MTG, AOC & Jasmine Crockett trade insults at House Oversight Committee hearing | LiveNOW from FOX

LiveNOW from FOX
17 May 202404:07


TLDRThe transcript captures a heated exchange during a committee hearing. A member, Mr. Lynch, raises a point of order concerning the conduct of the chairperson related to fundraising, suggesting it should be referred to the Ethics Committee. The discussion quickly escalates as Miss Green's comments are challenged for attacking a colleague's appearance, leading to a motion to take down her words. The chairperson attempts to maintain order, emphasizing the importance of adhering to committee rules, while various members interject with motions to strike words and objections. Amidst the chaos, a member with hearing aids pleads for calm and understanding, highlighting the difficulty in following the proceedings amidst the noise.


  • 🗣️ A discussion about the purpose of the meeting is taking place, with some participants not being clear about the agenda.
  • 👁️ A comment about someone's fake eyelashes seems to have caused a disruption in the meeting.
  • 📋 There is a point of order raised concerning the conduct of a participant in relation to fundraising connected to the hearing.
  • 👤 A motion is made to refer the conduct to the Ethics Committee, but it is dismissed as not a point of order.
  • 🤬 An attack on a person's physical appearance is made, which is deemed unacceptable by other participants.
  • 📝 Words spoken by Miss Green are to be taken down due to personal attacks, with a motion to do so being seconded.
  • 🚫 A clarification is sought on what constitutes engaging in personalities, with a hypothetical situation provided.
  • 🙅‍♀️ A motion to strike certain words is made, indicating a disagreement on the appropriateness of the comments made.
  • 👂 A participant mentions having hearing aids and difficulty understanding the commotion in the meeting.
  • ⏱️ Time is being allocated for Miss Screen to speak, with a specific duration mentioned.
  • 🙋‍♀️ Miss Green is recognized to speak for a set amount of time, amidst objections and a request for clarification on the ruling.

Q & A

  • What is the main issue being discussed in the transcript?

    -The main issue in the transcript revolves around the conduct of committee members, including personal attacks and the raising of money in connection with a hearing, which is being questioned for its appropriateness and potential referral to the Ethics Committee.

  • Who is Mr. Lynch and what does he propose?

    -Mr. Lynch is a member of the committee who raises a point of order, asking the parliamentarian if the conduct of another member, specifically related to fundraising connected to the hearing, should be referred to the Ethics Committee.

  • What is the point of order raised by Miss Green?

    -Miss Green raises a point of order to have her words taken down, which were directed at another member, and she argues that it is unacceptable to attack someone's physical appearance.

  • What does Miss Crockett want to understand better?

    -Miss Crockett seeks clarification on the committee's ruling, specifically whether discussing someone's physical attributes would be considered engaging in personalities, which is generally not allowed during committee proceedings.

  • What motion is made by another member of the committee?

    -Another member of the committee makes a motion to strike certain words from the record, which were personal remarks directed at another member, on the grounds that they were inappropriate.

  • How does the chairman respond to the motion to strike words from the record?

    -The chairman does not immediately agree to the motion to strike the words, instead asking for clarification and reminding the committee members of the rules and the need to maintain order during the proceedings.

  • What is the role of the parliamentarian in this context?

    -The parliamentarian's role is to provide guidance on procedural matters, including whether certain conduct is referable to the Ethics Committee and how to handle points of order raised by committee members.

  • Why does the member with hearing aids have difficulty following the discussion?

    -The member with hearing aids is having difficulty understanding the discussion due to the yelling and noise from other committee members, which makes it hard for them to follow the proceedings clearly.

  • What is the significance of the 4 minutes and 21 seconds mentioned by the chairman?

    -The 4 minutes and 21 seconds is the time allotted for Miss Screen to speak, indicating that the chairman is trying to manage the time each member has to present their points during the committee meeting.

  • What is the objection raised by Miss Green regarding the ruling?

    -Miss Green objects to the ruling because she believes that her words were unfairly targeted for being struck from the record, and she wants to ensure that her remarks are accurately represented.



😡 Heated Exchange Over Ethics Committee Referral

The first paragraph captures a tense and disorderly debate within a committee meeting. There's a discussion about raising money in connection with a hearing, which leads to a point of order being raised by Mr. Lynch. He questions whether the parliamentarian's conduct is referable to the Ethics Committee. The situation escalates as Miss Green's words are deemed unacceptable, and there's a motion to take them down. The committee members argue over personal remarks and the application of rules, with some members trying to maintain order while others are accused of making personal attacks. The chairman struggles to recognize speakers and enforce the rules amidst the chaos.



💡Point of Order

A 'point of order' is a procedural request made by a member of a deliberative assembly to address a perceived breach of the assembly's rules or procedures. In the video, Mr. Lynch uses this term to raise a concern about the conduct of the chairman in relation to fundraising connected with the hearing, which he believes should be referred to the Ethics Committee.


A parliamentarian is an expert in legislative procedure, often serving as an advisor to a legislative body on matters of order and rules. In this context, Mr. Lynch seeks the parliamentarian's advice on whether the chairman's actions are subject to review by the Ethics Committee, indicating the role of a parliamentarian in maintaining the integrity of proceedings.

💡Ethics Committee

The 'Ethics Committee' is a body within a legislative or organizational setting that is responsible for ensuring adherence to ethical standards and rules. The script mentions the Ethics Committee in the context of a potential referral for misconduct, highlighting its role in maintaining conduct standards.


In the context of the video, 'conduct' refers to the behavior or actions of an individual, particularly in relation to the rules and standards expected in a formal setting. The chairman's conduct is questioned in terms of fundraising practices, which is a central issue in the video's theme of procedural integrity.

💡Personal Remarks

Personal remarks are comments made about an individual that pertain to their personal characteristics rather than their professional role or actions. In the video, Miss Green makes personal remarks about another member's appearance, which is deemed inappropriate and leads to a motion to strike her words from the record.

💡Motion to Strike

A 'motion to strike' is a formal request made during a meeting or hearing to remove or disregard certain words or actions from the official record. In this script, there are multiple motions to strike Miss Green's words due to her personal attacks on another member, illustrating the use of this procedural tool to maintain decorum.


Recognition in a legislative or committee setting refers to the act of being granted the floor to speak by the chairperson. The script contains several instances where members are recognized or seek recognition to speak, which is a fundamental aspect of parliamentary procedure.

💡Rules of the Committee

The 'rules of the committee' are the established guidelines that govern the conduct of meetings and proceedings within a specific committee. These rules are repeatedly referenced throughout the script, emphasizing their importance in maintaining order and procedure during the hearing.


A 'hearing' is a formal meeting or session where evidence and arguments are presented, often in a legal or legislative context. The video script revolves around a hearing where members are discussing procedural matters and personal conduct, indicating the formal and serious nature of the event.


In the script, one member mentions being 'very deaf,' which refers to having significant hearing loss. This personal detail is used to explain the member's difficulty in following the proceedings amidst the chaos and yelling, highlighting the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in such settings.


An 'objection' is a formal expression of disagreement or disapproval with a ruling, decision, or statement made during a meeting or hearing. The script includes an objection by Miss Green to the chair's ruling, demonstrating the right of members to challenge decisions in accordance with the committee's rules.


Dispute over the purpose of the meeting and whether the participants understand the agenda.

Comment on someone's fake eyelashes causing a disruption.

A call for order and recognition of the chair's authority in the meeting.

A point of order raised concerning the conduct of raising money in connection with the hearing.

A motion to refer conduct to the Ethics Committee is debated.

An objection to a personal attack on a member's physical appearance.

A motion to take down offensive words is made and seconded.

Clarification sought on the rules regarding personal remarks about committee members.

A motion to strike certain words due to personal remarks is made.

Debate over the recognition of a member to speak and adherence to committee rules.

A member asserts that they have been called unintelligent by another member.

The chair recognizes a member for a specific time to speak.

An objection to the chair's ruling and a call for further discussion.

A member explains their hearing difficulty and the need for order in the meeting.

A call for calm and a reminder of the committee's voting decisions.

A member insists on speaking despite the chair's refusal due to committee rules.



do you do you know what we're here for


you know we're here about I think you


know what you're here for well you're


the one talking about I guess think your


fake eyelashes are messing up on


on order Mr chair Ben


even order of your committee order


please there's a point of order we have


a point of order uh Mr Lynch State your


point Mr chairman I I would just like to


ask the parliamentarian if your conduct


here in raising money connection with


this hearing uh is referable to the


Ethics Committee within this hearing is


a motion in order to refer your conduct


uh and and your abuse of not a point of


order Mr I do have a point of order and


I would like to move to to take down


Miss Green's


words that is absolutely unacceptable


how dare you attack the physical


appearance of another


person her words down oh oh girl baby


girl oh really don't eat them


playy we are going to move and we're


going to take your words down I second


that motion so so who will have


to okay all right we're


suspending one second Mr chair point of


order who's who's it's me Miss Crockett


I'm just curious just to better


understand your ruling if someone on


this committee then starts talking about


somebody's bleach blind bad built Butch


body that would not be Eng engaging in


personalities correct a what


now chairman I make I make a motion to


strike those words I I don't think


that's a part trying to find


clarification on what quality motion


idea what you just said we're not going


to we're not going to do this look you


guys earlier literally just you voted to


do V do I'm trying to get clarification


look it calm down calm down no no no no


because this is what yall do so I'm


trying to get you're not recogniz hear


you with your yelling don't want calm


down you pleas calm down don't tell me


to calm down because y'all talk noise


and then you can't cuz if I come if I


come and talk about


her Mr chairman all


chair order chair now recognizes this


screen for for 4 minutes and 21 seconds


4 minutes let Miss screen talk and then


you all can I'll recognize I I move to


strike her words for a second time based


on her second set of personal remarks


attacking another


member who chairman because you all


cannot see I have amend apply the rules


of the committee we have to do this


every time I'm recognized I'm recognized


I'm going to go ahead and start talking


look I I know I know look I don't know


if you've noticed it I have two hearin


AIDS I'm very deaf I'm not understanding


everybody's yelling I'm doing the best I


can can we not recognize Miss green and


let her we cannot because are the rules


of the committee Mr chair that is that


is what I'm trying to communicate in the


present moment we have a mo okay what's


the mo what's the the motion is to


strike the gentle ladyes words for the


second set of remarks not the first the


second that applied to me she has no


idea move first I think Mr chairman I'm


the only one recognized right now we


objected at the time will the the will


the member State the word she wishes


struck she told me or she she asserted


that I was not intelligent these are the


specific words like we can have it read


by the


clerk it was made immediately and it was


made immediately I am not moving now


think it it was made immediately both by


the and by me Mr chair it was made


immediately immed both by the to us she


said you don't have the intelligence to


talk to me is what she


said the chair


recognizes Miss green for 4 minutes and


21 seconds Mr chair what is


I object to the ruling we must object I


mean if you want to take it up

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Committee HearingPersonal AttacksEthics CommitteeParliamentarianOrder of ProceedingsPoint of OrderConduct ReferralDebate RulesHearing AidsDeafnessCommunication BarriersLegislative DecorumMotion to Strike