Apple Is Going To Make Nintendo Very Angry...
TLDR视频中讨论了苹果公司最近在其App Store上允许发布模拟器软件的新闻。这标志着一个转变,因为此前苹果对于在其平台上运行模拟器有严格的限制。视频作者表达了对这一变化的兴奋,认为这为iPhone用户带来了新的游戏体验,尤其是那些对经典游戏有情感的玩家们。作者提到,尽管iOS设备现在可以运行从NES到SNES、N64、Game Boy Advance和Game Boy Color等经典游戏,但iOS上的模拟器可能缺少即时编译(JIT)功能,这可能会影响更复杂模拟器的性能。此外,视频还对比了Android平台上的模拟器情况,指出Android用户已经能够享受模拟器带来的便利多年。最后,视频作者表达了对苹果开放政策的欢迎,同时对可能的未来发展和更多模拟器出现在App Store上表示期待。
- 🎮 作者对模拟器充满热情,认为保存游戏很重要,并且相信未来20年后,即使官方不再销售,人们也有权通过合法备份的ROM来玩老游戏。
- 📱 对于移动设备,作者提到了iPhone和Android两大平台,并个人偏好使用老式诺基亚手机玩蛇游戏。
- 🤔 作者认为关于Android和iPhone的争论很无趣,因为最终这些设备的基本功能是打电话、发短信、上网和使用社交媒体。
- 🕹️ 作者回忆了年轻时在iPod Touch或第一代Android手机上玩游戏的经历,当时游戏选择有限。
- 📱 作者提到,如果拥有最新型号的iPhone,现在可以在移动设备上玩到像《生化危机4:重制版》这样的高质量游戏。
- 🚀 Android设备现在可以通过Aether sx2模拟器全速运行PS2游戏,而苹果App Store上也出现了官方的模拟器。
- 💲 作者提到了通过Alt Store安装第三方应用的复杂性,以及欧盟法律要求允许用户安装第三方应用商店的情况。
- 🔄 作者讨论了苹果的App Store最近更新,允许安装复古游戏模拟器应用,但对“复古”的定义持怀疑态度。
- 🚫 作者指出,尽管苹果开放了模拟器应用,但iOS的限制(如缺少即时编译JIT)可能会影响更复杂模拟器的性能。
- 📊 作者比较了iOS和Android在模拟器和移动游戏方面的差异,提到Android用户可以在移动设备上玩到PC版的《侠盗猎车手5》。
- 🌐 作者最后提出,尽管苹果放宽了对模拟器的限制,但iOS和Android在操作系统自由度上的差异仍然存在,这影响了移动游戏和模拟器的发展。
Q & A
作者提到的'alt store'是什么?
-作者提到的'alt store'是一个非官方的应用商店,用户可以通过它在iPhone上安装第三方应用。在欧洲联盟,由于法律规定,用户可以被允许安装这个第三方商店。
-作者认为iPhone用户对模拟器的可用性感到兴奋,因为这是他们首次能够在不越狱的情况下在App Store上下载并使用模拟器,而在Android平台上,模拟器已经存在了很长时间。
作者对Apple允许模拟器上架App Store有何看法?
-作者认为这是一个积极的变化,显示了Apple在某种程度上的开放性。尽管Apple可能面临来自游戏公司的潜在反弹,但他们决定允许模拟器上架App Store,这为用户提供了更多的选择和便利。
-作者提到了可以在iPhone上运行的模拟器包括了从老式的NES、SNES、N64到更现代的Nintendo DS、Game Boy Advance和Game Boy Color的游戏。
-作者认为Apple的硬件和软件生态系统相对封闭,用户需要支付额外费用才能安装第三方应用商店,这与Android平台的开放性形成了对比。作者将Apple设备比作“费雪牌”(Fisher Price)智能手机,暗示其用户自由度较低。
-作者认为Apple可能不会完全放开对模拟器的所有限制,因为Apple的iOS系统运行在硬化运行时(Hardened Runtime)上,这限制了一些不常见的功能,如JIT编译。Apple可能出于对设备性能和电池寿命的考虑,不愿意放开这些限制。
-作者提到了Win晚些时候(Win Later),这是一个允许在Android设备上运行Windows应用程序的技术。举例来说,有用户已经在Android设备上通过这种方式玩到了PC版的《侠盗猎车手5》(Grand Theft Auto 5)。
🎮 iPhone上的模拟器革命
本段讨论了作者对模拟器的热爱,以及对游戏保存的看法。作者认为,即使在20年后,如果任天堂不再销售游戏,他也会通过合法备份的ROM来玩游戏。此外,还提到了移动设备上的游戏选择,从早期的iPod Touch和Android手机到现在能在iPhone上玩到像《生化危机4》这样的高级游戏。特别提到了苹果App Store上出现了真正的游戏模拟器,这在以前是不可能的,因为不需要越狱就可以在iPhone上玩到像《宝可梦绿宝石》这样的游戏。
📱 苹果与安卓的模拟器之争
作者认为关于安卓和iPhone的争论是无趣的,因为最终这些设备的基本功能是相似的。他提到了在移动设备上玩游戏的局限性,以及随着技术的发展,现在即使是安卓设备也能通过Aether sx2模拟器全速运行PS2游戏。然而,对于苹果设备,现在App Store上有模拟器可用,尽管有一些限制,如缺少即时编译(JIT)的能力,这可能会影响更复杂模拟器的性能。作者还提到了苹果的硬化运行时(Hardened Runtime)对应用程序的限制,以及这对模拟器的影响。
🚀 Android上的PC游戏模拟
💡Aether SX2
💡App Store
💡Steam Deck
💡Grand Theft Auto 5
作者年轻时尝试在iPod Touch或第一部Android手机上玩游戏,选择有限
Apple App Store现在有真正的游戏模拟器,无需越狱即可使用
作者通过非官方的alt store在iPhone上使用模拟器多年
Apple最近更新,允许在App Store安装复古游戏模拟器
作者怀疑PS2、GameCube、原Xbox等模拟器未来可能出现在App Store
作者认为Nintendo Switch模拟器不太可能出现在App Store
作者介绍了Win Later,一个在Android上运行Windows应用的工具
作者对Apple开放App Store并允许复古游戏模拟器表示欢迎,尽管这对他个人影响不大
do my eyes deceive me friends is that an
emulator on the
iPhone you know I was going to talk
about it emulators are something that
I'm passionate about on this channel
because I believe preserving games is
important okay I play a lot of old stuff
I play a lot of new stuff and something
I agree with is 20 years down the road
if I want to play some Earthbound and
Nintendo isn't selling me a copy then
I'm a I'm I'mma play the ROM that I have
legally backed up onto my system ladies
and gentlemen I believe it's a human
right to emulate okay but that said I
ain't going to get into it that hard now
for those of you who are on the mobile
front you have two paths to go down okay
you've got the iPhone and you've got the
Android now I personally prefer the
third hidden path which is still bring
out the old Nokia with the snake game
but most people don't take that path
anymore now personally I think the whole
argument about Android versus iPhone is
lame as [ __ ] okay personally because I
really don't think it matters what
device you kind of use you know at the
end of the day these devices are made to
make calls send text messages browse the
internet use social media and for some
people gaming is a pretty important
thing when I was younger try to game on
the iPod Touch or my first Android phone
which well that wasn't too long ago I
want to say my first smartphone was like
what a decade ago trying to play games
on those devices you really didn't have
a whole lot of options most of the games
kids these days can play are games that
you would find on consoles back in the
day full Call of Duty releases war zone
exists in its entirety and to be honest
if you had the newest iPhones you can
play games like Resident Evil 4 remake
it's mind-boggling to think that there
are PS5 level Games available right now
on mobile devices now back when I was
younger trying to emulate games wasn't a
matter of if the product allowed it it
was literally up to did my did my actual
device have the strength to emulate
certain things so you know emulators
like PS2 you couldn't even dream of but
nowadays if you have an Android device
you can download Aether sx2 and play
actual PlayStation 2 games at full speed
on an Android device it's insane now of
course when it comes to Apple ladies and
gentlemen they just have an actual game
emulator on the App Store now this is
mindboggling because ladies and
gentlemen I am not joking with you there
is an actual emulator available for
iPhone on the App Store no hacking no
side loing no jailbreaking Apple has
finally allowed emulators now I thought
when I read about this [ __ ] a week ago I
thought it's probably some technicality
to allow Nintendo to sell some games but
now you can play Pokemon Emerald on your
iPhone without actually jailbreaking it
pretty massive thing to see so again I
actually downloaded the emulator and
surprise surprise it is something that I
was using on the iPhone for years at
this point except it was through a
pretty unofficial store called the alt
store which if you live in the European
Union because of the laws over there
they actually have to allow you to
install this as a third-party store now
it's not perfect for instance you
actually have to go to their Store and
download it and basically pay a150 or a
Euro 150 EUR a year uh 1.5
and you can install this now that's not
a terribly expensive price tag to get
access to another store but I also think
it's really stupid that you can buy a
piece of hardware and you have to pay to
install the store then you like that
doesn't make any sense this is why Apple
devices are literally the Fisher Price
of of smartphones the fact that y'all
got to [ __ ] pay to install third
party app stores when Android you be you
be installing apks for free because it's
your device it's your product is
mindboggling okay Freedom over being
locked down like this like a dog but
again ladies and gentlemen this is an
actual emulator you can install right
now and play games and it plays all the
way from Old School NES stuff SNES N64
Nintendo DS Game Boy Advance and Game
Boy Color now to understand it's even
got multiplayer support So if you're
into that [ __ ] you can play some
multiplayer and this is just the
beginning okay to give you an idea Apple
had a recent update where you could
literally like install retro game app
emulators so again the definition of
retro I don't know what it means
necessarily for Apple retro could be all
the way up to PlayStation 3 but I doubt
we're going to get rpcs3 on the iPhone
anytime soon okay the day I can play
Metal Gear Solid 4 on an iPhone is going
to be a wild day but I don't think we're
close to that yet but PS2 GameCube the
original Xbox can technically be retro
so I'm wondering if at some point down
the road maybe that might show up
obviously emulators like the Nintendo
switch emulator probably won't show up
because I doubt Nintendo is even excited
about looking at this stuff but I also
doubt Nintendo can do much to stop Apple
from letting this occur and I don't
think that Apple would have let this
brazenly like upload onto the App Store
if they didn't expect that there would
be some backlash some problem with
Nintendo but of course apple is far
larger and I doubt they care at all if
ultimately it is interesting to see this
finally happen and to me this isn't that
big of a deal like the only people that
are making this a big deal are like
iPhone users when this kind of stuff has
been on Android for like 10 years [ __ ]
this has been on every other mobile
operating system for a decade plus this
is just new to iPhone because of like
rule changes and ultimately it's great
to see that Apple finally open up but
it's nothing mindboggling to me okay to
be honest with you a lot of mobile
gaming for me has died ever since I
bought the steam deck because honestly
why would I even bother playing a video
game on my mobile device when I can just
pick up my steam deck and play something
like Fallout New Vegas or you know
Skyrim or Grand Theft Auto 5 or death
stranding or anything with actual
tactile controls and far better visual
Fidelity than what my phone could ever
provide but I think for somebody that
wants to play like a round of Pokemon or
something or just an entire game or or
Chrono Trigger or anything on their
device on their iPhone it's good to see
them finally be able to [ __ ] around
without actually jailbreaking their
device okay now again something like
this used to occur you know even before
all of this through [ __ ] like the s
store for instance where again this was
the only way to install third-party
applications on your iPhone device so if
you wanted to install IPA files which is
the APK equivalent for iOS you would
have to go through a hurdle developer
accounts side loading just to get access
to any of that nonsense which again if
you were a power user you wanted more
freedom on your device it's kind of
insane how you have to go through all of
these hoops just to install a third
party tool on your device especially
when under the same umbrella if you have
a Mac you can install third-party
programs from the internet if Apple ever
changed that I personally believe that
would be the death of Mac OS right there
and then and I hope to God Apple doesn't
decide to go down that route but if they
do funny video right there now again one
of the problems with something like this
while it is interesting to see is Apple
hasn't completely allowed every single
aspect of what an emulator would want
for instance something known as jit
which if you really need that in certain
applications that is just in time
compilation which if you don't know what
that necessarily is a quick explanation
is uh it's compilation during execution
of a program rather than before
execution this may consist of source
code translation but is more commonly
bite code to machine code which is then
executed directly a system implementing
a jit compiler typically continuously
analyzes the code being executed and
identifies parts of the code where the
speed up gain from compilation or
recompilation would outweigh the
overhead of compiling that code in
simple terms the idea is the more
complex your emulators become so when
you start dealing with you know up there
emulators you know things like zmu the
PlayStation 2 stuff maybe Nintendo
switch rpcs3
uh I think Wii GameCube stuff is also in
that similar vein you want to have as
many optimizations as you can the
problem with Apple software is Apple
runs on something known as the Harden
runtime and this is just for the Mac OS
system but I believe it also exists for
iPhone please correct me if I'm wrong
any developer out there and the general
idea is the Harden runtime doesn't
affect the operation of most apps but it
does disallow certain less common
capabilities like just in time
compilation if your app relies on a
capability that the Harden runtime
restricts add an entitlement to disable
an individual protection now for my
understanding you can kind of remove
this under Mac OS but when it comes to
Apple's IOS things are a lot different
and apple doesn't really want people
[ __ ] around and causing things like
battery drain or severe performance
issues that make the device potentially
look bad or unoptimized right they're
they'd rather throw app developers under
the bus to make again the general system
run more efficiently overall which again
depending on how you perceive this it's
people have a split feeling about this
and of course for emulators that is
something you absolutely need and one of
the things that I've seen and read about
this is with all these third party tools
and App Store releases that jit
necessarily isn't available so again
it's fine if you're playing games that
are Game Boy advanced titles or Super
Nintendo titles or play or even
Playstation One stuff it's when you
start getting into more recent you know
emulators where it becomes a serious
issue now that being said apple is just
doing Apple things and I'm glad to see
them open up but to give you an idea of
where we're at with mobile gaming and
emulation ladies and gentlemen this is
Win later okay this is allowing you to
run Windows applications on Android via
wine and box86 so to give you an idea
Android for the most part is ultimately
a Linux device and while while Android
devices run on Arm based systems
arm-based processors the tool wine is
something that you've probably heard of
if you're a Linux gamer hell if you have
the steam deck you use wine to play
Windows games underneath a Linux system
so to give you an idea of where win
later is right now there are actually
people playing Grand Theft Auto 5 the PC
version underneath an Android device
right now now the performance here isn't
crazy massive it's not like you're
getting 120 frames on maximum settings
this is a 10-year-old game running at
around 30 frames per second although on
a mobile device now that should blow you
away this is again an emulation of a PC
game underneath an Android platform you
could only imagine how good this would
run had it officially been ported by
Rockstar to the Android or iOS platforms
but we're getting to a point where PC
gaming is started to become a thing on
actual Android devices so that's the
that's that's the level of I guess you
could say Gap that exists
in emulation Apple users finally got
Game Boy Advance running Android people
are are getting GTA 5 running on their
system so there is a big gap and a lot
of that has to do with again operating
systems and the fundamental freedoms
that they provide but yeah apple decided
to do the impossible which is open up
their store and actually get Retro
Gaming emulators underneath them and
ultimately it's a net Boon right like
when it comes to Mobile gaming I don't
think you're ever going to find anything
better than playing playing some Classic
Game Boy advanced Super Nintendo titles
on your actual device and I think
ultimately at the end of the day for
most people right like that's about
enough that's about the most that they
can expect play some ocarine of time you
know play some N64 slop do whatever they
needed to and because this is allowed
I'm actually wondering if retroarc or
duck station or a lot of these other big
popular emulators are going to start
showing up over the course of this
weekend or maybe next week who knows
this is actually unch territory and it's
interesting to see that for the first
time Apple has decided to take the stick
out of their [ __ ] and actually
provide another you know reason to at
least buy an Apple product so cool stuff
interesting to see and uh personally I
wanted to wait a few days before I made
a video because in my mind I still think
this could be revoked okay Apple's weird
like that all right but ladies and
gentlemen wild [ __ ] if you like what you
saw please like comment and subscribe
dislike or dislike it I am out
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