EXTREME 253 Sq Ft Studio Apartment Makeover | Mid-Century Modern Style
TLDR本视频是Alexandra的Studio Fix系列之一,她将一个不足500平方英尺的小公寓改造得既美观又实用。她与公寓主人Goan合作,通过电话了解他的需求和愿景,然后开始改造。改造内容包括增加隐私性、改善光线问题、优化家具布局,并为Goan的演员工作创造一个功能性的背景区域。Alexandra和团队在Home Sense寻找装饰品和配件,以增强空间的整体感觉。最终,他们成功地将一个普通的工作室公寓转变为一个既舒适又时尚的居住空间。
- 🏠 视频是关于一个名为Alexandra的设计师,她主持的节目专注于改造500平方英尺以下的小型公寓。
- 🎥 这一集是关于改造Gokan的工作室公寓,目的是让空间既美观又实用。
- 📝 Alexandra通过电话与Gokan讨论了他对于改造空间的设想和需求。
- 🛋️ Gokan希望改造后的公寓能够有分隔感,同时保留足够的光线和隐私。
- 🪵 Gokan对家具有特别的要求,他喜欢低矮、模块化、易于移动的沙发,并且希望客厅能方便交流。
- 🎨 视频中提到Gokan喜欢的风格是温暖、舒适、明亮,偏爱木质、烟熏玻璃和蓝色调。
- 🛠️ 改造中包括DIY制作隔断墙和安装新的窗户装饰膜,以增加隐私和光线。
- 🛍️ Alexandra和团队去Home Sense寻找装饰品和配件,以增强空间的整体感觉。
- 🖼️ 改造中还涉及到为Gokan的试镜区域寻找解决方案,使其更加实用且美观。
- 🎉 改造完成后,Gokan对新的空间感到非常满意,认为它既舒适又时尚。
Q & A
-Alexandra在视频中提到了工作室类型的公寓(Studio apartment),这种公寓通常只有一个大房间,包括卧室、客厅和工作空间。
-Gokan希望解决的问题包括:1) 入口处需要有换鞋和存放物品的空间;2) 客厅需要更多的座位,且不阻挡窗户光线;3) 需要一个可以用于聚会的客厅空间,而不是让客人坐在卧室区域;4) 需要解决隐私和光线问题;5) 需要一个用于自我录像试镜的功能性背景。
-Alexandra在视频中提到了Home Sense、Article、Mitsy、Mobilia、Mirror Home Decor Art on Etsy和Minted等家居品牌。
🏠 介绍和改造计划
视频开头,主持人Alexandra介绍了自己的频道和本系列节目《Studio Fix》,专注于改造500平方英尺以下的超小户型。她提到了与Gokan的通话,讨论了他对于自己工作室公寓的改造愿景。Gokan的公寓是一个开放空间,他希望在保留自然光线的同时增加一些隐私,并且需要一个能够适应多人聚会的客厅区域。他还提到了自己对于家具的喜好,包括一些复古和现代的混搭风格。Alexandra在电话中记录下了Gokan的需求,并计划如何将这些元素整合到改造中。
🎨 设计灵感和购物
在这一段落中,Alexandra和团队讨论了Gokan的设计灵感和颜色偏好,他喜欢温暖、舒适、明亮的空间,偏爱蓝色和橄榄绿。他们决定保留Gokan的一些家具,同时增加一些新的元素来增加空间的连贯性。Alexandra计划增加一个大地毯来划分空间,使用波浪镜来反射自然光,并考虑使用窗膜来增加隐私。她还计划为Gokan的入口处创建一个DIY隔断,并寻找适合他拍摄区域的解决方案。之后,Alexandra和团队前往家居商店Home Sense寻找装饰品和配件,以完善Gokan的空间。
🔨 DIY隔断和安装
⏰ 安装和时间挑战
🛋️ 空间整合和装饰
🖼️ 功能和风格
🎉 改造完成和Gokan的反应
💡Studio Apartment
团队在Home Sense寻找装饰品和配件,以增强Gokan空间的风格和功能性。
hey guys welcome back to my channel I'm
Alexandra and you are watching Studio
fix the series where I tackle teeny tiny
apartments under 500 squ ft and show you
how to make them beautiful stylish and
organized I just think it's so funny
that I'm doing this in my skirt you got
a makeover to do so wow that looks
stunning oh my god let's get started
today I am making over gokan's studio
apartment another Studio fix episode for
you I'm so excited if you love Studio
fix just as much as I do make sure you
hit that subscribe button so you don't
miss any future episodes coming your way
let's hop on a call and chat with Goan
about what he envisions for this space
nice to meet you you're a real person oh
my God okay so are
you I am so excited about your space I
feel like you have so many great pieces
oh thank you took a lot of time on
Marketplace okay so the point of this
call really is just for me to get to
know your space and like what you're
looking for tell me all about your space
I took some notes okay love that I'm
also taking notes so what I do like is
that it's like a huge just open space so
I can kind of do whatever with it
there's a lot of space that I can like
host cuz I have friends over all the
time because it's a studio and I have my
bedroom my living space and also a
little bit of my Works Space in the same
room I've tried to configure it with
furniture without blocking anything
because I don't get a lot of light I
have one window it's a big window but I
have one window yeah that's pretty much
it in terms of what's working I feel
like also you missed an important thing
on that list which is your furniture is
working for you like have beautiful
pieces yes I like a lot of eclectic
stuff like my coffee table is very
postmodern whereas my TV credenza is
very midcentury I like the D position of
that it just makes it interesting right
you have such a great base for us to
work with you just need that kind of
extra push pulling it all together I
need the dots connected I have the map I
have dots I just need to connect them
okay so walk me through what's not
working for you or like things that you
are hopeful for in this makeover I guess
firstly because you kind of just enter
into theace face I would like something
that feels slightly separated in terms
of like where you take off your shoes I
want like a little bit of feeling of
like stop here for a second do the
things and then go into the space yeah
in terms of the living space the reason
I only have just a couch is because I'm
so picky about the armchairs that I've
been trying to find I want something
that's kind of low because I don't want
to block out the windows sofas that are
modular something that's easily movable
but also when I have people over I
wanted to be conversational and we're
facing each other even though I do have
a TV I don't NE there like the idea of
like just everyone's facing towards a TV
when you host is everyone kind of
gathering in that living space are they
in your bedroom area like what's what's
the vibe oh my God yes that's the thing
I would like them to stay in the lounge
area yes okay yeah people end up like
sitting on the bed as well and it's so
funny when you go into a studio you're
like I guess I'm gonna sit on your bed
like it's just what people do yes I'm
like those are your outside clothes
please okay cool because I'm on the
entry level and I'm Facing East there is
like good morning light like right now
it's pretty bright but there's a lot of
traffic so it's like how do you get
light but also have privacy have you
ever thought about like a window film
situation or do you really want to be
able to see like what's happening
outside I think that could be something
that I just never considered it because
I have such a huge window and I didn't
know like how would that would look but
I mean if it works it works I for me
it's really the light but keeping
privacy at the same time I think there's
definitely a way of solving that for
sure and and then um because I use my
space Also do uh to do like self tapes I
act so I audition a lot I've been trying
to like maneuver a backdrop without
having to have something that I put away
and then I have to like steam every time
but also like make it look like you know
this is not just a photo studio the
whole time right so right now I have
this like Ikea window shade this was my
solution but when I put it up I'm like I
don't know what to do this face right
now there's a little like table I never
use it and I always have to move the
table when I'm actually using it for my
audition cuz this this is literally
where I stand so sorry just so I
understand it's just not functioning for
you in the sense that like it's kind of
a hassle like you have to move your
table the backrop itself now is perfect
to use in terms of ease but once I don't
use it and I put it back up it's just a
blank wall got it that makes a lot of
sense yeah okay let's go through your
inspo like I said I feel like you have
so many great pieces we can work with
but walk me through why you picked those
images what's the overall Vibe what
colors do you like what are you drawn to
so it's really for me the feeling that
it evokes of course I care about the
visual Aesthetics but I definitely like
put more weight on how I feel in a space
warm cozy but also bright I love things
that feel like clean and modern but also
it has personality totally like warm
Woods I love like a smokey glass in
terms of like seating I love like softer
Curry shapes anything that's kind of
comfortable but not too
comfortable yes and I love like the
color blue I love Olive greens I love
neutrals like a nice beige any colors
you do not like I guess pink I'm not too
much of a pink person for myself me with
my but the thing is I love it in yours I
watch your videos I'm like come on I'm
just kidding I'm just kidding pink paint
every time I love it though but just
like I'm like my space I feel like I
don't have the confidence to ro it's
also not the vibe for your space I think
you're so clear about like a cozy but
bright space and I think that's always
the goal in a studio it's like how do
you make it feel warm and intimate but
also like big and bright at the same
time any pieces you are willing to part
with essentially the bed and maybe the
lamp and the TV stand are like my like
three things that I love love which I
love too this dining situation over it
absolutely over it okay awesome anything
else you want to add this was very
helpful let me check my notes yep
that I love that you wrote notes you're
so prepared so great um I'm really
excited I will meet you on reveal day
and yeah congrats for winning a makeover
with us it's so exciting thank you I
appreciate it okay have a great day you
as well bye so right off the top we are
working with some incredible pieces that
Goan has thrifted but there's a lack of
cohesion and the way they're all working
together within the space even though
gokan's inspo is very neutral he has
these pops of color which I'm really
excited to play with because they're
going to keep the design feeling
interesting his inspo to me feels very
like cool apartment Vibes you know like
I want him to walk into the space and
feel like I'm a cool person who lives in
the studio apartment I'm not like a
regular Mom I'm a cool mom so here's
what I'm thinking to start I want to
bring in a really large rug to kind of
ground the living room and help create
that divide between the living room and
the rest of the spaces I want to bring
in a cool funky wavy mirror to bounce
off lots of natural light in the space
gokan's apartment faces out to a main
road it's kind of right there in your
face so I want to add some privacy by
adding a peel and stick read window film
that's not going to block out any
natural light but it is going to give
him that privacy that he wants and then
just like a lot of studio apartments
gokan really struggles with division so
we are going to create this really cool
DIY to help create an actual entryway
for Goan and also divide the rest of the
space from from his bedroom area I also
need to find a solution for gokan's
filming area he uses a backdrop to film
auditions he's an actor and right now
this space is not functioning for him he
has to move a bunch of furniture to get
to it and it just doesn't look the
greatest so I want to turn this wall
into a really stylish vignette I'm
thinking a really big art print in a
bold blue hue but also still keep his
backdrop and just make it way more
functional and easier for him to do his
auditions so Elena and I are off to home
sense we're going to try and find some
accessories and styling bits and pieces
to pull goon space
together I'm at home sense shopping for
accessories for goons it's a very rainy
day and I'm very excited to just Meander
around home sense I'm with Natasha and
Elena and we're going to see what we can
find well that's a nice mirror so atena
has taken me to a new home s location
and it is incredible it's huge there's
so many good finds here I want
everything I've been like shopping for
myself but I need to
focus I love these benches that home
sense often carries and they have
storage I'm getting so distracted
because there's so many things to look
at in this home sense but like look at
this rug 250 like we love that okay also
not what we're looking for but like how
stylish is this chair
so cute if you're looking for table
lamps Home zense always has such an
amazing selection and they always have
really large ones really tiny ones for
like desks or tiny nightstands and then
they also have like statement ones like
these but I noticed that they often sell
them in pairs so if you're looking for
like a pair of lamps for like your
nightstands home sense always has such a
variation of lamps like really really
really stylish lamps and they often come
in pairs we love the music in here is so
loud you guys I'm so
sorry okay looking for a side table for
Goan we want to do something with
clothes storage I know he said that was
important to him there are a couple
options including this
one love that top or there's these now I
know these aren't closed storage but I'm
thinking we could put maybe a basket
they really match the style of gokan's
other Furniture I think we might grab
and we'll take you to the basket section
next the basket section is one of my
go-to at home sents because there are
always so many sizes to choose from a
lot of them also come in sets which is
nice if you need like more than one but
let's look for one for gokan's
nightstand or maybe black mhm
I think we just need to grab candles and
then we're
done love
these what is it it's a candle what kind
though lime chili tart should we use
this as an opportunity to put another
pop of
blue oh that smells so good okay let's
go in on the
cart okay this is our
haul four CS back to the
brim Dave is painting gokan studio in
Cloud white by Benjamin Moore I wanted
to give gokan space Fresh coat of white
you guys know I always say this tip but
it really does make a space feel brand
new Cloud White's a really creamy white
it has yellow undertones so it's going
to make his face feel really warm and
inviting which is what we're going
for hey guys welcome welcome to prep day
I'm feeling really excited about this
space sun shining outside it's warm here
in Toronto so today is basically just an
install day we're going to be installing
a room divider I think it's going to
take us like the full the full eight
hours Grand freaking said no how many
hours you should we all prices write it
um I like that I'm going to say 215
that's how long it's going to take I
like the time the time stamp is a good
so you're saying 115 then yeah I'm going
to go with 215 including lunch I'm going
to say 430 I'm going
232 I should go actually 26 I think
that's the price 216 2 no you're
blocking me in 245 2:45 and I said 4:30
yeah I also need everyone to take a look
at the overalls that are happening on
set so these are mine do you know who
created these Geneva that DIY that we
always send on Instagram back and forth
Graham's wearing his Smash and test
onesie and Dave is wearing these are
actually from Graham it's got a
carabiner on one side with a little uh
paint opener and this one was just like
Twisted in place yeah okay so we're
going to get installing a room divider
before we do let's take it back to
Graham cam let's head into the workshop
and see how he did it to start Graham
picked up 27 Boards of 8T long 2x sixes
of construction Lumber he's ripping each
board into two pieces using a table saw
and removing a sliver of material from
each side to clean each board up using a
miter saw he's cutting half the pieces
to 74 in long and the others to 96 in
long to make up the pieces for the
ceiling panel and the wall panel which
are going to be different dimensions
he's sanding each piece on all four
sides using 60 grit belt sander and 80
to 120 grit on the orbital sander you'll
notice he's using a pencil to Mark each
side of the wood before he Sands so that
he knows where he sanded and what still
needs to be
sanded now it's time for dowels he's
drilling three equally spaced holes in
the lumber using a drill press and a
forcer drill bit to assemble the panels
Graham is sliding the boards onto the
dowels using scrap wood to space each
apart he's securing the board to the
dowels using a brad nail
gun for the coat hooks Graham Cuts some
scrap dowel at a 50° angle using his
sawt he's now pre-drilling a hole in one
end using his drill
press he's fastening them to the wall
panel using counter sunk screws and wood
glue he's covering up the holes in the
back of the panel by flush cutting some
smaller dowels in the screw
holes for the Shelf Graham is laminating
two pieces of wood together to make a
wider panel and sanding everything down
using a belt sander and 80 to 2 220 grit
sandpaper he's rounding the corners of
the Shelf using a jigsaw and rounding
the edges using a
router for the shelf brackets Graham is
using the rest of the dowel we had left
over and is cutting four pieces at 45°
angle using his miter saw because Pine
Lumber doesn't take the stain very well
and we wanted this DIY to look Luxe like
Walnut perhaps Graham is using a
staining method called glazing he's
preal the wood with the shellac and then
applying the stain over top of the dried
shellac this is going to prevent the
stain from absorbing into the wood and
will instead give us a nice rich
semi-transparent color tinting effect
he's using the color early American
Graham is doing one coat of shellac one
coat of stain and after the stain dried
for 48 hours he's going back in and
sealing it with another layer of
shellac so I'm really excited because
gokan's a flight attendant and he left
us the best snack basket ever filled
with foods that you can't find in Canada
like from M&S all my British girlies
hello M&S teacakes Peppa Pig candies I'm
pea I'm Peppa Pig M&S millionaires mini
bites like you can't get these unless
you cross the ocean okay let's get this
up so we are going to start by putting
the first piece of this DIY on the
ceiling let's get up we're using the
beams to wedge it to the ceiling and
support the
weight this is so
cool we're screwing this side into the
wall and we're going straight into the
studs for maximum support time check
12:06 p.m. the time is
ticking now we're securing the wall
piece into the ceiling piece
yes it's 13 we still need to put the
shelves up and I think Graham and I want
to reinforce it with a couple more
screws but this is really solid my mind
is blown so I know your mind is also
blown it's 113 56 57 58 59 it's 114 so I
was off by a single minute well all the
shelves and screw other things in those
are finishing touches though
so I'm going to hang the Shelf that's
going to go on these brackets we have
baskets which you'll see later on in the
makeover and this is going to be for
gokan's entryway Necessities also can we
just talk about how we fully created
gokan an entryway feel like this is
wider than my entry way and now the
first thing you don't see is the bed
your focus is on what will be the living
how solid does it feel it looks so
good okay the diy's been installed
Amanda what time is it 134 134 which
means Dave's the winner right I mean
only by prices R rules gr was closer but
honestly we didn't start installing this
until 10: 10:30 we banked all day like
we budgeted 8 hours and it's already
installed it looks so good like this is
incredible look at this that's a fun
experience walk into
so it's time for me to revamp this
window I'm going to be adding some
decorative film to it Goan asked me to
create some privacy he is on the ground
floor apartment there's a lot of people
walking by so we're going to add some
decorative film and then change these
blinds to a beautiful Roman shade I'm
using decorative films so I saw some of
my favorite home creators using this
pattern of window film and when I took
on gokan space I was like oh yeah this
needs to be in here it's like fluted
glass the first step to this process is
cleaning the windows they were pretty
dirty so we're just making them clean we
are like a full service team here
cleaning diying making over no problem
okay first step we want to cover the
window with water we're also using a bit
of dish soap as well
Okay window film was on and I'm really
excited about this solution because it
is semi-private but it doesn't block out
any of the light which is exactly what
gokan asked for so now it doesn't feel
like people are staring directly into
his apartment it's like semi-private
which is really nice so to complete this
window I am going to hang some Roman
Shades from two pages I use them all the
time I love them they have so many sizes
to choose from let's get them up on the
window we are so delirious and tired so
we're going to go home blinds look great
this wall divider is incredible and
um can you I think we can go from the
top okay another go yeah
okay we are all so delirious and so hot
it's like so hot in this apartment we're
going to wrap it up everything looks so
good I'll see you guys
tomorrow it's day two and we are pulling
this whole Space together feels very
daunting cuz there's stuff everywhere
but let's just take a moment to
appreciate this DIY we fully created an
entryway for gokan and the really cool
thing is now there's this more defined
bedroom Nook so before Goan was saying
like you walked into a space and you
just saw his bed which is a problem in
most Studios but I am going to turn this
little corner into his bedroom and it's
going to be so cozy let's do it okay
this is the bed Goan had it's such a
great piece so we're reusing it and I'm
just going to push it right into the
corner like I love the separation we've
created and how this space feels just so
open and like the potential is endless
I'm making the bed with article sheets
fun fact article now has bedding which
is so fun These Are linen I'm going to
give these a good steam shortly but this
bedding is really nice okay let's add
the duvet shove it in there we're doing
this the gram method but actually he
would get into the duvet
yeah that's one way
yeah if you live in a studio consider
under bed storage it's great to Maxim
storage in a small space put like any
offseason items things you don't use all
the time under your bed these are from
Ikea really large fins really
inexpensive remember the side table I
found at home sense let's place it
beside the
bed and then I have this beautiful light
from Mitsy you guys have probably
noticed in studios I love to put wall
sconces beside a bed obviously for
bedside light but then it also Cascades
into this area because in a studio you
need all the light you can
get let plug it
in we're bringing in gokan's existing
media unit it is so heavy we don't know
if he has like a full weighted workout
set in here or like rocks or something
but we're sliding it gently across the
floor this stunning piece Goan already
had he really had such a great base to
work with and I could not get rid of
this piece obviously let's bring in the
rug Sor I'm out of breath cuz this piece
is very heavy they're actually Rock in
there ambr
no wo so if you guys remember Goan had a
gray rug in here and I felt like it was
really dark for the space especially
because all the pieces he loves that
he's collected are this like darker
toned wood so I wanted to lighten it up
a bit with this jute rug with some white
in it I love this rug because it's
simple but still has these interest
shapes and patterns on top of it Goan
also had like Z rugs in basically all
his inspo photos so I knew I had to
bring in
something okay you guys ready to see the
sofa whoa this is such a cool sofa to
match all gokan's cool furniture this
beautiful sofa is from article and I
love how they have more compact options
this is a three-seater but the sofa also
comes in a smaller size so if you are
decorating a really small space basic
Studio they have so many options which
is why we use them in just about every
makeover their leather is known for
aging really beautifully and well so
it's just going to like look more worn
in over time but like in a good
way this is so cool like what a cool
coffee table I love it this has been
such a cool space to design because Goan
has these vintage pieces that just
totally add to the whole the whole vibe
okay next I'm going to bring in two
lounge chairs and we're going to have
their backs facing the bed so that it
creates more of a divide between the
living room and the bedroom these
stunning chairs are from mobilia Goan
said he wanted lots of room to H oh
these are comfy lots of room to host I
went for these chairs because I wanted
to pick something that was in a similar
style to the thrifted pieces he already
has and I think they fit in so well here
this looks so good so much seating and
now the focus like isn't on the bedroom
area when you walk in it's on this
beautiful living room with all this cool
furniture this lamp is so stunning what
a statement I always say this but in
small spaces go big with your lighting
Goan also thrifted this light so I will
be asking him for his thrifting tips
because the pieces he has in here are
just too
good okay I'm going to unwrap this
mirror from Mirror home Decor art on
Etsy if you are looking for a large
statement mirror floor mirror wall
mirror mirror home decor art is the
place to be we want to bounce off all
the natural light coming in here to make
brighter wow this looks great goon has
the frame TV which I feel like we've
used in a couple recent makeovers I love
this TV because it looks like an art
print he already has this beautiful
frame that works so well with the rest
of the space looking for some art to put
on the
TV okay this one's
perfect yes it's just like cool don't
you think I love
it okay so Goan said that he didn't need
his dining set here anymore he was like
it's really annoying I have to move it
whenever I'm doing my auditions so I
wanted to make this wall as functional
but stylish as possible which is why I
brought in this bench this bench is from
article he can move Mo it into the
living room to host he wants lots of
seating but also this beautiful massive
art print is from minted wow okay
stunning when Goan isn't doing his
auditions he can have just like this
beautiful little wall he doesn't have to
move a table to film anything this
beautiful large scale art print there's
nothing like a large art print in a wall
it just looks so good and then you're
probably wondering but how is he going
to film his auditions stand by bye this
is gokan's original backdrop so by
putting it on this bracket that sticks
out he can now roll this down and it
covers the art print he can sit here and
film he can stand and film I feel like
now this corner is just so much more
functional for what he uses this space
for on a weekly basis also this is an
Ikea blind for any actors out there who
are looking for like a background like
this nikea blind next I'm going to style
entryway let's go shoe storage we needed
shoe storage for Goan I found this bench
which is perfect not only is it so comfy
for him to put on his shoes look how
much storage there is in here any kind
of furniture piece that has built-in
storage is so great for a studio
apartment like look how comfy this
is isn't this great you can put on
shoes speaking of storage I'm going to
add baskets up on these top shelves for
all of gokan's Necessities that he's
going to grab when he's on his way out
the door let's do
it I'll be right back just going to get
baskets these bins are nice and roomy
I'm just going to put them up
here so this is a ruggable runner which
means that Goan can toss it in the
washing machine love these for entryways
so this is the rug pad that we're going
to put down
first and then this is the washable part
of the
rug okay I'm going to hang a couple art
prints I love the pop of blue and the
rest tying into the rest of the space
this art print is from
minted ohy I'm in a reflection over here
okay I'll be back tomorrow I'm going to
add the finishing touches to the space
and reveal to
bye it is time for the finishing touches
first I'm styling the bed with beautiful
cushions and a throw
blanket I'm adding a basket in the side
table for closed
storage a few books and of course a
I'm styling the media console with some
phases and
coasters now I'm moving on to styling
the window sill I'm placing some books
and a candle and I'm adding a few of
plants I'm draping a blanket on the side
of the
sofa placing down some decorative
pillows placing a faux tree he has a
flight attendant so he can't wait always
care for his plants styling the coffee
table with some magazines Goan already
had and a vase with these beautiful
branches I'm adding a basket beside the
bench for any storage Goan may need and
on the other side placing a stack of
books a dish for his keys and this cute
lamp that gives such a warm
glow it is time to bring Goan in for the
okay are you excited you ready yes yes
okay before you open your eyes walk me
through what your studio apartment
looked like before so it was kind of
like everything was against the walls
didn't have like the coziness that I
wanted yeah you know there was some cute
things but it didn't feel like a
cohesive space it felt like okay here's
furniture are you ready three 2
wa wait
what wait what hold on I have to look
away wait what oh my God
woo oh my God this is amazing
how did you this is giving like hotel in
like a good way though I mean that in a
positive way like it's so
wow the Colors oh this is so nice
oh and the blue too I love that
blue this is
cool I don't even want to walk into it
and ruin it I just wanted to be like
take a picture of that oh my God it's so
oh I love this
couch it doesn't feel like constrained
or overfilled or stuffy oh my
God thank you so much you're welcome my
pleasure a cool I'm so happy you're
happy yes thank you so much feel like a
cool person lives here you know
yes which obviously you
are thank you please of
course next up on agtv we've got a
Parisian style living room coming at you
if you love all things Parisian you'll
want to tune in thank you all so much
for watching and as always I'll see you
next time
bye did a great job
okay I'm going to reinstall the fire
alarm that's all you
me it
works what do I do now do I just live
here yeah
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