Is Overclocking now useless?
- 🚀 现代CPU和GPU组件的超频能力已经不如以往,因为制造商已经将它们推向极限。
- 🎮 Falcon Northwest专注于为游戏玩家打造高端定制PC,已有30多年的历史。
- 🔧 超频(Overclocking)是指将ASIC(如CPU或GPU)推向超过其额定速度。
- 🌡️ 现代组件的超频不仅涉及提高核心频率,还包括管理热头空间、温度、功率限制和功耗。
- 💡 获取广告中宣传的性能速度(如5.5 GHz全核心)现在几乎等同于超频,因为需要调整设置来维持这些速度。
- 🛠️ 通过降低电压和微调偏移量,可以尝试在不过度增加功耗的情况下达到稳定的高频率。
- 🔥 高端CPU和GPU现在需要大量的功率和热设计功耗(TDP),使得水冷等冷却解决方案再次变得相关。
- 📈 通过使用如Intel Extreme Tuning Utility(XTU)等工具,可以在操作系统中实时调整超频设置。
- 🎲 在当前的硬件环境中,超频的乐趣减少了,因为制造商已经为用户做了大量的工作。
- 🔄 尽管NVIDIA和AMD的GPU已经具备自动超频功能,但用户可操作的超频空间有限。
- 🔄 过去,超频意味着将硬件频率提高1000 MHz以上,但现在超频空间有限,因为硬件已经接近极限。
Q & A
Falcon Northwest是如何确保其定制游戏PC性能最佳的?
-Falcon Northwest通过使用定制机箱、进行最先进的测试和设计,以及通过热成像和严格的实验室测试来确保每个组件都能发挥最佳性能。
-超频会影响CPU的热头房(thermal headroom)、温度(TJ Maxx)、功率限制(power limit)和功率消耗(power draw),这些都是决定CPU时钟速度的关键因素。
-现代GPU在出厂时已经通过技术如NVIDIA的GPU Boost或AMD的类似技术进行了自动超频,这使得用户可用的超频空间变小。
💻 现代CPU和GPU的超频能力探讨
本段讨论了现代CPU和GPU组件的超频能力,特别是对于追求高端定制游戏体验的用户。提到Falcon Northwest公司专注于打造高性能游戏PC,并通过严格的测试确保每个组件的最佳性能。超频是指将ASIC推至超过其额定速度,现代组件如CPU和GPU已经能够在出厂时达到很高的频率,例如5GHz。但是,为了达到这些高频率,制造商必须将功率限制推至极限,导致功耗大幅增加。此外,还讨论了如何通过调整设置来尝试达到CPU的全速运行,以及如何通过降低电压来尝试提高性能而不牺牲稳定性。
🔧 超频实践与广告速度的挑战
这一段深入探讨了超频实践,特别是尝试达到并维持CPU广告中宣称的速度。通过使用XTU工具,作者尝试在操作系统中调整设置以超越5.5GHz的全核心速度。讨论了超频的困难,尤其是在现代组件已经接近极限的情况下。作者还提到了通过降低电压来尝试提高性能,同时保持稳定性的重要性。此外,还提到了AMD的Precision Boost Overdrive技术,以及如何通过微调来尝试达到更好的性能。
🌡️ 频率、电压与温度的平衡
本段讨论了频率与电压之间的关系,以及如何通过调整这些参数来优化CPU性能。作者通过实际测试,展示了在不同电压下,CPU频率和温度的变化,以及这些变化如何影响性能测试的得分。提到了在超频过程中,如果电压降低过多,即使频率保持不变,性能也可能下降。此外,还讨论了NVIDIA的GPU Boost技术,以及如何通过调整设置来尝试提高GPU性能。
🚫 超频的变迁与未来趋势
💡Falcon Northwest
提到Falcon Northwest公司专注于为游戏玩家打造高端定制电脑。
提到了使用Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (XTU)进行实时调整的可能性。
you know there's this concept of
overclocking being dead that I sort of
want to talk about um it's partially
true but we we're we're going to talk
about modern CPU components even GPU
components and whether or not like
overclockability is something you should
even care about
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so all overclocking means is pushing an
Asic Beyond its like rated speeds so an
aset could be anything it could be a CPU
it could be a GPU it could be a
Raspberry Pi right it could literally be
anything anything that has a core clock
um so our CPUs as you know have all
sorts of varying clock speeds these days
and there's like single core there's two
core there's like three core six core
eight core and what I mean by that is
that's the amount of cores under load
that determine the speed so that's why
every single CPU that you look at now
says up to 5.5 GHz or up to 5.8 GHz
because there's a very strict set of
criteria that has to be met to be able
to get that clock speed is there thermal
Headroom are you anywhere near your your
TJ Maxx on temperature uh what is your
power limit what is your power draw it's
like power draw would be things like how
many amps is it actually drawing through
the CPU how how much voltage is being
sent to the GPU how hot's the GPU so all
these things play into a factor when it
comes to your clock speeds now the thing
is with modern modern components being
pushed as far as they're being pushed
today like 5 GHz was a pipe dream 5
years ago like 5 years ago sure you
might have you might have had a 9900 K
here and there that could hit like 5 GHz
it's maybe all core maybe and then
really good chips might be able to do
like 5 one single or dual core load now
we're talking like 58 or 14900 K is
doing like 5,800 MHz single core and two
core load and then up to 5.5 gahz all
core that's like completely unheard of
but one of the ways that they've
achieved that is the fact that they have
to push the power limits kind of to an
insane envelopes so for instance the
14900 K which I have installed on my
test bench right here on an Asus
uh board I don't remember which one it
is exactly I really don't remember which
one it is it says up to 5.5 GHz but it
run it's at 253 Watts now what I'm going
to show you here real quickly real quick
and we'll kind of do some demonstrations
here of of how to get the full
advertised performance out of your CPU
because essentially it's almost like an
overclock now to get the advertised
speeds which is really stupid and should
border on marketing legality at this
point um you can see right here we have
a couple cores that are sitting in the
5.8 GHz range there's one right there
there's one right there it's going to
hand off to down there watch see that
went 55 back and so Core 2 and three in
the P core Arrangement tend to be the
preferred cores for the higher clock
speeds all the e cores as you can see at
4.3 now realistically what should happen
here is when I start cinebench we should
see it go to 5.5 GHz all core the
problem is what we're going to find is
that getting 5.5 GHz all core at a full
100% % sustained load is not what you're
going to get you're going to get like 52
51 so check this out we don't care about
our score and stuff right now on sbench
I'm just using this as a benchmark to
load up the CPU so right now we'll look
at the scores to compare but I don't as
as I hit start on allore test or
multicore you're going to see 55 on all
cores now 5'2 it dropped like we got
like three or four seconds of 5.5 GHz
and what sucks about that is that's all
that was basically required for Intel's
up to 5.5 GHz to really legal so our
power shoots right up to
253 XX watts and that's exactly what
it's max power rating is now that's why
we're not actually able to get 55 on all
cores sustained is because there has to
be a limiting factor there's there is a
throttle reason yes right now if I was
to bring up XTU or extreme tuning
utility uh from Intel it would have a
throttle reason of yes as power power
would be our limiting factor here so
what a lot of motherboard manufacturers
are doing is they're lifting up those
power limits out of the box I've already
done a complete rant video explaining
that it motherboard manufacturers need
to leave Intel limits in place unless
the user goes in and specifies lift
those limits because the cooler has
everything to do with how well it can
perform cuz the problem is when you lift
the power what do you do you also lift
the temperatures what's essentially
overclocking these days is not pushing
the core necessarily Beyond it rated
spef or specified speeds which is the up
to 5.8 single core and up to 5.5 GHz all
core on a 49 or 4900 K it's just trying
to manipulate the specs to get the
advertise speeds sustained so let's do
this I'm going to go ahead and load up
XTU I love XTU because it allows me to
make these changes on the fly in the OS
so right now what I want to see is can I
even come close to getting Beyond 5.5
GHz all core
and I'm not entirely so sure because
components are pushed so close to the
Limit these days with that you know well
over well into the 5 GHz range even the
AMD and that's a AMD rig behind me with
a I don't remember which CPU is on there
but it's an AMD system right there even
with amds Precision boost overdrive and
stuff it's very difficult to get the
advertised speeds for very long and even
those CPUs are up into the 5 GHz plus
range now which is huge for AMD they
were lacking in the clock speeds for so
long and they've definitely caught up
into that 5 gz race so here's our multi
our performance core ratio multiplier 55
so it's that times 100 how we get the
5500 and then the efficiency core at 4.3
now what I'm going to do right now is I
actually have to go
into you know what I'm going to click
automatic overclock and see what happens
I haven't done this in a
while let's just see if it actually does
useful okay so it lifted at 100 MHz on
each and lifted the offset by 20 molts
well the attemp went to 9 DC immediately
there's 55 all core now we drop 54 hey
it's actually doing something look at
our TDP right there 330 WTS 903c on the
core and we are getting the 5.5 GHz all
core you notice we have 5.6 selected and
we're not getting 56 we're actually at
54 right now and that's because of the
fact that it probably upped our power
limit to that 330 Mark which means that
with our voltage being extremely high
right now at
1.33 we're not even getting the number
we put in we're still not even getting
sustained advertis
numbers and we've added clock speed and
we've added voltage so the power and
current limits optimized gave us a limit
of 330 which is what I thought just
based on what I saw right there 425 amps
and then know so now we can actually
adjust this sort of stuff but I'm going
to go 5 six I'm going try 57 allore at
stock voltages let the 330 be the thing
I'm not going to update the voltage yeah
so you're immediately down to 5.5 GHz
we're at
323 Watts 91c now this is this is where
Asic quality really starts to play a
role where if we have a really good CPU
that will allow us to undervolt and
overclock then we'll get really good
performance here and I think 330 watt is
a safe limit to have because of the fact
that we know the 360 cooler can handle
that anything more than that would
require some exotic cooling probably
something chilled or or Beyond room temp
there's a
38835 but this is still underperforming
so much versus what I would expect I've
gotten for or 13900 K to be nearly
40,000 and above 40,000 this so far
would start to be a lot of tuning and a
lot of work for 300 MHz now what's more
important than quote unquote
overclocking these days is just getting
our advertised speeds for sustained
periods of time so here's what we're
going to do again we're going to drop
this back down to
5.5 we're going to leave the efficiency
core at uh 43 which is
stock and what I'm going to do is I'm
going to I want to leave the enhanced
limits cuz we know we need more power
limit to get it done but I'm going to
start playing with a offset here I'm
going to go minus 50
molts and let's see if this will allow
us to get all I'm trying to do now screw
overclocking I'm just trying to get that
allore number to stay all the time now
the thing is while gaming and stuff
right now with a lesser load it would
probably stay at 5'5 just fine but
overclocks are not considered stable
unless they can handle extreme workloads
like this without crashing like there's
game stable there's like General usage
stable and then there's like stress test
table and stress test table is the only
one that we really truly care about okay
there's 55 all
core 84c still at
55 84 83 so that looks like we have a
pretty good comparison there where
temperature is not going to cause us to
drop 55 the entire
time there's a 38329 so you see all I
did was I didn't overclock anything I
just dropped how much voltage it needed
um yeah we're only pulling 288 Watts
right now which is nice at 5.5 GHz but
as you can see the stock speeds couldn't
sustain that but the stock 253 watt
because the up two and the 253 watt
limit were never going to allow full
load to sustain those types of clocks
but I do want to see now if we can do a
56 allcore overclock at a minus 50 now
we're overclocking technically because
we are above the 5.5 recommended not
recommended but stated Max up two speeds
we stay at 56 the whole time there's a
38729 so not a huge gain but voltage and
frequency are linked so as frequency
goes up voltage goes up with it so now
I'm going to try minus
60 so now we drop to 307
309 or 89c
so this is also a spike right this is
the max temp so that means it hit 91 for
a second we're at 8889 now so we drop 3
c 2 c 3 C but there also will become a
point where you'll see the clocks the
stain but if you drop the voltage too
far you'll notice the score drops even
though the frequency stays the same and
the reason for that is because of the
lower uh available wattage to it and
that wattage um voltage linear frequency
scale you might there might be uh
frequency changes happening too quickly
to actually see in the software but the
frequency might be doing quick micro
adjustments that's enough to actually
affect the score so once you start to
see the score go down if you can if
you're like I can keep undervolting this
is is great you might notice performance
going down with it and stability is
still being there I'm going to drop down
to minus 80 and see if we can sustain
that if so then I might push the
efficiency cores up to 46 now we're
technically in overclocking territory oh
see we actually drop score right there
is a 39634 so I'm going to run this
again just to see if we continue like we
lost 200 points by dropping our voltage
I want to make sure not we're not
getting like micro throttling with the
frequency here that could have just been
a weird back-to-back run on that one
yeah we lost more points
39577 so I'm going to go- 75 and see if
that 5 molts helps you'd be surprised
what 5 molts can actually do it's a
39779 okay so let's try 46 eor oh
there's a hard system
lock so this video right now was not
about showing
you how to overclock it is showing you
how much work is actually kind of
involved to get a very mediocre
overclock overclocking The Way We Know
It And used to know it is very very
different than 10 years ago my best
overclocking CPU I ever owned was a
e6300 core2 Duo 1.86 GHz processor that
I ran at
3.34 GHz for its entire life almost
double the rated
speed it was two cores and no
hyperthreading that actually was
hyperthreading I don't remember I cannot
remember if it was hyperthreaded or not
but all I know is the frequency it ran
at was insane I ran that CPU for years
and then gave it to my brother-in-law
where he ran it until he killed the
motherboard completely unrelated to the
CPU that CPU never complained about
temperatures or frequency that was some
one of the most underrated CPUs ever but
back in the day you know we would be
able to push our our frequ we would see
CPU frequencies pushed 1,000 MHz above
its posted speeds but because the
hardware is being pushed to its limits
now because of the CPU race that took
place ever since ryzen came out with AMD
giving actual danger to Intel's market
share when it comes to desktop Computing
we saw this Race For Speed for clock
speed so essentially the manufacturers
like Intel and AMD have found ways to
push their CPUs to the Limit as close to
the Limit as they possibly can out of
the box I those updates underway push
the limits as far as they can out of the
box leaving us very little Headroom to
be able to actually kind of overclock
now gpus let's talk about gpus for a
second here I don't even really need to
demonstrate this one every single GPU
you plop on your computer on your
motherboard and fire up like MSI
afterburner and monitor your speeds
every single one of them will go beyond
where they're advertised they will Auto
overclock and that's by Design because
it's called GPU boost for NVIDIA um AMD
has other uh like Auto overclocks and
rage mode and stuff like that which are
not quite as a aggressive cuz AMD is
still kind of figuring out the the the
Silicon limits and stuff when it comes
to their gpus so they don't actually
allow you to push them too too far
there's a lot of modding required to
really push an AMD GPU but Nvidia on the
other hand when it comes to GPU boost
we're in GPU boost 3 plus territory now
where back in the day it used to push
the frequency if there was available
temperature Headroom then they GP boost
would allow it to push the frequency
with temperature Headroom and power
limit Headroom where it could go beyond
specified power limits see back in the
earlier days of GPU boost uh 1.0 you
could actually modify the voltage slider
you could actually move the voltage
slider and have it affect actual voltage
to the GPU giving you proper like real
overclock overclockability when it comes
to the end user once GPU Boost 2.0
allowed for power limit adjustment the
control of the voltage stopped being
accessible to the end user where all you
could do is control the voltage slider
what I mean by that is like I referenced
with the c you have there's a frequency
and a voltage uh correlation like
correlation between the two if you move
up the frequency the voltage moves with
it all you can do with Nvidia now when
it comes to the voltage slider is move
where that slider is what I mean is you
can up the voltage at a sooner frequency
but you can't exceed the voltage that is
by design that voltage is locked down
you can't exceed it unless you go and do
voltage mods and shut mods and custom
voltage controller soldering and all
that sort of stuff now we're talking
exoc or extreme overclocking so
overclocking on the GPU hasn't even fun
because of the fact that you just we're
already in the 2700 2800 mher range and
you might overclock at 300 MHz we're
talking just over 10% which would be
very difficult to actually notice in
games an additional 10% of frames on a
high-end GPU and most people spend their
time overclocking the high-end gpus
because there's nowhere above that to go
tier-wise so you have to overclock it so
overclocking as we know it in the past
is kind of dead I mean now all we're
trying to do is just tame the monster
monsters that are asking for enormous
amounts of power and TDP to be cooled
which is now making things like water
cooling relevant again so that's why I
think this year I'm going to bring water
cooling month back in the summertime
where we just do all kinds of water
cooling projects and videos and stuff
and playing around with it because of
the fact that the high-end CPUs and the
high-end gpus are definitely demanding I
mean we're talking 600 WT gpus we're
talking over 300 WT CPUs from Intel with
a a
like multi-core enhancement and msis
whatever they call it trickery like all
of the motherboards are pushing the CPUs
beyond their 253 watt for 1490 or 14900
K and I think it's like 270 watt or 230
watt or 220 watt for I can't remember
anyway every CPU has its own maximum
wattage every motherboard is pushing
those Beyond because they're trying to
push the frequencies as far as they can
out of the box so it's nice that the
overclocking is kind of being done for
you but if you like the fun of tinkering
and overclocking like me
they sort of took all that away that's
kind of depressing how do you guys feel
about it anytime I've done overclocking
videos in the past I see a plethora of
comments saying overclocking is stupid
why would you
overclock why not why did anyone decide
at one point let's take two cars and see
you can go faster that
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