Trump asleep with mouth WIDE OPEN as Michael Cohen testifies

David Pakman Show
15 May 202405:06


TLDRThe video script describes a scene from a courtroom where Michael Cohen is testifying, and the audience is captivated by his words. In contrast, Donald Trump appears to fall asleep, with his mouth hanging open and eyes closed, as reported by various sources. The speaker discusses the potential impact of Trump's apparent napping on the jury, presenting two perspectives: one optimistic, suggesting that his sleep might indicate a lack of concern over the charges, and another more critical, implying that his lack of attentiveness could be seen as disrespectful to the jury and their duty. The speaker leans towards the latter interpretation and invites viewers to share their thoughts for further discussion.


  • 📚 Michael Cohen's testimony was highly anticipated and the jury was reportedly very engaged, leaning forward in their seats.
  • 😴 In contrast to the jury's attentiveness, Donald Trump was observed to have fallen asleep during the proceedings, with his mouth open and eyes closed.
  • 🗣️ Multiple reports and tweets described Trump's posture and state during the court session, indicating a lack of alertness.
  • 🤔 The defense team's strategy involved cross-examining Cohen to challenge his credibility and to potentially provoke a reaction.
  • 👀 Trump's lawyer questioned Cohen about his past statements and memory of conversations with Trump.
  • 📉 The visual of Trump sleeping in court raises the question of whether it could negatively impact the jury's perception of him.
  • 🤨 Some might argue that Trump's sleep indicates a lack of concern over the charges, suggesting confidence in his innocence.
  • 😠 Conversely, others could interpret his sleeping as a sign of disrespect towards the jury and the judicial process.
  • 🏆 The jury's opinion matters most in this situation, and their perception of Trump's behavior could significantly influence the trial's outcome.
  • 💤 The possibility that medication could be related to Trump's sleeping is mentioned but not explored in depth in the discussion.
  • 📈 The optimistic view for Trump's defenders is that his sleeping might be seen as a sign that the charges are not serious.
  • 📉 On the other hand, the pessimistic view is that the jury might be offended by Trump's sleeping, potentially harming his case.

Q & A

  • What was the reported reaction of the jury during Michael Cohen's testimony?

    -The jury was reportedly absolutely titillated, leaning forward in their seats, riveted to every word coming out of Michael Cohen's mouth.

  • How did Donald Trump appear to be reacting to the proceedings according to the transcript?

    -Donald Trump was described as leaning back with his eyes closed and at one point his mouth briefly hung open before readjusting himself.

  • What was the purpose of the defense team's cross-examination of Michael Cohen?

    -The defense team's goal was to get under Cohen's skin, quizzing him about past statements and his ability to recall conversations with Trump.

  • How did the media report on Trump's behavior during the court proceedings?

    -Multiple reports and tweets described Trump as slouched in his seat with his eyes seemingly closed and his mouth slack.

  • What is the optimistic interpretation of Trump sleeping in court, as suggested by the speaker?

    -The optimistic interpretation is that the jury might see Trump sleeping as evidence that there is nothing to the charges, suggesting that if he were truly worried, he wouldn't be able to fall asleep.

  • What is the alternative perspective on Trump sleeping in court and how it might affect the jury?

    -The alternative perspective is that the jury, who are sacrificing their time and lives to fulfill their civic duty, might be offended by Trump's lack of attentiveness and disrespect by sleeping during the trial.

  • What is the practical question raised by the speaker regarding Trump's behavior in court?

    -The practical question raised is whether Trump sleeping in court will help or hurt him with the jury, the twelve people with whom it matters most.

  • What is the potential impact on the jury's perception if they believe Trump is not taking the trial seriously?

    -If the jury perceives that Trump is not respecting the process by sleeping through the trial, it could negatively affect their view of him and potentially influence their decision.

  • How does the speaker's personal bias affect their perspective on the situation?

    -The speaker admits their own biases and states that they are more partial to the view that a juror would not be pleased with the defendant sleeping during the trial.

  • What is the significance of the detailed report by Wolf Blitzer from CNN as mentioned in the transcript?

    -The significance of Wolf Blitzer's report is that it highlights the detail of Trump's behavior, specifically the moment when his mouth was hanging open, which adds to the overall visual narrative of the court proceedings.

  • What is the implication of the speaker's comment about not discussing whether medication may be related to Trump sleeping in court?

    -The implication is that there could be other factors influencing Trump's ability to stay awake, such as medication, but the speaker chooses to focus on the observable behavior and its potential impact on the jury rather than speculating on medical reasons.

  • How does the speaker invite audience engagement with the topic?

    -The speaker invites audience engagement by asking for their thoughts on the matter and indicating a follow-up, encouraging viewers to actively consider the implications of Trump's behavior in court.



😴 Trump's Courtroom Slumber

The first paragraph describes the scene in court where Michael Cohen is testifying. Despite the gravity of the situation and the intense focus of the jury, Donald Trump is reported to have fallen asleep during the proceedings. Various observers and media reports, including one from CNN's Wolf Blitzer, note Trump's slouched posture and his mouth hanging open. The paragraph also raises a question about whether Trump's apparent disinterest, as shown by his sleeping, might be viewed by the jury as a sign of innocence or disrespect, potentially influencing their judgment.



💡Michael Cohen

Michael Cohen is a former attorney for Donald Trump. His testimony and cross-examination in a criminal court are central to the video's narrative, as they provide the context for the reactions and discussions that follow. The video discusses the impact of Cohen's words on the jury and Trump's behavior during the proceedings.


Testimony refers to the evidence given by a witness under oath, which is a crucial part of a court trial. In the context of the video, Michael Cohen's testimony is of particular interest as it pertains to Donald Trump, and the reactions it garners from the jury and Trump himself.


Cross-examination is the questioning of a witness by the opposing counsel during a trial. It is a key legal procedure aimed at testing the credibility and consistency of a witness's testimony. In the video, the cross-examination of Michael Cohen is highlighted as a moment that captured the attention of the jury.


A jury is a group of people sworn to render a verdict in a trial, based on evidence presented. The video discusses how the jury's perception could be influenced by Trump's behavior during the trial, such as falling asleep, which could either be seen as a sign of confidence or a lack of respect.

💡Donald Trump

Donald Trump, the 45th President of the United States, is a central figure in the video. His behavior during the court proceedings, particularly his apparent sleeping, is a focal point of discussion and analysis regarding its potential impact on the jury.

💡Sleeping in court

The act of falling asleep during a court proceeding is depicted in the video as Trump's behavior. It is analyzed for its potential implications on the jury's perception of the case and Trump's attitude towards the trial. The video suggests that this could either be seen as a sign of nonchalance or disrespect.

💡Respect for the judicial process

Respect for the judicial process is an important concept in the video, as it is tied to the jury's potential perception of Trump. If the jury feels that Trump is not respecting the process by sleeping during the trial, it could negatively influence their opinion of him and the case.

💡Wolf Blitzer

Wolf Blitzer is a journalist and television news anchor for CNN. His report on Trump's behavior during the trial, specifically the detail of Trump's mouth hanging open, is mentioned in the video as an example of the media's coverage of the event.

💡Optimistic interpretation

The optimistic interpretation refers to a positive spin that could be put on Trump's sleeping during the trial. The video suggests that some might see it as evidence that Trump is not worried about the charges, implying confidence in his innocence.

💡Jury duty

Jury duty is the obligation of citizens to serve on a jury when called upon. The video discusses the contrast between the jury's commitment to their duty and Trump's behavior, suggesting that the latter could be seen as disrespectful and potentially influence the jury's decision.

💡Public perception

Public perception is the general view or attitude of the public towards a particular issue or person. In the context of the video, it refers to how the public, and specifically the jury, might perceive Trump's actions during the trial, which could have legal and social implications.


Michael Cohen's testimony and cross-examination in criminal court were highly engaging for the jury.

Reports suggest that Donald Trump appeared to fall asleep during the proceedings, with his mouth hanging open.

Multiple sources, including tweets and a CNN report by Wolf Blitzer, described Trump's apparent slumber.

Trump's defense team attempted to challenge Cohen's credibility and recall of past conversations with Trump.

The visual of Trump sleeping during the trial raises questions about its impact on the jury's perception.

One optimistic interpretation is that Trump's sleep could be seen as a sign of confidence, suggesting the charges are not serious.

Alternatively, the jury might view Trump's sleeping as a lack of respect for the judicial process.

Jurors are expected to be attentive and engaged, and Trump's behavior could be unfavorably compared to their own duty.

The impact of Trump's sleep on the jury's decision is speculative, with opinions divided.

The transcript raises the question of whether Trump's sleep in court could help or hurt his case.

The discussion considers the potential influence of Trump's demeanor on the jury's sentiments.

The jury's perception of Trump's behavior is crucial, as they are the ones who will determine the outcome of the trial.

There is an acknowledgment of potential biases in interpreting the significance of Trump's actions during the trial.

The speaker leans towards the view that a defendant's attentiveness is important for a favorable impression on the jury.

The transcript invites listeners to share their thoughts on the potential impact of Trump's behavior on the jury.

A follow-up on the topic is suggested to further explore the implications of Trump's actions in court.



Donald Trump is lean leaning back with  his eyes closed and at one point his mouth  


briefly hung open all right Speaker 1: All right.  Despite Michael Cohen's riveting testimony and  


cross-examination in criminal court yesterday,  the jury was reportedly absolutely titillated,  


leaning forward in their seats, riveted to every  word coming out of Michael Cohen's mouth. Trump  


almost immediately fell asleep with his  mouth agape, hanging completely slack,  


according to multiple reports. We have a number  of different, tweets or excretions reporting.  


This first one quote with Blanch several  minutes into his cross-examination of Cohen,  


Trump is slouched in his seat, his eyes seemingly  closed and his mouth slack. Another tweet from  


inside the courtroom quote. Trump looks  out, eyes closed, drooping mouth. And here  


is a hilarious Wolf Blitzer report from CNN in  which Blitzer reports on the mouth hanging open,  


which is just what a detail, what a detailed. Speaker 3: Defense team is cross-examining  


Michael Cohen right now. Their goal appears to  be to get under Cohen's skin. Trump's lawyer is  


quizzing Cohen about past statements he's made, as  well as his ability to recall conversations with  


Trump. Our reporter inside the courtroom tells  us that Donald Trump is lean, leaning back with  


his eyes closed, and at one point his mouth  briefly hung open before readjusting himself. 


Speaker 1: So. The visual of Trump sitting there  with his mouth hanging open and his eyes closed,  


slouched in his seat is really something.  But there's another aspect to this. There's  


a practical question Will Trump sleeping  in court? Help him or hurt him with the  


12 people with whom it matters most, which is  the jury. Let me give you both sides of it. The  


optimistic interpretation of Trump sleeping, if  you are a defender of Trump's, is that the jury  


will see Trump sleeping as evidence that there is  nothing here. If Trump were really worried about  


these charges, if Trump really thought maybe  I did something wrong. Adrenaline and cortisol  


would not allow him to fall asleep. Now, this puts  aside any questions of whether medication may be  


related to Trump sleeping in court. Not even  going to get into that here. But could the jury  


see Trump sleeping and say, man, if this guy is  just sleeping through this thing, this can't be  


serious. We've got to acquit this guy. That's  that's a very optimistic interpretation. Now,  


the other side to this would be we have to  be here missing our jobs, missing our lives,  


missing family, missing children, missing friends  in order to carry out our. Duty as citizens to do  


jury duty. And the defendant, Trump, who is here  to be judged by a jury of his peers, doesn't even  


have the respect to stay awake during this trial.  And that could do much the opposite of currying  


favor with the jury. I am projecting my own  biases, for sure, but I am more partial to that  


second one, which is if I'm there as a juror and I  know that I've got to stay awake and consider hour  


after hour, after hours, hour of, testimony and  evidence, and the defendant is sleeping through  


it. I wouldn't be particularly thrilled, and it  certainly would not make the defendant appear  


more sympathetic to me. Let me know what you  think about that. And, we'll do a follow up.

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Courtroom BehaviorTrumpCohen TestimonyJury PerceptionLegal DramaSleeping DefendantCNN ReportCross-ExaminationTrial DynamicsPublic OpinionPolitical Commentary