"The Adventures of Paddington Bear 103 - A Visit to the Bank / A Spot of Fishing / Bear's Job Week"
TLDRالنص يحكي قصة الدب بينغتون، الذي يبدأ حياته الجديدة في إنجلترا بعد مغادرة بيرو. يلتقي بعائلة براون ويصبح أعزتهم. يظهر النص كيف يساعد الدب بينغتون الناس وكيف يتعامل مع المشاكل التي يواجهها. يشمل النص عدة مقاطع من الحياة اليومية للدب مثل ال前往 floyd's bank لسحب أمواله، ولكن يجد أنه قد أُسر 5 جنيهًا به. يحاول الدب التعامل مع الrobbery ويُعلق في النهاية بإعادة أمواله. كما يشجع النص على الصبر والصبر في المواقف الصعبة، وكيف ينجح الدب بينغتون في النهاية في الفوز بالجائزة الأولى في مسابقة الcostume party، ويُعد بتقديم الجائزة إلى مأوى الدب التقاعد في ليما، بيرو.
- 🎉 **Paddington小熊** 从秘鲁来到英格兰,被Brown一家收养,成为了温莎花园的宠儿。
- 🤝 **乐于助人** Paddington总是尽力帮助他人,面对问题时从不退缩,总是能找到解决问题的方法。
- 👀 **好奇心** Paddington对一切充满好奇,看待事物总是像看全新的一样。
- 🌟 **有礼貌** 他友好且有礼貌,总是尝试做正确的事情,尽管有时会陷入困境。
- 💭 **直言不讳** Paddington敢于表达自己的想法,但这也常常给他带来麻烦。
- 🏦 **银行事件** Paddington的钱在银行被偷,但他的五镑钞票因为粘有果酱而被银行经理记住,最终帮助警方破案。
- 👮♂️ **误会** Paddington在银行的行为引起了误会,但最终他被证明是无辜的,并且帮助警方逮捕了真正的罪犯。
- 🎣 **捕鱼之旅** Paddington和Mr. Gruber以及海军上将Grundy一起去法国布列塔尼海岸捕鱼,体验了海洋和航行的乐趣。
- ⛺ **露营** 在一次捕鱼后,他们被困在一个岛上,不得不在帐篷里过夜,Paddington展现了他的“锤子技巧”。
- 👕 **洗衣任务** Paddington在为MRS. Bird洗衣服时,不小心将衣服吹飞,但最终找到了方法解决问题。
- 🏆 **化装比赛** Paddington在化装比赛中以海盗造型出现,尽管遇到了一些麻烦,但最终赢得了“最有趣服装奖”。
- 💰 **奖金捐赠** Paddington决定将他赢得的奖金捐给利马的退休熊之家,展现了他的慷慨和善良。
Q & A
(paddington) لماذا تركت بيرو وحدها وتبحرت إلى إنغلتيرة؟
-(paddington) تركت بيرو وحدها وبحرت إلى إنغلتيرة لأنها تبدأ حياة جديدة وأصبحت محبوبة في ويندسور جاردنز.
(paddington) ماذا فعلت بعد أن تعرفت على البراونز؟
-(paddington) بعد أن تعرفت على البراونز، استقبلواها وأخذوها إلى منزلهم، وبدأت حياة جديدة.
(paddington) لماذا يريد بادينغتون سحب جميع أمواله من البنك؟
-(paddington) يريد سحب جميع أمواله من البنك بسبب الrobbery الذي حدث في فloyd's bank.
(paddington) ماذا حدث عندما حاول بادينغتون سحب أمواله من البنك؟
-(paddington) عند محاولة بادينغتون سحب أمواله، تبين أن المبلغ الوحيد لديه هو 10 بنتس، ولم يكن لديه سوى هذا المبلغ.
(paddington) ماذا حدث بعد أن تبع الشرطة بادينغتون؟
-(paddington) بعد متابعة الشرطة بادينغتون، اكتشفوا أنه ليس مذنبا بل كان يحاول سحب أمواله من البنك، وبالتالي تم إطلاق سراحه.
(paddington) ماذا حدث في النهاية مع الrobbery في فloyd's bank؟
-(paddington) في النهاية تم القبض على الrobbers واستعادة الأموال المسروقة، وساعد بادينغتون في ذلك بفضل قطعة البانك المحمصة بالمارميلو.
(paddington) لماذا قرر بادينغتون البقاء في البنك بعد الrobbery؟
-(paddington) قرر بادينغتون البقاء في البنك لأن مادامة ت向我 Mrs. Patel ت向大家保证了أنه يستمر في النمو، فإنه يأمل في زيارتها.
(paddington) ماذا حدث عندما ذهب بادينغتون يصطاد الأسماك مع Mr. Gruber وAdmiral Grundy؟
-(paddington) عندما ذهب بادينغتون يصطاد الأسماك، تANGLED الشبكة وحاول استخدام الصنارة بشكل خاطئ، مما أدى إلى العديد من المشاكل، ولكن في النهاية حصل على الفوز في مسابقة الcostume.
(paddington) ماذا فعل بادينغتون بعد أن تANGLED الشبكة في المحيط؟
-(paddington) بعد تANGLED الشبكة، وضع بادينغتون على عبء untangling الشبكة، وحاول الصيد بخط وشير.
(paddington) ماذا حدث عندما حاول بادينغتون المساعدة في إعداد الخيمة؟
-(paddington) عندما حاول بادينغتون المساعدة في إعداد الخيمة، اخطأ في تangling الخيوط، مما أدى إلى انهيار الخيمة.
(paddington) ماذا فعل بادينغتون مع الجائزة التي حصل عليها في مسابقة الcostume؟
-(paddington) قرر بادينغتون أن يعطي نصف الجائزة لدار الدببة التقاعد في ليما، بيرو.
🇵 Paddington's Adventures in England
Paddington, having moved to England from Peru, is warmly welcomed by the Browns and becomes a beloved figure in Windsor Gardens. He is known for his helpfulness and problem-solving skills, despite his tendency to get into sticky situations. His unique perspective and polite demeanor are highlighted, as is his financial wisdom, saving money for a rainy day. However, a bank robbery at Floyd's Bank complicates matters when Paddington's money, marked with a piece of marmalade, becomes a clue in solving the crime. Paddington's innocent actions lead to the capture of the real culprits, and his money is safely returned.
🎣 A Fishing Expedition and a Pirate's Tale
Paddington embarks on a mackerel fishing trip off the coast of Brittany, France, with Mr. Gruber and Admiral Grundy. Despite a series of humorous mishaps, including being hoisted on a line with a net full of fish, the trip is successful. They later find themselves marooned on an island but manage to survive the night. Paddington's adventures continue as he participates in a fancy dress contest at the town hall, where he unintentionally becomes a contestant and wins the funniest costume prize, which he plans to donate to a home for retired bears in Lima, Peru.
👕 A Bear's Attempt at Laundry and Ironing
Paddington takes on a laundry job for charity during 'Job Week' and is tasked with hanging clothes to dry and later with ironing. His efforts result in a series of comedic mishaps, including tangling the laundry, knocking over Mr. Curry, and accidentally setting fire to an item with a thermos of cocoa. Despite the chaos, Paddington's good intentions and efforts to make amends are evident, and he manages to contribute positively to the community.
🏆 A Costume Contest Conundrum
Paddington, mistaken for a contestant in a costume contest, wins the first prize for the funniest costume, which he had not intended to enter. The costume, which was initially meant for Mr. Curry, was ruined by Paddington's earlier misadventures. Paddington decides to share the prize money with the person who helped him with the costume and plans to give his half to a home for retired bears in Peru. The story highlights Paddington's kindness, generosity, and the unexpected ways in which his actions lead to positive outcomes.
💡Paddington Bear
💡Bank Robbery
💡Windsor Gardens
💡Brown Family
💡Costume Contest
💡Emergency Call
💡Retired Bears Home
Paddington, a bear from Peru, starts a new life in England with the Browns.
Paddington is well-liked in Windsor Gardens for his helpful nature.
Paddington's unique perspective allows him to approach problems with fresh eyes.
Despite his polite and friendly demeanor, Paddington often finds himself in tricky situations.
Paddington's decision to save money proves wise, but it also leads to an unexpected bank robbery.
Paddington's marmalade-stuck five-pound note becomes a key piece of evidence in a bank robbery case.
Paddington's innocent actions lead to the capture of bank robbers and the recovery of stolen money.
Paddington decides to keep his money in the bank after being assured by Mrs. Patel.
Mr. Gruber takes Paddington on a mackerel fishing trip off the coast of Brittany, France.
Admiral Grundy shares his fishing expertise with Paddington and Mr. Gruber.
Paddington accidentally gets tangled in fishing nets, leading to a humorous situation.
Admiral Grundy gifts Paddington his tent after a series of mishaps on a fishing trip.
Paddington's attempt to do laundry for a Job Week activity results in comical chaos.
Paddington's mishap with Mr. Curry's pirate costume leads to an unexpected win at a costume contest.
Paddington plans to donate his half of the prize money to a home for retired bears in Lima, Peru.
Mr. Curry, despite the initial frustration, ends up sharing the prize with Paddington for the costume contest.
left peru and sailed to england alone
there he met the browns and they took
him home
now a new life has begun he's windsor
gardens favorite son
cause he always does his best to help
when a problem appears he never misses a
and always finds a way to land on his
has his very own unique point of view
looks at everything as if it's brand new
he is friendly and polite and he tries
to do things right
but he gets in sticky messes just the
he's curious and speaks his mind but
trouble's never far behind it's
you always told me to save my money for
a rainy day aunt lucy
so you'll be happy to know that's just
what i've been doing
putting all of my money in the bank was
a very wise decision now it would always
be safe and sound
what robbery at floyd's bank but that's
where my money is
when paddington puts on his wellington
boots there's sure to be trouble
but turning right when he always goes
left could mean catastrophe
attention unit 1 proceed to floyd's bank
in case the thieves returned to the
scene of the crime
possible shifty suspect spotted in front
of the bank over
stay where you are unit one and keep
your eyes on him
i had decided to withdraw all my money
from the bank but i had to be careful
the robbers had struck once and they
might come back for more
suspect took something from a suitcase
then headed towards the bank
can i help you i've come to see mr floyd
well there is no mr floyd here i am mrs
patel the bank manager may i help you
yes i want to withdraw all of my savings
from your bank uh please
why don't we step into my office where
we can talk about this mr paddington
mr brown
may i ask you why you want to take out
all of your money
because of the robbery
i see
have you a lot of money mr brown five
one of our tellers can help you mr brown
excuse me
is there anybody there
oh i'm terribly sorry i didn't see you
i would like to take out all of my money
and the interest that i've been saving
for a rainy day
well i'm afraid you won't keep very dry
on this you only have 10 pence in
interest 10 pence
that certainly doesn't sound very
interesting isn't the same as interest
now how would you like your money i'd
like it with a five pound note please
five pounds
ten pence
there must be some mistake
this isn't the note i gave you it's got
different numbers well sir i would think
that your note is long gone by now
perhaps it was stolen in the robbery
yesterday or maybe we burned it burned
my money burned his money i better not
burn my money
that's what happens to notes when they
get worn out please my money had a large
chunk of marmalade stuck to it but why
would they put marmalade on his money we
didn't put marmalade on his money
he did and i remember your note because
it stuck to several others so i kept it
right here out of harm's way until the
robbers took it then my money was stolen
mrs bird always said to call her in an
emergency and this was definitely an
suspect has entered the telephone booth
this is the emergency number where are
you calling from please and what kind of
help do you need
the bank i need help at floyd's bank
all the help you can send health is on
the way
finally it looked like something was
going to go right
emergency at floyd's bank
i need backup over
that's the same way paddington went this
i'll eat my hat if he isn't up to
big happenings at floyd's back police
have a suspect from yesterday's robbery
in custody i knew you were up to no good
you're nothing but a hoodlum but it was
my five-pound note that was stolen it
had a marmalade chunk on it well maybe
not a robbery suspect but a bear causing
mischief who deposited money smeared in
marmalade officer officer i believe
there's been a terrible mistake this is
no hoodlum he's an upstanding citizen of
this community you know this beer why of
course i even opened his bank account
for him officer there has obviously been
a misunderstanding this bear is one of
our customers really
well that doesn't explain why i called
the emergency number for help but that's
what you're supposed to do when you need
help not for this kind of emergency i
was only trying to call mrs bird but a
strange voice asked me what i needed so
i said i needed help i'm sure he didn't
mean to cause such a commotion
well no but mrs bird my note was stolen
the one with the marmalade on it
attention all cars robbery suspect
detained after trying to use marmalade
defective note all cars proceed to 55a
melbourne lane um
terribly sorry sir
and it looks like you may have helped
catch the real thieves
like i say
bears always land on their balls
and because of the help of one
outstanding citizen or rather one
outstanding bear the floyd's bank
thieves were apprehended and the stolen
money returned
and to think it was because of some
marmalade on a note
mr brown it is with great pride that i
can now return your note
and thank you for putting marmalade on
it it was very helpful if you liked mrs
patel i could put marmalade chunks on
all your notes uh
no thank you mr brown i don't think that
will be necessary i decided to keep my
money at floyd's bank after all aunt
lucy where mrs patel assures me it will
keep on growing and when it has i hope
to come and visit you but mrs bird says
with only five pounds ten pence it may
be a while before i do adios
i was very excited when mr gruber told
me we would be going mackerel fishing
off the coast of brittany in france
i like fishing the ocean and sailing and
couldn't believe my luck that i would
soon be doing all three at the same time
mr gruber made friends with a retired
admiral admiral grundy who now lived and
fished for mackerel in france mr gruber
would use our experience in his book the
world and its wonders
mr gruber very kindly bought me some oil
skins that's what they call rain pants
but i don't think the shop had many bear
ahoy mr brown
shiver me timbers what's this expecting
a gale bear
shiver your timbers admiral grundy
but all the boards on your boat are
still stuck together
i think the admiral is admiring your new
oil skins
thank you admiral grundy
paddington bear ready for duty admiral
stand by forward
stand on my forearms aye aye captain
what's the birdie
watch the birdie
aye aye captain splice the main brace
hoist the mainsail
yes you're right i am having trouble
with my braces
but this should help
why don't you cast off mr brown
where's that young bear fellow of yours
got to gruber don't tell me he's fallen
mr brown
are you there
yes i am mr gruber
right here
are you all right well actually
good creep
he's got himself hoisted to me mass
there now i've got you thank you mr
i had never thought that fishing could
be quite so complicated
what with all the nets and lines
but luckily admiral grundy was there to
show us all we needed to know
always make sure your nets aren't
tangled when you throw them over
and please always make sure there aren't
any bears in them too
admiral grundy put me on untangling the
nets duty mostly because i had done the
for the big moment
the thing about fishing is that you
never know what you're going to catch
and sometimes that's just as well
admiral grundy decided to give me the
very important job of fishing with a
line and a pin
was not about to let my first catch of
the day get away from me
oh but i had caught one of admiral
grundy's nets
full of fish flying fish it would appear
hold on mr brown i'm doing my best mr
gruber watch out below
now that's what i call the catch of the
day good work mates
after our success at fishing admiral
grundy decided to treat us to a relaxing
afternoon on an island
we'll set up my tent in case anyone
wants to take a nap in the shade
don't forget to tie up there
thank you for reminding me
shiver me timbers i forgot my beach
it's a drift
ships are trapped
didn't you tie up
oh dear i thought you meant this end of
the years at sea
never lost the ship yet let alone being
marooned what a crew oh it's all right
mr brown we'll think of something to get
us out of this huh
but for now we better get ready to spend
the night out here
uber you click firewood paddington your
intent duty with me
aye aye captain
while admiral grundy was grumbling at
the prospect of spending a cold night on
the windswept island can't believe it
ship adrift what will people in the
village say i was quite excited i had
never spent a night in a tent before
but this one looked rather small to fit
three people
that's it bear i'll set the poles and
you tie the guy ropes and hammer in the
stakes and be careful with your knots
don't want it blowing off as soon as we
get inside i had no idea what a guy road
was and i couldn't see any stake but if
there's one thing bears are good at it's
shake your leg
tie it up it isn't easy with pause it's
time for drastic action
what happened to the tent i think i must
have got my guy ropes crossed by mistake
then admiral grundy told me to shake my
leg and where is the admiral
he told me to tie it off oh no
what's the meaning of this hello
i saw mr libelle signal for help what
signal for help mr levere was waving in
distress so i came to the rescue come it
is getting late
i wonder mr brown about what mr gruber
if it's just you
or if all bears are born under a lucky
don't forget me
mr gruber says our spot of fishing will
make an excellent chapter in his book
and the admiral gave me his tent as a
he said he would never be able to sleep
in it again
but i can't think how i'm going to get
it into my scrapbook
one morning i stopped outside mr
gruber's shop when something very
strange happened it was a lovely sunny
day and yet
excuse me that was my nose and what are
you doing to mr gruber's window
it's job week job week well i hope mr
gruber knows he won't be very pleased if
you drip on his customers it's all right
mr brown
people give the scouts all jobs to do
and pay them what they think it's worth
the money all goes to charity charity it
would be nice to send some money to aunt
lucy but i don't suppose they have bears
in the scouts
i shouldn't let that stop you you must
have been a cop once you could have your
own job week
job week for bears what a good idea
excuse me everyone i must go and see mrs
goodbye mr brown take care
oh you missed a bit here it's a
it's a marmalade chunk
a job hmm
what would be a safe job for paddington
i don't mind earning danger money mrs
bird i was thinking more of the safety
of the house oh i've always felt very
safe here at 32 windsor gardens mrs bird
i've got just the job you can hang this
lot on the clothesline and when they're
dry i can iron them if you like
i'd like to see that
the day i let paddington near an iron
i wanted to do a particularly good job
with the laundry
so mrs bird would find me other jobs
wind is very good for drying clothes but
makes it difficult to have
where do you think you're going
mind my leg
oh dear mr curry
the ends come off it's meant to it's
part of my costume for tonight's fancy
dress contest to the town hall
i'm going as long john silver the famous
pirate i expect to win first prize
i shouldn't bother with that ghost
costume if i were you oh this isn't a
costume it's laundry i'm sorry for
knocking you over mr curry but if you'll
excuse me i must start on the ironing
mrs bird lets you
do iron
well she did say she'd like to see me do
come come my dear bear i've got a little
job for you
do i get paid extra for the frills heyd
what are you babbling about it's bear's
job weak mr curry
bears job week
it's bad enough having scouts knocking
on everybody's door
i may give you something if you do a
good job
on the other hand i may not
make sure the iron's hot
but not too hot otherwise you'll damage
the material and i shall have to charge
now i have to see mr gruber about a
sword and bear see what you can do about
an eye patch and a parrot
you bring my pirate costume and my
perfectly iron shirt to the town hall
i was feeling thirsty so while the iron
was heating up some more i thought i
would go home and fetch a thermos of
sorry i can't help you mrs bird i've got
a job for mr curry
getting any money out of mr curry will
be a job in itself
mr curry said he needed an eye patch but
i thought a pirate should always have a
spare and i'd found the perfect material
when oh no mr curry's pirate hat
that's my final offer it is rather old
after all
this is an antique shop mr carrie and
it's worth much more than 10 pence but i
only need it for tonight all right you
can borrow it for right now i must go to
the town hall to see if that bear has
finished my costume
since i had ruined mr curry's pirate hat
i wanted to do a particularly good job
with the ironing
first i had to make sure the iron was
hot enough just as mr curry had
mr curry said he wanted the wrinkles
ironed out so i hoped i could iron out
the cocoa stain too i tried my best on
the wrinkles but coco stains go sticky
when you iron them
and feather dusters aren't very good at
cutting through goo
and it's very hard to put out a fire
using a wooden leg
oh dear
and while i thought i'd found mr curry's
parrot i was pretty certain that i was
in trouble again
why paddington
i didn't know you'd entered the costume
contest it isn't a costume mr brown it's
a disguise
oh and if you see me at the jamboree
tonight don't call me paddington call me
red beard
it was a good idea to come in disguise
because mr curry was upset and he was
carrying something sharp
where's that bear with my costume
here it is mr curry and you'll find eye
patches and a parrot as well
i wonder where paddington is
that's red beard
where is that bear
and just what are you sir a pirate who
escaped a burning deck
no a pirate who had his costume ruined
by a bear
well you've won first prize for the
funniest costume ever
pity about your parrot though we won mr
curry we won there he is that's the bad
did this to my costume
did you say first prize yes but of
course you'll have to share the prize
with your friend here since he helped
with the costume tell me what are you
going to do with your half of the prize
money i'm going to give it to the home
for retired bears in lima peru
all of it all of it you see i shall
still have the money mr curry promised
me for doing his ironing
i hope you and all the other bears enjoy
the prize money and
this extra present
oh the red beard
curious and speaks is
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The Adventures of Paddington Bear - Paddington and the Cold Snap | Classic Cartoons for Kids HD

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The Adventures of Paddington Bear (1999 UK VHS)

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The Adventures of Paddington Bear 106

A Day to Remember/Paddington in Spain/A Most Unusual Ceremony