Baltimore bridge collapse after massive cargo ship collision
- 🚢 一艘32,000吨的集装箱船在巴尔的摩撞击了一座钢桥,导致桥梁在几秒钟内倒塌。
- 🌉 被撞击的Francis Scott Key桥有着近50年的历史,是当地的重要交通枢纽。
- 🚨 事故发生在周二凌晨1:30左右,当时桥上有8名工人在修补路面,目前一人重伤,一人安全,其余六人下落不明。
- 🛑 事故发生后,巴尔的摩宣布进入紧急状态,搜救工作正在进行中。
- 🌅 桥梁倒塌时,有船只发出了Mayday求救信号,及时阻止了更多车辆上桥。
- 🚤 搜救队伍正在使用潜水员、直升机和支援船只搜寻幸存者,同时声纳探测到水下可能有车辆和被困人员。
- 🏠 当地居民对桥梁倒塌感到震惊,许多人在夜间被巨响惊醒。
- 🔧 桥梁的设计和结构可能是导致灾难性后果的一个因素,但具体情况还需进一步调查。
- 🚢 撞击桥梁的集装箱船在事故发生前失去了动力,导致灯光熄灭。
- 🌊 事故对贸易产生了重大影响,巴尔的摩是美国第九大繁忙的港口,对汽车和液化天然气(LNG)的进出口尤为重要。
- 🕰️ 港口的关闭将对全球供应链产生连锁反应,影响可能持续数周甚至数月。
Q & A
🚢 巴尔的摩钢桥被撞毁事件
一艘32,000吨的集装箱船在凌晨1:30左右撞击了位于巴尔的摩的一座钢桥,导致这座有着近50年历史的Francis Scott Key桥在几秒钟内坍塌。事故发生时,桥上有8名工人,其中1人严重受伤,1人未受伤,其余6人仍然下落不明。新加坡注册的货船在撞击前失去了动力,灯光熄灭,并发出了Mayday呼叫,使得交通得以暂停,避免了更多车辆进入桥梁。目前,搜救行动仍在继续,但由于天气寒冷,生存希望随时间推移而逐渐减少。
🌉 桥梁坍塌对国际贸易的影响
🚗 供应链中断对汽车进口的影响
this was the moment that a 32,000 ton
container ship slammed into a Steel
Bridge in Baltimore toppling the
structure in a matter of seconds we
advised the entire Bridge the entire Key
Bridge has fallen into the harbor as the
sun rose the scale of the destruction of
the Francis Scott Key bridge came into
full view the 300 met long ship with its
nose rammed into the steel workor of the
bridge a bridge that stood for nearly 50
years is but in the early hours of
Tuesday Morning Came Crashing Down in an
instant after the Singapore registered
vessel struck one of its main support
columns at approximately 1:30 a.m. to
hear the words that the Key Bridge has
collapsed it's
shocking um and
heartbreaking a state of emergency has
been declared in Baltimore on America's
East Coast as divers helicopters and
support ships search for survivors
authorities said at least eight
construction workers were on the bridge
mending potholes at the time one is in
hospital in a serious condition one is
uninjured but six others are still
unaccounted for the governor said the
container ship was traveling at a very
rapid speed of about 8 knots as captured
by this web camera and that it lost
power causing its lights to go out
moments before it hit the bridge the
crew on board issued a Mayday call that
officials said allowed them to quickly
halt additional traffic coming onto the
bridge though it's not clear whether
there were any Vehicles actually on the
bridge at the moment of collapse did you
just say that it issued a Mayday in
enough time that you were able to stop
all traffic from entering both sides
we're thankful that between the MayDay
and the collapse that uh that we had
officials who were able to to begin to
stop the flow of traffic but there were
some on the bridge there have been
reports that have been sonar that have
detected vehicles at the bottom of the
water there could still be people
trapped inside or potentially have died
in vehicles is that correct well the
investigation is still going on uh to
find out exactly exactly how many people
in what was situation but the thing that
we do know many of the vehicles were
stopped before they got onto the bridge
which uh which which uh saved lives in a
in a in a very very heroic way in the
nearby town of dondor locals were still
in shock having been woken up by
crashing sounds in the middle of the
night it made my house shake my friend
she thought that there maybe a pre
crashed into the water or something like
that so it was that loud yeah the only
thing we can do is just hope for the two
survivors and pray for the rest I I
don't understand how this bridge came
down in a matter of just two seconds and
you think to yourself well you know how
many times have have I been on the
bridge how many times have my family
members friends traveled on this bridge
there there's really no words very very
very scary stuff when my husband got up
he said press the Key Bridge is gone
yeah we're both iron workers you know
our Union Hall built that bridge and so
so of such historic significance it it's
it's devastating it's very sad and so
much tonnage of Steel on infrastructure
a magnificent infrastructure to go down
like like a
toothpicks and not to mention the the
lives you know everybody's praying for
those poor
people it's not clear when or how they
will begin to untangle the wreckage of
this morning's devastating accident in
the meantime the active search and
rescue mission continues but the hope
for survivors in these chilly Waters
dims with every passing
hour well what's really struck me is
just how emotional people are here
particularly down on the water's edge
one man uh told me that the bridge was
like an old friend he said someone that
he looked forward to seeing every
morning as he drank his cup of coffee
nobody here can believe how the bridge
crumpled as it did in just a matter of
seconds of course beyond the emotion uh
there is the trade angle Baltimore is
one of America's biggest ports fing
billions of dollars worth of goods every
day but as long as that container ship
there you can see behind me remains
stuck in the river nothing can get in or
out uh in the last hour or Joe Biden has
described this as a terrible accident he
said that all federal dollars will be
made available to replace the bridge but
nobody I can tell you wants to say uh
has it a guess how long that will take
one thing though is for sure had this
incident happened uh during rush hour
rather than the early hours of this
morning we would be looking at an all
together different story
Shor Kennedy thank you very much well in
a moment we'll look at the impact on
International Trad now one of America's
major ports is blocked but how could
such a bridge collapse in the first
place and so quickly we can speak now to
structural engineer Dr Mark Richards um
was there something about the design of
the bridge that made the impact so
catastrophic um I think I think in these
sort of situations it's it's very easy
to uh search for uh answers for these
sort of catastrophes which is based on
uh on design and I think it is right in
fact that we now as we respond to these
this kind of event is to scrutinize all
things which could have been at fault
but I think that if we look at the
engineering here if I may and of course
I'm removing myself here from the
catastrophe itself um which is very
distressing um but if we look at the
engineering then there's many safeguards
in place uh for the design of these
sorts of structures to consider uh
possible events um I think the key here
is um whether this particular event
would have been within those cases which
are considered to be uh possible or not
um was striking wasn't it Mark was was
the way that the whole the bridge that
Central structure seemed to come down
and so quickly and is that because it
was all effectively one piece yeah that
this well this sort of this sort of
bridge is is designed as a uh as a latis
uh trust structure it also relies on the
fact that it's a continuous structure
which spans over um a number of supports
and in fact in this case there's four
supports one of those supports was
catastrophically removed and the ability
of the bridge then to to to continue to
perform is is very much compromised um I
think we have to look at the event which
caused it uh um and and I think that
maybe the the lessons are is to is to
understand what we can do with the sorts
of navigation channels to uh to make
sure these sort of events uh uh don't
take place rather than to try and design
buildings or Bridges to to withstand any
event that's right CU it because it was
in this major shipping Lane right and I
understand that a lot of bridges in
shipping lanes have given extra
protections uh to stop Ships coming into
contact with them at all in the first
place you surprised that there was an
impact well as you say these sorts of
structures with this level of
of of contribution to the overall
infrastructure are usually protected in
the uh in the water course as well um
I've only seen video just as the rest of
us have um but it's normal that um
obstacles are put in the way of bridges
such that they act as a as a first as a
first hit so to speak so that they don't
actually reach the bridges themselves so
and of course it's it's easy to
speculate that maybe those things
weren't in place I don't know um but I
think it's also the management of the uh
of the navigation Channel as well which
uh I'm sure will be under scrutiny as
well here Mark Richard thank you so much
for that from an engineering perspective
so uh what impact will this have on
trade Marco foron is director general of
The Institute of export and uh
International Trade it's a it's a busy
Port isn't it Baltimore Marco what
impact will it
have well it's the ninth busiest port uh
in the us it is the number one port for
automotive uh and vehicles you know over
750,000 uh uh cars uh and vehicles are
handled through the port each year and
at a time when we've got constraints in
the Panama Canal and the ongoing crisis
uh in the Red Sea this is going to have
a significant and dramatic impact uh on
trade in the US but also on US exports
and particularly relevant for the UK and
the EU is the fact that over half a
million tons of LNG liquefied natural
gas is exported from Baltimore um uh
each year each month uh and you know the
US is the UK's largest supplier of LNG
so there will be Ripple effects then
that we will feel here in the UK
potentially because of this one port in
the US being shut down
temporarily yes and and the the
implications of this will will Ripple
out you know there were ships that were
due to be uh birthing in Baltimore which
now won't be able to we've got ships
that are still stuck in uh Baltimore and
then you've got the onshore uh
infrastructure and supply chain that
will now have to shift to try and cope
with that disruption so so the impact of
this is going to go uh for for many
weeks or months depending on how quickly
we can get Baltimore back and
operational but it has to be born in
mind that this is uh a a serious
situation and we are still looking at a
search uh and rescue and our thoughts
are with those who've been directly
impacted absolutely um but I mean you
say it's what the main Us Port for
importing cars and we're all familiar
with supply chain issues these days I
mean will there come a cost in certain
products and
materials there will be because there'll
be disruption and you'll have the the
supply chain will have to adjust both
for components that were coming out of
the US and cars coming out of the US but
also those major UK and European brands
that would du to be uh sending their
cars uh into the US and you know it's
Fiat uh Nissan uh Jaguar Land Rover Audi
Volkswagen all have been impacted
because they would normally be exporting
Baltimore Marco Fon thank you very much
for speaking with us Kathy back now to
you in London
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Siguen labores de búsqueda y rescate de posibles sobrevivientes tras colapso de puente en Baltimore
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