New 2024 Tesla Model 3 Review: The Greatest Appliance Ever Made
TLDR2024年款特斯拉Model 3进行了重大更新,虽然外观变化不大,但内部进行了多项改进。内饰采用了新材料,提升了豪华感,新增了8英寸触摸屏,改进了后排乘客的娱乐体验。车辆的静音性能得到提升,减少了风噪和路噪。尽管自动驾驶功能在高速公路上表现出色,但在普通道路上仍有待改进。新款Model 3是一款优秀的通勤工具,虽然缺乏激情,但在简化日常驾驶方面做得非常出色。
- 🚗 2024年款特斯拉Model 3进行了重大更新,这是自7年前发布以来的首次主要修订。
- 🌟 外观上,新款Model 3的前脸和大灯设计有所更新,尾灯和后部设计也有所变化,整体看起来更现代。
- 🎨 新款车型增加了两种新颜色:Arrow Gray和Stealth Red,提升了车辆的视觉效果。
- 💺 内饰上,新款Model 3采用了新材料,增加了氛围灯,提升了豪华感和舒适度。
- 📺 后排新增了8英寸触摸屏,提供了娱乐应用和游戏,增强了后排乘客的体验。
- 🔊 特斯拉引入了新一代高级音响系统,配备17个扬声器,提升了音质体验。
- 🔋 电池和性能方面,基础款和长续航版的价格、续航里程和加速性能有所提升。
- 🔌 车内取消了传统的换挡杆,改为通过触摸屏或车顶按钮进行换挡。
- 📶 自动驾驶功能有所改进,但仍然需要驾驶员不时地干预,尤其是在非高速公路路段。
- 🔇 新款Model 3在噪音控制方面进行了优化,提升了驾驶的静谧性。
- 📊 总体而言,新款Model 3是一款优秀的通勤工具,虽然缺乏激情,但在实用性和舒适性方面表现出色。
Q & A
2024年特斯拉Model 3有哪些重大更新?
-2024年特斯拉Model 3进行了首次重大更新,包括前脸部设计、前大灯、尾灯设计的变化,以及车身徽标的文字更改。此外,还增加了两种新的车身颜色,并对内饰进行了改进,提升了豪华感。
特斯拉Model 3的内部更新包括哪些方面?
-Model 3的内部更新包括新的材料用于仪表板顶部,整个仪表板和门板都有环绕的装饰,包括铝饰条和氛围灯。最大的变化是后排新增了一个8英寸的触摸屏,提供了娱乐应用、游戏和气候控制等功能。
特斯拉Model 3的新音响系统有哪些特点?
-特斯拉Model 3的新音响系统是下一代高级音响系统,拥有17个扬声器,旨在提供更好的音质体验。
特斯拉Model 3的自动驾驶功能有哪些限制?
-虽然特斯拉的Autopilot在高速公路和拥堵交通中表现出色,但在普通路面街道上的表现并不理想,容易受到车道线变化的干扰,并且在非标准道路上可能会迷失方向。此外,与拥有电容触摸方向盘的其他汽车相比,Model 3需要定期手动调整方向盘以保持Autopilot的激活状态。
特斯拉Model 3的噪音减少方面有哪些改进?
特斯拉Model 3的两种车型版本有何不同?
-特斯拉Model 3有两种车型版本:基础版和长续航版。基础版是后轮驱动,起价约为39,000美元,续航里程为272英里,0-60英里加速时间为5.8秒。长续航版是双电机全轮驱动,起价约为47,500美元,单次充电续航里程约为340英里,0-60英里加速时间为4.2秒。
特斯拉Model 3的车门把手是如何工作的?
-特斯拉Model 3没有传统的门把手。取而代之的是一个按钮,位于车门柱上。按下按钮,门会自动弹开。如果电子系统失败或电池耗尽,还有一个物理的机械门把手作为备份解决方案,可以拉开车门。
特斯拉Model 3的车内有哪些存储空间?
-Model 3车内有多个存储空间,包括中央扶手下方的储物箱,中控台前面的小隔间,以及地板下的额外储物空间。此外,车辆前端也有一个小但相对宽敞的前行李箱。
特斯拉Model 3的车内有哪些娱乐功能?
-Model 3的车内娱乐功能包括一个集成的视频游戏系统,可以玩多种游戏,包括赛车游戏,使用实际的方向盘操作。车内还有一个剧院设置,可以访问Netflix、Hulu、TikTok和YouTube等不同的应用程序,观看娱乐节目。
特斯拉Model 3的车内有哪些独特的设计元素?
-Model 3车内有一些独特的设计元素,如遮阳镜的盖子可以磁性分开,允许遮阳镜打开时盖子不碍事。此外,车内没有可见的气候通风口,所有的通风口都隐藏在仪表板下方的一个长条形通风口中。
特斯拉Model 3的驾驶体验如何?
-特斯拉Model 3的驾驶体验并不激动人心。虽然它是一辆快速的电动汽车,但与其他电动汽车相比并不突出。它的操控并不是特别出色,车身倾斜比预期的要多。尽管如此,Model 3在作为通勤工具方面表现出色,使得日常通勤变得简单无压力。
🚗 2024年新款特斯拉Model 3介绍
本段介绍了2024年新款特斯拉Model 3的特点和变化。虽然外观上看起来与旧款相似,但实际上进行了重大更新,这是自Model 3发布近7年以来的首次重大修订。视频将重点介绍新Model 3的怪癖和功能。新款车型的前端设计、头灯、尾灯和徽标都有所变化,车内也进行了升级,提高了内饰的质量和豪华感。此外,还增加了新的音响系统、无线充电和USB端口等。
🛠️ 新款Model 3的内部变化和功能
这段内容详细介绍了新款Model 3的内部变化和功能。特斯拉通过改进材料和设计,提升了内饰的高级感。新车配备了新的8英寸触摸屏,为后排乘客提供了娱乐和控制选项。中控台屏幕变大且响应更快,新的声音系统拥有17个扬声器。此外,车辆还增加了双无线充电板和USB C端口,以及一些驾驶辅助功能的变化,如取消了方向盘上的杆位,改为触摸屏和天花板上的PRND选择。
📈 新款Model 3的技术特性和便利性
本段讨论了新款Model 3的高科技特性和便利性。车辆配备了盲点摄像头,可以通过方向盘上的按钮激活。尽管缺少了传统的仪表盘,但特斯拉的摄像头系统允许一键激活摄像头,方便停车和狭窄空间的驾驶。Sentry模式可以在车辆停放时提供安全监控。车辆的许多调整和设置都通过中控屏幕进行,包括调整镜子、座椅位置和手套箱的开启。
🌡️ 气候控制和Model 3的独特功能
这一段介绍了Model 3的气候控制系统和其他独特功能。气候控制基本操作可以通过屏幕下方的简单两步流程完成,但更高级的控制需要进入更大的菜单。Model 3提供了一个名为“狗模式”的特色功能,允许车主在离开车辆时保持车内温度适宜,确保宠物的舒适。此外,车辆的中控屏幕还提供了一些娱乐功能,如视频游戏和流媒体服务。
🚘 Model 3的设计和实用性
本段内容讨论了Model 3的设计理念和实用性。Model 3旨在成为一款外观普通但功能出色的车型。车辆内部极简,没有传统的气候通风口,而是采用了隐藏式设计。车辆的门把手采用按钮式电子开启,也有机械备份以防电子系统故障。车辆的后备箱空间宽敞,前后都有额外的储物空间。尽管Model 3的设计并不引人注目,但它在实用性方面表现出色。
🏎️ 新款Model 3的驾驶体验和总体评价
最后一段总结了新款Model 3的驾驶体验和总体评价。虽然Model 3不是一辆令人兴奋的跑车,但它在作为通勤工具方面表现出色。新款Model 3在内饰豪华感和噪音控制方面有所提升,提供了更加舒适的驾驶体验。尽管自动驾驶系统在高速公路上表现出色,但在普通道路上仍有改进空间。总体而言,新款Model 3是一款出色的通勤车,能够简化日常驾驶,使生活更轻松。
💡特斯拉Model 3
2024年新款特斯拉Model 3进行了重大更新,这是自7年前发布以来的首次重大修订。
新款Model 3的外观虽然看起来变化不大,但实际上进行了多项更新,包括前脸设计、头灯、尾灯和后端设计。
新款Model 3被称为Model 3 Highland,但特斯拉官方并未使用此名称,这是粉丝自创的名称。
新款Model 3的内饰也经过了调整和改进,提升了质感和豪华感。
新款Model 3增加了新的8英寸触摸屏,为后排乘客提供了更多的娱乐和控制选项。
特斯拉声称新款Model 3是所有车型中最空气动力学的,改进了阻力系数,使其更加流线型。
新款Model 3引入了两种新的颜色:Arrow Gray和Stealth Red。
新款Model 3的方向盘上取消了传统的杆式控制,转而使用方向盘上的按钮来控制转向灯和雨刷。
新款Model 3的自动驾驶功能启动方式有所改变,现在通过方向盘上的按钮来启动。
新款Model 3的噪音控制得到了改善,特斯拉声称风噪降低了30%,路噪降低了20%,整体噪音隔离提高了30%。
新款Model 3的两个版本:基础版和长续航版,价格分别为约$39,000和$47,500。
新款Model 3的续航里程有所提升,长续航版单次充电可行驶约340英里。
新款Model 3的加速性能有所提升,长续航版0-60英里加速时间为4.2秒。
特斯拉Model 3的设计旨在提供一种极简主义的内饰,但一些极简主义细节可能会引起不便。
特斯拉Model 3被评为日常通勤车的优秀选择,但在周末驾驶乐趣方面得分较低。
特斯拉Model 3的总体评分为63/100,日常使用得分高,但周末使用得分相对较低。
this is the new 2024 Tesla Model 3 and
it's different it may not look all that
different but it is the model 3 has been
updated with some fairly significant
changes its first major revision since
it came out almost 7 years ago today I'm
going to take you through it I'm going
to review the new model 3 and show you
all of its quirks and
today's video is brought to you by cars
and bids my online Enthusiast car
auction site that recently sold this and
this and this and this and this check it
out at cars and all right time
for the quirks and features of the new
Tesla Model 3 Highland except it's not
actually called the Highland everybody's
been calling it that but when I borrowed
this car from Tesla they told me they
don't call it the Highland externally in
any marketing materials internally it's
not called the Highland Tesla literally
said to me in an email we don't know
where that came from we don't know why
people are calling it that so it is not
called the model 3 Highland officially
or unofficially that's just a name I
guess Tesla fans have given it which is
certainly an interesting Quirk now on to
the rest so you might be thinking new
model 3 what exactly is different looks
the same as the old one well not up
front the front end design has been
updated you can see the front face has
been changed the headlights have been
changed it's a subtle update up here but
it is different than the old outgoing
model and it looks more modern and same
deal in Beck there's no radical redesign
here but it is different compared to the
outgoing model 3 have a different tail
light design a different rear end design
in general some subtle tweaks some
changes to modernize the look of the car
and the badge is different different
Tesla is now written across the rear end
of the model 3 as opposed to the Big T
Tesla badge right in the center that's
another difference for the new one and
the wheel design has changed too gone as
the old Tesla Model 3-wheel very
distinctive replaced instead by this one
which is new and apparently better for
aerodynamics in fact Tesla says that all
of these changes while subtle have
combined to make this the most
aerodynamic Tesla model of all time to
improve the drag coefficient to make it
even more slippery and aerodynamic and
two new paint colors coming to the new
model 3 there's Arrow gray which
apparently this is looks a lot like the
gray on other model 3s but I guess it's
new and also stealth red which will be
red and stealthy and next up we move
inside the updated model 3 where the
interior has also been tweaked and
revised Tesla says with the goal of impr
improving the feel the quality and the
premiumness which is an actual word that
Tesla used in an email to me explaining
what they're changing although I make
fun of them for that the truth is they
have done a good job of increasing the
premium feel in this interior that was
always a complaint about the outgoing
model 3 it just didn't seem all that
nice inside and now they've boosted
things and made it better specifically
the dashboard you have this new material
here on the top which looks and feels
nice and this live going around the
entire top of the dashboard and
continuing down to the door panel it
includes both aluminum trim which looks
good and a mood lighting element which
also looks nice and you can change the
color of that to be whatever you see fit
but probably the biggest interior change
in the new model 3 comes in back we have
a new display screen back here a new 8in
display touch screen that allows you as
the rear passenger to select configure
change all sorts of things you have for
example movies back here a Entertainment
app section with Hulu and YouTube that
you can select and then watch movies if
you want there's also video games back
here as you can see several different
titles you can play with a video game
controller that comes with the car if
you want to do that and you have climate
controls back here you can adjust your
air temperature fan speed and you even
have heated rear seats now for added
comfort in the updated model 3 as for
other changes to the new model 3 one of
them comes to the center screen you
still have a Giant Center screen that
controls everything like in basically
all Tesla models but it's apparently a
little bit bigger than before and Tesla
says more responsive which will
obviously make life easier and then
there's the new sound system Tesla says
there is a new Next Generation premium
sound system available in the latest
model 3 with 17 speakers which is a lot
of speakers and it should enhance your
sound quality in here also in this
interior you have dual wireless charging
one little charging pad on each side for
two phones and USB C ports in these
Center Cubbies for more charging of your
devices another interesting thing Tesla
has eliminated the roll forward mode
when the car is at idle in the past you
could have the car roll forward to
simulate a regular gas powered car with
a traditional automatic transmission
that's gone now and when you're stopped
at idle even in drive the car stops in
place but probably the biggest change up
front to the new model 3 is the lack of
stocks coming off the steering column
for the new model 3 the stocks for your
windshield wipers turn signals your
shifting into gear all that stuff is
gone and integrated into other places in
the car in the case of the turn signals
it's here on the steering wheel you can
see button for left button for right you
push those and that's how you put on
your turn signal if you want to turn on
your windshield wipers you tap the
windshield wiper button on the steering
wheel you can see it here and then it
pulls up your windshield wiper controls
on the screen and then you select what
it is you want various different wiper
speeds or just automatic wipers if you
want to go into gear and actually drive
the car you have two choices no longer a
stock but instead get in the car put
your foot on the brake and this display
appears on the left side of the screen
allowing you to drag the car upwards to
go forward go into drive or drag the car
back backwards to go into reverse that's
how you can select gears or if you want
a more traditional gear selection
situation you have that on the ceiling
near the rear view mirror you can barely
make out prnd D around the hazard light
button that's an old school traditional
way where you can shift gears if for
example the screen breaks or you just
prefer that to swiping your finger and
one other function the stocks used to
have but no longer is turning on
autopilot you used to press the the
stock down a couple times autopilot
would go on since it's gone now you turn
on autopilot with this button here you
press it on the steering wheel just one
press or you can configure it to be two
presses but either way it goes on and
turns on autopilot so these functions of
the stocks have migrated elsewhere and
now the stocks are gone in an effort to
increase minimalism in this interior and
one other big change for the new model 3
is an intended Improvement in noise
reduction Tesla tells me they've added
AC ustic glass you can see this double
painted glass and made other noise
reduction and vibration enhancements to
this car to try to make it quieter more
comfortable more Supple inside this
interior now Tesla tells me that the
result is a 30% reduction in wind noise
a 20% reduction in road noise a 30%
Improvement in noise isolation and a 25%
impact in overall noise reduction I have
no idea how they measure me those
percentages but that's the goal to make
the car feel more premium with the
materials and with the sound and comfort
while you're driving so those are all
the new changes to the updated model 3
before I get on to General model 3
quirks and features I want to talk over
the two versions of this car that are
available there are two trim levels
there's a base model with rear wheeel
drive it starts around
$39,000 it has 272 M of range and it
does 0 60 in 5.8 seconds or you can
upgrade to the long range model that's
this one dual motor because it has
all-wheel drive that starts around
$47,500 and with the dual motor range
jumps to about
$340 M on a single charge which is
excellent and acceleration drops 0 to 60
in 4.2 seconds now of course the pricing
numbers I'm quoting that's before
rebates that may be offered by your
local or federal government depending on
your situation but those are the
starting prices before those rebates so
those are the basics the updates and
changes for the new model 3 now let's
move on to General model 3 cirks and
features starting with getting inside
your phone is a key you do have a key
card that comes with this car as a
backup but you don't need it you got
your Tesla app you walk up to the car
you phone's in your pocket you press on
the door handle it opens right up and
you walk in and the phone app has a lot
of great benefits related to the car you
can find out where the car is on your
phone app you can schedule charging you
can mess with security and you can even
do various vehicle functions from the
app like lock or unlock the doors drop
the windows or even honk the horn all of
which is neat party tricks but you can
see how that stuff would be functional
too and once you're inside the model 3
you start to notice a lot of interesting
quirks and features for one despite the
minimalist nature of this interior the
basic Simplicity of this car's overall
design it actually has a lot of really
fantastic high-tech features let's start
with the camera system you put on the
turn signal you press that button on the
steering wheel and it brings up a blind
spot camera which is right in your
Center screen so you can see what's in
your blind spot making it easier to make
a lane change now one drawback about
this car's minimalism is the lack of a
screen directly ahead of the steering
wheel like where gauge cluster would be
it'd be nice to see that blind spot
camera in that screen but Tesla doesn't
offer one like some other brands do so
we have it here instead it's still a
fantastic feature you don't get on many
cars another great feature about the
camera system is that you can pull it up
with just one tap of this button on the
steering wheel press it and then your
cameras are up which makes it easier to
park or move around in tight spaces a
lot of cars have great camera systems
better than Tesla but you got to go into
various menus to access them a simple
tap on the steering wheel and the
cameras are up that's great and another
great benefit of the camera system in
this car is Sentry mode when you park
this car lock it and walk away you can
arm Sentry mode where the cameras that
show you where you're parking suddenly
become security cameras that show you if
someone comes up to the car and tries to
break a window or break in steal
something whatever you suddenly have
security cameras all on your car which
is cool possibly the only drawback of
the camera system is the TLA still
doesn't have a top down 360° camera in
this car which is absolutely wild
basically every other automaker is
offering this now makes it very easy to
maneuver in tight spaces easy to park
between the lines or where you want
unfortunately Tesla still hasn't figured
that one out which is disappointing but
next we move on to the other rather
interesting Quirk of this car which is
that a lot of the adjustments that you
see in normal vehicles with switches and
buttons are worked with the screen in
this car it's very interesting let's
start with the mirrors to adjust the
mirrors there's no switch on your door
panel instead you go into the controls
menu you select the mirrors and then
this little switch on your steering
wheel changes the mirrors you can go
left right up down you can see the
mirror is changing as I move the switch
and you can switch over to the other
side mirror and then the same switch
will do the same thing just over on the
passenger side it's the same deal with
adjusting the steering wheel position
you go into the steering wheel settings
menu in the center screen and then once
again this switch will move the steering
wheel up and down backwards and forwards
so that you can position it exactly
where you want rather than a typical
switch on the steering wheel it starts
in the center screen and it's more than
just that you want to turn on your
headlights well guess where you go that
would be into the screen where you can
turn them on there now thankfully you
can flash your brights your high beams
on the steering wheel which is sometimes
a nice feature to be able to have
instant access to but your typical
headlights are in the screen amazingly
this screen control setup even includes
your glove box you want to open that you
got to go into the screen into the
control section and then you press the
part of the screen that opens up the
glove box and then it opens you don't
even have a glove box handle in this car
it is that minimalists now the drawback
to all of this screen stuff is obviously
it complicates some items but it's a lot
of stuff you don't use very frequently
like your headlights you put them in
Auto and the car will kind of take care
of the rest you don't really need a
button or a switch for them however the
climate controls it's a little bit of a
different story that you're using very
frequently and of course it's integrated
into the screen now you have your basic
controls down here you can adjust the
temperature pretty easily here and you
can turn on your heated seats or your
front defroster rear defroster all with
sort of a simple two-step process but
for more climate controls you get you
got to press the screen it pulls up a
larger menu and then you have more work
to do to figure out exactly what it is
you want to use it's not a huge
disappointment or drawback but it is a
little harder to use than other
automakers that have integrated their
climate controls into the screen where
it just takes up a fixed portion of the
screen at all times here you got to at
least do one tap and then a second tap
to do basically anything and a strange
myth that this car has when you turn on
your heated seats in the climate control
setting you turn them on and then it
doesn't display play anywhere that they
are on now if you're sitting in the
driver's seat it seat's getting hot you
don't really need the car to tell you
that it's on but if your passenger
leaves the seat on and then gets out of
the car it might just stay heating same
deal in the back with no icon to let you
know that it's on kind of a weird
decision a little disappointing with
that said one absolutely fantastic
feature of the climate controls is
something that Tesla calls dog mode the
way this works is you can leave your dog
in the car even on a hot day you're
going shopping normally that would be a
very bad thing it gets hot inside the
car and the dog could die but if you put
the car in dog mode you can leave the
dog inside lock the doors walk away and
the car will keep the interior
temperature at a reasonable 70 some
degrees Fahrenheit to make sure that the
the dog stays comfortable even while
you're outside the car doing something
else and then it even says on the screen
while you're away hey the dog is
comfortable don't worry it's nice and
cool inside the car just so people don't
freak out when they see a dog in your
car in a hot parking lot it's a neat
idea that Tesla came up with where you
can lock the doors and still keep the
climate control going for your dog's
convenience now while it may seem like
too many controls are integrated into
this screen I did find one cool shortcut
that makes life easier if you're sitting
in the driver's seat driving the car and
you hold down the button on the left
side of the steering wheel it pulls up
sort of a hidden menu that allows you to
adjust various things from the steering
wheel using the button you can change
the climate control temperature here the
fan speed and a wide variety of
different stuff pull up the camera even
open up the glove box turn on the
defroster all from this like quick
button press on the steering wheel which
is a cool idea now one big drawback in
this car to going stock lless and
putting all of your controls in the
screen is the windshield wiper situation
I mentioned to turn on the wipers you
press this button on the steering wheel
and then you can adjust the setting you
want your wipers to be on most people
will leave them on automatic except the
automatic wipers in this car just aren't
all that good it rains quite a bit
before they actually start to turn on so
you're constantly having to make manual
adjustments which isn't that easy when
it's not just a simple steering column
stock you got to press the wiper thing
and then scroll over to the wipers you
want and constantly change them up and
down it would work great if the auto
wipers were better but but they're just
not and there's other cool stuff inside
this infotainment system display Beyond
actual functional things just some fun
little quirks and features and Easter
eggs that Tesla has hidden in here for
example you can change the sound of the
horn this is the current horn sound take
listen okay fine but that is boring you
can choose from various different other
horn sounds if you'd prefer like for
example this indignant British man well
never well I
never well I never okay so that's funny
and check this out you can also change
the color of the display car that is
shown in the screen right here right now
the car is roughly the color of the one
I'm sitting in but you can adjust what
color you want it to be and you can even
choose between metallic paint solid
paint or matte paint if that's what you
want to see you can totally change
whatever is displayed never really seen
that level of configurability for a
simple ins screen display car before and
of course just like in back up front you
can also play games there are video
games integrated into this infotainment
screen there's even a driving race car
game where you use the actual steering
wheel of the car to drive around I've
showed this in other Tesla videos before
the integrated video game system of
course you would only do that if the car
is parked you're sitting somewhere
waiting for someone you're bored well
you can play video games in your model 3
and also just like in back there's even
a theater setting where you can pull up
various different apps you'd use to
watch entertaining programs including
Netflix Hulu Tik Tock and even YouTube
you can watch Doug De Muro review a
Tesla from the comfort of your Tesla if
that's what you wish now beyond all the
technology in this car there is still a
few cirks and features worth noting and
the rest of the stuff even though it is
tremendously minimalist in here for one
thing I love the cover over the visor
mirrors which doesn't sound like
something that you would form a
relationship with but it's really cool
you open it up and then it's magnetic so
you can split it in half so you can have
the visor mirror open but the cover
isn't getting in your way and it's just
a really neat design the way they've
created this something that basically
every other manufact should follow also
worth pointing out you have storage
cubbies in the center console here this
Center armrest lifts up for storage and
the furthest forward compartment also
pushes open for storage I also like how
this compartment pushes open there's a
little tab that comes up over on the
right side to push and then the
compartment next to it has a tab on the
left side to push so they don't Collide
makes it easier to open them by the way
that other compartment the left side tab
that's your cup holders you can open
that up and then you can store drinks in
here or keep everything closed to really
maximize the minimalism and take a look
around this interior you will notice
there are no climate vents in here there
are none at all you don't see them in
the traditional places on the dashboard
so how does air get into the interior
climate air conditioning heat the answer
is there is a climate vent but it's
hidden under this panel on the dashboard
there's one long climate vent that goes
all the way through now when I first
reviewed the model 3 way back in 2017 I
had the very first review I was unsure
whether this would be enough to actually
get air into the interior to make it
warm or cool but it works quite well
actually and it's not visible so you can
keep the minimalism theme going without
sticking climate vents on the dashboard
as for climbing out of the model 3 you
don't have a traditional door handle
like you do in a lot of cars instead
there's a button located here on the
door pole you press that and then it
electronically pops the door open and
you can climb out just in case the
electronics fail or the battery dies
there's also a backup solution a
physical mechanical door handle located
here next to your power window switches
you can pull on that open the door and
climb out as well without the electronic
mechanism but if you pull on that door
handle a little warning comes on the
screen and tells you the window trim may
be damaged I guess that's because when
you get out the traditional way
electronically the window drops a little
bit to let you out but if you get out
the mechanical way it doesn't do that
which could over time cause damage to
the trim kind of an interesting warning
haven't seen that one before as for the
trunk the cargo area there's really
nothing new here you pop it open it
opens up electronically which is a very
nice luxury touch and it's not a
hatchback despite its long sweeping rear
window design the model 3 does have a
traditional trunk like a traditional
sedan and that continues in the new one
but you open up the trunk and you can
see it's quite large actually despite
this car's look with a kind of stubby
rear end it has a large and cavernous
cargo compartment where you can stick
whatever you want and there's even more
space on the side you can see a
compartment here for more stuff same
deal over on the other side and
underneath the floor lift this up and
there's actually a fairly large
additional compartment where you can put
even more stuff and just in case you've
maximized all of this cargo space and
you still want more you can it up front
the front compartment also opens there's
a small but relatively sizable front
trunk up there where you can put even
more stuff for even more storage
capabilities finally we move on to the
overall design of this car I mentioned
what is new but as for what is quirky
the answer is well not much the model 3
is intended to be a very generic looking
car and it retains that look there's
nothing particularly quirky or weird
weird or controversial about the way it
looks one interesting item though on the
outside worth pointing out is this
little piece on the fender this is one
of the few like style touches that the
model 3 has and even that is actually
functional that's where the camera is
mounted for that blind spot camera that
I showed you earlier the one that comes
on when you put on the turn signal
that's where they mount the camera so
even though there's a little style
element on the front fender that too has
a purpose all right driving the new
Tesla Model
3 which I say in an exciting tone but
the thing I've learned from driving this
car is it is not an exciting car at all
you know it does 0 to 60 quickly it's a
it's a it's a fast car but so is every
electric car now you know there was a
time when that was a really cool
advantage that Tesla had over other
vehicles but now with the proliferation
of electric cars we've we're all used to
going 0 to 60 in 4 seconds or 3 seconds
uh if we spent any time in any sort of
higher term electric car and so that in
itself does not make this car exciting
and other than that the steering and
handling is is kind of numb the steering
is very quick and I think that Tesla
does that to disguise the fact that the
handling is not particularly great
there's more body roll than you'd want
it's not particularly flat around
corners uh it's definitely not intended
to be a sports car nor is it one I
borrowed this car from Tesla for a week
and the thing that I've learned driving
it around for that time is this is not a
a car that you fall in love with it is
not a car that elicits an emotional
response but it is a truly fantastic car
at doing the appliance thing which is
how I've why I've titled this video how
I did commuting is a mundane task and
this car does the best job of maybe any
car at making it easy it is just a a a
daily annoyance sitting in traffic on
the 163 like I am right now made easy
because you have autopilot you have a
great charging Network you don't have to
put an expensive gasoline they created a
car that just tackles all of those
things and solves for it the car is
cheap to buy it is cheap to own
factoring out depreciation I'd buy one
used uh or would lease one it's cheap to
run it's cheap to operate and it makes
your life easier when you're driving it
around this is not a special car but it
is very very very very good at doing
what it is supposed to to do which is
just point A to point B without
complaint making life easier there's no
drawbacks except for the fact that it is
mind-numbingly boring to look at to
drive but honestly even as a car
Enthusiast I'm okay with that I think
it's totally fine to have a boring
Anonymous self-driving car to drive to
work every day while you have cool stuff
in your garage to take out on the
weekends it's been a while since I've
been in a model 3 um I get them in as
Ubers sometimes but I don't regularly
drive one or use one uh it does feel
quieter in here it does feel more
luxurious and nicer which is honestly
good because truthfully uh that was the
probably the biggest drawback of the old
car it just didn't seem all that nice
this car does and the ride feels a
little bit softer it just feels a little
bit like a little bit nicer car not a
full on luxury car by any stretch of the
imagination nor would you expect one at
this price point Tesla really wants to
make this car minimalist inside and
frankly I like that I think there's a
lot of great things about that um the
drawback is some minimalist details are
kind of annoying I always felt taking
away the heads up display directly in
front of the steering
wheel it would be nice to see what speed
you're going whether your headlights are
on what street you're pushing that kind
of thing directly ahead of you taking
away the stocks makes things even a
little bit harder and I'm just not
entirely thrilled with that but I will
say you do adapt fairly quickly figuring
out the turn signals the headlights the
wipers getting it into gear all the
stuff that used to be on the stocks test
Tesla has this autopilot system that
most Tesla owners believe is either the
only autopilot system in the car
industry the only you know driver assist
Tech like this or the best I don't feel
that way and and driving this car
underscores and reminds me why I don't
feel that way Tesla autopilot is
fantastic especially on the freeways
especially in bumper to bumper traffic
it's one of the reasons that makes this
car such a great commuter you can turn
on autopilot and just not really do all
that much autopilot is not great on
regular surface streets it gets confused
by Lane line frequently and has trouble
distinguishing where to go in anything
other than fairly normal traditional
driving on like regular lined roads that
are kind of perfect if the road does
weird stuff it it kind of gets lost and
can't really figure it out the other
drawback of autopilot is that Tesla for
some reason still does not have a
capacitive touch steering wheel in my
Mercedes if you're driving around using
their driver assist Tech which functions
about the same as autopilot you just
have to have your hand on the steering
wheel and the steering wheel will sense
that your hand is there and then do what
it's supposed to do and you never really
have to do anything Tesla unfortunately
because they don't have a capacitive
touch wheel you actually have to jiggle
the steering wheel every so often in
order to remind autopilot that you're
still there and babysit it in a way that
you don't with a car that has a really
good capacitive touch steering wheel for
their driver assist I generally think
this car is better than the old one it
has some real improvements over the
outgoing model 3 they're subtle but
they're there um and more importantly
it's just a really good Appliance
commuter car that's what it does best
and it does that even better than before
and so that's the new 2024 Tesla Model 3
this isn't an exciting car not a
particularly fun or thrilling one not a
car that arouses your passions but it is
a great car for its intended purpose
making commuting as easy and simple and
painfree as possible that's what it's
for and that's what it does
fantastically and now it's time to give
the updated model 3 a Doug
score and the Doug score is here 63 out
of 100 which puts the new model 3 here
against Rivals the daily score is
tremendous 38 out of 50 which beats out
everything else on this list but the
weekend score is comparatively low
mainly because well this car really
isn't all that exciting here's the truth
the Tesla Model 3 is an appliance and
just like every other Appliance your
dishwasher your microwave it's not not
really thrilling it's a tool for a job
and this car is the best tool for the
job of boring commuting in Daily
5.0 / 5 (0 votes)