Major Windows 11 Feature, GONE
TLDR微软意外宣布终止对Windows 11上的Android子系统的支持,该功能允许用户在Windows上下载和运行Android应用。尽管该功能自2021年宣布以来并未受到广泛使用,但已安装用户将有一年时间逐步过渡。同时,苹果在面临欧盟数字市场法的批评后,对其合规计划进行了小幅调整,简化了开发者接受新商业条款的流程,并为开发者提供了一次性的回退选项。此外,Anthropic的AI模型Claude 3 Opus在多个AI基准测试中与OpenAI的GPT 4相媲美,甚至在某些方面表现更佳。
- 📆 微软意外宣布将终止对Windows子系统安卓应用的支持,该功能允许在Windows 11上下载和运行安卓应用。
- 🚫 从今天起,Windows子系统安卓应用不再支持新安装,现有用户将在一年后完全失去支持。
- 🏬 该功能依赖亚马逊应用商店而非谷歌Play商店,这限制了其实用性。
- 🤔 尽管微软未明确说明为何取消安卓应用支持,但似乎用户对此功能并不感兴趣。
- 🍏 苹果在受到批评后对其合规计划进行了小幅调整,简化了开发者接受新商业条款的流程,并提供了一次性的回退选项。
- 📝 苹果还取消了对竞争对手应用市场制造商要求提供信用证的要求,条件是他们在欧盟有成熟的应用业务和至少两年的良好开发者账户。
- 🎮 epic games在苹果重新激活其开发者账户一个月后,再次被终止,苹果称其不可信。
- 🤖 根据Anthropic的说法,其AI技术公司NextGen Claude 3 Opus模型在多个AI基准测试中与OpenAI的GPT 4相匹配甚至偶尔超越。
- 📊 Claude 3 Opus展现了对测试的元认知能力,能够识别测试中的玩笑或注意力测试。
- 🥿 Vessie声称其鞋子极端防水,并能在夏天保持凉爽,冬天保持温暖。
- 🔥 特斯拉德国超级工厂因附近设施的电力塔被环保激进分子纵火而被迫暂停生产。
- 🚗 欧洲新的安全规则将要求汽车制造商在2026年1月前恢复物理控制,以获得五星级安全评级。
- 🔧 俄勒冈州通过了一项维修权法案,要求制造商向设备所有者和独立维修店提供文档、工具、零件或其他设备。
- 🔍 谷歌正在调整其搜索排名系统,以降低主要为总结其他内容而存在的内容的排名,这包括SEO垃圾邮件和大量的机器生成内容。
- 📈 Linux操作系统的市场份额达到了4.03%的历史新高,这是开源操作系统的一个积极趋势。
Q & A
Windows 11上的安卓应用支持功能何时不再可用?
Epic Games对苹果和谷歌的回应有何看法?
-Epic Games认为苹果和谷歌的回应是半心半意的,尽管谷歌在其博客文章中声称已经符合新规则,但Epic Games指出谷歌仍在收取高额的网络交易费用,即使谷歌并未参与交易处理。
Anthropic的NextGen Claude 3 Opus模型在AI基准测试中的表现如何?
-Anthropic的NextGen Claude 3 Opus模型在多个AI基准测试中与OpenAI的GPT 4相匹配,甚至在某些方面表现更优。这些测试包括推理、数学、编程、多语言理解和视觉等方面。
-根据Stat Counter的研究,Linux操作系统的市场份额达到了4.03%,相比五年前的1.58%有了显著提升。尽管Windows仍占主导地位,但其市场份额在过去十年中一直在下降。
微软意外宣布将结束对Windows子系统安卓应用的支持,这意味着用户将无法在Windows 11上下载和运行安卓应用。该功能自2021年宣布并在一年后推出,但由于无法访问谷歌应用商店,而是依赖亚马逊应用商店,因此并未受到广泛使用。尽管如此,已安装安卓应用支持的用户将有一年的时间来适应这一变化,届时这些应用将逐渐停止工作。微软并未明确说明为何现在放弃安卓应用支持,但考虑到该功能并未受到广泛关注,影响可能有限。
面对欧盟数字市场法案的批评,苹果进行了自我反思并对其合规计划进行了小幅调整。苹果简化了开发者接受新商业条款的流程,并增加了一次性终止选项,允许开发者在想要回到之前的条款时有选择。此外,苹果不再要求来自竞争对手应用市场的制造商提供信用证,只要他们在欧盟有成熟的应用业务和至少两年的良好开发者账户。尽管如此,Epic Games,这家因多次反垄断诉讼而闻名的游戏公司,对苹果和谷歌的回应表示不满,认为他们的改变不够充分。
🤖人工智能技术公司Anthropic的Claude 3 Opus模型在AI基准测试中表现优异
Anthropic的NextGen Claude 3 Opus模型在多个AI基准测试中与OpenAI的GPT 4相匹敌,甚至在某些方面超越了它。这些测试包括推理、数学、编程、多语言理解和视觉。Claude 3的轻量级和超轻量级变体Sonet和Haiku虽然在某些基准测试中表现稍逊,但与GPT 3.5相比仍有显著提升。Anthropic的一名提示工程师Alex Albert分享了一个有趣的轶事,表明Claude 3 Opus似乎展现出了元认知能力,能够识别测试的意图。
🥾Vessie Stormburst鞋款介绍
特斯拉位于德国的超级工厂因附近设施的电力塔被环境活动人士纵火而被迫暂停生产。这场破坏行为不仅影响了特斯拉的生产,还导致了附近数千居民的电力中断。尽管有一个名为Robin Wood的团体声明与此次火灾无关,但特斯拉和当地居民都受到了影响。
Linux操作系统的市场份额达到了4.03%的历史新高,这是根据研究公司Stat Counter的数据。与5年前的1.58%相比,这是一个显著的增长。尽管如此,Linux在操作系统市场中仍然是小众,Windows的市场份额在过去十年中一直在下降,而Mac OS的市场份额则基本稳定在20%左右。长期趋势对Linux是有利的。
💡Windows subsystem for Android
💡Google Play Store
💡EU's digital markets act
💡antitrust lawsuits
💡AI benchmarks
💡quick bits
💡Tesla's German gigafactory
💡right to repair
💡SEO spam
微软突然意外宣布将终止对Windows子系统安卓的支持,该子系统允许在Windows 11上下载和运行安卓应用。
Epic Games在苹果重新恢复其开发者账户一个月后,再次被苹果终止,称其过去的行为不可信。
Anthropic的下一代AI技术公司推出的Claude 3 Opus模型,在多项AI基准测试中与Open AI的GPT 4相匹配甚至偶尔超越。
Claude 3 Opus的轻量级和超轻量级变体Sonet和Haiku在某些基准测试中表现稍逊,但仍显示出比GPT 3.5有明显改进。
Anthropic的一名提示工程师Alex Albert分享了一个有趣的轶事,其中Claude 3 Opus似乎表现出了对其评估的元认知。
due to the nature of entropy time can
only move forward never backwards which
is why we can only tell you what
happened yesterday and not what will
happen tomorrow for now maybe stay tuned
lottery numbers we're working on it
Microsoft has suddenly and unexpectedly
announced that it will be ending support
for the Windows subsystem for Android
which allows Android apps to be
downloaded and run on Windows 11 the
company announced the deprecation
yesterday and the feature can no longer
be in stalled as of today those who
currently have Android app support will
have another year before support ends
entirely and the apps gradually break
and cease to function the feature was
first announced in 2021 and debuted a
year later but it lacked access to the
Google Play Store instead relying on the
Amazon app store which is what your mom
means when she says that we have the
Google Play Store at home it's also why
apparently nobody used this feature your
mom also thinks Jeff Bezos is Pit Bull
so it might not be obvious why somebody
would want to download Pokémon go to
their desktop but the idea was probably
to increase the amount of apps that can
be reasonably run on Windows powered
touchscreens while also providing an
answer to Chrome os's Android support
and Mac os's iOS app support while
Microsoft didn't say why they're
ditching Android app support now it's
unlikely that anyone will really lose
sleep over it as apparently no one
really cared about using Android apps on
Windows in the first place following
sustained criticism of its at best
half-ass attempt to comply with the eu's
digital markets act Apple has done some
soul searching and responded with a few
gentle tweaks to its current compliance
plan specifically Apple simplified the
process for developers to accept its
awful new business terms and added a
one-time termination option if devs want
to revert back to the previous less
awful terms but still kind of awful
press this button to give us more money
you didn't like it in there did you the
company will also no longer require a
letter of credit from makers of rival
app marketplaces so long as they have an
established app business in the EU and a
developer account in good standing that
is at least 2 years old one party you'd
expect to respond positively to these
changes is epic games best known for
multiple antitrust lawsuits against
Apple and Google and also some video
games but it turns out that only a month
after reinstating epic games developer
account Apple has once again terminated
it calling the gaming company verifiably
untrustworthy given its past Behavior
though it's unclear what in the past
month made them change their minds about
changing their minds while Google has
seemed to be responding in good faith to
the eu's new rules epic games is also
accusing them of half-ass compliance
following a Google blog post that
basically goes over how they already are
in compliance with the new rules despite
charging up to 27 % on web transactions
that they aren't even involved in
processing hopefully for Apple and
Google these quarter buttock changes
will be enough when the compliance
deadline comes which is March 7th
otherwise known as tomorrow and if
there's one thing the EU is known for
it's putting their entire ass into
everything they do the EU is most of a
continent it's it's got a pretty big ass
yeah whole assing everything according
to anthropic the other giant AI Tech
company its NextGen Claude 3 Opus model
matches and even occasionally surpasses
open ai's GPT 4 on several AI benchmarks
for reasoning math coding multilingual
understanding and vision but it can it
see why kids love Cinnamon Toast CR
Claude 3's lightweight and Ultra
lightweight variants Sonet and Haiku
fell short on some benchmarks but still
showed a distinct improvement over GPT
3.5 one of anthropics prompt engineers
Alex Albert even shared a cute anecdote
where Claude 3 Opus seemed to show meta
awareness that it was under evaluation
the test involved asking Opus to find a
needle in a Hy stack by answering a
question using a small piece of
information buried in a large collection
of documents equivalent to around
200,000 tokens in size after being asked
about pizza toppings Claude responded
with the correct phrase from the
documents then noted that the sentence
seemed out of place in the rest of the
material saying quote I suspect this
pizza topping
fact quotes may have been inserted as a
joke or to test if I was paying
attention it's kind of amazing to see a
robot that seems capable of determining
the intent of a test especially when I
still can't even tell when people are
hitting on me or white kids love
Cinnamon Toast CR speaking of hitting
now it's time
for he doesn't even know now it's time
for quick bits brought to you by vessie
they claim their shoes are extreme
extremely waterproof and keep your feet
cool in the summer and warm in the
winter their stormburst high top shoes
combine the comfort of a sneaker with
the grip and coverage of an outdoor boot
vessie has added extra layering for
added warmth as well as extra grip to
prevent you from slipping and sliding in
unfavorable weather conditions the storm
bursts are feature packed and will make
great gifts with the unpredictable
Spring weather coming up check out the
vessie stormburst and other styles at decklink and get 15% off your
first purchase at checkout a quick is
defined as a class of subatomic
particles that form the building blocks
of tech news and that's just science
Tesla's German gigafactory was
forced to pause production yesterday
after an electricity pylon close to the
facility was set on fire by environment
activists who identify themselves as the
volcano group I'm guessing they're
pyromaniacs who also want to help the
planet it's like a Dexter thing I have
to let it out somehow my Dark Passenger
he's hot my hot dark hot my hot Dark
Passenger unfortunately the arson attack
also knocked out power to thousands of
residents nearby not including the 100
or so environmentalists camping in the
surrounding Forest to try and prevent
Tesla from chopping it down one group
called Robin Wood told the BBC it had
nothing to do with the fire okay that's
a star let's be honest and this is why
lmg hasn't expanded to Germany there are
scores of angry Germans hiding in the
woods and they all hate each other have
you seen clous new European safety rules
will require car manufacturers to bring
back physical controls as of January
2026 turn signals windshield wiper
controls the car horn you know Hazard
warning lights and any built-in SOS
features need to have tangible controls
for cars to earn a five-star safety
rating so drivers don't have to take
their eyes off the road to fiddle with a
touchcreen which who thought of this in
the first place even more upsetting
Europe will require car makers to stop
giving drivers complimentary sleep masks
and Xanax prescriptions what are they
supposed to
do reality's hard Oregon has passed a
right to repair bill so competent Apple
won't stop bitching about it Senate Bill
1596 requires manufacturers to make any
documentation tool part or other device
they provide to authorized service
providers available to device owners and
independent repair shops while apple is
mostly in favor of the bill mostly dead
the company claims the wording May force
them to allow third-party biometric
sensors to work in their devices that
could lead to unauthorized access of
users personal data and that does sound
scary but Apple also expects me to trust
some guy just because he has a blue
shirt on and I feel like that might
undercut their
point in fact I trust them until I
notice that their shirts blue wait a
second where am I I went shopping for
groceries Google says that it's
adjusting its search ranking system to
downgrade the position of content that
exists primarily to summarize other
content a category that includes SEO
spam but also an absolute Avalanche of
machine generated content Google of
course has been in a NeverEnding arms
race against spam and lowquality content
since the dawn of time by which I mean
1998 however Google Now seems to be
tacitly acknowledging growing criticism
that its search results are getting
worse in no small part due to the
increasing availability and cheapness of
relatively highquality AI Tools in
particular Google says it will Target
large content Mills and reputation abuse
which is where otherwise respectable
sites allow themselves to be used to
raise the profile of certain kinds of
spam like a fine dining restaurant that
also sells TVs that fell off the back of
a truck if you want it chicken pom only
comes with spaghetti but this one LCD
it's got 56 channels and Linux that's an
operating system has hit an all-time
high market share of
4.03% of worldwide desktop os's
according to research firm stat counter
that's a respectable bump up from the
1.58% of desktops and laptops that ran
Linux 5 years ago in February 2019 while
by the Numbers the open source OS is
still Small Potatoes Windows dominant
market share has been falling for the
past decade and even Mac OS seems to
have more or less plateaued at around
20% the trend lines are looking good for
Linux long term so we wish a happy 4%
day and a godspeed to the Linux lovers
dorkiest of the Nerds I'm sorry for not
calling it gnu Linux the CrossFit of the
nerd community and if you're dorky
enough come back on Friday for more Tech
news we're going to make so many
references to sub routines and logic
gates and stuff it's going to be awesome
CD more like CD's nuts speaking of
hitting now it's time for
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)

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