot
tour that's an actual school bus that's
a real American school bus from the
movies like Batman and every single high
school coming of age drama this feels
like America is that Prime at Best Buy
oh there's like movie decoration stuff
for the premiere for the premiere this
is the third state that we've seen Ryan
in he's following us around everywhere
or are we following you I think you're
following me again
Ryan's using this excuse to just buy all
this new gear he's making it seem like
we're making him buy it but he just
wants to buy as you can tell the jet lag
had us completely delusional Lucas
didn't even sleep last night but instead
made use of his time I was writing game
plan for how we're gonna do the Ryan
Trey and Premiere day I was like then
we'll say this to Ryan and then he'll
say this to us and then we'll say this
to Ryan as you know our goal for the
series is to make trailers for YouTubers
until we make an actual movie for Mr
Beast it would not only be our first
feature film but out of all the ways to
make it as a filmmaker this would
definitely be our favorite and if all
goes according to plan these trailers
will prove to Mr Beast that the only
people who should make his life movie
are these two brothers from Australia
and we know Ryan Trehan is friends with
Mr Beast so last night and this might
have been the delusion kicking in but
Lucas came up with a genius idea to
present to Ryan to the proposition we'll
put Ryan's name in the credits of the Mr
Beast movie if he can get us a meeting
with Mr Beast and to accept the
proposition Ryan Trahan must Shake both
our hands simultaneously one of us needs
to put our right hand out on the outside
the other person needs to put their left
hand out he'll be able to shake our
hands like this
but all this relies on the response
we're waiting on from Zach this guy is a
bowler what do you got there it is what
it is let's try some pizza first time
reaction this is very pizza-ish
you know what's weird we're just like a
car full of strangers across the world
so the cast and crew had assembled for
the big street but all the motivation
that we needed to start tomorrow came
when we got home okay thank you so much
this is crazy
all right bye oh my gosh oh my gosh okay
someone from Creator now just said that
they are going to put us in a group
message with Ryan Trahan
oh my gosh
oh my gosh this could be the this this
is it yes guys we're throwing a premiere
for Ryan Trahan and we haven't even made
his movie yet Brian Tran just messaged
us hey guys such a pleasure to hear from
you I'm currently out of town but I'll
be home tomorrow night if possible call
me on Friday would be great for me is
that all right what a nice guy it's so
nice like such a pleasure to hear from
you it's a pleasure to hear from you my
guy babe guess what I have Ryan trans
phone number
phone number
I know right we got Ryan trahan's number
all right the next spot is for patreon
exclusive members we're just gonna open
up and tell you how we really feel this
is the now we have to make the best dang
trailer we've ever made in our lives
the college stuff actor just pulled out
he said I tested positive for covert
this morning not feeling well
I was like the majority of the shoot
so not a great start to the shoot
because our actor didn't show up we
asked our host Dave to contact anyone he
knew in the area and then to fill in the
time we thought we'd shoot some outdoor
shots but that didn't work either and
now that we were really behind we had to
get creative
all right we have a crazy idea
do you want to play the actor
I could try yeah I think it'd be fun you
like my shirt or maybe we can change
this shirt Tom gave me this
Tom who
Tom Cruise
turns out Dave worked on big movie sets
back in his Heyday he even has an Emmy
who is this guy but this would be his
first time on this side of the camera
and action wait wait before we find out
if Dave can act you're probably
wondering what is Ryan's story and what
about it makes it movie worthy well back
in Sydney we had the exact same question
and decided if we were gonna make this
movie we needed to know this story
better than the guy who lived it what
was that experience like of going to
college and then being a YouTube Creator
honestly it was such a crazy time for me
because I was finally starting to make
some money on YouTube looks so much like
Ryan Tran and I had about 20 000
subscribers at the time making like a
couple hundred bucks hey guys just got
into Texas A M and I'm gonna be
documenting the entire Journey free
that's good then I get a call from Texas
A M and they find out about the YouTube
channel the fact that I'm making money
and kind of give me this ultimatum
you're right this looks pretty serious
it really was between am I going to
continue running or am I going to do
YouTube ultimately because the story
needs to have his backstory of his
childhood and like why he feels like he
found his passion with YouTube otherwise
the ultimatum doesn't matter yet the
pattern that I noticed the most growing
up I would kind of pick something and
make it my identity and try to strive
for excellence so when I got to like
sixth grade I was like I'm gonna play
I was first chair and I got really good
if he cries during the premiere it's the
shot I couldn't see a future with
playing trumpet I could I couldn't see
like all right is this gonna be my thing
so in high school I picked up running
it doesn't feel like it's public wait
come back
and then I went to college Texas A M and
I was running cross-country and track
and then three months in I had another
question and I was like is this going to
be my thing essentially they tell me you
can't use your name Imogen likeness and
be on the Texas A M team Mr Trahan
you're a highly valued member in the D1
team and on track you show a great
promise but we have a problem my YouTube
channel you're not allowed to use your
name image or likeness to make money and
still be on the team
and so they essentially asked me to
bring my personality and identity online
down to a college kid that doesn't do
anything to talk about something like
studying or classes like literally just
to call it like a normal college kid he
said it like it's a joke but I think
that would have hurt yeah like he would
have been like this is so stupid he
basically just wants to reduce me to an
average college kid
oh that was really good I had 20 000
subscribers and ultimately what I
decided is not only am I not gonna run
anymore I also I'm gonna drop out of
college to pursue YouTube maybe take
your watch off throw it across the grass
nice I posted a video that says I have
to drop out of college as you can see by
the title I have to
to drop out of college I really did see
this being my route but you can't judge
me until the summer of 2021 when my
peers are graduating
kind of kept growing and then eventually
I got to the commentary world this girl
looks like a real life Barbie doll
and that really just took off and I was
like running up and down my apartment I
was like yeah let's go home and I hit
100 000 subscribers I was like driving
through college station playing like
some post Malone song and I was like wow
this is crazy yeah they always say
congratulations I need to put this in a
book when I'm older but I tell you stuff
the book goes straight to the movie The
Day I dropped out with 20 000
subscribers one year and a few days
later is when I hit a million this is
such a cheating storytelling device you
just put all the plot points in there
that you can't show the attention to
detail is crazy
sorry to interrupt the Montage but
halfway through the shoot we got a call
that made this whole thing so real we
were answering a FaceTime call from
Brian the Trahan nice nice to meet you
guys so cool to talk to you thanks for
like calling us like being willing to do
this really pumped look we have your
doppelganger right here
show him a sneak peek show me sneak peek
oh my God
appreciate it
sorry we locked in a date for the
premiere but it was in four days time
which is pretty scary because it's not
much time to find a Cinema but at least
we got to plant some seeds in Ryan
trahan's Brain before the proposition to
do in the YouTube content space we got
an idea let's lead the guys to make Mr
Beast his own movie like a two-hour
movie and yeah
yeah that's huge
thanks man thanks we gotta get to work
see you man thanks bye
I have pivoted so many different
directions and I'm kind of coming to
terms with like what I want my future to
look like with YouTube This is the first
thing that I've really wanted to do long
term all right we're doing the metabus
video shot we have to kill this plant
because in the metaverse video we have
to plant dying in the background
we are doing the sensory deprivation
video scene pardon yes
we're gonna ask these guys here if they
want to be in the penny series do you
guys want to be in a video he does we
just need an extra it looks pretty extra
to me yeah he is very active you all
have a pen by chance okay high pitch
right straight handbag does anyone here
want to sell me a pen hey all the pen by
chance you just started a revolution you
just started Revolution we got a dollar
we just got a dollar the penny series
would be a sick climax I don't know if
I've said this online but I have a super
super small family it's basically just
my dad like my mom's not my life and so
my dad has just been incredibly
supportive so we've got a new face on
set this is our dog
all these crazy Endeavors like trumpet
in Middle School running and now YouTube
he's just been my number one fan
on my dream board I told you guys like I
want to build my dad a house and in
three weeks he's going to be moving into
his dream house that I was able to to
build for him and action like my family
we don't come from too much and this is
like the biggest dream come true just to
be able to provide him this
it really is emotional like I've cried
many times at the house cut that was
amazing I've already thought of the
ending shot in my head of this trailer
really yeah what's the ending shot
all right we're at a field about to do a
hero shot YouTube's a very subjective
and creative world a bit cold today hey
yeah and I realize that striving doesn't
necessarily produce the same sorts of
fruits that the striving in other fields
can't boom there's a theme these are our
smoke bombs these are our ribbons he
would get his identity wrapped up in
wanting to achieve something and be
something and then his Arc would be
realizing that he doesn't need to strive
Ryan you're about to cross the finish
line and easy that we can do this for
people and I feel like he's gonna flip
when he sees this action so the ending
that I thought of is he's running
sprinting he gets to the end and cut
breaks a ribbon he turns around and
everyone's there it's the last day of
the penny series wow that's pretty cool
that was definitely a season of his life
that ended
yeah all right that's a wrap we just
finished the final shot of the Ryan
Trahan movie thank you Jake you smashed
it all the time I had so much fun and
thanks Ryan for filming with us all
right now we're gonna finish this edit
all right day one of editing we have so
much to do and not much time to do it as
nice as it would have been to sit inside
and edit all day we had to drive to the
airport and say goodbye to our new
friend Jake can't wait to show you the
finished product yeah dude can't wait to
see it see you dude so we just want to
see if we can hire a cinema room after
calling every Cinema in Austin we
finally found one that's willing to help
on short notice thankfully the owner's
daughter has the same favorite YouTuber
as us but he still needed to see the
film by tomorrow morning we're now in a
cafe we're editing non-stop right now
all right now we're gonna rush back home
any little time where we're not editing
is just pointless we have till tonight
to finish the whole film but there's so
much more to do we didn't really
anticipate this whole Cinema thing they
need like a preview so they can like
screen it to their staff it's cutting
the deadline even earlier so we might be
doing an all-nighter but we'll see we
gotta do what we're gonna do we'll be
doing an online
what is going on boys this is the edit
oh hey it's 10 a.m We didn't sleep
somehow we got it done just in time so
this is where we're going to Premiere
the film to Ryan in less than 24 hours
we could definitely work with this space
maybe like a little red carpet we'll see
maybe he pulls up there with his Tesla
walking down this way so what are we
doing when he's walking down the road
I'm just standing here we'll just be
like this and wait for him we have a
poster movie now playing or something
yeah we'll have a poster after designing
the early movie posters in the world
that feature aerial fonts Ryan's
favorite the last thing we have to do
was pick the perfect seat for him to sit
in because tomorrow morning we give Ryan
Trahan his own premiere
Ryan we're ready for it we're ready and
none of this would have been possible
without the help of creating out so
remember guys the link is in the
description we're here at Galaxy
Theaters who helped us out with the
premiere and Ryan Tran is gonna be here
anyway this is crazy man all our hard
work has led to this and the next person
to walk down this red carpet will be run
that's okay
it looks different to how I remember
yeah but then here Ryan spotted someone
in the distance
how's it going
on that's Ryan he's here this is so cool
I see my face kind of this is so crazy
they even used aerial font on the signs
what's up guys
so crazy oh my gosh it's a headset oh
that's literally not me the trumpet dude
these are crazy you guys are insane this
is so fun dude the attention to detail
on the phone
Curtis Curtis and Lucas awesome this is
so cool okay are we going in dude we're
going to the movies yeah it's so weird
that you're here I know this is weird
you guys are here you guys like pay
attention to the actual things that
matter I love it I can't wait to watch
this it's time for the Ryan Tran
Premiere they bought me popcorn wait
what does this say
shut up one penny
did y'all have this has to be the
weirdest experience this is your first
movie as well they always said I
wouldn't make it on the big screen Look
At Me Now oh what Ryan doesn't know
doesn't after the movie we are
presenting the proposition
you guys are so exciting I feel like
what y'all are doing is so cool you guys
came to Austin without even contacting
me 100 yeah that's cool I actually
respect that so much okay let's do it oh
man nervous
a Ryan Trahan movie okay feel free oh
thank you
and then the moment we'd been waiting
my whole life
I've been trying to find my thing
one thing I could be real good at
I accidentally found two hey guys just
got into Texas A M and I'm gonna be
documenting the entire Journey For You
Mr Trahan you're a highly valued member
in the D1 team and on track you show a
great promise God what are the other
options you could talk about something
like studying or classes you basically
just introduce me to an average college
kid that looks like me as you can see by
the title I have to drop out of college
this girl looks like a real life Barbie
now they always say congratulations
I have a strong feeling
I am done creating for myself
you guys are unreal dude that was insane
I don't even remember talking about like
half that stuff that was so good post
Malone congratulations that must be like
the smallest microcosm of the internet
that was so special you guys like did
such a good job of making it funny but
so meaningful and deep even have my
dad's surprise like can we watch it
again so before the proposition we
watched it again with the commentary
turned on I love when he's like she
could talk about studying or I love that
shot that was such an emotional video
dude this is unbelievable and we
actually did a 15 minute post movie
press interview which you can watch in
full on our patreon along with a bunch
of other juicy exclusive videos that we
just couldn't fit into this one it's
also the best way to support us if you
love what we're doing 10 out of 10 baby
I blew my expectations out of the water
and then it was time okay
it's time for the proposition oh whoops
the climax got ruined it's time for the
proposition to accept this proposition
you have to shake our hands
simultaneously I popcorn fingers that's
fine that's fine okay okay so we'll put
your name in the credits of the Mr Beast
in return for something
would you be willing to get us a meeting
with Mr Beast
I would be very genuine if you I really
believe in both sending in three two we
smashed it in line good job
I'm calling places
we did it so there's two of us he'll be
able to shake our hands like this
let's do it that will be nothing now
they always say congratulations
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